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7004796 No.7004796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come it's easier to be a millionaire than get a girlfriend

>> No.7004836

There is a big difference being a real millionare and being a millionare on fake internet money.

If you were a real millionare you would not be posting here.

>> No.7004865

one on the right looks jewish

>> No.7004877

autism doesnt work when trying to get girls

>> No.7004879

you can be a millionaire by yourself. You're not dependent on someone

You can only do 50% of getting a girlfriend.
Someone actually has to choose you.

>Fucking free will.

>> No.7004891

dibs on one in back

>> No.7004909

the only one that looks good?

>> No.7004911

the one with the batman socks look like putin

>> No.7004915
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god the one on the second row right looks like my oneitis

>> No.7004998

and the cutest one, just like anne

>> No.7005010
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>Fucking free will.

Second that.
What's even more baffling to me is that a girl comes up to me, we talk and have fun the whole night, I ask her number and I get it.
All going way better than expected.
Then, this morning, I text her, just a short text saying I was glad that I met her and that I had fun. Made a joke that I hope that her hangover isn't that bad.
She hasn't replied so far.

>> No.7005038

I'd still post here, look at fucking turtle. I could've been richer throwing money into stupid speculation. Also, this >>7004877
I'm going to try talking to a girl on my train on Monday, she smiled at me and we stared into each others eyes, my fucking heart melted. So I'm going to let her talk and not say anything. Hopefully we get married.

>> No.7005044


in soviet russia waifu fucks you

>> No.7005055

>tfw /fit/ and wealthy but KV
It hurts lads. There's fat fucks who are fucking 6/10s and here I am.

>> No.7005071

Cultural Marxism

>> No.7005082

How/where did you meet?

>> No.7005096

Being a millionaire and getting a girlfriend go hand in hand.

>> No.7005099

because women are extremly picky. They are the desired and we are the ones who desire. As long as this doesnt change, it will be harder.

>> No.7005126


Are you me?

>She hasn't replied so far.

I know that feel. They do this a lot. Don't be surprised if she just ghosts.

>> No.7005138

Are you me? I blame mild autism.

>> No.7005151

3 5 1 4 2

>> No.7005154
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its just because you're an autistic sperglord op.

>> No.7005191


>> No.7005197

maybe after turning lucid she realized how much of a shitcoin you are, oooor maybe don't be an impatient fuck she will eventually reply

>> No.7005217


Really? I got 5 girls pregnant while boarding with some guy and earning 600AUD a week.

>> No.7005230

dude dont reply the next day. wait a week or better yet a fucking month. then hit her up out of nowhere. next morning so predictable. i bet your TRX bags are heavy too?

>> No.7005234

>thinking free will exists

>> No.7005241


Ill be putin it in her womb if you catch my drift.

>> No.7005280

Getting and keeping a gf is a struggle. I always had gfs when I was poor. Now that I don't have to struggle to survive, I don't struggle for anything else. I haven't had a gf in years. I don't feel good or bad about it either, I just don't care, because caring about your own quality of life requires struggle too. Why should I struggle when I now have the option to simply passively exist?
Money has only enabled me to become the crown prince of NEETs I was always doomed to be.

>> No.7005308

It's probably because all the people you interact with, either on here or in real life are people with never-ending woman problems who can't teach you shit about them.

>> No.7005330

I have had the weirdest rejection from women. It helps to bear it if you stop considering them human beings and see them as the mouthbreathing toddlers they act as

>> No.7005408

one thing is sure if you reek desperation you will repulse women away

>> No.7005427

>dude dont reply the next day
>then hit her up out of nowhere
This part I agree with, but a week/month is a little excessive. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.

>> No.7005431

Fuck, I should have known this. I thought I shouldn't have texted immediately, thats why I kept it light.

But after alll, it is just one text message; I didn't ask a question so if she ghosts it still isn't that awkward.

I think that I'll wait a week before sending another message. I really would love to meet this girl again.

>women are harder than crypto

>> No.7005463

Truthfully, women don't really go around thinking about sex and men all day long, it doesn't randomly pop up in their heads for no apparent reason. But in case they come across something "sexy" they do get horny, something like a muscly man of course, but it would also seem certain particulars of how men behave can serve the same purpose.