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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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69545 No.69545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I started a small niche website about strategy games last year but I'm a complete imbecile and didn't know how to run it. I hired some writers to help me out for a few months but it didn't work out and I haven't updated it since December.

Has anyone tried a similar project? I don't have many funds to I was planning on just going on solo while I iron out some features since it's something I really wanted to do.

I would appreciate it if anyone had any tips for running a free to use site like that because I certainly didn't think this through for the long run.

>> No.69677

you'll probably first want to get your name out there, people are not gonna visit a site run by some guy, they want someone who's cutting edge.

>> No.69713

mind giving the website? I promise i wont haxx it

>> No.69775

you could as well just post the link, how are we supposed to know what's wrong with it

>> No.69810

That's a big issue. I'm kind of an introvert and don't know how to tap into social media efficiently. I had some links to twitter, FB and other social media sites but as soon as the other guys left and it was just me, I kinda stopped caring about them.

I kinda feel ashamed of it. I'm not sure if it's up to par since I know it has many flaws and it's my baby...

Plus, I would get banned for advertising no?

>> No.69891

With all due respect OP, don't be a bitch. If you want help , post the link. Just put the URL in the email field.

>> No.69892


First order of business is to create hype.
If you're serious about this website and want to make money off of it, as >>69677 said, you've got to make sure your name is being tossed around.
Now i don't know shit about websites, but I know people, and there are some things people love that you can use.

Now a big controversy is not what you're looking for, nor it's likely since you're just starting out. Also it could potentially wreck your shit if you alienate the crowd early. Since your site is niche you need to get all the traffic you can.
Get the word out by asking people to write for you. You said you had writers at some point: how did it go? Get more, open the door to everyone who's halfway competent, specify you're paying them with exposure (since the website is new they probably aren't expecting to be paid anyway). Lower the bar. Then when you have a decent pool of people start weeding them out and keeping the best, in time you'll pay them.
You're looking for people who can write, they don't have to have an exceptional grasp on the subject, but they do have to 1)write well and 2)not make typos, it's shoddy and it makes you look like an ass. Keep those who are funniest (think Cracked), one thing your articles definitely do NOT need is to look like fucking annual reports.
Consider pandering to the tumblr /9gag / reddit crowds since you're staritng out, add memes and shit. It's lame, but it attracts people, which is what you want.

>> No.69949

Ok...but don't get mad at the leddit and digg links. They were suggested during development even if we haven't used them for much else.

>If you're serious about this website and want to make money off of it
I don't have ads on the site yet and I wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't make a cent for a year or two. I just kinda want it to be a thing and grow but I don't see how I could make it work or even get to something like you talk about.

>You said you had writers at some point: how did it go?
I paid them but they had a lot of typos and I was paying them with very loose restrictions so it was costing me about 100 or more per writer per month and I'm on a tight budget.

>Get more, open the door to everyone who's halfway competent, specify you're paying them with exposure
That seems reasonable.

>Consider pandering to the tumblr /9gag / reddit crowds since you're staritng out, add memes and shit. It's lame, but it attracts people, which is what you want.
I don't know how. This is kind of the problem; I'm socially retarded and have never done anything like this before.

>> No.69998
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Expand with a Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter account for maximum coverage.
Follow other gaming websites: everytime a scandal (whatever the cause) happens, get one of your writers on it. People love drama; make sure to add every juicy detail you can get your hands on.
MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you have a comments section where people can comment. Disqus works well for this, or a forum. You want it to be unmoderated at first (you can upjump loyal posters after a while, you know, people who are always there. Make sure you do NOT create banhappy mods, word gets around, it's a huge turnoff for any community).

>porn, and other common popular interests

You know about page 3 of the Sun?
I know, i know, but at the end of the day, sex sells. It's a common interest all people have. You do not need to have actual porn, mild nudity is good too. Hell, at the very least throw in a few skimpy pics of scantily clothed ladies from whatever game you're covering, it's pertaining to the games anyway.

>> No.70125
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>I don't know how

Open your browser on Cracked for a spell. Out of the articles showcased, at least 2 are about sex, 2 are about embarrassing shit (people, love to see other people being embarrass themselves, see jackass and girls gone wild for one). One has a big fat photo of Obama, which I'm told is a major source of controversy for the good people of the States (i'm european), and as you know people love drama. I'd wager the comment section of that article is full of people intent on making Obama jokes.

