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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 8 KB, 300x168, vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6993178 No.6993178 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the upper hand, no shilling or shitpost defending one or the other. To the point comments only pls.

Vechain announced IoT alliance:

Waltonchain announced IoT alliance :

Both got big names on their side, but upper hand to Walton for clearly bigger companies.

>> No.6993203

now stfu

>> No.6993270

Im not saying one coin is better then the other, but clearly waltonchain has better and bigger names in their alliance, just China Mobile has bigger net worth then all of Vechains Trusted IoT alliance

>> No.6993318
File: 51 KB, 400x267, 1515773269605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is DNVGL. What is PwC. Nice try salty walty. There is no competition, WTC is pajeet-tier.

>> No.6993337

also 1/3 the market cap so more potential to grow

>> No.6993362

More potential to be destroyed by god emperor Sunny Lu. Maybe if you're lucky Vechain will buy out WTC and save you miserable poorfags

>> No.6993384

If you think it's WTC vs. VEN and you can only be for one side you are literally retarded and you will not make it

>> No.6993413

PwC not confirmed, and Walton is signing contract with 8 companies bigger then DNVGL. in front of China National TV and radio tomorrow. So bad argument.

>> No.6993494

>who has the upper hand

are you serious? IoT alliance or not, VeChina will always have the upper hand. they have the partners all shitcoins wish they could have.

it's important to remember that we need adoption, not the "best tech". a balance between the two is what VeChina is. it will come out on top because of this.

>> No.6993549

Nice try. PwC is absolutely confirmed. Are you fucking retarded or just a liar?

>> No.6993590

WTC is the superior coin/tech but will ultimately lose out to VEN. WTC is the HD-DVD to VEN's Blu-Ray.

>> No.6993618

VeChain sucks because they can't even write directly onto the chain with their RFID's, they need a custom API. Pathetic. Walton has patented RFID tech, worldwide leaders, and it writes directly into the chain. VEN is a second rate hardware company that buys their products from another company. Walton creates everything in house.

>> No.6993619

My bad, doing research on both coins, you are right. And how is Vechain a China coin when based in Singapore?

>> No.6993623
File: 679 KB, 825x1236, saltywalty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to make up complete lies to defend your coin. Pathetic... OP you really wanna be associated with this type of person?

>> No.6993660

get ready to be dumped on harder than you ever have tommorow, best have your sell orders ready

>> No.6993676

>Both got big names on their side, but upper hand to Walton for clearly bigger companies.

Implying that membership in a tech alliance represents even a small part of the companies VeChain has onside. There is no question but that VeChain has the biggest partnerships at the moment. We don't even know what WTC's membership of the China Mobile alliance even amounts to, given that there are hundreds of members and it looks like it is just a group for setting benchmarks rather than doing business together.

>> No.6993700

>PwC not confirmed

Oh. OK. It's this level of FUD is it? Let the thread die.

>> No.6993703

started in china but moved to singapore during ICO ban. Strong, strong ties to chinese gov. Look up Jim Breyer, one of the first investors in Facebook when it was <10 employees and now invests and advises Vechain. Google the pic of him standing with the President of fucking China and then look up who his wife is - Director at Bank of China. Vechain already has multiple national level deals with the chinese gov. too.

>> No.6993706
File: 168 KB, 600x296, -media-21485-waltons-hero.CACHE-620x305-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do hold some VEN desu, possibly due to mild autism i could never invest in a coin called Walton.

>> No.6993724

Most of the companies WTC is signing with are literally who. Even put together they don't come near DNV's revenue.

>> No.6993767

Waltoncucks will shit the bed after the announcement of ven cisco partnership.

Ciscos head of blockchain said to get a ven node on twitter.
He is also a chairmain for the iot allience.

>> No.6993778

WALTON is a fucking nerd pajeet coin. Have you SEEN the logo? It looks like a stupid popular science magazine for nerd kids.

>Could STEM CELLS cure CANCER? Read it next week, in WALTON!

>> No.6993797


Calling $58 pump with the price settling around $44-47. Cap this

>> No.6993801

>walton creates everything in house
>implying thats even necessary


>> No.6993842

Walton since october only did 5x in USD dollar and /13th of mcap of Vechain.

Please stop comparing the 2 lmfao.

They ain't on the same level and Vechain is clearly superior.

Waltonchain also got a cuck model of earning passive money where you will need a mining rig lmfao. Good luck paying electricity.

Imma put my dear vechain in a wallet and earn THOR like a boss. GG.

>> No.6993861

Also don't forget since WTC cucks will mine WTC, that will increase the circulating supply , makes it -EV for price.

THOR on the other hand does not affect Vechain supply. LOL.

>> No.6993874

This. The best Walton can hope for is that the superior Vechain licenses their RFID patent. At BEST Walton will be like Vechain's faggot little brother that Vechain feels sorry for and allows to hang out once in a while while it apologizes to his friends for bringing the dork around.

