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6966428 No.6966428 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, why don't you put your Internet coins away and go have fun?

>> No.6966512

Would I be on /biz/ if I could be having fun right now, you dumb faggot?

>> No.6966519


>> No.6966531
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>> No.6966539

Cause I'm into lolis

>> No.6966556

Would slam the gram

>> No.6966561
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>> No.6966578

Have bills to pay nigger, lets make money.

>> No.6966670

I'd slam so hard I'd break her osteoporosis-riddled pelvic bone.

>> No.6967048

anyone of you neets actually fugged a milf? if yeas, will i be able to last longer? my last waifu was crazy tight and that just made me finish fast

>> No.6967133

Biggest age gap I've unlocked was 10 years.

>> No.6967363

how was it? i've developed this fetish of just fugging a nice milf at least once just because i've never done it and wonder. are they really better due to experience? tfw autist crypto rugby player, ripped like a township dog

>> No.6967424

What is it like when a woman is physically attracted to you?

>> No.6967545

Fuck off roastie. Go nag Tyrone or something.

>> No.6967616

it's helpful but not crucial at all. seriously, some of my friends get to fuck rich and hot girls just because they are charismatic and moderately attractive, i mostly take the scraps as they are interested in me initially but then i can't get some smooth convo going because i either talk about autistic shit like crypto, politics, science, etc or talk about normalfag stuffs and just sound awkward

>> No.6967619

I was 19 and she was 29. You can imagine how great the sex was, both of us being in our primes. We spent 3 days doing nothing but fucking in our hotel room, eating room service, watching tv and taking walks by the ocean and through downtown.

Then we did it again a year later.

I think the first visit she laughed and said we had fucked like 18 times.

She was married.

>> No.6967649

does she even lubricates still?

>> No.6967663

Here we have a man of taste.

>> No.6967747
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please post more, I'll post fit thots in exchange

>> No.6967770

Tell us more. How did she feel about cheating on her husband? Was he a cuck that didnt mind? Any anal?

>> No.6967790



>> No.6967881

sauce OP?
asking for a friend

>> No.6967912

>in your prime

Shut up kid.

>> No.6967934

Ok grandma

>> No.6967992

Vagina's shrink and stop lubricating after a woman's best child bearing years are over. For the OP, ring lube and prepare for a grateful, desperate woman that might not be able to accomodate you.

>> No.6968003
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>o-ok! i just need to look at something really quick

>> No.6968010

i'd pay for that but i think it will only be great if it's voluntary
depends bru, in the southern hemisphere where i live due to the uv rays some girls look like milfs at 25. roasties

>> No.6968037

your uncle doesnt count

>> No.6968063

Fucked a 61 year old when I was 22. It wasn't as fulfilling as I thought it would be.

>> No.6968078

I fugged a milf I met in Cabo on the beach cabanas at night. I was 23 she was 32. A night I will never forget

Then two nights later hooked up with a 33 year old from Toronto and she fell in love with me in a day but I ended up fucking her twice, once at her place and then once near the same beach cabana that I fucked the milf a few days prior.

The second bitch didn’t have a kid but she was old, and probably crazy cuz she made out with my brother a few mins before we met.

If I’m
Lying I’m dying

>> No.6968094

A man's sexual ability is measure by his ability to procreate, and thus in his rebound ability. That's late teens.

>> No.6968101

Sounds like sex in general lol
Was she on the pill? How did you not get her prego

>> No.6968121

Sexually for a man, that is the prime. Sad but true.

>> No.6968142


>women become worthless after they hit the ''''wall''''

Lmao keep dreaming incels. I fucked a 37 years old milf last week and she showed me her whapp/tinder.

Its full of thirsty guys rangin from 18 to 50 asking her for a dinner, cofee, fuck and nudes.

>> No.6968177

>Was she on the pill? How did you not get her prego

She had had a hysterectomy.

>> No.6968269

i'm in my early 20s and gf is early 30s, not had any kids but she's been "around the block" so to speak and no, it doesn't help w/ lasting longer

>> No.6968356

Haha. Ya that's true. But at least when its a thot you get to brag to your friends about it. Now they all think I'm a degenerate.

>> No.6968365

We rarely talked about her husband.

No anal. The sex was fairly vanilla as we were both very religious at the time (I know, adultery lol). We had met in a chatroom and talked for 9 months before she came to visit me, so we were in love (to the extent that love really exists).

The relationship started failing later and we ended up "breaking up" and I sort of grew up to the fact that I had been strung along and played. Whether she ever really loved me, I don't know.

