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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 813 KB, 2560x1360, HEY HEY HEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6922440 No.6922440 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for the easy money, fellow anons.

>> No.6922505

broke even!!!

>> No.6922517

seriously ethmask is't working let me get some back

>> No.6922555
File: 135 KB, 300x300, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that someone put in over 32 eth and another put in 20 eth and weren't able to withdraw fast enough

>> No.6922563
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>/biz/ managed to lose money

>> No.6922569
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>> No.6922571

Good job. Was aiming for 4x, only got 2x, which was quite a poor performance. But hey, at least it is profit.
I wonder how that 20 ETH guy is feeling right now.

>> No.6922590
File: 84 KB, 694x694, 1516234911554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, why would someone put money into this legit ponzi scheme? xD

>> No.6922591

I was in the first 5 to invest

put in a total of 0.5 ETH

got out in the 5 minute panic

transform my 0.5 ETH in 4 ETH

not bad

gotta watch this ponzi lie a madman

>> No.6922593

Fucking idiots. How many times must you retards go through this to understand THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EASY MONEY?

>> No.6922597
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/biz/ bamboozled again?


>> No.6922611

I hope that cuckold that was screaming "GET OUT NOW" is happy that he fudded this thing to death and caused everyone (except me) to lose money. I atleast got out with a x2

>> No.6922632


This ponzi is fucking retarded. It should not be able to crash, people should only be able to sell if their is enough liquidity.

Can someone make a new contract WITHOUT those retarded rules? thanks

>> No.6922633

0.5 ETH remaining only...


>> No.6922656

People buying ponzi coin deserve to get burned. They're essentially making fun of everyone who got rekt by bitconnect which is shameful.

Bitconnecters have suffered enough.

>> No.6922703

abloo bloo

>> No.6922713
File: 83 KB, 893x544, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG OP here, sorry guys. Not my fault that you all have weak hands. I lost 1 ETH at the last ponzicoin. Dubs decides what I put as the header on the website

>> No.6922726

>beanie baby mad he didn't get rich off of the tail ends of a ponzi

>> No.6922754

>Can someone make a ponzi that makes everybody money please? thanks
/biz/ in a nutshell

You better be larping.

>> No.6922757

8 eth guy, can you send me the last 0.5. don't know how to cash out

>> No.6922777

They all thought they're getting on ground level.

>> No.6922795

"Weak-handed faggots like you are why we can't have nice things."

>> No.6922802
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i got out with x8

>> No.6922805

Are you larping? What's your address

>> No.6922806


>> No.6922813

Man, /biz/ can't shill for shit. The reddit posts only had a handful of upvotes.

Glad I stayed out.

>> No.6922824

Why doesn't everyone just keep going i don't get it! We could make so much money out of plebbit etc

>> No.6922856

>"Weak-handed faggots like you are why we can't have nice things."


0.5 to 4 ETH

thanks you fucking fags

>> No.6922866

Hey OP. Nice job getting the 2.0 up so fast
Now please implement Johoes ponzi contract and combine it with the pajeets metamask frontent.

Shouldnt be too hard..
With the Johoe model it should be possible to get much bigger since it doesn't double but just increases price by a percentage with each sold token. Sop there will be no sellwaves after doubling and panic is less likely and everybody will feel like they profit with each sale

>> No.6922878

yes just lower the rate

buy at 0.002 ETH
sell at 0.001 ETH

>> No.6922879
File: 37 KB, 399x385, p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This ponzi is fucking retarded. It should not be able to crash, people should only be able to sell if their is enough liquidity.
/biz/ 2018 ladies and gentlemen

>> No.6922911

Johoes contract: https://test.jochen-hoenicke.de/eth/ponzitoken/

>> No.6922923


>> No.6922929

I'm actually hurting real bad too, could you send me 4eth which I could have gotten. I don't really know what to say man but if you could help me out ill get out of crypto and go back to my honest life. that 8k was a lot of money to me


