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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 166 KB, 786x768, BATBOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6982706 No.6982706 [Reply] [Original]

>Shits free yo

>Also you can play jewtube in the background.

Your loss pajeet.

>> No.6982759

k... just bought 100k bravecoins...

>> No.6982870

Go eat some gutter oil unless you have something valuable to contribute you worthless cunt

>> No.6982943

BAT is a nice concept but sadly thats all it will ever be.
Most people browse the internet through their phones so you have either iPhones with Safari or Android with default browser or Chrome.
On desktop again either Safari, Firefox or Chrome.
BAT taking off relies on people moving away from these browsers to Brave.
Name one reason they would do it.
>inb4 no ads
If normies thought about that they dont want ads they will google it, click the first result which isnt Brave browser, its an adblocker for any of those existing browsers.

>> No.6983038

Download Brave just for shits and gigs and see how much shit is blocked within a week. If you're not satisfied I'll cut off my dick, McAfee style.

>inb4 you need to view ads

ads are blocked natively. You can opt in if you want but its not a requirement.

>inb4 no one will switch browsers

I'm sure everyone said that when they had AOL, or was it Internet Explorer?

>Muh chrome

>> No.6983060

k... just bought 100k cuntcoins... can't wait for your mom to moon

>> No.6983084

How many BRV do i need to make it?

>> No.6983101


>> No.6983106

You’re right just bought 100k thank you

>> No.6983114

Virus pajeet

>> No.6983125

because its an AD SCAM. op is a shill who wants to sell you his bags

>> No.6983165

I'm from Pennsylvania you fucking nigger.

I've got 12k bitch. I'll be back in two months to rub my rich nuts in your face. I'm not selling until I see 1 millie

>> No.6983179

will this go on kucoin or just etherdelta?

>> No.6983207
File: 22 KB, 225x225, IMG_3234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.2/10 fud

>> No.6983308

I havent seen ads in years retard
uBlock Origin exists

>> No.6983322

chrome blocks ads now