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File: 133 KB, 618x794, White-Hate-American-Summer-final-618x794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6980118 No.6980118 [Reply] [Original]

>The events in Charlottesville last year showed the whole country that the alt-right presents a unique threat to society.

>Despite the horrifying impact the alt-right has, and can have, it is loosely defined, poorly understood, and operates in the shadows of society. HOPE not hate exists to take on these extremists, and that starts by knowing everything we can about them. That’s why I’m really excited to share an important piece of news with you:

>Today, we’re introducing Ctrl Alt-Right Delete – a weekly newsletter devoted to understanding how the alt-right operates online.

>To bring you this unparalleled insight, we’ve partnered with Melissa Ryan, a veteran political and digital expert, who has brought her expertise to digging into the alt-right’s figures, behaviour, and activities in order to make sense of their influence and capabilities.

>HOPE not hate has always been at the cutting edge of research – and joining forces with Melissa is a vital step in understanding the growing threat of the alt-right and a key component to developing strategies to fight back.

>We’re pleased to bring you the first new issue this coming Sunday, and it’s kicking off with a bang. Here’s a sneak peek – our lead article takes a deep dive into how the alt-right is using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to profit – we’re talking millions of dollars here.

>Each Sunday, we’ll bring you the latest developments and news right there in your inbox – a one-stop shop to stay on top of what’s going on in the alt-right.

>While there may be no shortcut to force the shutdown of the alt-right, our approach is this: the more we know, the better equipped we will be to take on our opponents, and defeat them
>crypto is outlawed and anyone who owns any is accused of 'funding nazis'

>> No.6980166

so i should buy more monero.

>> No.6980193

Fuck you. KYS.

>> No.6980245


Do you realize where you are? Fucking retard. Take your hive-minded bullshit somewhere else.

>> No.6980265

bad reading comprehension

>> No.6980311

Yes. Normies are too upset about missing out on the 2017 bullrun and eager to 'punish' the alt-right to let this whole "Nazis profit off bitcoin" meme go. They'll happily support government banning bitcoin/crypto in general.

>> No.6980408

charlottesville was a deep state false flag. now GTFO

>> No.6980422

I can't tell what kind of pillows this is. Should I be happy the Jews are sorry retarded, or sad that they're going after my bitcorn

>> No.6980469


Hey, fuck off faggot.

>> No.6980555

Fuck off nigger

>> No.6980595

What did they mean by this?

Even if it was a false flag (which I don't think it was), that just makes it more likely Jews will use a Nazi boogeyman to scare normies into banning crypto thereby saving the big banks.

>> No.6980640

Are there any tokens/fundraisers/ICOs for the alt-right cause?

>> No.6980920
File: 602 KB, 200x189, 1340404325729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's funny that the whole point of hope not hate is to understand the "alt right" when they don't even understand why opposition to the established liberal democratic order exists in the first place. They don't seem to understand that the alt right is reactionary in nature, and they take for granted that the current order is the best and most just. If they took any time at all to understand why it exists then they might have some chance of stopping it, but they can't do that since they would run the risk of having their own ideas challenged.

>> No.6981142

>being this illiterate

>> No.6981192

I'm using my crypto billions to keep the niggers down.

>> No.6981889

It's evil to realize that low iq people flooding this country will turn the US into a 3rd world country in 50 years or so? Maybe less? Have you looked into how much people really cost by demographic? It's fucking ridiculous. We'd essentially have no debt, even with our high military spending if we had only whites. You must be one of those people who think all the worlds problems will be solved "when everybody is brown and all mixed up".