>> No.6922931


Come on mate, why would you create a clear scam for the lulz which can simply fail by adding the extra functionality of cashing out at 1/4 of price? That's just retarded. Without that functionality you will only have bagholders, not people who see their money get taken by panic sellers.

this and only sell when one double has occured

>> No.6922956

Congrats man you took the last bit of it


>> No.6922972
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>> No.6923025

I dont think that would even be possible since the contract would need to keep track of which tokens were bought at which price.
I mean its possible but much more complicated to add to the contract.
That cant just be hacked in

>> No.6923042 [DELETED] 
File: 812 KB, 1200x800, jrjBgvz2dZEsMTfIILnhtwNRBXckJr86ztdMM80CCJiHE6qlN3yV5c1ElmKw3yZq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the douche that put up 20 eth. Lost it all because was on the shitter. Please if anyone could send any sort of scraps to my address I'll forever be in your gratitude. I'm about to neck myself because of this shitsite.


>> No.6923045
File: 1.81 MB, 1200x1505, 1515093409112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some pink wojacks

>> No.6923056

Give me a quick rundown. I see this coin is not new, but never heard about it. Where's all the fun goes on?

>> No.6923071

Greentext this shit for me, what the fuck is this? Casino/Russian roulette coin which redistributes monies?

>> No.6923083


>> No.6923088


Good point, didn't think about that

>> No.6923099

>begging for scraps
>wallet address worth $100,000
Gas yourself instead

>> No.6923116
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>Fell to pyramid scheme this easily

>> No.6923137

status of 3.0?

>> No.6923139
File: 377 KB, 2371x1410, larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek nice LARP

plus I see the same address literally gambled 100 ETH in etheroll multiple times 180 days ago

>> No.6923140

*2 is way to high.
Makes it *1.15

>> No.6923146

Liar. I’m the 20 Eth Guy. Got out 10. Zero fucks given. Already quit wagecucking do not pity me. Ignore this bitter jealous pleb.

>> No.6923150

>You buy in at X price
>You can sell at 1/4 the buy price
>Buy/Sell price doubles after certain tresholds are met
>Can only sell as long as smart contract has money

What happened was
>NO money
>bunch of idiots scammed

>> No.6923157

nice just bought 100k

>> No.6923164

Check your wallet

>> No.6923166
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>> No.6923204

Hey buddy if your not larping
Fuck that money man, chill out, it aint that important. Step away from the markets, go outside and forget about this shit.

>> No.6923205

this. When is /biz/ launching 3.0


Who will run 3.0 ? click is ticking anons. Start coding now or cry later

>> No.6923221
File: 553 KB, 2533x1668, larp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this is the 20ETH guy

20ETH man is a known gambler

>> No.6923246

So eventually the market just freezes when there's no money left? And you're not able to sell to each other, just some central contract?

>> No.6923251
File: 24 KB, 384x248, 1516404621002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retards actually putting money in a fucking ponzi that outright states that they're a ponzi and will scam you
Truly the world isn't anymore what it used to be MMM MMM NO NO NO

>> No.6923262

need to make it back

>> No.6923283
File: 189 KB, 1080x1080, smuggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you want to double down your losses anon

>> No.6923301

And how long does it usually take before the coin collapses?

>> No.6923307

alright I appreciate it, 4eth would really help pay my bills, but I understand if you didn't make any money. I gotta lie down

>> No.6923317

>implying win or loose this isnt the most exciting thing thiis year

>> No.6923365


It's blowing my mind how many people are angry because they bought into a transparent scam.

Like just because it was honest about being a scam meant that they wouldn't get scammed lmao. It even has a disclaimer seeing it's a pyramid scheme and that you'll lose your money more than likely if you invest jesus christ it'd be less embarrassing to have invested in dragon dildos.

It's a nice social experiment at the very least showing that crypto really is just bullshit

>> No.6923383

you bring tear to my eye anon

>> No.6923394

If you enjoy this gambling search for bustabit com

>> No.6923401

i though it was a meme coin

>> No.6923436


>> No.6923474

Last time 1 day.
This time 6 hours.

