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6963007 No.6963007 [Reply] [Original]

There is an upcoming fork to create Bitcoin Private, a privacy version of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Private (BCTP) has the potential to become a leading privacy coin in 2018 and has already received coverage in a number of publications, including Bloomberg. Here's the deal - on fork date, BTCP will be distributed 1:1 to BTC holders and 1:1 to ZCL holders. The thing is, BTC costs around $11K, while ZCL costs only around $145. On top of that, there aren't many ZCLs in circulation - only around 3 million. The fork has not been announced but is expected in the next 6 weeks. My prediction for pre fork price for ZCL is $350 - $500 and I expect BTCP to trade over $1000 this year. Not that many people know about this yet, but there is a strong community behind the coin - check out the Zclassic telegram at: t.me/ZClassicCoin. Announcement coming on Sunday - could be an exchange listing or fork date. There will be FUD and then FOMO, big things coming.

>> No.6963069

Already in. I'm not even considering selling until we pass $1,000.

>> No.6963074

i dumped my bags james
ill never hold another stinky zcl
fuck this developer and team

>> No.6963132

>already received coverage in a number of publications
> fork has not been announced, not that many people know about this yet

pick one

>> No.6963159

>Announcement coming on Sunday - could be an exchange listing or fork date
I wish.
wont be either as the wallets aren't even done yet. check the roadmap

>> No.6963218
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they were supposed to fork end of January and it didn’t happen. Why do you think they’ll actually complete it? It is sad people are falling for this

>> No.6963279


Fork is delayed until October.

Read the news you retard.

>> No.6963592
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>> No.6963641

Wood tier FUD. Post the October sauce and I will sell everything I have right now.

>> No.6963685

Or you could just buy DeepOnion for $8 Don't be a stay at home retard

>> No.6963826
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BTCP will pass 1k in 2018, I am certain of this.

>> No.6964292
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Catalyst for more price moves coming with Sunday's announcement.

>> No.6964671
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>> No.6964749
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The announcement or the pic? I think this announcement is going to be hotter than the roastie in the pic.

>> No.6964820
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lemme see them fuckin masternodes, bitches. let's goooooooo
only 470 zcl, though...hope the minimum is 500, if we do end up memeing nodes into reality. w-will i make it?

>> No.6964865
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stinky no-zcl havin pajeets shoo into a loo

>> No.6965778

Bitcoin Cash has difficulty readjusting every block. I think Bitcoin Private has a 62,500 coin premine, they are calling it something else though.

>> No.6966065
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Who is fucking ready

>> No.6966444

What chat was that in?

>> No.6966467
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Holy shit, I see some potential there. Normies tend to buy everything with "bitcoin" in it, so it can skyrocket soon.

>> No.6966473

holy fuck just die alreadyyyy

>> No.6966583
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Fuck monero

>> No.6967207

Pretty excited.

Let's gooooooooooooooooooo zMarines!

>> No.6967491
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Boys we're gonna make it so hard.

>> No.6967519

Bleh she's so fat

>> No.6967746

>mining pool to fund development & getting it on exchanges

Shiggy diggy.

>> No.6967876
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every fucking damn day, these artifical threads get posted.

Ban them, ban everyone that posts about ZCL. These threads are always reddit and beta as fuck.

I'm tired of seeing this shitcoin on here. Delete the thread and permaban all or rhetts shills including that 'omegadestroyer' tripfag


>> No.6967935
File: 69 KB, 840x420, san-diegos-largest-cash-seizure-ever-may-shed-light-on-an-overlooked-aspect-of-the-drug-trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am offering $1000 American (roughly .08635 BTC) to ANYONE that is able to brute force crack my Bitcoin Core wallet password. I live in the United States but I am willing to work with international people. Pls respond.

>> No.6967959


awnnn somebody missed the moon mission... better luck next time faglord

>> No.6968110
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Not really, it was $100 a day after the announcement. I don't care that I missed a 'moon mission' from a $2 abandoned shitcoin. Clear market manipulation and insider info.

Tell that 16 year old looking fuck rhett in boston he's getting knocked out along with his little shit son if I ever see him.

Every goddamn day you shill. It's sickening. I want to chop your balls off.

>> No.6968384
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This is the coin on 2018, hands down. Announcement on Sunday.

>> No.6968506


You're retarded... It was under 5$ when they announced the fork (december 19) and stayed under 5$ for at least 5 days.