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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 691x653, 1503498861022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6985481 No.6985481 [Reply] [Original]

My mom just died an hour ago...My sister called me sobbering, I'm crying, I don't know what to do or even why I am here. I feel like I am hallucinating and this isn't even real life. Please tell me I'm dreaming. What am I going to do /biz/ i feel so alone. I'm sorry this has nothing to do with crypto, this is the only board I know.

>> No.6985516

Im sorry bro :/

>> No.6985539

Buy some LINK. It's what your mom would have wanted you to do

>> No.6985549

Calm down. Tell us what happened. Are you okay? Is your sister okay? Have you informed other family members.

>> No.6985554


>> No.6985555
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sry for your loss bro

>> No.6985556

sorry my dude

>> No.6985565

OH no. Sorry anon. What happened? My mom and dad both died in the same month 2 years ago. Still cry.

>> No.6985566

Visit your sister. Support each other.

>> No.6985572


I'm sorry for your loss man. Grieve in your own way then go out and make her proud.

>> No.6985593

Go to your sister or a friend you can talk to maybe that will help.

>> No.6985600
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1329280641246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're here for you

>> No.6985602

>caring at all
wtf is this norman invasion

>> No.6985607

Buy Link

>> No.6985610


Also. May god receive her soul in heaven with open arms.

>> No.6985611

sorry for your loss man.

>> No.6985617

>family member dies
>posts on biz
nice larp
kys faggot

>> No.6985619

Nice blog, gaylord.

>> No.6985620


she's probably burning in hell right now, if she wasnt a christian

>> No.6985628

Its tough but understanding that death isnt exactly what we think it is. The reason why we cry is because we are afraid of dying. Since your going to be in bed for a while you should watch this video in its entirety...

I know its confusing but you didnt lose anything today

>> No.6985646
File: 22 KB, 600x553, i-know-that-feel-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your loss my lad

>> No.6985650

That's sad to hear. Dont feel alone. You still have your sister.

>> No.6985654

Nice troll dude :D

Now buy some LINKy to sooth your ”pain” and calm your sorry ass down.

>> No.6985658

only time will heal my dude, just be productive in the mean time n were here for you!

>> No.6985678

Stay strong man. Next few months will be difficult. Spend time with family.

>> No.6985680
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go to your sister's house and comfort her.


>> No.6985693

Im very sorry to hear about your loss man.
Lux aeternam, dona eis domine. Et lux perpetuam luceat eis.

I am so sorry that i cant do anything to help you. If you find the time, a classical requiem-piece could perhaps be of help. The requiem is about praying for the persons who have left this life, and the hope of eternal life. Here is my favourite, Durufle.


God bless you sir.

>> No.6985702

Death is real. Listen to this album OP.


>> No.6985706

Link is a good coin but this is not the time or place guys.

OP I'm sorry for your loss. My mother died unexpectedly 7 years ago so I know how it feels. Nothing I say will make it better. Just know that time heals all wounds.

>> No.6985708

can i get a quick rundown on this?

>> No.6985709

Are you getting an inheritance to put solely into turtle coin?

>> No.6985722

Listen to this guy, he's got double dubs. Visitt your sister and know that you're lucky to have each other.

Sorry for your loss man

>> No.6985727

biz/ bros to the rescue

>> No.6985732

No more milkies for you.

>> No.6985734

im sorry for your loss

put your portfolio in safe long term holds and then go cry for a week with your family

>> No.6985739 [DELETED] 

sorry for loss, you can make crazy gains with insurance money at this discord group

discord gg jfhsu3

>> No.6985748

Your mom would either want you to be rich or die doing what you love.

If your first instinct is to come to /biz/ and cryptopost then you owe it to her to go all in and either become broke or a millionaire

>> No.6985762

Hey man, you can always fuck your sister so thats chill

>> No.6985767

My mom died day before my birthday while I was in college.... im sorry anon. Not really any advice, it still sucks I still cry every birthday and I still have dreams with her in them.

>> No.6985788
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Hang in there bizbro.

>> No.6985801

>Link is a good coin but this is not the time or place guys.
Nigger what? Is this not /biz/? Did I accidentally click on /grief counseling/?