>> No.6923527

Next time, 2 hours? kek

>> No.6923558


>> No.6923590
File: 147 KB, 1440x1662, 1516898654492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6923617

Got a nice 3.5 ETH in this one

/biz you never ceaze to amaze me

I am waiting for 3.0

>> No.6923647

Probably kek.
The thing about these, is that the newest attempt, people always cash out earlier than the previous one feel safe. That's why I was initially ready to sell at 1.28 ETH. But as soon as I felt that the momentum was lost at 0.64 ETH, I sold for a smaller profit. Well, it still somewhat worked out in the end, but now I don't think another ponzicoin day will get enough support to make it worth the risk. Maybe we need to change the scheme somewhat and the name.

>> No.6923709

1) half the investors are ITT.
2)the doubling method is flawed

>> No.6923721

nah ur legit retarded

knowing all variables it was obvious that getting in when we could was very nearly a guaranteed profit

the only thing that could of stopped it was exactly what occured, or the creator selling off his 200 coins to cash out. from the way the site was setup it was pretty clear he wasnt gonna do that - he's a jester not a scammer.

he did the right thing though, if it let it run a lot of people would have got insanely burned because they cant do basic math

>> No.6923764

The solution to 3.0 has already been posted ITT:

Some anon just needs to make that contract work with pajeets metamask frontend and we are ready to roll. He should probably also add text to the front page and explain why 1.0 and 2.0 collapsed and why 3.0 is going to the moon.

>> No.6923769
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, sayori crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging out with Sayori!

>> No.6923786

There's no problem if they are in this thread. We need to get investors from outside of /biz/ anyway next time. The fact that ponzicoin had already had its run and crash the day before made it unappealing to ledditors.

>> No.6923794

apollo 13 moon mission!!

>> No.6923802

This needs a method to stop people from panic cashing out. When the wallet drops below the previous threshold, the price should be cut in half. That way the scheme can run forever.

>> No.6923819

You mean >>6922866
yeah, I'm looking into it.

>> No.6923833

damn.... thats smart
say 100 eth cap?

>> No.6923867


>> No.6923870

>This needs a method to stop people from panic cashing out. When the wallet drops below the previous threshold, the price should be cut in half. That way the scheme can run forever.

you mean like an orderbook?

>> No.6923888



Oh look its bitconnect all over again!

>> No.6923909
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>> No.6923935

Nah you're a fucking cuck goof for losing money in a transparent scam. Sorry bro. Hey hey heeeyyyyyyy!!!

>> No.6923938
File: 246 KB, 611x505, KvzNxH6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 eth nigger literally lost over half of it
>24 eth nigger lost 3/4 of it
I fucking told you niggers from the start how this would end up, but no, you wanted to give this pajeet free money for a 2nd time in less than 24hrs, good fucking job.


>> No.6924003
File: 93 KB, 900x900, 1509658523414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz never disappoints

>> No.6924074

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.6924120

Shout out to anon who invested 0.1 for me in the Ponzi and although managed to net 1 ETH profit (my entire stack size), hasn't returned my 0.1 lol
I know I was stupid but damn don't you believe in karma? Poor form Anon.
If you grow a conscience:

>> No.6924123

It's a fucking redistribution. Someone's gain is someone's loss. Someone pays. There's no 'nearly guaranteed' profit in a ponzi.

>> No.6924182

The lesson you will learn from losing your ETH is more valuable than the meagre sum stolen from you by the guy

>> No.6924312
File: 677 KB, 1000x764, GW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop fucking begging, its easy as FUCK to regain a 10% loss

many of us on /biz/ have been down 40-90% of our entire stack and rebounded WITHOUT begging

>> No.6924375

yeah im down to even after 1 month of cryptos... i recently put it all in on an alt coin because i was overdiversified and that dipped back down. i dont know what to do to make it boys..

>> No.6924549

not everyone makes it, maybe you're one of them. Just cope with it.

