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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 208 KB, 1240x800, Logan-and-Jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955117 No.6955117 [Reply] [Original]

Im sure they'd love to scam a ton of kids shilling shit coins.

Think of their spear of influence... it would change the world.

Just tossing this idea out there. Its a win-win for everyone

>> No.6955161

We're already over inflated by autism, we don't need more.


>> No.6955191

They're already in on BAT, brah.

BAT's got the YouTube community on lock.

>> No.6955224


>> No.6955241

LOL loser

>> No.6955264

havent you seen the thinining?


>> No.6955302


yeah who doesnt want to spend money on a coin so that you can donate to people... I would not do it. Could be wrong people are totally retarded

>> No.6955669

BUMP. hows no one see this opportunity for what it is. they probably read every single comment on their youtube channels.

>> No.6955743

> spear of influence

>> No.6955796

Just no. Their audience of 10 year-olds will ask their parents to buy shitcoin x that he shills. The parents hate crypto already, they are definitely not buying crypto shilled by some douchebag

>> No.6955874


we all hate them but dont be deluded, they probably have 5x the leverage of john McAfee

>> No.6955905
File: 11 KB, 300x168, 1512860502847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6956132


Goddamn you're a brainlet. Is it really this hard to understand how BAT works?

>> No.6956227

Since when 12 yo kids can buy cryptocurrencies?

>> No.6956263

since its fucking 2018 and its trendy as fuck. we have a window here and its not very big, were in the spotlight, but for how long? if one exchange mt. gox'es us again it could all be over and hereby known as a scam. Get the younglings in NOW

>> No.6956514

fuck you guys. ill just comment on their videos my self. im sure it wont take much. thank me later fuckers

>> No.6956615

Oh look another person who necked himself in the woods cuz crypto. Keep these spastics away as long as possible.

>> No.6956675


>> No.6957020

They'll easily become billionaires within 10 years. My heros.