>> No.6985809

Losing a parent is a life changing event. You grieve then you make sure your life is headed in the right direction aka the direction that will make you the most happy. -ds

>> No.6985812


>> No.6985814

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.6985817 [DELETED] 

sir i make big gains in this group thank you

>> No.6985840

I’m sorry for you loss OP. I am very sorry man sending you a hug .

She would want your to continue on .

Take some time to grieve , go through counseling, and most importantly don’t drink or do drugs during this time .

My heart goes out to you man .

>> No.6985844

did she drop any loot? coins?

>> No.6985852

Anon my mom died 3 weeks ago after fighting against cancer for 10 years. I know how it feels. I just wanted to tell you that you will live on and that the pain will be healed, just give it time and be patient. Also be there for your family, support each other and try to be busy with your work or studies or whatever. Try not to be alone and don't let it bring you down.

>> No.6985859

haha i want to fuck your eye socket tears are great lube

>> No.6985874

+1 man

>> No.6985877

My mom was diagnosed with state 4 lung cancer on cristmas eve 2016, she died 2 months later.
Whats important now is that you take time, dont try to understand it just let the pain be pain.

>> No.6985886

I must add that i am NOT OP's mom speaking to him from the grave, and that you CANNOT grow a dick in the afterlife.
There is no afterlife to begin with, my ID is pure coincidence.

>> No.6985892


>> No.6985926

you will be ok, just buy some xlm

>> No.6985930


Sorry for your loss bro.


Fuckyou Pajeets. The motto of /biz/ is “we’re all going to make it” and this is what you don’t get.

We should be supporting each other as /biz/ brothers. Instead you opportunist swine try to step over everyone as you shill or FUD or whatever.

>> No.6985931

I'm watching Top Gun and I read your post right before Goose died.
This is double feels, sorry anon :'(

>> No.6985947

You never experienced the reality of life and was sheltered in comfy western society. Time will heal. This will pass. You'll grow up from this more than ever before. And either you'll become cynical of this transient thing we experience or accept it as a cycle we all will have to go through and change for the better.

It's hard beyond belief but you have to cry your soul out and accept it. There's plenty of things humans figured out about death. Go on a journey for knowledge and understanding.

I'm with you.

>> No.6985959

What the fuck is this? Excuse me, did I accidentally go to Reddit?

>> No.6985965

Shut the fuck up

>> No.6985968


my mom died in her sleep 5 years ago.. toughest thing i've ever been through and i know how you're feeling.. it's going to be very hard for a few years, but it will make you stronger.. keep going OP

also, keep accumulating OMG

>> No.6985976

I can't begin to understand your pain. I'm also in a different kind of pain. My long term girlfriend just left me too and I am grieving like a fuckwad. I'm a huge cuck and I'm still in love with her. It's just one of those bad nights that I can't just wish away and wash things off of. I don't even make sense right now. I just wish I was dead. Thanks for reading.

Someone tell me I'm going to make it. Someone tell me it will all be okay in the end. Someone shill me a dream.

>> No.6985988

What’s your ether address my friend?

>> No.6985989


>> No.6986033

>is this reddit
Do you see a validation bukkake taking place?
Reddit is cancer because of the sanctimonious PC crap and hivemind. Not because of the feels

>> No.6986048

That's life, now get off here and be with your family.

>> No.6986054

We will all make it anon, together.

>> No.6986061
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, were all gonna make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that OP, can't imagine how hard it must be. If it's not too cold I'd say go outside and get some air, maybe go for a walk. If you have any friends now would be a good time to call them up to talk. Even if you aren't close friends anyone will do.

>> No.6986070

Remind yourself of what your meaning of life is. Think about your current situation in that context and it should work out.

>> No.6986083

Priced in

>> No.6986086

My mom called me a last week and she got lung cancer again... I’m so sad also. :(

>> No.6986091

dunno if LARP but if true, sorry man. we all experience it at one point or another, i just lost my dad recently and it's been a really rough ride.

hope all your crypto gains are bountiful in the coming months

>> No.6986127

You are not alone. I’m really fucking sorry, man. Be like your mom and do your best to take care of your family. Good luck healing, anon.