>> No.6924627

you literally put money in a ponzi scheme and just managed to break even.

Think more before you invest into things.
Apply yourself

t. Somebody who's been -60% of my ATH at one time, -75% of my ATH at another time and still made a hefty profit at the end.

>> No.6924687

Who’s address is that? Also ponzicoin.us was made by a different person

>> No.6924690

>Biz constantly bitches about Pajeets
>Biz invests in pajeet run ponzi coin

>> No.6924699

Damn you're stupid it hurts me

>> No.6924787

3.0 when?
Need to accumulate more losses asap

>> No.6924839
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>some people put their entire stack in this

>> No.6924878
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>> No.6924898
File: 1.41 MB, 3508x2480, hang out with Sayori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys retard
good lord you guys are fucking stupid

>> No.6924925


>> No.6924985

put in 0.05 eth. cash out 3.2 eth
Thanks ponzi boys

>> No.6925013

nobody is actually stupid enough to buy this are they

>> No.6925058

i'm the only one waiting for ponzicoin 3.0?

was a fun ride

>> No.6925092

You have the retards thinking they will scam reddit, and the less retarded who think they will scam /biz/ brainlets.

>> No.6925148

this desu
Im sure some anon is already frantically buying hosting and copy pasing from github to make it happen

take my energy pajeet-anon

>> No.6925226

>2 days in a row where I got to see a Ponzi from inception to exit scam
>Mfw it's the same ponzi

>> No.6925483

we need the guy who made it to join discord so we can call you a cuck and then get 3.0 to succeed.


>> No.6925958


>> No.6926071

you lost money, move on.

>> No.6926119


>> No.6926186

3.0 is coming I can smell it

>> No.6926196

im too impulsive for this daytrading moon mission shit but got in too late to /makeit/. im stuck being a wageslave for life i guess.

>> No.6926239

To make this huge, all that needs to be changed is to make the contract always solvent.

>> No.6926296

Whew lads I am legit laughing my ass off in public

This was quite something to get to watch twice

>> No.6926368

I'm in the same boat.

Didn't invest but was in the original thread waiting for the inevitable fallout.

>Idiots think that they will scam reddit.
>Cleverer idiots realise it's easier to just scam bizraelis

>> No.6926395

When did it become not profitable to buy ponzi coin?

>> No.6926419

why not both?
I await the third coming.

>> No.6926452

When it hit 0.16 ETH. People who bought at 0.08 and below made a profit.

>> No.6926836

i don't wanna alert you ppl but 3.0 is coming

>> No.6926903
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>> No.6927026

If they make an actual viable scheme I think it could do both.

I stayed out because the system was way to unstable to predict when to exit, I never thought it'd multiple many times before someone dumped.

The main issue is the exponential increase is too high, the selling at 1/4 is fine, the price just needs to be altered so that it raises on a more gradual gradient rather than a sharp exponential increase maybe even just increase the price by 1/2 percent each purchase this way you will dupe far more people and have a more reliable number of pajeets buying in feeling more "secure" and a longer lifespan of the scam.

The doubling each time system makes it almost impossible for more than a few people other than the original holder to profit so people who aren't retards will steer clear. I thought about doing something like this a few months back but lack the skills to create a site/contract/token or i'd do it myself

>> No.6927222

>has trouble with current scheme solvency
>proposes one that is less solvent

>> No.6927228


>> No.6927277
File: 51 KB, 800x450, notsurprisedkirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I don't know what you idiots were expecting.

>> No.6927316

I'd not buy in regardless to someone else's ponzi scheme i'm just saying it'd be a slower burn but would have longer legs to hit the million mark if that's the goal

>> No.6927662

So now people are just doing blatant Ponzi schemes. The absolute state of /biz/ or should I say Ponzi?

>> No.6927737

you literally check a box that says, "this is a scheme and you will most likely lose money." These people art only asking for it, they are paying for it.