Your objective is, and should always be, to either 1)exploit drama or 2)create drama.

Creating drama happens when you greenlight "controversial" articles. Stuff like PC versus PS3 or something like that, where public opinion is divided, or, if you follow Tumblr, anything that gets feminists/fatists/trans people mad.

Never, ever back down on your stance after you've taken one and are sure of your position. Criticism is good, it brings traffic (people love to talk shit), but never show weakness.

>> No.70191
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other than that, shit I don't have anymore advice. Just build a team I guess? and enjoy the magical ad money.

>> No.70224


enjoy your $8/year m8

>> No.70261
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Joke's on you m8, I know jack shit about computers

>> No.70592

So Drama huh? I wouldn't know much about drama in strategy games. I just play and enjoy them.

Can't I just get someone to create drama for me if I'm stupid and can't do it myself? Controversy seems easier to get into, at least.

>> No.70623

Apparently so, you tried to use spoilers on this board.

>> No.71429

Why would there be spoilers on this board m8?

>> No.71599

That site doesn't have adspaces.

>> No.71672

OP, I also run niche sites. If you're not a programmer, hire one. I personally like to make my websites in Django/Python. Make as many viral features as possible. The goal of any websites is retention: having the end-user stay there as long as possible. You could make bank selling subscriptions by limiting features to paid users.

>> No.71923

I am only learning some programming now and my site is made in Drupal. I hear WordPress is pretty easy to run. Do you think it would be worth looking into to just convert my site to that?

As for retention, I don't know what I could do in order to keep the community engaged. Nobody wants to comment on articles or the forums it seems.

>> No.71944

Your problem is that you're not unique. Everyone and their mother can start a Wordpress/Drupal site.

I custom code everything.

You have to spend money to make money, the more you spend the more you make, and FYI time is money.

>> No.71991

Well, I can only program basic 2d games so far. I never thought I'd end up with a site so I guess I could start learning. Coding is just something I kind of picked up as a hobby so right now I've only been hiring freelancers to add and fix stuff for me.

>> No.71990

Proper reuse of code saves time without sacrificing much else. Why reinvent the wheel over and over again?

>> No.72074

Should point out that I'm the Django/Python guy.
In case you didn't know the founding principal of Django is DRY ("Don't Repeat Yourself").

I can code a feature for one website and reuse it on all my other websites. I'm not advocating rewriting the same thing every time, but at least writing it once.

Examples of viral features:
Profiles, achievements, trophies, high scores, notifications, chat, social media giveaways, post scores to social media, etc.

OP: Post the website and we can critique it for you. If you're scared we'll steal your idea then it's not a piece of shit and you're trying to steal ours.

>> No.72104

Bad niche. Go pop culture with headlines like "Did Kim Kardashian seriously just do this? (picture inside)"

Enjoy your ad revenue.

>> No.72141

No offense but ad revenue is for n00bs.
If you want to make bank of a niche design a product.

Like I said, offer features strictly to people who buy paid subscriptions. Maybe limit the number of games a person can play. Endless possibilities.

Try reading: The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future

>> No.72238
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>> No.72279

Also unless the games have stat tracking APIs and OP loves spending countless hours figuring out which JSON req is which, then he might want to find something better to do, easier and better.

You can write a badass site, but with shit SEO....ded. You can also write a shit site and make millions.

>> No.72347

OP is obviously a n00b when it comes to niche marketing. That doesn't mean that hours of work leading to failure won't teach him some good lessons.

I can agree on SEO, though. Although, SEO + Viral is where it's at.

Regarding APIs, your idea would take way too much time. I would just limit the ammount of pages you can load since people get bored of games. Let's say we have a script (game.py/php) that loads our game. Every time the script loads it checks the database for the number of times a person has loaded a game, and upon reaching a set ammount it tells them about the subscriber features.

>> No.72416

>OP: Post the website and we can critique it for you. If you're scared we'll steal your idea then it's not a piece of shit and you're trying to steal ours.
I already did. It's on my e-mail here


>> No.72441

The thing is, I'm actually doing this because I like strategy games. I "get" them quicker than most people I know and I enjoy just about most kinds of them. I appreciate trading card games, real-time strategy, turn based strategy, differentiate between strategy and tactics based games(which is where the name comes from) and could play them forever.

>> No.72593

Post guides then. Create "How-to" videos on YouTube. Post on site and cross-link from YouTube. Monetize videos and post relevant ads on the website.