>> No.6993877

>Ciscos head of blockchain said to get a ven node on twitter.

>> No.6993905

how much ven/vet do you need to hold to make thor and do exchange wallets (kucoin) count?

>> No.6993932


>> No.6993936

No word yet on exchange wallets but Sunny said they're open to it. ALL VEN/VET will generate Thor, but at 10K or more you generate extra. thorcalculator.com

>> No.6993938

imagine being emotionally attached to a coin like walton, walton is a big fat mess. a POW in 2018? topkek

>> No.6993986
File: 394 KB, 2048x1304, pajeet.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally a pajeet coin

>> No.6994011

Dude he was making some kind of extremely obscure and retarded joke about a "sandbox" or something. he wasn't serious

>> No.6994040

sweet, love me some passives, cant afford 10k but im happy with my 172 ven for the time being.

>> No.6994054

are sikh pajeets too?

>> No.6994061

If anything that's fucking retarded. Why not focus on the tech instead of manufacturin... Oh wait, of course, because it's run by pajeets

>> No.6994070

not defending this shitcoin but sikh's are bros.

>> No.6994078

How salty can a walty get?

>> No.6994087

being so retarded you don't realize sandbox is a term for devs testing Vechain within a closed environment

>> No.6994137

do you not know what sandbox means in that context?
He was not talking about buying ven to make a sandcastle with a plastic shovel, he would have bough WTC for that.

>> No.6994178

Ya mining unlimited eth is sure affecting the price of eth. Fuck off ven fag

>> No.6994268

>waltoncuck education

>> No.6994391

salty walty

>> No.6994419

why would you make a sandcastle out of sloppy putrid shit?

>> No.6994596

>he thinks it's a binary opposition
>doesn't know about the dark horse in this space AMB
>Thinks the Chinese are going to win the entire smart logistics space

>> No.6994690

I don't really want to, but if I wanted to then WTC would know how.
Maybe they could even track the shit all the way from my colon to the castle. If they are lucky

>> No.6994863

i hold both WTC and VEN

WTC has tech
VEN has marketing & partnerships

i have no idea which one will win and it was too stressful only betting on one.

>> No.6994981

Walton as in the the Walton’s as in Wal-Mart-Duh easy choice, love silent partners.

>> No.6995027

not sure if retard or false flag

it's named after the fucking inventor of RFID

>> No.6995362
File: 445 KB, 551x548, 1506586415107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, are people on here THIS fucking retarded ? I remember browsing this board 10 months ago, there weren't so many low iq niggers like these guys. Are you all coming from pol or something ?

>> No.6995375

>complaining about pol
this is the siren call of the reddit newfag

>> No.6995454
File: 7 KB, 300x168, mo bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IoT is the future of Crypto.

And WTC is the Fuhrer of IoT .
A strong competent leader with strong compentent Team and Tech.

All hail Dr. Mo Bing.

>> No.6995504
File: 1.19 MB, 3829x1660, 1516501090905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh reddit
kill yourself you betamale subhuman. I'm sure you look like that guy on the top right

>> No.6995576

i absolutely guarantee that i'm more /fit/ than you are. here's my challenge: i will post a shirtless selfie, timestamped to the minute. after i post mine, you will follow and do the same. if you don't post a timestamped pic in response then it is understood that you are fat/skinnyfat. do you accept, reddit?

>> No.6995588

posting that pic is another dead giveaway of a shitskin ledditor :)

>> No.6995593
File: 9 KB, 400x309, 1509924115522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to t_d

>> No.6995681


>> No.6995706

This guy has actually followed through with his challenge more than once, as autistic as he is.





>> No.6995747

the fuck.... what is wrong with you to have that shit saved

>> No.6995774

>what is wrong with you
hownew.ru? this isn't even the tip of the autism iceberg you'll see if you lurk for more than 2 weeks

>> No.6995804

where did you go, reddit

>> No.6995836

>newfag redditor gets challenged
>fucks off of thread
every time

>> No.6995837

Walton's logo, website, and wallet all look like they were designed by a 5th grader with a learning disability. I know its superficial "because the tech is great" but it doesnt lend well to the team's credibility or attention to detail.

>> No.6995930


Waltons target market is China and Korea. They dont care as much about shiney plastic appearance.

Let alone the fact that Walton is a SERVICE in IoT which is ALL ABOUT tech in the end.

That said, Walton is steadily improving in the western marketing and will release a new Website in February, and they have been improving their visual appearance by a lot in the last weeks.

>> No.6995983

i dont see the competition between these two
i own both and im literally erect 24/7 watching them go up

>> No.6996301

Same. My boner hits me in the face every time I get a new ATH alert from Delta. I love watching them both climb the ranks. Both projects will be top 10 by Q3 although VEN will likely get there sooner as it's already #15. WTC just broke the $1B mark today.