>> No.6986140

Keep ya head up anon! It will pass. My mom passed back in 2012 and i had a few rough years after that but eventually it passes and you find peace. Now buy INT and AGI and thank me later

>> No.6986228

Just because we have the ability to be horrible to each other for fun doesn’t mean we don’t empathize. Not angry with you. Use this site however you want. Right now we are using it to talk to this Anon about his mom passing. Faggot.

>> No.6986231

Lost my mom two years ago. Didn't seem real at first. That first few months after, man, she was all I could think about.. then slowly the greif faded to not be all consuming. I still think about her everyday, (in the morning I always see a cross she gave me...) but it's bearable, not consuming. My phone doesn't ring anymore and there's no one left to feel proud of me, that still gets to me sometimes. I miss her.

>> No.6986269

These little edgy pajeets need to get the fuck off

Losing Mom is the worst pain there could be, i can't imagine

Sorry OP, i hope this isn't a troll because that would be really fucked up. If you are real, time heals all wounds. Give it time

>> No.6986281

So sorry anon, I was in that dark place a couple of years ago. Go to your sis.

>> No.6986295

Time will ease it a little bit? You will get through the harder parts. May she rest in peace.

You could consider these vids. From blind people being able to see, for the first time in their existence, their own bodies and much more.


>> No.6986333

Strong evidence that our soul is eternal. It has brought comfort to many who have lost loved ones

>> No.6986341
File: 79 KB, 480x602, 1507492958793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry bro

>> No.6986411

Honestly sorry for your loss.
Lost my dad 5 months ago.

>> No.6986464

Sorry to hear /biz/ bro, go and be with your family.

>> No.6986506

What are you holding? Gains will cheer you up

>> No.6986542

Give me your cryrpto and i will bring him back

>> No.6986543

>Sister informs you of your mothers death
Fucking make sure you locate your Mother's will.

>> No.6986565
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>> No.6986568

I am sorry for your loss, anon.

Pay no attention to the trolls and edgelords. There are a lot of anons and oldfags here that want to support one another. We've got to look out for each other. No one else in this god-forsaken world will.

>> No.6986587 [DELETED] 


>> No.6986595

Sorry bro... It will get better I promise

>> No.6986623
File: 104 KB, 733x464, 1517036471004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're here for you op

>> No.6986627


>> No.6986641
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Honour her memory, and be the best man you can be for her, that she would be proud of.

And there will always be kind anons here to help. Don't lose faith

>> No.6986647
File: 77 KB, 720x537, 1505859235518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is real, sorry OP. We all will have to pass through this at some point of our lives. You'll end understanding what happened, and that will make you stronger. You are not alone.

We all are going to make it!

>> No.6986652

I know your pain dude, it fucking sucks. Life is cruel but we’ll get through it, just endure.

Assuming this post is ernest, I’m sorry anon, seriously sorry that you had to experience such pain so early. I know what it’s like, my dad passed when I was 15 and it really broke me inside for a long time. Fucked my life up real good, but I’m persevering and on my feet. I know you’ll do the same thing, be strong anon it’s what your mom would want.

>> No.6986665

Sorry dude. That feeling will never go away, but it does get easier. Give it time man. Best of luck.

>> No.6986683
File: 57 KB, 787x470, 213893631002202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys its the only way to stop your pain

>> No.6986697

my condolences anon, i can't even understand what you're going through but i hope you'll get through it.

>> No.6986704

>The motto of /biz/ is “we’re all going to make it”
thats actually /fits/ motto stop stealing zyzz quotes. Hes ours not yours

>> No.6986709

sorry brother, wish you the million dollar gain to appease your pain

>> No.6986710 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 446x333, IMG_1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's in heaven right now

Pic related

>> No.6986762

>hehe im on 4chan so ive gotta be edgy!!!

not how its ever been

>> No.6986803

Remember to spend some time outdoors anon....give us your public address so we can tip you some comfy coins

>> No.6986805

>The motto of /biz/ is “we’re all going to make it”
No it isnt, its "Buy high, sell low"

>> No.6986870

So... She's going to moon?

Where to buy?

>> No.6986886
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Hey man, life happens. Just gotta keep your chin up. You'll get through this and come out stronger.

