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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 1024x768, mining_rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6995911 No.6995911 [Reply] [Original]

There are some lurking this board that have yet to enter into the mining space.

>Please /oldfags educate newfags

Here we share our knowledge with fellow autists on what setups we have, what we've learned in regard to entering the mining space.

>hardware you like/use

>software you like/use



>thoughts on mining

Could some /poorfags profit from investing in equipment?

I know some bros live in places with free electricity. How can this affect performance?

>> No.6995964

Mining luxcoin right now with 2gtx 1080 making 12 $ a day

>> No.6996054

Thanks for making gaming too expensive.

>> No.6996067
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local store only had 10 1080s left and the next shipment comes in 3 weeks
i just bought them all and am reselling them now for more money on ebay

>> No.6996069

will i be able to upgrade my 1060 6GB in 2020 or will you faggots still be buying everything on the market?

>> No.6996080
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is it a rig? How much $$ did you drop to get it setup?

>> No.6996114

you're welcome xD

>> No.6996143

honestly guys i mined with 20x GPUs in 2013/2014 and held and made yeah like i guess 100k$ by end of 2017

but i also bought BTC to buy asics (which didn't happen) so i just held the BTC, and that BTC ended up being worth 1.3M

buying and a bit of trading (especially into the big coins that you can't mine, aka 90% of coins) beats mining so fucking hard it's not even funny

it's fun to fuck around with and maybe mine monero on Tor for truly anonymous payments... but don't put more than 10-20% of your crypto-investments into mining.

>> No.6996187

and that seems like a pretty sweet roi on just those 2 gpus. Do u think lux will remain profitable for you? Do you switch around alot?

>> No.6996246
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5x RX580 1x RX570
ran since march ama

>> No.6996286

is mining still lucrative

>> No.6996319

also...would a card that's used for gaming be better for mining or a card that's used for rendering and animation or someting for scientific computing etc

>> No.6996384

i got 32 rigs.

>> No.6996390

What OS are you using to mine and does it affect the hashrate, also can you tell me if i should change the card configs for better mining performance and how, im asking all this cus i just bought 13 rx 580 cards and i have not much knowledge...

>> No.6996392
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neat bro.

how much $?
What was biggest bitch?
Hash rate?
daily $$ rate?
Tips to newbs?
Was it worth it?

>> No.6996398

University gives me access to servers. It's around 50 cpu cores, which coin should I mine with it?

Currently doing around 300$ per month

>> No.6996429

dont get caught doing this anon
my friend did the same on his uni and they kicked him out poof masters degree gone lmao

>> No.6996475

I hope not bro. I didn't find any terms that stated this was not allowed.

I even told half of my class about it.

>> No.6996483

What kind of rig should I invest in if I want to make back my original investment as fast as possible?

>> No.6996493


>> No.6996519
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o okay cool. i'll just go kms then

>> No.6996520

No-miner here. What are those racks called, where you rigs sit in? Where can you find them?

>> No.6996598

Why on earth would you tell half your class about that?

>> No.6996600
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Getting them turtles

>> No.6996609
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here for starters.

You could probably build one pretty easily

>> No.6996615

Got a r290x but don't game much. Should I mine ETH? Some Redditors said that they could get a hashrate of up to 30mhs. If that's true that would be 100 free shekels each month.

>> No.6996632

Cus he wanted honor instead he is getting fucked now

>> No.6996638
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and them zclassics

>> No.6996732

Is it possible to out-gain an electric bill when mining? Is mining off of solar power a good idea? Also, when making a rig, what else do I need to have besides a graphics card?

>> No.6996742

I wanted to use their servers too

Now we are like 10 - 15 people mining

>> No.6996796

>Is it possible to out-gain an electric bill when mining
Depends on what you mine, but definitely yes. My shithole has among the most expensive electricity in Europe yet mining ETH is profitable.

>> No.6996823


>more miners = less profits for you
I can tell you are a newfag OP, perhaps you should just leave before you embarrass yourself further with these spoonfeeding threads.

>> No.6996894

I just use windows because idgaf, it doesn't really matter. settings depends on what you're mining so you'll need to do benchmarks (ie. trying diff settings mining diff things to see what you get the most money from). AMD cards need to have flashed bios to get the most out of. I'd brush up on that first, watch a few youtube videos because flashing 13 cards is gunna be a long process and you do NOT want to fuck that part up, you can brick your card and void the warranty at the same time.