You won't make a lot being in such a tight niche, but if you like it then that is how I would go about it. If you're any good then you might get approached by a bigger gaming company for a job or partnership.

>> No.72628

Here's the thing OP: nobody GAF about you or whether you're good at games.
If you want to make money, create a community.

>> No.72655

Pretty much, works sometimes though, depends on how long they stay on your site. Some of my communities do piss poor.

A good first step is to build the site, then turn to twitter and start spam liking/unliking everyone until your following is up, then you can post viral headlined shit to your website to help build a community.

>> No.72849

How do I create a community?

That sounds easy enough.

I just recently started looking into video recording and streaming. My main issue is noise cancellation for live stuff. I can do it on editing but not live so yeah still working on it.

I've also never done something like this before so I kinda have some crippling self doubt going on about whether or not I can pull it off.

>> No.72937
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>people are not gonna visit a site run by some guy, they want someone who's cutting edge.
Look at what you're doing.

>> No.73035

I always wondered if moot was gay or bi. Can you imagine what kinda fucked up fetishes he has?

>> No.73560

He's been here since he was 14. He created it to post his own collection of weird Japanese porn for his internet buddies to browse. Laymen notions of sexuality don't really apply to him anymore.

>> No.74258

>Laymen notions of sexuality don't really apply to him anymore.
So what should we call it?

>> No.74272

I believe I've already told you, assuming you're OP.

Look at other websites, figure out what features are making them viral, steal their ideas.

Viral Features + SEO = Good Community

>> No.74287

Doctor Manhattan syndrome.

>> No.74305
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>> No.74636

Oh shit, I remember you posting on /v/ asking about what games to talk about. Had it favorited and everything.

I think the problem was your forgot to advertise. You know. Anywhere. Cause I totally forgot it existed. Even had an account on the forums from oct 5th. christ.

As for the writers part of shit you need to do is find people who WANT to write. And you need more than 1 or 2 eople unless you only want to update once a week or something, cause there's just not enough to talk about.

Also, strategy games is far too small a niche to fill up with news, unless you literally talk about NOTHING but league of legends and dota and whatever else is in the MOBA flag.

And there are already hundreds if not thousands of sites specifically for that. Curse hosts several.

Anyway, my recommendation would be to try and re-tool and broaden the horizons of the site. Cause a genre being flooded with one type of game, and having sites dedicated to those specific games defeats the purpose of a catch-all news site. Try shopping around for an up-and-coming RTS game, maybe email the devs, asking if you could get a few keys for closed beta to give away. Then try spreading that news around on forums, and people will naturally gravitate to the site.

>> No.74987

Checked out your website. Honestly, it's a great website. Content is a little dull, but more than that, your biggest problem was that you're not capitalizing and punctuating correctly. That stuff is essential, even if the rest of the site is perfection.

Also, the pagestats counter does nothing positive. It's just another sign to the reader that this website isn't a legitimate place to get content on a regular basis.

>> No.75052

Go to website
Dorf fortress
0 hits

There is your problem man, you do only mainstream shit that has already been covered a million times. The way to do it is yo start in a small niche, get a fanbase, oral advertising slowly get more mainstream as you get more traffic.

Nice webdesign though, did you make it yourself?

>> No.75065

Also this:

You need to find good writers, I'm sure there are plenty of people on 4chan willing to do that for you.

>> No.78181

It's actually there under "building game", whatever that is.


>> No.78496

I see you have a stream section.

Have you tried, you know, talking to streamers? Offer to make them a banner, or buy them $10 in RP or something if they put your website in their ad rotation.

>> No.78700

I know this feel OP

>buy domain and host for a niche site
>actually worse than OPs
>haven't even finished it or made it publicly available

>> No.78864

>no Europa Universalis
>no Victoria
>no Crusader Kings
>no Hearts of Iron
shameful display.
either that or you your search is borked.

>> No.78880


>> No.78907

You're on a board full of people who make a living analyzing charts and tying a large amount of complex information together. Grand strategy is going to be pretty popular around here...

>> No.79143

Just get devs to pay you for favourable reviews, it works for ign, kotaku and the rest

>> No.79165

Sorry OP here. I didn't think my thread was still up.

My "Games" section still needs a lot of stuff to be added. It's a pretty huge task to just keep paraphrasing or typung up descriptions for all games while tracking down official videos and images to add. Right now, I am working on adding a way to input the developer, publisher, date of release and other things for games.