>> No.6986946

I'm sorry for your loss, OP. If you are a Christian, pray for strength, there's really not much you can do but grieve and be there for your sister and your family. We're here for you.

May her soul rest in peace.

>> No.6986955

Big if true

>> No.6986961

Hope ya sold at ATH

>> No.6987043
File: 46 KB, 960x600, The-Room-Movie-Poster-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqNUHzxaamNmHDqK-YksWRz2o-yMLyYquKCawpyDOW254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy $100,000 in BTC. call your ex. cum on your face. drink a bottle of whiskey and worship satan loudly in the streets

>> No.6987078
File: 58 KB, 535x709, 455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck her in the pussy. She can't get pregnant if shes dead. Make you sister watch for extra satisfaction

>> No.6987094

im sorry dude, it gets easier with time honestly

>> No.6987110

fuck off, faggot. can't believe i'm gonna waste a post on you, but fuck you.

>> No.6987131

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6987195

i haven't told anyone to kill themselves in a while, and i won't this time, but i've backtraced all your ip's, and i'll sleep on what i'm gonna do to each and every single on of you.
op, hang in there.

>> No.6987233
File: 488 KB, 1800x1200, boulder-colorado-1-copy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, anon. listen to this guy. there's something so so intangible about the outdoors and its effect on your psyche. give it a shot.

my father suddenly passed 3-4 years ago - an hero'd. thought he was the happiest clam in the world. we were about to start out own business together. and suddenly he's gone.

only thing that keeps me sane anymore is the outdoors. hiking, fishing, skiing, being a fuckin man. feels good. puts things into perspective.

i'm a poorfag, or else i'd love to toss in some booze money for you somehow. one day mate we'll make it.

ill just pour one out for you and your mom my dude. im so sorry.

you're going to learn so much from this next 2 years of hell anon and it's only going to help you in the long run.

>> No.6987247
File: 197 KB, 1520x1126, 1492292176468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in a better place now, anywhere is better than here. I'm sorry for your loss OP

>> No.6987337


cringed so hard

>> No.6987358


>> No.6987384

Sorry for your loss OP. I love my parents and im terrified of the day when they wont be around anymore. Stay strong bruddah.

>> No.6987415

Sorry for your lost op. I wouldn't know what to do the day it'll happen but as you get older you realize that your parents also get older too. Nonetheless love your family and always make time for them

>> No.6987425

This, people seem to be confusing honesty + irreverence(the right path) with edginess more and more in this shithole

>> No.6987428

This is good advice OP. You’ll feel so much better

>> No.6987495

I honestly think I would do the same, I'd be still in shock and not know what to do except what I've been doing every day for the past few months.

>> No.6987497
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Sorry to hear it lad.

>> No.6987616
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>i'll sleep on what i'm gonna do to each and every single one of you

>> No.6987853
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>> No.6988130

Sorry man.
Been there.
But life picks up and you find the right one you are meant to be with.

>> No.6988170

You have your sister.
This is life and it has trials and tribulations. How about your dad? Where is here in the picture? Any other siblings, family?
It's a stage of life everybody goes through. Time will ease the pain but your memories will keep her alive.

>> No.6988214

I lost both my parents when i was a kid and my advice is to cry. cry a lot. it really helps

>> No.6988242

>One post by OP
>100+ serious replies
/Biz/ == reedit

>> No.6988273

you should have dumped her last week

>> No.6988304

I’m sorry for your loss OP. :(

>> No.6988309

why is everyone responding to this off-topic shit?

>> No.6988318

Get a dog.

>> No.6988331

I'm sorry bro

Therapy helps. It also helps if you realize that you need time to process the loss and that is just the way it is, there is nothing wrong with being down.

It might be appropriate to put your holdings into what you believe to be the most stable medium, so you don't have to make calls while on tilt.

>> No.6988340


Stay strong buddy, dont do stupid shit you sttill got a sis.

>> No.6988348
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>I'll probably have to watch my parents die

>> No.6988355

>The motto of /biz/ is “we’re all going to make it”
That’s /fit/.

>> No.6988364

Nothing to apologise for. We're all sorry for you dude. Take care of your sister - go and see her.