>> No.6927801

I wish ponzi.io was still around. That site was the shit. No levels or anything like that - every time someone bought into the scheme, the price went up. After the price stagnated for 24 hours (or whatever), the price reset and the scheme started over. There was only ever one bag holder but a shit load of winners, and if you didn't get in early you could always wait for the pyramid to reset.

>> No.6928013


I agree. It would be cool if the price went up every time someone made a deposit, based on how much they put in. It would make the site feel much more exciting because you could watch the number go up and up by small amounts every second.

It would take more skill from the player, since they would have to constantly monitor the current price. It would also incentivize them to be greedier and keep their money in the pot longer.

>> No.6928104

It's not a game though it's a scam, the numbers going up would be a good psychological FOMO though

>> No.6928195

I have skills to make this but I'm too depressed to do it. But I'll try...

>> No.6928268

ahahahahahaha massive KEK, i remember anons telling me im stupid to cash out x4 and "are you stupid it can't go to 0" mwhahahahah fucking latefags rekt again after trx disaster, they never learn

>> No.6928306
File: 35 KB, 572x299, I+did+it+to+bailey+jay+and+did+the+man+_a76c42d3bc7527f0ee5d6e252abfab9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros. What's the next ponzi?

>> No.6928325

wait, so you can't sell now at all?

>> No.6928394

can you not sell at the listed price?

>> No.6928416
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>> No.6928447


It's only a scam if the operator decides to the empty the pot into their own account.

Otherwise it's just a betting game with the rules enforced by code. Every time a player makes a deposit, they're betting that other players will be greedy enough to keep feeding into the pot. If the player is right, they'll make a bunch of money. If they're wrong, they'll lose a maximum of 75% of their original investment.

>> No.6928457

no you got ponzid anon. There was a panic and everybody cashed out depleting the contract

>> No.6928529

they lose 100% if there's no money left in the contract

>> No.6928591
File: 624 KB, 600x570, CcUZLg6XEAEKebX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord's cooking something good boys
brand new contract

>> No.6928610


here pal

>> No.6928654

The operator is only running the scam to empty the pot into their own account though.

You're acting like this is some fun thing done in good nature when it's really a ponzi scheme directed at those "too smart" for ponzi schemes by being transparent giving them a false sense of control over the outcome.

The operator will empty the pot everytime and is right to do so. I'd do the exact same. It's a PONZI SCHEME, what more do you expect.

>> No.6928722

Unless 3.0 were to have no premine.......


>> No.6928736

nope, 3.0 will be not preminated

>> No.6928820

No premine
Can't get drained

>> No.6928831
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>> No.6928835

or escape hatch?

>> No.6928846

how did this crash? I thought the funds were gauranteed by the smart contract? I saw the threads last night about the original, but what happend with this 2.0 version?

>> No.6928867


The original author of PonziCoin did allocate 200,000 tokens to himself, but he never sold them. You can verify this on the blockchain. There’s no reason why the next PonziCoin couldn’t remove this line of code, or instead allocate something like 1 token to the operator.

>> No.6928874

don't pepe me pajeet

>> No.6928969

>I thought the funds were gauranteed by the smart contract
me too. oh well.

>> No.6928980


The funds ARE guarunteed by the contract. People here are just idiots. The funds didn’t get drained, the bag holders just withdrew their PonziCoins for a loss, which is the intended outcome.

>> No.6929040

i still have ponzi i can't withdraw because contract is at 0

>> No.6929041

this. When people start taking the 75% loss the contract is doomed

If this gets relaunched contract needs t be tweaked

>> No.6929049
File: 33 KB, 373x550, 1475070047121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, the guy who put 20 eth into ponzicoin got bitconnected :P

i'm not surprised that some of you put money into this poniz game xD.


>> No.6929163


>> No.6929221


ill buy them from u

>> No.6929233

Or maybe we just tell reddit there is a mechanism that lets it run foever, but we all have premiums that let us cash out earlier.

>> No.6929244
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 1_g4zsvHxslR-946bI_twV-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've now been fucked hard by ponzicoin twice. All week has been a fucking, first ethorse, then the brue moon ICX fud, and then this.

