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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6959828 No.6959828 [Reply] [Original]

My mum always told me that BTC is a bubble and a ponzi scheme and that I shouldn't invest anything in it. She said so at 3k. She said so at 7k. 13k. 20k. When it actually fell to 10k she was looking very pleased with herself.
Meanwhile, I've made 3k (5.5k before the "CRASH") from 300$ in this January run and few days ago has finally shown my folio to my parents. Mum was furious because of it and told me that it's "only numbers on a stupid website" and I've actually lost my 300 bucks. Dad agreed.
The next day I've been lurking through CMC when my dad came in. He asked me about my feelings about cryptomarket and I've started telling him. I think we've spent 4-5 hours talking.
Yesterday he came to me and said that he can give me 4400$ to "make something with them".

So, the question is:
/biz/, what is, in your opinion, is the best way to triple those 4.4k in a month or two?

>> No.6960085



>> No.6960132

if u buy anything other than xlm with your dads money just kys

>> No.6960145

Don't buy his bags.

>> No.6960210

>triple those 4.4k in a month or two?

Kek. Don't take his money. We will see a stron bear movement for 2-3months now. BTC will dip to 6-7k and alts will TANK HARD.

Remember it's a game anon.

>> No.6960241

Tell him to do the work himself. You don't want to be investing other peoples money anon

>> No.6960255

don't go all in
50% max in one coin

>> No.6960394

DBC by feb 24 should x5 at least.... NEO eurotour with DBC, RPX etc

>> No.6960403

1) He'll brag to his friends "I put in 4k and made 20k in bitcorns"
"Oh my son did it on that computer of his"

Or, "Well there goes the money I gave ya, don't say I didn't tell you this would happen."

>> No.6960474

>best way to triple those 4.4k in a month or two?
Don't know about triple, but listening to biz can certainly get you to 1/3

>> No.6960613

Be honest, anon. Do you understand the market? Probably not. You just invested your money at a lucky moment. Don't do it. Your Dad can do it himself. It could be another bear market for 6 months and then your boomer parents will be mad at you for "losing their money". Don't be your dad's portfolio manager for fucks sake.

>> No.6960628

he'll buy doges because he loves dogs

>> No.6960662

just go all in ICX and you'll triple your money on the 31st.

>> No.6960707
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ITT: Anon buys the bags of other Anons with his dads 401k.

I'm going to give it to you straight Anon.
Either you listen to these 13 year olds who think they've got the market figured out by their total sum of 8 hours in youtube/3 months on reddit research.

Or you're going to listen to a vet in this game who by accident stumbled upon this thread.

This month all in Posw Token until end of Feb, settle for a x3 on that,

Then take half and put it in Agoras tokens ( long term hold, i'm talking like a period of fucking 8 months )

And do whatever the fuck you want with the other half. Listen to biz, go with the hype and vaporware, make those 20%'s by following 2nd-3rd wave information,


>> No.6960713

that's a safe advice for a 4 digit amount

People might not agree with me but VEN XLM & LINK are pretty interesting. Don't expect à 3000% mooning soon tho

Best advice is don't invest if you can't take the loss. Cryptomarket isn't stock exchange. Lots of smart people here on BIZ, sometimes they're brilliant, sometimes it's a 12-year-old in mommy's basement.

>> No.6960827

1 Dont listen the fags who tell you to buy Link, it's a shitcoin
2 Say to your dad no fuck off, you can't risk his money retard, what if you lose them? Anything can happen in this market now, just don't invest his money, say him no and say him to learn and you can help him

>> No.6961048

Put it in Davorcoin and make interest

>> No.6961167

buy him telcoin and tell him you are helping to develop telephone banking technology in the third world