>> No.6988375

kek . what a faggot

>> No.6988389

You can save a lot of money by having her cremated. If this is somehow against your feelings, I recommend building a coffin yourself, something a lot of people don't know you can do, and they get scammed by funeral parlors. You can pretty much DIY all of the stuff.
Also, kill your sister and make it look like a suicide out of grief, or an accident - you can get her part of the inheritance.

>> No.6988400

Prepare the money for the funeral.
Go to your local funeral agency and ask them about the procedure. Finish that up and then support each other with your sister.

You're the man here, do what men do.
After that you can have a moment of piece

>> No.6988401

I wish I came to /biz/ in 2015 when i got a $137k inheritance check instead of putting it into my student debt

>> No.6988414

Lost my father when I was 8.
Grief has its cycle, accept that you will be suffering for now, don't escape it, accept that almost nothing you hear or do will be able to make it go away for a while. It's ok to feel this pain.
From there you can climb, you can understand the importance of the people dear to you, you can live more fully, you can be stronger than all the small shit that seems like a big deal in life until you know real sorrow.

Blessings and good gains to you for the future.

>> No.6988435

buy confido, OP. This is your mom.

>> No.6988440


we all die anon, sorry for your loss; we ALL share the same path.

The swine , the righteous and the royal.....we'll all meet our maker.

Stay strong, you will reconnect to a greater plane, we all will.

Crypto is just a tool ,

God Bless

>> No.6988477

You could always kys and avoid that forever.

>> No.6988481

Get one of them composting bags that you can put bodies in and grow magic mushrooms using your moms decomposing body. It is what she would have wanted. Enjoy the trip.

>> No.6988506
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hang in there faggot ... stay strong and don't fuck up your social and future endeavors - and don't be afraid to tell people your mother died in case they ask why so glum ... also grief is temporary ... might haunt you for a year badly but slowly lessens as cope with the reality ... people just die naturally and due to many other causes

you're part of her legacy - so try and make it good (careful with crazy investments and decisions though - better sleep them over)

>> No.6988523



>> No.6988524

Sorry for your loss dude. Stay strong.

>> No.6988626

I feel this. I've had one girlfriend in my life, she left me after 3 years and I later found out she was cheating with her ex. Broke me for a very long time. I'm feeling great now though, and you will too. You'll come out of this even stronger. Look forward to that day brother.

>> No.6988657

>stinky linky

>> No.6988667

Good one. OP do it

>> No.6988699

Why do everyone act like this is such a big deal? I hate my parents, they are boomer trash. The fact you would be sad for even a day is funny to me like some reddit shit.

>> No.6988786

Why cry? Thank your mother being in your life and celebrate her life. Although it is sad times. The best you can do is thank her because it happens to all and it is a apart of everyday life that somebody loses someone they love.

>> No.6988801

>I hate my parents
Have you considered this isn't the case for everyone?

>> No.6989250

yes but it makes me see you as manchildren who never grew up.

>> No.6989783

I'm sorry for your loss man. Go to your sister and family

>> No.6989807

Go to your sister and cry with her

>> No.6989814


>> No.6989840

OP, make some money fast, it's the quickest and most productive thing to make you happy right now.

My mom has been in the hospital since I was 10, now I'm 23. We're gonna make it brahs

>> No.6990547

sorry anon

hang in there. if you have any inheritance don't put it into bcash

>> No.6991101

Time will heal, but for now do what your heart tells you, visit your sister and make sure you give your mom the departure she deserves and go all in on chain link with your part of the heritage. Sergey will pay the funeral for sure

>> No.6991135

Feeling you.
Your tears are my tears.

Stay strong.

>> No.6991155

>spot the sociopath

>> No.6991211

>1 post by this ID

>> No.6991303

If it's the case that you love your parents then by whining that they have passed you are missing the bigger picture. Be grateful that your mom didn't beat you and gave you a loving childhood. Now move on.

>> No.6991344

I hope you at least shorted your sister before the crash.

>> No.6991414

fuck off back to /b/ you child

>> No.6991479


sorry for your loss, anon

>> No.6991512

Please get of 4chan and be with your family. Go to your sister. Trust me.