>> No.6997045

just buy a cheap shoe rack

>> No.6997083

what the fuck is going to happen when casper hits

>> No.6997087

I have a 480 and a 580 I got for fairly cheap ($315 or $385) so I'm mining ether with ethOS. It's fun. Would hashes improve if I switch to gentoo with no x?

>> No.6997186
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I'm a leaf so money is weird here. Cards were expensive back then but they were cheap compared to now. GPUs are by far the biggest expense, followed by PSU (2x 750's for mine), then the rest is pretty cheap. You notice the rise in you're electricity bill even off one rig.
Basically I'd say mining is a good investment if you're a poor fag, I used it for passive investing rather than passive income. I payed off the rig wagecucking and got free capital to trade shitcoins with. I'f you have decent capital you might as well buy pos/masternode coins and save yourself the hassle. I've made ROI already, i started mining ETH when it was 300$ so it wasn't that hard. If you like building computers for a hobby go for it, if you don't know the difference between a sata and a molex, maybe do some research before deciding it's worth it.

>> No.6997223
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That's 170 MH's on ETH btw, forgot to mention

>> No.6997235

Can anyone explain, why do people mine small, obscure memecoins? Like the ones you see in bulk in places like Cryptopia and TradeSatoshi.

>> No.6997286

Typically just for speculation.

>> No.6997301

Does it piss anyone else off when miners use fucking WOOD and WOODSCREWS for these rigs?

Ever heard of fucking standoffs, and hexagonal nuts?

>> No.6997409

where you from bruh?

>> No.6997418

Easiest to mine when difficulty is low

>> No.6997449
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same reason people buy small, obscure memecoins

>> No.6997462
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>> No.6997473

Thats fucking hilarious.
Its just half a metal shelving rack and some fans.

These niggas are making way more than miners holy shit sell shovels

>> No.6997530

It’s not about looking pretty it’s about hashrate

>> No.6997540

But even rather old and abandoned memecoins still show a hashrate, I can transfer them from an exchange to an exchange, which means that there's a miner somewhere. It startles me a bit.

>> No.6997543

rx570s at 1850mh making 27mh is decent?

>> No.6997554

I've got a 290x and dual mine get about 27 for eth and 530 for sia using claymore on ubuntu mining to ethermine, it's not OC'd or anything though so you could probably do better with a memory OC. It's also the middle fan but that didn't really make a difference.

>> No.6997577
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this kit is making 380mh and taking 2kw off the wall

>> No.6997580

Man im jealous. I want to set up a mining rig, i love the idea of my PC being a industrial money machine. But I have other shit to buy first.

>> No.6997601
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been mining since august, fucker just paid itself off last week. mining ETH

>> No.6997644

True but wood has 0 ESD properties

>> No.6997670
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>> No.6997668

Is CPU mining completely, hopelessly, uncompromisingly dead?

>> No.6997692

Mining ETN on my single Vega 64, 2050 h/s.
Looking to buy a used PC to slot my spare r9 fury into for another 900 h/s.

Might switch back to XMR.

>> No.6997696

Any miners get robbed or deal with break-ins?

>> No.6997712

get a job faggot gaymer

>> No.6997740

Depends on the algorithm and the coin. Ryzen CPUs do great with any Cryptonight coins.

>> No.6997761

some quick tips for beginners:
-double check pci risers

-for vbios flashing, some cards enable bios switching (main and backup BIOS) so if you fuckup one BIOS you can switch to the other backup and reflash your fucked BIOS. If you try to flash both the main and backup BIOS youll brick your GPU

-ethOS is infinitely better than Windows for mining and less intrusion and fucking updates and fucking with your mining program

-teamviewer is good to remotely control and monitor mining rigs, just be sure to put proper protections so no one else can access your PC

-awesome miner and their cloud service is great for monitoring your miners from your phone and you can have several sites available reporting out to you

-if you have access to 240V residential it is preferable to run your PSU on that outlet for higher efficiency

-tweaking/fiddling with your miners should be kept at a bare minimum and on a required-only basis. fiddling too much and trying to optimize constantly will fuck with your revenue and profits

-heat and electricity are the biggest problems when trying to scale up your mining operations, keep that in mind and plan for it in advance

>> No.6997764

Yeah that's good, if it runs stable you are doing it right

>> No.6997814
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No niggers in my area
My dad has guns though, so I kind of wish we did

>> No.6997825

good tips but using arch linux would still be better than ethOS

>t. work in a industrial scale gpu mining farm

>> No.6997840
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My other miner. Built in a toilet

>> No.6997873

get SSDs man HDDs are shit. 120GB are real cheap right now

>> No.6997902

why are those gpus so small

>> No.6997915

SSDs are like 20 times more expensive.
Even more considering gear HDDs cost me £4 each from CEX. You won’t believe how little this rig cost me to build.