>> No.79840

That's not something I'd do.

>> No.80278

You need to work on advertising right now. Additional features like that should come AFTER you have more than 2-3 people visiting a day.

Hold a contest for some copies of XCOM enemy unknown+enemy within. Or if you're cheap, the plain xcom bundle, it's like $10 and they get all the xcom games.

Or do like >>78496 said and pay some streamers to add the site to their ad rotation.

Also get some people who want to WRITE. not have a job. because writing about games isn't a job, it should be something you love to do.

>> No.80305

Yeah they had a sale on amazon during the holidays where xcom + EW was $30


>> No.80342

I don't know anything about advertising. And I decided not to have ad spaces. I'd be down for giveaways but people who visit just seem indifferent to the site. Like, they don't comment on articles, rarely e-mail me or post on the forums.

>> No.80338

Better yet, OP

hire a LPer to do a video sponsored by snt. You probably won't have to pay them much if anything. Ask the commander trip guy on /v/ if he wouldn't mind doing a maybe once a week 15 minute episode of him playing UFO defense. Post it on your channel, and either get somebody else to summarize the events or get him to do it himself.

>> No.80421

Because there's no reason to. There's no incentive. There needs to be an upstart community so people can connect. two or three people trickling into the site probably won't see each other.

Try advertising on /v/ and /vg/ (through the banners of course nudge nudge wink wink).

And you don't necessarily need full blown popup "YOU WON" flash ads, you can have adsense ads that take up a little itty bitty corner of the screen in the top right, below the login section. It worked fine for orteil.

You have a dream here. You need to work on it if you want anything to happen. I want to see you succeed anon. I have failed many times over, but for once, something I failed in may prove useful to another.

Succeed. Do it for me.

>> No.80518

>Ask the commander trip guy on /v/ if he wouldn't mind doing a maybe once a week 15 minute episode of him playing UFO defense.
So what's this guy's deal?

>Try advertising on /v/ and /vg/ (through the banners of course nudge nudge wink wink).
I actually kinda considered this. But I was afraid someone would just hack my site or something worse I basically have no security. And I mean that because I've heard of cases where people just did it out of spite for "enabling moot's jewish schemes" and such.

>And you don't necessarily need full blown popup "YOU WON" flash ads, you can have adsense ads that take up a little itty bitty corner of the screen in the top right, below the login section.
I don't know. I would only be willing to advertise for something that I considered to be genuinely useful or relevant to my target audience. Since I couldn't come up with anything, I kinda just skipped on ads(also I think they are usually lame).

I appreciate your encouragement. If possible, I would also like to succeed. My goals aren't too ambitious either. Just having a small but active community going would be enough for me.

>> No.80650

The commander guy hosts UFO defense threads (X-com original for some places) once in a while, usually see 2 or 3 a week, he might do more. Hop in the thread, ask if he has an email, email him about maybe collaborating with a youtube series. He would just... You know, play the game, MAYBE commentate (or you could get someone to riff-but-not over it MST3K style), and then put it on your youtube page.

open up an official twitch page, get some up-and-coming streamers who play strategy games to stream. You can give them the stream key for the account, and they'll never be allowed access to the account itself, they can just stream on it (this way you can control ads, their playtime, that stuff)

you can also allow separate accounts access to administrative features of the chat bots (one of which I have developed tons of apps for; nightbot, plug plug plug), so they can still change the title of the stream, what game is playing, etc.

Ask me if you have questions about this shit. I'm very well connected from my time spent streaming, and making youtube videos. I can't just give you partnership on twitch but I can certainly help you with the technical side.

Oh yeah, i've also contributed to the OBS plugin project too, so if you use OBS, good for you (it's free too)

>> No.80729


Also google adsense ads are usually REALLY good. So good that the people making adblock whitelisted them because it's just text. As much as people hate google, they know how to not piss people off.

If you still don't want to do ads on the site though, I understand. It's just something you should consider, because server fees, should you ever expand the site, don't just pop out of thin air.

>> No.80745

I see. I suppose I could use a partner like that and I could learn a thing or two from him.

I do have a Twitch page, I just haven't done much with it. I scouted around for people who played strategy games on twitch earlier, but most of them either didn't respond or had like 1k+ concurrent viewers so I assumed they wouldn't be interested in partnering with me.