>> No.6991526

sorry forr your loss anon

>> No.6991788

reddit the post/

>> No.6992474

Hey op, theres only two things you can control in this life, your attitude and your effort.

Lock down those emotions, and dedicate your life to hodling link in her honor. Some day soon you'll be able to pursue your wildest dreams knowing she made it all possible.

All the best,

>> No.6992575


Bro i cant express how much i feel for you. I lost my mom this summer, two weeks before my birthday. I was her only child and grew up with her, so it was a serious blow.

Wish I could say anything to make it less painful but you will keep marching on. You'll never forget her, but it gets easy to live with it after time.

>> No.6992628

if this isn't a larp, i'm really sorry for your loss, I have no idea how it feels, so I can only tell you to try and stay strong

linkies strike again, actualyl kek'd

>> No.6992687

That's really tough man, sorry for your loss.

>> No.6992782

the first week or two is the fucking worst but it gets better with time. i still think back about all the shit my dad has missed and will miss in my life even though he died like 8 years ago, still makes me cry from time to time but just be there with ur family and get through it together

>> No.6992791
File: 117 KB, 1262x709, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, if my mum passed away i would be in absolute pieces, my dad not so much as hes a shitbag, my condolences m8.

>> No.6992849

All in inheritance to crypto. Letssss goooo

>> No.6992973

Your sister is vulnerable and now has mommy issues. Use this to your advantage OP. Anal may be possible

>> No.6993061

How did she die?

>> No.6993161


Sorry for your loss.

>> No.6993213
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>> No.6993275

kill yourself and join her faggot

>> No.6993359

Today you had some losses

Tomorrow will be filled with gains.

>> No.6993393

Bad luck mate. It’s times like these you need to move into REQ

>> No.6993422

I am weeping with you my /biz/brother.

>> No.6993436

linkfags are the most vile and despicable vermin this board has.

>> No.6993441

This. Maybe fuck her too, it helps to relieve stress.

>> No.6993530



>> No.6993674
File: 454 KB, 1171x1347, 1469995514150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a song to cheer you up OP

>> No.6993707

So sorry to hear that bro, may she rest in peace.
Hope you have family and friends were you can find serenity, I wish you all the best.

>> No.6993794
File: 540 KB, 1600x1600, BF6D4AEC-D2E4-474B-A2E0-A66427ECD796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This if you want to make it

>> No.6993873
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.30_[2018.01.06_18.45.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, let me tell you a story, I am drunk right now so you know everything I'm telling you is true.

My dad died on November 15. He was 59. We found him gasping for air, then we found out he suffered a stroke due to hypertension and his brain was filled with blood. We tried surgery but, in the end, he never woke up.

I'm still in disbelief, to be honest. Fuck. I loved him so much. He was the one who introduced me to anime, we would watch Eva, DBZ and Aria, and Academia, and whatever together during Christmas. He was the one who taught me how to build a PC as a kid during Xmas break. this christmas, I was crying so much because I missed him. Fuck, I loved him so much. Dammit. He was so proud of my gains in crypto too and we were supposed to talk about it this new years.

The point is, months later, we will make it. Just keep faith, we can make it and we will be riding lambos in their name one day.

>> No.6993925

>my mother will probably die sooner than me
>my sister could die sooner than me
I dont fear my own death, but this, this shit is what haunts me

>> No.6993940

maximum kek

>> No.6993984

Better post a thread on biz hoping to get some free hangouts

>> No.6994003

Just wanted to browse BIZ.
I just wtcht 2 Hours of this.
Gona stay till Morning and watch till the end.
Thx Anon

>> No.6994008
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No one ever really dies senpai. This is all a simulation anyway...x

>> No.6994094

You have to go back, you literally do not fucking belong here.
Over half of this board is people spreading misinformation and trying to scam each other.