>> No.6997921

I have 1GH/s on nanopool with myself and a few friends with rigs like yours. I run everything through google sheet apis and payout people in proportion to their shares contributed (with everything tracked). the ETH goes to my hardware wallet and since it's secure and it's a close group of friends they trust me to pay them out (and I do so dutifully)

The reason is because I want to try and see about starting a business (called Merchant Miners) and taking our collective hashing power (~10-15%) and locking a portion in a cash contract and putting that cash towards an ETF or the stock market as a hedge

the rest would be paid out directly in crypto. i would have investors give me their hashing power and tell me how much to allocate to cash and how much to directly mine in crypto.

would anyone else be interested in this idea and working with me on it?

>> No.6997948

I use USB with ethOS and it saves me a ton of money and they run just fine

>> No.6997954

Do you know that doing that is dangerous?
you can burn the motherboard by putting only plastic bag on the bottom

>> No.6997970

They look small because I spaced them far apart so I don’t need to use any fans

>> No.6997978

Hope you've got the water valve to that room turned off

>> No.6998005


>> No.6998029

you can short the pins on the back of the motherboard, that's why theyre always lifted up to prevent any shorts

>> No.6998036

If it breaks it can make a short circuit, due to the welding.

>> No.6998039

The bags are anti-static, there's nothing wrong with it. you don't want to see what would happen if those were directly on the metal

>> No.6998042

Yeah but they’ll be fine.

>> No.6998067

I hope you got spares

>> No.6998079

why not just put that part towards a new rig?
rinse and repeat

>> No.6998084
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24x 1060
24x 1070ti
12x 570
1 Giant B
1 A3

Mining is worth it. Why do you think so many people are buying GPUs??

>> No.6998115

You the anon who said he got that for 20k?

>> No.6998120

Yeah CEX have loads for £4

>> No.6998138

its what ive been doing so far, and realistically its the only thing i can do as a solo miner but i figure if theres more people and our hashing power gets high enough we can all chip in a bit for that hedging idea
besides im pretty sure that is how all the big mining operations run

>> No.6998189
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Yep- that's me. Flipped an A3 for 2.5x purchase price. Paid for the one A3 I'm keeping and then some. Giant B was 4.2k. 24x 1060 @ $240/ea. 24x 1070ti@500/ea. 570s ROI'd a long ass time ago. Rigs are making bank.

>> No.6998263

are you a pyromaniac or just dumb? these rosewill hercules blow up all the time hope you got the gold rated ones or fire insurance

>> No.6998321

Brainlet here - what's the difference between mining and runnig a node?

>> No.6998349
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I've got another 35k in 1070tis in order... but prices went up so my average price is about $580/unit now. Gonna get 63 more cards. Building out a collocation facility to manage all my rigs and then some. Probably going to pivot into full-time mining operations in 6-12 months.

Gotta spend mining revenue or its taxable at like 60% due to my tax bracket... so gonna roll it all forward into mining operation.

>> No.6998376


Gold rated and fire insurance

>> No.6998452

mining is for get the coin, running a node only helps to maintain the network working there's not profit

>> No.6998498

You know those anti-static bags are conductive right?

>> No.6998530


>> No.6998554

Depends on the kind of node...

If you are operating a full node for a proof of stake coin there may be an interest rate that you receive for your stake. If you are operating a master node, then you may receive a portion of the block reward periodically.

>> No.6998581

I love it. Please be real.

>> No.6998586
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>Been trying to buy a reasonably priced RX570 for weeks now

>> No.6998588

It’s fine.

>> No.6998594

I thought you get paid to run a node though, like don't the bitcoin miners essentially control the network? But I think I'm confusing the two. What about staking? I know it's not related to mining, but mining, running a node & stacking all seem connected in some way

>> No.6998595

fucking sick, fambro

>> No.6998665

If you are solo mining ETH, for instance, you need to run a full node. Nobody solo mines, so it doesn't really matter. The mining pools would be running the full nodes for you. This is why the bitcoin mining pools "control" bitcoin.