I actually downloaded OSB last week but I'm just getting used to it. I successfully streamed one game and checked the VOD. Quality seemed fine but the audio had some slight static noise. I can delete that with Audacity and other audio programs but I don't know what I can do about live stuff. I haven't played around with layers too much but it seems like a pretty powerful tool.

The app thing does sound very useful. Are these free or when can I buy them? I wouldn't imagine I would have trouble with spam with what I imagine to be 20-50 people viewing tops during our first months but it's good to be prepared for anything.

>> No.80754

>As much as people hate google, they know how to not piss people off.
Le YouTube face.

>> No.80858

>If you still don't want to do ads on the site though, I understand. It's just something you should consider, because server fees, should you ever expand the site, don't just pop out of thin air.
I'm willing to just pay everything needed to make the site take off out of my pocket. Donations would be nice every now and then, but I'd rather take care of all expenses as long as I can.

>> No.80890

Nightbot is free.

OBS plugins are ALL listed on the plugin section of the OBS forums. Look for a thread with "jim" posting in it. he's the lead dev. and anything he agrees is a good plugin is probably good. Nightbot can be found by a simple google.

>> No.80896


>Strategy game
>League of Legends


>> No.80939

I know, I know. The way I see it, MOBAs/ASSFAGGOTS evolved from RTS so I technically consider them a ramification. The team play and depth of the game make them a unique kind of thing so it's weird but in a way, I consider them part of the subgenres.

>> No.80948


Haha, Jesus Christ, you're an idiot. Go back to your "how do i make money from being a neet" threads, you retard.

>> No.80961




>> No.80986

Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides was always funny to me.

>> No.80993


>using shitty memes that make no sense because retards on /v/ parrot them


They're called DotA-likes.

>> No.81014

Well, I obviously wouldn't call them that officially. I just find it funny and don't mind when people refer to them that way.

>> No.81127

why? Should they not be called warcraft-likes, or starcraft likes since that's where they started?

>> No.81137

If you need writers you are going to be stuck finding people willing to do it because they enjoy the topic or want to build a resume. Coming from someone who used to write for assorted free blogs, it is hard to get content if you aren't willing to pay for it. Your best hope is to find people with no past experience who are looking to build up their online presence.

>> No.81141


No, because if you want to go like that then why not call it Pong-like since it's a video game.

>> No.81165

Because the trend of these games didn't start in pong. They started in starcraft, or maybe warcraft 3, depending on how you view things.

>> No.81244

>If you need writers you are going to be stuck finding people willing to do it because they enjoy the topic or want to build a resume.
Yeah, I've been told this a couple of times in this thread. I figured the easiest way would be to just frequent forums and Twitch to find people who are very good in a particular game.

>> No.81262

Clearly you should sell your company to FB for at least a billion

>> No.81293

Infinite crisis, that DC universe moba. It's coming out soon. Try to contact the devs to get a handful of beta keys to give away on the site.

>> No.81294


>> No.81299

The goal of most internet bloggers/writers is to get to a paid role, just look for some people who are looking for their first break. Odds are you will get a lot of crap and turnover at first though.

>> No.81966


Also have better content.

>> No.82007

That would help him too, but getting people to want to contribuet would help with that, and giveaways are awesome ways to do that.

>> No.82315

You need to have some income to pay wages with if you want to attract people to help you.

Today I saw a note on campus from a girl who had "invented" a product and apparently been praised by someone and wanted help developing it in to a real product. I think what she offered was partnership in her company, so if the product actually became popular you would get part of the profits.
So if you can't afford to hire people to help develop your site then you might be able to offer partnership instead. This will also not attract the people who think that they can milk you for some money by writing shitty code that you won't understand anyway, unless you make a result oriented goal and not pay them by the hour, but that might be illegal.

>> No.82436


Yeah, this. Give me $50 a day and I'll edit your site.

>> No.82763

>Yeah, this. Give me $50 a day and I'll edit your site.

>> No.83946

He's a programmer and wants a job. 50 dollars a day seems pretty high for maintenance and small features, though.

>> No.86931

>and enjoy the magical ad money.
How do ads work anyway? Is it all commission like 4chan ads? Like people pay you x for y time of exposure.

>> No.86951

There are several kinds of ads, but i'll explain the ones that OP would likely use/be offered.

>Traditional Ads
Advertisements that can be placed on a web page, and you can either place click through ads (that pay on retainment per click) or on-view ads (don't remember their actual name). You can get these ads, and the money from these ads from several companies, most people use google adsense since they pay fairly well, and usually the ads aren't invasive or annoying.