>> No.6968414

ew 29 and a hysterectomy her pussy expired bruh

>> No.6968493

i guess i'll have to hold on to my partial phimosis, girls have told me i'm able to last longer than other guys, but it still feels fast when fugging as compared to fapping

>> No.6968813

It's not the wall because they will never be fucked again. It's the wall because they will never get married and have a family + betabucks to leech off of. You just don't understand what the wall is.

They start fearing anxiety that they will never have that wedding they always dreamed of, the financial security a husband will provide, kids, everything people over 25 value. Not because they can't get fucked on Tinder lmao.

>> No.6968839

the trick is to recharge quickly after you cum the first time and go at it again, you won't cum quickly the second time. or just fap 15 minutes beforehand

>> No.6968844

Yeah, married and unable to have children. I knew how to pick'em.

But she was slender, about 5'9", blonde hair and blue eyes, D-cup. Intelligent, feminine and religious. Did things like crafting.

>> No.6968896

Thanks homie. If u havent found it yet, i am sure your crypto gains will find you a nice girl to breed with.

>> No.6968931


Lmao on every walled women there are 10x desperate men willing to spend every moment/euro on them.

Women are not settling why would they? They can live easy life, work a small time gig just enough to buy yourself a latest iphone, some slutty clothes and a temporary rent, everything else is provided by beta and you can still fuck chads on the side if you re that thirsty.

>> No.6969111

She didn't, she was married and didnt even love her Husband.

>> No.6969210

Nah you got it all wrong. There's a big difference between buying dinner and drinks to fuck a girl and buying cars, houses, and everything in between for a woman you're married to. Dropping $100 on a chick a week to fuck her on command is nothing. And everyone's usually fucking people on the side when involved with an older woman, it's an unspoken understanding that it's just for fun and nothing is going to come from it. At least the ones I've been with, we'd usually get drunk at happy hour and fuck, they actually get turned on when you tell them about younger girls you've fucked lately because it makes them feel desirable and younger and shit. Great for the dude but if you think a 37 year old girl cycling through walls of dudes on Tinder is the one with the upper hand you are really out of touch.

>> No.6969215
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I had fun once.
It was awful.

>> No.6969288


Fucked a 60 YO milf in a sundress

It was hot as fuck since the whole time I knew I was gonna blow a load in her

>> No.6969302

yeah sounds like sound advice when gunning randoms. just need to get a sexy nympho athlete hippie like my friend, he swears it's the only girl that gets him going 5 to 6 times in a row and she confirmed

>> No.6969336

Story please.

>> No.6969349

I remember fucking this 46 yo old lady and when i went to fuck her in the morning the pussy was dry as hell and burned my cock, never again

>> No.6969380

That's what KY is for.

>> No.6969415

You retards. A "milf" is not in her 30s.
I fucked a 50 year old when I was 22. It was cool. She wasnt really that hot but she was a freak. She wanted to take me skydiving after. I said hell no

>> No.6969507


>Went to a bar in coastal Florida by myself, she sat down next to me, nbd because it was crowded

>Hot sundress, tanned, leathery milf skin
>about 5'2" very petite
>drinking 7/7s and smoking Virginia slims
>we get to talking, I start buying the drinks
>both get annihilated
>go back to the hotel
>fuck the shit out of her 6 times

Several years later in the same city I fucked another slightly younger one about 30 times over a period of a few months

These types of women I seem to attract

>> No.6969798

Any highlights from the fuck sessions? What did the 60 y/o do after you nutted inside her?

>> No.6969891


Nailed a 53 european chick from okcupid when i was 26

damn that pussy was tight. body was 30~something tier, she worked out regularly and ate well. pretty rare find, and she got mad i didnt call her back after fucking her

way better than the roasties my age, was really into swallowing too! Don't let your dreams be memes, anons, slay some milf pussy, there are new divorcees every day

>> No.6969972


I'm pretty vanilla by today's standards desu... just some light slapping around and hair pulling

The second chick though I just remember pinning to her bed by the throat and nutting in her as deep as I possibly could with her legs wrapped around my shoulders

And how that older lady skin just hangs off their petite frames


>> No.6969973

what would you agree upon is the easiest way/trick/method/line/trait to seal the deal given you are young and good looking? asking as i've wagecucked as a waiter/barman in several fine dining places where 10/10 milfs frequently show up, but i've never landed one. inb4 muh gains, as all of them already have rich old husbands

>> No.6970015

>don't let your dreams be memes

Getting this chiseled on my tombstone after I die from drowning in too much pussy.

>> No.6970021

thank you for your kind words

>> No.6970053

>Fuck off mom, I'm busy with technical analysis
>Here you have $50, go grab something to eat with Jamal or something

>> No.6970151

You're fucking retarded man. These women are spinsters and will never live a fulfilled life. Some will keep it going longer than others, but eventually they will reach the point where they realize they utterly failed themselves. The more sex they have, the harder it is for them to pair bond. They are incapable of healthy relationships.