>> No.6998699

Aren't you wasting a lot of kw on the fans though?
It's about keeping the room cool, not blowing air into the gpus. I keep my basement windows open and the cards run at 65C max

>> No.6998710

i have a gtx 970 for a bit of gaming and mining new coins. if i burn it out i'm screwed with the gpu shortage since my last card is an ancient 8800gt from 2007. fucking crazy that vidya cards are a fucking means of production.

>> No.6998757

Would love to mine too, but with 0.33$/kWh (fucking Germany) just impossible.

>> No.6998781

It's about getting hot air away from the GPUs... those fans might cost $5/month to run but they make a huge difference for the operating temps.

Thanks bro. Got into crypto via mining and it's been really good to me... between speculative mining, good ICO buys, and advanced HODL technology I've done pretty well.

>> No.6998862

Are those 30watt fans?

>> No.6998901

Yeah I might be retarded for using an old fan back when I started

>> No.6998976
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>Tfw in Siberia there are cities where it's something like less than 0.01 $/kwh


>> No.6999065

>paying for power
>not installing it at uni / work

Germancucks were never the smartest

>> No.6999068
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I'm looking to expand - should I be buying GPUs or S9s in 2018?

>> No.6999095

I'm planning to rent a warehouse somewhere cheap. Was eyeballin finland, but nordcucks don't like outsiders that much (you need to marry a bitch to move there)

>> No.6999098

Wagecucks get out.

This is a NEET mans board.

>> No.6999129

Go Gpus man, resale value and you can mine whatever

>> No.6999160

>how do anti-static bags work

lmaoing my ass off

>> No.6999251

that's what I thought, but I can legit get S9s for more reasonable prices than GPUs right now. Thinking about buying another 5 or 6, running them for a few months and then flipping them. They are selling for crazy prices to fools who don't know how to use them.

>> No.6999366

What miner are you using, what drivers. Want to move away from Windows.

>> No.6999448

I just mostly replaced my computer and have my old one sitting around.

is there any point at all to mining on an old intel i5 and gtx 960?

>> No.6999529

No reason not to desu. Just set up Nicehash and forget about it. Won't earn much, but better than gathering dust.

>> No.6999531

Ok interesting. But what do you think about skycoin? You can run a node on skywire with an orange pi apparantly. It's not like regular mining as from what I understand, as you're basically part of a meshnet, & you get paid by others using the bandwith.

>> No.6999549

I have 2k- 5k to spend on a rig.
What should I get?

>> No.6999599

Rx 580s are best for roi right?

>> No.6999623
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nice compact set up
are you using the xfx rx580s? thoughts on those? looking to expand

>> No.6999759

I mine with a GTX 1050ti AMA

>> No.6999765

Whats everyone mining on Nvidia? BWK is paying me fuck all now.
Also, any coin worth CPU mining at all?

>> No.6999812

Honestly? Whatever GPU doesn't result in you being skull fucked on price.

1050ti are good if you can get them for under $170 - $1-1.50/day
1060 under $300 - $2.5-3/day
1070 under $450 $3.50-4/day
1070ti under $600 $4-5.50/day
1080ti under $900 $5-8/day

560 4gb under $160 / $1-1.50/day
570 under $300 - /$2.00ish/day
580 under $350 $2.50ish/day
Vega (56 or 64) - $4-6ish / day

>> No.6999840

Any advice on how to get 1070s?

>> No.6999860


I'm mining Nicehash and a masternode coin launched in September that is currently exchsngeless... but I can mine a masternode worth every 2-3 days so it's speculative..

>> No.6999876

not for $400+

>> No.6999892

just b urself

>> No.6999893


Pray. F5 20x/day. Buy months in advance. I've got cards on order for April delivery...

>> No.6999912

I am a noob who has no idea how to set up a mining rig, can anybody point me towards a good profitable miner and some tutorials for setting it up?

>> No.6999913

>launched in september
>not on any exchange yet.

>> No.6999951

Sexy post Anon! Thanks for the info.

>> No.6999989

People will tell you to use NiceHash and if you are here to get spoonfed like I assume its for the better. But its definitely not the most profitable.