>Targeted ads
company says "Hey, we like your site, interested in putting up a banner for our game?" You say yes, they either pay you, or give you shit like merch to raffle off. This is the stuff that happens to IGN kotaku and the like. Companies give them review copies, in return for a 1-2 point score boost flat out.

>> No.90104

Pay per click sounds horrible. Who even clicks ads anymore?

>> No.90168

lots of people
viralnova makes hundreds of thousands a month from people clicking on ads

>> No.90246

So how do you bait people into clicking? Tits?

>> No.90863

Usually. But not all ads are the ads of the early 2000s that utilized flash and loud noises. Lots of game companies are finding it profitable to just place modest banners with pictures of their game. Maplestory started doing it (not that many play that anymore), league has web ads in latin american countries, as well as south east asian countries (namely malaysia and singapore). Company of heroes 2 had a rather large ad campaign, they bought up the newgrounds front page for a day.

>> No.92707

Damn. I haven't gone there for so long. I feel old.

>> No.96366

I tried doing my own site and made a little bit of money on it. What I've learned is that a website is not a business. And building a website will not ensure anyone will visit it without a shit-load of advertising OR getting extremely lucky.

You need to think of how to make money without making reference to technology in your plan at all. Then, use the web to enhance and add efficiency to an already-working plan. That's where the web really shines.

>> No.96410
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you are now aware that you need to watch this again

>> No.96446


The web is best used for advertising an already existing real life service or product that I provide?

>> No.96555

Yes, either advertising it or enabling it in some way by making it easier or faster.

But, you should have a core business that is internet-agnostic

>> No.96667

This is not ALWAYS true. Internet businesses are seldom profitable but they CAN be. things like community-based review sites (such as the one OP is trying to host) work far better in an internet setting than trying to institute some sort of system in a magazine where you paste together a bunch of mailed in reviews.

>> No.96991

So this site is just for strategy games, OP?

>> No.97010
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You're site looks quite nice, much better than I was originally expecting. Your articles aren't exactly interesting to the eye though. You need to have images of the games provided to help visualize things for the reader and to help keep their attention on the page instead of wondering away. I clicked on five random articles and none of them had images, with one only having a single video at the bottom.

The articles also look really dull in how they're typed. It's extremely clumped up into huge blocks of text, nothing breaking them apart for the reader’s eyes to better ingest them. Here's an example -

>With little over a week to Christmas, Humble Bundle has released a new bundle to bring in the holiday cheer with multi-platform titles to fill your stocking be it Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android. The round out of games include pyromanic puzzler Little Inferno, dystopian adventure Gemini Rue, basejumpin' bonaza AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome, and woodcutting Jack Lumber. For beating the average ($3.97 at time of writing) you net the critically acclaimed TBS Hero Academy(include Gold Pack Content as well) and the reverse-tower defense game Anomaly 2. With nearly two weeks (13 days, 18 hours) to grab these deals, don't wait until time runs out.


>> No.97017
File: 21 KB, 230x230, 1371217854871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how I would have gone about things to keep the reader more interested in what’s just shown:

>With only a week left for the holidays, the people over at The Humble Bundle site have released a new slew of games for your enjoyment:

>Little Inferno: (Add in personally typed synopsis of game here)
>(Image and possible video of game here)

>Gemini Rue: (Add in personally typed synopsis of game here)
>(Image and possible video of game here)

>AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: (Add in personally typed synopsis of game here)
>(Image and possible video of game here)

>Jack Lumber: (Add in personally typed synopsis of game here)
>(Image and possible video of game here)

>If you can beat the average price of the Humble Bundle ($3.97 at the time of this writing) you’ll also get additional content to this bundle:

>TBS Hero Academy (Including Gold Pack Content): (Add in personally typed synopsis of game here)
>(Image and possible video of game here)

>Anomaly 2: (Add in personally typed synopsis of game here)
>(Image and possible video of game here)

>There’s little less than two weeks before this bundle goes away for good (13 days and 18 hours at time of this writing) so you better be quick in acquiring this deal before time runs out!

This is just a quick process of how I would have gone about things and how you should attempt to get your writers to do so as well. This makes your article both much more interesting, better spaced out, easier to read, and more entertaining for the viewer to look at. While some other people might do things differently and could have some more interesting ideas to work with, it’s best you find a way to make your articles more appealing to look at.