>> No.6994393
File: 115 KB, 400x333, IMG_3933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6994784

the feeling of loss is sometimes too much to bear for one lone, vulnerable wojak soul
things might not feel like they matter for awhile, OP—but, even though some of us don't take issues on mortality very well, it's something that almost everyone will have to deal with at some point
i hope your mom lived a fucking awesome life, and that you had a lot of good times with her—and if you told her about your cryptos, even if she might have been hesitant to believe in a concept as strange as magical internet money, i hope that it might've crossed her mind at some point as she was making her leave that you were gonna do very well for yourself
i hope she realized that—even though she'll always be your mother and she's sure that you'd appreciate the thought—she doesn't need to wonder and worry over how well her kid is doing anymore.
may she rest peacefully.

>> No.6994911
File: 8 KB, 834x596, buy the dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asked for this OP

>> No.6994990
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>> No.6995039

Sorry for your loss, OP. Your /biz/ bro's are here for you in your time of need. Ignore the assholes and the pajeets. Spend some time with your sister and other family members. Your mother is now resting in the kingdom of heaven, waiting for you as she watches over you now. Stay strong.

>> No.6995086

>1 post by this id

>> No.6995123

As someone who's had *both* parents die, I find this post fucking hilarious and endorse it.

>> No.6995143


>> No.6995157

9/11 m8

>> No.6995195

You fucking scum kys for trying to sell your literal garbage scam to this poor dude

>> No.6995215

This board is so fucking gayæ

>> No.6995237

Never all in on MOMS

>> No.6995246

Why is the close not at 0? The bar should reach the bottom. Pls fix.

>> No.6995468
File: 2.84 MB, 1452x2048, 1516979943791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best piece of advice possible

>> No.6995512

Sorry bro

>> No.6995623
File: 13 KB, 144x148, pinky wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sad OP, may God confort you and your family

but next time, it would be appreciated if you use one of our newjak pics instead of the outdated one you used.

>> No.6995707

That's how fast life hits you OP. The best thing you can do is try to comfort your sister and the rest of your family and try to come through this as a family. If you aren't already near by, take some time to go home and be with your family in this dark time.

>> No.6996175

we are here for you OP. please take sometime to step away from everything maybe technology hope you feel better

>> No.6996229

Who else would you turn to?

>> No.6996311

Just let it all out man.

>> No.6996362
File: 22 KB, 400x486, CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F for you mum, she is with Charlie now.

>> No.6996391

You will be fine but only because you have to. Spend time with your family.

>> No.6996416

Sorry about your faggot ass mom or whatever OP but unless she left you an inheritance this thread belongs in /r9k/ or /b/.

>> No.6996481

Hang in there anon. Stay strong for your family, but holy shit this has got to be really hard. Thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm aorry for your loss.

>> No.6996504

Nice Larp you Hikkamori faggot

>> No.6996510

I'm sorry OP. You'll make it.

>> No.6996523

For some anon's, we are all they have.

>> No.6996550

Hey Anon

I lost my mother a little over a week ago. Same situation kind of. I was just working, and I got a call from my dad saying she's gone. I was just devastated. I certainly know how much pain you must be feeling.

I want to give you a pat on the back and tell you it's all good... But I can't. It sucks. It hurts harder than I'd ever imagine... And I had two years to prepare myself.

So what I will tell you is to be strong. Be strong for yourself and your sister. Be strong for your mother. You're probably staring down what will be one of the hardest weeks of your life right now, so be prepared for it to be weird. let yourself be sad and angry and grieve with your family. Because you need to be prepared for what comes next senpai.

I hope this helped. Doubt it did. Hang in there Anon. Take care of yourself, and know you can always crypto shitpost to distract yourself from the depression. It's what I do.

I'm going to go smoke a bowl now. For both our moms. I suggest you pour one out and go hug your family tight. You got this Anon.

>> No.6996629
File: 85 KB, 681x337, easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be strong for your sister. love you brother

>> No.6996674

Sorry bro :(. Hope everything works out for you

>> No.6996677

I'm really sorry, i laughed at 2nd post but i really feel with you man

>> No.6996688

Nice. Just bought 100k.

>> No.6996800

It's been almost a year since I lost my mom, condolences to you anon. It's def an out of body experience. Stay strong anon and carry on your mom's best traits going forward.

>> No.6996803
File: 100 KB, 600x800, 1513981114645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i've backtraced all your ip's,

>> No.6996840

my condolences friend.

>> No.6997098

15 year old