>> No.7000022


It was on a couple exchanges but they had issues. Currently homeless and Cryptopia isn't a viable option. That's also why I call it speculative, right? Not a sure fucking thing but if it works out I just mined $1500/day for a few days.

You're welcome. Pass it forward.

Also - check out crypto coin z if you've got NVDA cards and want to mine some quality shitcoins

>> No.7000080

what coin anon?

>> No.7000109

I got a 1050ti for fucking £40 and 2 1060 6gb for £150 each right before the prices shot up

Lmao gonna sell them as new in a few weeks when prices peak

>> No.7000115

You people are the reason I can't afford to buy a gaming PC and all graphics cards are sold out in the UK

>> No.7000118

I'm nice, but I'm not done mining it. Sorry. Don't need competition... im like 20% of nethash.

>> No.7000150


Yep. You're competing with businesses and that's life. You'll live.

>> No.7000214


Is this after electrical expenses?

>> No.7000239

just go get some used inefficient shit like a 780 and save yourself some bitching

>> No.7000258

>RAM at 200% normal price
>GPUs now at 200% normal price
>Intel processors riddled with hardware security flaws
>Considering going with AMD
This is actually the worst time in human history to be building a new pc

>> No.7000271

do any of you search out new coins to mine just for higher returns?

where do you go so i can get in with you and sap your profits with my shitty rig?

>> No.7000276

any suggestions on something I could mine or sell my mined coins for and accumulate for a year?

It feels like everything has mooned and they're are very few hidden gems left.

>> No.7000398

Let's say that for a month you mine 200 000 coins of something.... with 1 or two cards.

Let's say that thing goes on tradesatoshi and its trading 0.01 cents.

Let's say that its not a total shitsomehow and reaches 1$(strangest things have happen) you just made 200 000 $ in one month of mining...

If its 0.01c its 2000 still something.

Thing is fucking 4chan coin is/was 0.15c. Last time I checked

>> No.7000542

Shill some memecoins I can spend a month mining on the hopes of future mooning.

>> No.7000567


>> No.7000579

Any reason why?

>> No.7000585
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If you're smart, you'll buy a GPU next month and not buy at ATH.

>> No.7000739

What is everybody currently mining?

>ZCL til before fork
>3 1070s and 2 1080tis

>> No.7000748

Really easy to mine and associated with Monero, which is already doing extremely well.
Should hit $1 by the end of the year.

>> No.7000842


you're retarded and they're going to
a)ban you from their network
b)kick you out entirely

>> No.7000893

Less global hashing power. No Nicehash miners pointed at them and the normies cant find out. Usually a greater daily return. I find the mine and hodl thing silly. If its not worth mining today then buy some instead of mining. And if you wouldn't buy the coin, then cash out ever couple of days for a coin you would buy.

>> No.7000919

How will they find out? They don't have the passwords to the servers

>> No.7000944

you can see this reaching a 6B market cap?

Any coins that are possible x20s?

>> No.7000966
File: 25 KB, 694x398, btc mining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a bit of argument with a friend who likes to think he knows everything (is very smart normie) who has currently been looking into crypto.
Back in Oct i got a 1080 and said to him that i wish people didn't buy them for mining because it was so expensive and he basically laughed at the idea.
Just want to confirm you fags have been increasing the price on gfx cards for longer than 2 months.

>> No.7001020

Yes they have been over MSRP for mining since at least the summer. No nobody is mining BTC with GPUs

>> No.7001211

dayum that looks pretty dope

>> No.7001326

do you use your real name on fucking discord or something? kys

>> No.7001458

he has his google + pic and real name in his

>> No.7001690

Im currently mining vtc on a 1070 gtx,

what coins should I go for?

>> No.7001812

Did you incorporate?

>> No.7001818

BWK, Desire if you can deal with low volume shit exchanges or GoByte. Of the three BWK is the best. But Ive been getting fucked for some reason. Probably just bad RNG.

>> No.7001939

Hmm I just found an electricity company that offers a one hour period of free power each day. I suppose if I build a massive rig and ran it for that hour each day they'd probably cut me off as a customer though.

>> No.7001995

I have a older PC with a GTX 1080, should I mine with it?
I don't game anymore so it's useless
It has 7 PCI slots so I could use 7 cards if I wanted to.

>> No.7002470

>you only have a rx 560
>it cannot mine shit

life is suffering with .22c subsidized pixies

>> No.7002550

>an electricity company that offers a one hour period of free power each day
how the fuck should that work?