Then I got justed again this morning. I love you /biz/ but moments like these are breaking my heart, and my stack.

I have around one eth to my name not even, I don't even wanna look at my metamask. I woke up this morning heartbroken by the royal pajeeting last night after a week of losses, and I saw this.

I need to just hodl omg or something, god I feel low.

>> No.6929246

He's gonna get it all back with 3.0

>> No.6929286
File: 41 KB, 778x512, DKEhrJ1VAAAT9Yt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the opposite of 20eth guy but I need to get into 3.0

>> No.6929329

lmao why?

>> No.6929345
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, 3ibhr22wekb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhahahahahahhahahaha lol get fucked nigger

>> No.6929402


Interesting. I'll admit I haven't the run numbers myself. There must be a way to prevent this from happening next time.

>> No.6929405

ill post my gfs nudes if someone puts in .5 so i can cash out

>> No.6929428

Can’t the contract be altered so that you can’t cash out unless you’re in profit? Makes it more risky for late comers, but helps keep the whole thing more stable

>> No.6929430

The operator didn’t dump the contract, the users dumped the contract. Check it for yourslef

>> No.6929438

>first ethorse
mainnet out in feb, as soon as it gets on centralized exchanges it will go well. Did you buy @ 0.00023+ ETH?

>> No.6929447


Sent ;)

>> No.6929511
File: 322 KB, 699x605, carlos2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit, just for the sake of fun, i will put 0.1 eth into ponzicoin 3.0 xD.

as carlos told us the world is not anymore the way it used to be, so ponzicoin will make us rich quick. haha

>> No.6929526

and here I was yesterday thinking : people can't be retarded enough to put their money into a ponzi when it is literally said it is a ponzi ?

Don't underestimate greed

>> No.6929618

The premine didn’t drain the contract you idiot, that won’t change anything

>> No.6929702

New contract won't have the ability to drain
t. literally the dev working on it right now

>> No.6929829

I got into HORSE at .00022 got rid of bags at 00017 when it bounced up briefly from 00015.

Ilike ethorse a lot and think it has great potential if they include graphics down the line. It's already a fun site and the devs are nice on discord.

I want to get in on it again but I'm so stretched right now. I have like 1 eth left tops after this week/month, and I'm a newfag trying to learn how to grow efficiently.

>> No.6930427

holy fuck that's genius

>> No.6930432

Holy fucking shit, people are stupid here. Let me do the an example for you:
>early people buy 1 ETH worth of ponzi at the initial price of 0.01 ETH, then 2 ETH worth of ponzi at 0.02 ETH, then 4 ETH worth at 0.04 ETH, then 8 ETH worth at 0.08 ETH
>together, they have 400 coins
>now, each coin is worth 0.16 ETH
>latecomers buy another 100 coins at that price
>it's now worth 0.32 ETH, 500 coins sold in total
>100*0.01 + 100*0.02 + 100*0.04 + 100*0.08 + 100*0.16 = 31 ETH total inside the smart contract
>firstcomers start to cash out, every panic sells
>500*(0.32/4) = 40 ETH
>smart contract only has 31 ETH left
>some people become unable to sell at all, not even for a 75% loss

>> No.6930471

This is actually a good way to make easy gains as long as you get in early. You could have flipped those 0.1 into 0.4 easy

>> No.6930815


>> No.6931175

if i have tokens from the old one will i be able to transfer them to the new one?

>> No.6931234

they're different contracts, srry bud

>> No.6931296

>still doesnt realized he got ponz’ed

>> No.6931604


>> No.6931641


>> No.6931694
File: 8 KB, 259x194, ponzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see, the demand for ponzicoin 3.0 is strong xD.

>> No.6932002


Holy shit, you're right

>> No.6932474

OG OP here. I'll sell the domain ponzicoin.us if anyone is interested, make an offer. Otherwise I'll keep it and update it in a month when there's new normies

>> No.6932535
