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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6936871 No.6936871 [Reply] [Original]

God damn, we are up there boys. People can hate on the roadmap all they want but these guys know what they're doing. They didn't want to create an artificial pump on their coin, they are doing this shit extremely intelligently.

Underpromising and WAY overperforming is the way to go in crypto, not shit like justin sun and your pajeet coin teams that shill the fuck out of their own coin any time a partnership is mentioned.

Hop on an actual coin or get left behind men.

>> No.6937009

whats it going to tonight
its going up i know that much

>> No.6937038
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>> No.6937059

ez 70s. Keep the pressure sideways for a day, plusminus a few cents. Then they release market maker news. Baamm.

>> No.6937075


>> No.6937226

Its not.

It was a dollar a month ago rando

>> No.6937332

I was there and didn't sell.
This "rando" got in at 750sats. I just thought the asians would dump it is all.

>> No.6937345

the snake is flipping the bird to grandpa mcbutterpants and mooning anyway it's glorious

>> No.6937357

people realized all the next shitcoins are going to be build on stellar

also exchange is going to make it insane

i am getting a rock hard fucking boner looking at the potential of this beast

>> No.6937381

Real-world partnerships.
Professional team.
Actual tech development.

Comfiest hold ever.

>> No.6937464

you know how there are thousands of erc tokens?
there will be even more stellar tokens since they're even easier to pump out
honestly going to learn code just so i can do it myself
my first idea would be a pyramid scheme coinlike futereum but with 0 fees. futereum is charging 15% fees which was a bad idea since no one will want to buy into their pyramid scheme
but mine will have no fees, the way i make money will be just to buy up the entire first level lol

>> No.6937470

Never hit a dollar fag bottom

>> No.6937530

>told you fags to go all in during the dip earlier
so fucking comfy right now

>> No.6937542

By the way look up ponzicoin, somebody already did that. I'm too lazy to get in but people that got in very early already have CRAZY gains

>> No.6937584

Hi. I'm an avid Stellar fan just like you. I even created a meme about a money snake using the candle graphs and it has its own life now which I find amazing. I really enjoy seeing other people post about it and to read the joy it brings.

>> No.6937647

seriously, why would you charge fees when you can just buy up the first level
then even if no one buys in you get your money back after the expiration date when your pyramid coins get converted back into stellar so there's 0 risk

>> No.6937771

XLM will be worth $1,000 by EOY. cap this. do it. I double dog dare you.

>> No.6937797

I'll be happy with $10

>> No.6937813

Ha just imagine the scenes though. Bunch of morons becoming instant millionaires

>> No.6937851

trips of 7
kek has spoken

>> No.6937873

That requires a trillion dollar market cap. Not happening. Maybe $3 - $5

>> No.6937896
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>> No.6937913
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>> No.6937925

>what is circulating supply

>> No.6937957

anime fag looking for double digits on the interwebs

>> No.6937976

Shh, he’s trying to fit in anon

>> No.6938020

I bought at 4k lol and sold at 5. Should have held, oh well. I still believe in the coin and its future, I just dont know when to buy back in. Think itll break 4k again?

>> No.6938026
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>hought the asians wou

>> No.6938091

Hi. I'm an avid Stellar fan just like you. I even created a meme about a money snake using the candle graphs and it has its own life now which I find amazing. I really enjoy seeing other people post about it and to read the joy it brings

>> No.6938103

>trying to call trips when it isn't actually trips.
how fucking new are you faggot

>> No.6938122

Hi. I'm an avid Stellar fan just like you. I even created a meme about a money snake using the candle graphs and it has its own life now which I find amazing. I really enjoy seeing other people post about it and to read the joy it brings

>> No.6938155
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>> No.6938191

Only 17 billion circulating now

>> No.6938192

buttcoin is bleeding, tether is bullshit, and literally everyone stole the autism right from that russians brain and made their own version of ether. The normies will buy steller because even a fucking pajeet will be able to use an XLM exchange and you will actually be able to cash out without feeling like youre an international criminal on the run. 2018 will be the year of the LUMEN

>> No.6938237

Not possible until 2020 when it becomes the global reserve currency in which all value is stored

>> No.6938293

well you're getting $1,000, deal with it.