>> No.97089
File: 93 KB, 457x450, 1361184418633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With this stuff out of the way, the next problem lies in your content, that being strategy games. While strategy games are quite fun and I do enjoy them, it’s going to be difficult to get people who are ONLY interested in this single topic to want to read about it. The people here on this site have it right, you need some articles that gain attention through drama, such as PC strategy games VS. a console of your choosing strategy games for example.

Strategy games are also a difficult thing to keep people interested in. It’s odd that you have it as your main focus in the site from how the title goes, and yet I’m seeing “Humble Bundle” pop up, which had a single strategy game in it. You also have articles focusing on really popular stuff but nothing on smaller titles or off-brand news.

I would STRONGLY recommend that you first find some developers that make some games you’re interested in, the ones that most people may not have heard of or are just popping up along with their games. Banished from Shining Rock Software would have been a great article for you to have done a written review about and do news updates every now and then.

You may also want to venture into more than just strategy games. They’re only one small area in the larger core of the gaming audience and you don’t tap the full potential of everyone you could be having on your site to look at things. If you just want to stick with strategy, then that’s fine, but it’s going to hurt your potential viewer market to only that select target.

You might also want to have special article postings that show a selection of every single thing you’ve done in a week, along with links to the articles that you’ve done, whether they be reviews, information, or news, while doing a rundown on them. It helps condense your work while also getting people a certain date to look at your site, for those that prefer time scheduled postings.

>> No.97337

>tfw you fapped to every shitty porn game on that site when you were 12

>> No.97362

Holy shit how is this thread still alive?

Yes. And every subgenre, hybrid or derivative. I want to cover board games and other things besides video games eventually.

>The articles also look really dull in how they're typed. It's extremely clumped up into huge blocks of text, nothing breaking them apart for the reader’s eyes to better ingest them.
I apologize for this. While I've been working as an editor and haven't really typed any of these, they do go by me before being published so quality control is all me. I'm working on adding new things to the site like a dynamic text editor and improving our fonts so it's easier on the eyes. There is still very much to learn about improving this visually.

>With this stuff out of the way, the next problem lies in your content, that being strategy games. While strategy games are quite fun and I do enjoy them, it’s going to be difficult to get people who are ONLY interested in this single topic to want to read about it.
The way I think about it is that multiplayer and the sheer quantity of old games we could cover could keep it fresh. Card, miniature, board and field games could all be talked about on the site if plain video games got old. I'm not entirely sure how to create drama without being dishonest. Perhaps I could just voice some of my more unpopular opinions about certain games or things.

>Strategy games are also a difficult thing to keep people interested in. It’s odd that you have it as your main focus in the site from how the title goes, and yet I’m seeing “Humble Bundle” pop up, which had a single strategy game in it. You also have articles focusing on really popular stuff but nothing on smaller titles or off-brand news.
Yeah. We had some bundle and steam new articles because of the holiday seasons. Those aren't very interesting at all but since we were gaining more readers, I kinda wanted to publish things to at least keep up the pace.


>> No.97367

>I would STRONGLY recommend that you first find some developers that make some games you’re interested in, the ones that most people may not have heard of or are just popping up along with their games. Banished from Shining Rock Software would have been a great article for you to have done a written review about and do news updates every now and then.
And here's another issue. Though I love strategy games, I'm kind of on my own now and it's hard to keep up with everything. I have been talking to some devs from other games and I could prepare some podcasts or interviews with them like Antonio Delgado did with other people in the past. People seem pretty open about these so it shouldn't be too hard. Furthermore, it could lead to good backlinking, right?

>You might also want to have special article postings that show a selection of every single thing you’ve done in a week, along with links to the articles that you’ve done, whether they be reviews, information, or news, while doing a rundown on them. It helps condense your work while also getting people a certain date to look at your site, for those that prefer time scheduled postings.
You mean like a blog or news feed? I'm currently getting the home domain reworked so it only displays highlighted content while the other sections display things as sorted by users. I suppose we could also expand the use for the Calendar on the lower right bar.

>> No.100591

I'm just detailing the most probable road to success, IMHO. It's really hard to charge anyone for internet vapor like message boards, etc.

If you have an actual service or product, you're much better off

>> No.100959

Not that anon but an RSS feed is a good idea.

But I think he meant a weekly report of some kind, where you just give a one or two sentence rundown of an article, and link to it in case people missed it throughout the week.