>> No.6970186


A 10/10 milf is still a 10/10 and she knows it


Go for an 8 and treat her like a chick your age that you want to fuck, and don't be shy about it.

Go in with the knowledge that they are easy, but don't act like entitled if that makes sense

>> No.6970206

Dude older ladies are horny as hell. If I wasn't married I would've picked up most of the ones everywhere I work.
You actually don't have to try as hard as you would with younger girls.

>> No.6970254


>Go for an 8 and treat her like a chick your age that you want to fuck
>don't be shy about it.
>don't act entitled
so true. I never fully went 100% but if i did i would have banged a few milfs

>> No.6970313

rachel peru

>> No.6970406

Hit a 38-year old when I was 20. She had never had kids or been married. Her body was amazing. Even all the fit younger girls I've slammed have barely matched those finely-aged curves. Met at a bar the first time I used my fake id. She called me a year later because she heard my radio show and wanted to know a song ID. Went on a few dates then slammed once before I moved away.

>> No.6970472

seriously jelly bru
thanks anons will apply this wisdom and report back on my next outing

>> No.6970494

Women don't get horny

>> No.6970527

>tfw I can never seal the deal
>Never go out alone since I'm always the only one alone and have no friends to go to bars with

>> No.6970643

Found the virgin.

>> No.6970650
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Thanks senpai

>> No.6970675


Bro just go to a bar on your own, and if you need to,have enough (without getting drunk) that you can decently talk to anyone.

Also as general advice to anyone reading, gain some knowledge about some female oriented shit.

I used to work in fashion and so I can talk about ladies handbags better than the average faggot can

>> No.6970740
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>this thread

begone normies

>> No.6970749

Buddy I was going out by myself before I met my current GF and it's an awesome time. Seriously do it. You're free to mingle with whoever you want and you're not held back by your friends energy. I can float between hipster fags to chads to cougars easy when I'm solo. If I was with my friends, there is zero chance I could pierce into their circles.

I love my friends and don't care for partying, but ironically I have more fun partying while alone. Give it a try.

>> No.6970779

I guess I just need to find the right bars that attract single older ladies

>> No.6970809

4Chan died like 3 years ago

>> No.6970814
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hello fellow bar loner

>> No.6970851

>I can float between hipster fags to chads to cougars easy when I'm solo
I just feel out of place if I approach people by myself or if someone invites me to a group I just feel like a tool.
I might try again next weekend

>> No.6970880

Cheers mate!

>> No.6970908


They're fucking everywhere in Florida

Every divorcee from MI/PA/OH/IN moves to the beach and winds up making a pass at me

If you can't make it to FL, just look for an older chick sitting at the bar by herself, and remember

>if she smokes she pokes

>> No.6970963

>if she smokes she pokes
huge and true

>> No.6971021
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>> No.6971306


Bumping for more milf stories

>> No.6971492
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>muh nermi facial letters
Fuck off

>> No.6971833


More milf stories pls

>> No.6972657


>> No.6972758


>> No.6972781



>> No.6972999
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>> No.6973049

pls sirs

>> No.6973278

No they don't get horny for incels. They're always horny for chad

>> No.6973377

that bitch didn't invite me to the funeral

>> No.6973626

Dated/fucked and 30yr old from 15-18. Her sister was the dean of discipline at the college I went through. Dumped her when she watched me bang a chick from my dorm fire escape. She was crazy. T wasn't until about a decade later when I was telling The story at work that one of the girls here told me I was actually getting raped/molested from 15-17. #metoo
Also it was great rape

>> No.6973767

I can fuck like 3 times in 2 hours but on the third time I still bust fast

>> No.6973886

She should really get those melanoma spots removed; they'll eventually kill her.

>> No.6973959


>> No.6974381


lol thanks Pajeets for bumpan

>> No.6974775

Grandma can still rock a one-piece. Good for her.

>> No.6974888

I'll first place all my crypto in my ledger then I'll nut on your titties

>> No.6974907


>> No.6974908
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would bang. She's only 46 though, so she's gonna look like ass when she's 60 (the age I actually thought she was).

>> No.6974959

I'm actually in a club now drinking ghb in the corner and browsing biz.
Fun is a Jewish scam.

>> No.6975061

dont fall for the alcohol jew as well anon

>> No.6975085

instant regret

>> No.6975213

That's why I'm G-ing, superior alternative.

>> No.6975362


can't wait for the new blacked video

>> No.6975378
