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6939253 No.6939253 [Reply] [Original]

the last bastion of hope for white men is dying.

>> No.6939532

im fucking baffled that they use the term "minority" unless they specifically mean "in the context of the united states." Bitcoin is a global thing and the writer is clearly retarded

>> No.6939656

90% of the non-whites are asians

i dont think we have anything to worry about

>> No.6939727
File: 2 KB, 139x129, 1514568280604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of the world's population are minorites
>Asians who make up the largest share of human beings are "minorities"

How did the world turn into absurd Orwellian newspeak bullshit?

>> No.6939732

Asian asians too, not sand people.

>> No.6939764

Indians are Aryan technically

>> No.6939775

how do they get these stats? from coinbase?

id say 99% of males still hold all of the btc

>> No.6939777



>> No.6939797

Whites are minorities in the US though

>> No.6939819

we wuz aryans sir

>> No.6939832

Yeah the fucking coin was invented by a "minority" Honestly we need to take azns out of that lt fucks up statistics to help ((them))

>> No.6939841

Who cares, we're never gonna go away

>> No.6939858

A single white guy standing among thousands of minorities on a Beijing street.

>> No.6939871

We in this bitch

>> No.6939917

in 50 years women and niggers will be complaining about the crypto gender and race gap

>> No.6939951

50 years from now we won't be talking about crypto. Theres a different technology that is going to be bigger.

>> No.6939976

they already are

>> No.6939990


>> No.6940021

>crypto confirmed for being full of young black men

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You retards are taking investing advice Tyrone.

>> No.6940218

>Yeah the fucking coin was invented by a "minority"
Satoshi isn't his actual name anon, most people think he's a white guy. Most likely Nick Szabo.

>> No.6940273

Pure energy would make the best money. Maybe antimatter in somekinda magnetic storage thing would get pretty close. And you could burn it and shoot the power to someone else's "wallet" through quantum entanglement.

>> No.6940335
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>> No.6940359

Affirmative action in cities like Baltimore. This is clown world.

>> No.6940364

It was Elon Musk. It’s essentially been confirmed by Elon himself. Think about it - he invented online banking and online payment.

>> No.6940406


Satoshi is either dead or the most righteous visionary autist the internet has ever seen, since he hasn't appeared to claim his spotlight or cash in on his 1 million BTC

>> No.6940417

>He doesn't realize whites are a minority to asians

Hmm... I guess the 'chink overlords' meme is becoming real.

>> No.6940481

doesn't matter crypto ends the jews so race equity will be restored

>> No.6940557

no they aren't

>> No.6940592
File: 267 KB, 480x527, 1505980041580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this just for the US?
Or the retard who wrote this article is referring to 2/3 of the world population as "minority"?

>> No.6940605

thank fuck for that, you guys suck

>> No.6940633

Liberals in America are cancer that need the rope

>> No.6940726

You're welcome for the antibiotics and electricity.

>> No.6940832

>thinking those 1million are the only BTC satoshi has
>thinking an anonymous genius of that magnitude wouldn't just accumulate some BTC at an address he didn't tell anyone about
>thinking he wouldn't ever invest in other cryptos that improve on the bitcoin formula
people are so fucking dumb holy fuck

>> No.6940845

Instead they're given special treatment and leadership positions.

>> No.6940884

bitcoin was created by a non-white

>> No.6940933

ok CNN chill

>> No.6941714
File: 31 KB, 620x349, 1386203529430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greenspan is Satoshi. Bix told me.