>> No.7002862

no idea really, but they say you can nominate one off-peak hour and every day electricity used during that hour is free.

>> No.7002896


I'd go into this, but i just don't want to buy obsolete cards for x2-3 overprice atm. There are a lot ads with people selling their old rigs, most of them are eth miners. I guess PoW is about to go.
Or people are just selling old hardware to buy new gen GPUs.
I wonder how fast the government will start to hunt down miners for taxes.

>> No.7003066

you better have a close look at those terms because there is a maximum amount of kwh you are allowed to consume im 100% sure.

>> No.7003090

How are you guys finding low difficulty coins to mine?

>> No.7003126

vidya is for fat homosex

>> No.7003141

The one thing I've learned from crypto is that most the world pays out the ass for electricity. I wasn't even on a meter until like 2012. Now my mining power cost is still negligible, y'all nigguhs need Hydro in your life.

>> No.7003381

oh I'm sure you're right. It may still be good value for mining though.

>> No.7003451

Fuck man.

>> No.7003636

do you live in that shithole?

>> No.7003860

What mining software do you guys recommend? or at the very least, which ones should I avoid?

>> No.7003954

lukMiner is good for XMR coins

>> No.7003982

I am in taco beaner country, since electricity and cards are not affected much by the boom here, can you guys give me some advice? maybe I can actually profit because of these reasons.
I got a 1060 6gb.

>> No.7004044

i walked into a chinese store that my engineering firm has been buying office supplies from for years
i walked out with 3 x6 570 rigs hashing at 180mh/s each
i sold one for profit to cover my costs and kept 2

>> No.7004087

paid $4k CAD for each and sold the 1 for $5k CAD ($1k profit)
i wrote off the 3 as business expenses to lower my taxes
adding these 2 rigs on top of my other GPU and ASIC rigs
>feeling comfy

>> No.7004288

I hope you set it up for them for a 50% fee per month

>> No.7004313

yup, i'm very happy with them. got em for $309 a piece and they pull 29mhs without any problem. they're near impossible to get your hands on for cheap tho

>> No.7004386

Yes of course. Some even said they don't want anything of it

>> No.7004622

What would be the bare minimum set up price to make a basic rig with 1gpu but options to expand? Would it be worth it to buy a bunch of old gpus cheap and mine other things?

>> No.7004884

i just bought out all the gpus at bestbuy today except the shitty 1050s and it felt so good.
some gamer fag told me in the checkout line that it was ppl like me that were ruining it for gamers.
i told him these two words: "stay poor"

>> No.7004964

im considering picking up 2 for about 325 each. is that decent?

>> No.7005116

You must have gone to the same best buy I visited this morning. All they had left was shitty 1050s.

>> No.7005155


How much profits you get daily now minus the electricity costs?

>> No.7005711

325 is OK. i wouldn't pay more than 330 for them
checked, about $25 a day. it consumes just over 1 kw total

>> No.7005977


It's not our fault that you're poor, anon.

>> No.7006297

Which pool? yiimp?

>> No.7006629

You can fold for cure coin with a shitty computer for coins and its a good cause.

>> No.7006798
File: 93 KB, 640x640, bitcoin-is-the-future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mining will be regulated out of existence.
Make a profit while you can.

>> No.7007100

so is it worth getting into mining this late in the game?

>> No.7007158


>> No.7007284


University degrees are a meme, If you are a burger you are stupid as fuck for going into debt for a useless degree, yes even STEM

>> No.7007413

classic bong logic, kek. i don't blame you brother, nor do i judge. how much did it cost to get running?

>> No.7008236

don't die

>> No.7008412

He didn't want his friends to miss out unlike you asocial fat piece of greedy selfish faggot virgin.

>> No.7008972

what else can mining be used for if and when governments start to crack down?

Also does anyone see that happening this year?

>> No.7009559
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, IMG-a754be356d7a164beb0bef92f70dcd81-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these few days back in front of some gaymers...

>> No.7009688

wow you're really cool for posting that picture omg can I get your autograph?

>> No.7009729

Is gpu mining more profitable than mining with asics (obviously not for the same coin).
If so, why?

>> No.7009941

Yes, of course. What is your address? I will send it to you.

>> No.7010388

Apart from the cards, is there anything else needed to have a successful miner?