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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6920774 No.6920774 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t help but shake the feeling this is it
>no more massive gains
>no more moon missions
>already had more media hype than we could ever hope for
>market cap of 1/2 trillion
>anyone who was gonna get in has by now after media hype
>those who were smart already cashed out
We will need to see another 500 billion dollars worth of money funneled in to see gains like in December, do you really think that even has a sliver of possibility?

>> No.6920815

Welcome to the bear market where only the actual good TA users and traders survive you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.6920831

I don't think we're done for but we are in an extremely gay bear market rn

>> No.6920862

yes big year 2018 many money to make will enjoy sir

>> No.6920921

>do you really think that even has a sliver of possibility?
No, I don't.

>> No.6920963
File: 121 KB, 923x634, DE74A5E5-CE00-4941-8506-739F38C5644B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh TA meme graphs
Yea that will predict government regulation FUDs and magically make another 500 billion dollars flood into the market you low IQ faggot.
Very good sir buy VEN sir most coin best of market very much gains! Yea I think the ship has sailed anons.

>> No.6920984

First, nobody really predicted that kind of run up at the end of 2017 so to say that "that's it" seems shortsighted. Second, the aspects of blockchain technology that makes it useful will never really lose its value proposition unless something comes along that makes it convincingly obsolete.

>> No.6921039

This is true on so many levels...

>> No.6921075

Ah the fomo state of mind. Sell low and then fomo in when everything starts blowing up again. December spoiled people and brought in tons of retarded money.

Markets work like this idiot. Things go up and then they go down and then wow it happens all over again!

>> No.6921198

>crypto is done

every dip the same recently JUST'd latefags come out and shit their pants.
relax OP, you just got spoiled by the last spastic-tier daily gains.

>> No.6921854

Let’s be real do you really think the banks and governments will allow another bull run like December to happen after crypto is on everyone’s radar?

>> No.6921909
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Its fucking over check the fucking graphs

>> No.6921962

Market seems normal to me. Smart people avoided losing much of their profits by moving into safer:stable coins or usd. Don’t use tether scam btw retards shit is gonna exit scam you one day.

>> No.6922084

OP you can make money even in a bear market if you're smart. 4PGXm4v join this discord server. INstead of sitting there crying, maybe you can actually make money with others who are in the same boat. PnD is a good way to make money

>> No.6922135

Pajeet found. Launch the missiles boys. You’ll find him based on the scent of his own shit in the street next to his hut

>> No.6922194

Crypto is a miniscule fraction of world economy.

>> No.6922206
File: 153 KB, 769x790, 1514187499630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na its just getting started kid, many normies still need to get in, i already began to hear them in the restaurants and bars I frequent, they think Ripple is god lol haha! Every Day we will make new bag holders stay sharp and make those gains biz bros, you will truly know when this ride is over, its just the beginning

>> No.6922222

OP just do simple math. If Bitcoin has a total supply of 21 million (circulating much lower) and there are around 8 billion people on earth,
how much do you think it will be worth if everyone wants to have a decimal of a bitcoin?

Better yet take NEO. These aren't devisible! If everyone on earth would want to have 1 NEO how much do you think will the price shoot up?

>> No.6922241
File: 21 KB, 250x226, 3C7DAC1B-E635-4A7F-B4CE-6937D908D8AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes alone from this board were worth any money I may lose
Yes very good sir discord group do very much monies! We have girls even show Bob pls join!
^thats all this board is these days is shills shilling whatever they are invested in, they’ve scammed enough people to put the Normies money that we need to keep this thing afloat away.

>> No.6922332

Oh, acolytes of candle fortunetelling. Check your head for brain

>> No.6922364

I've been up 10 to 30 percent every day this week.
How about you buy non-shitcoins, you whiny fuck.

>> No.6922404

>he thinks in weeks
normalfag spotted

>> No.6922435

the days of pump and dump shitcoins going 10x in a week are probably over. there is still money to be made in good coins but that money will have to come from people dumping shitcoins since there is no new money coming in. coins with large market caps aren't going anywhere fast no matter how good they are

>> No.6922448


>> No.6922525

>the classic hodler
>"I'm...s-s-still u-up this ten percent m-month", he tells himself
>"It's j-j-j-just the j-january dip", he prays
kys faggot.

>> No.6922723

Nice digits, yea the math seems like we’ve reached a limit as I stated earlier anyone interested in digital meme money is already in. Using the entire world population is a far stretch considering like 3 billion people are living in poverty, do you think a billion mud men in Africa are ever going to buy a bitcoin let alone use a computer? Get real.
Buying a chink ETH rip-off..... come on man at least go ICX and go with the gooks. You will thank me later.
Keep chasing those pump and dumps lad see where it gets you over the next year KEK. Remember for every one brag fagging day trader there are ten out there who lost 1000’s and are now holding bags

>> No.6922728

Yeah it was fun. Loved dips because of the wojacks.

>> No.6922779

this anon knows his shit, exactly just getting started

>> No.6922840

Its just a bear market you goob. Deal with it.

>> No.6922867

> TA users

I don't think I've seen one TA prediction in the last month that hasn't been wrong.

>> No.6922939

Because it’s a meme that doesn’t take into account things like governments announcing regulations, bans, recessions etc. you can’t predict the future.

>> No.6923066

More people get into it every day, will only go up

>> No.6923144

Just wait for March. It will be fucking glorious.
There are more people in crypto right now than we could ever hope for.

>> No.6923227
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kek at your posts. how much have you lost OP?

>> No.6923238

i was thinking the other way around. /biz/ thinks in 1 min candle charts. not months.

>> No.6923288

>Second, the aspects of blockchain technology that makes it useful will never really lose its value
Maybe. But whatever uses it may have, crypto currency is not among them. So don't count on block chain to make you money in crypto

>> No.6923293

Neo was an example. ICX has even higher supply than neo and bitcoin.
>not holding both neo and icx

>> No.6923335

You guys seem incapable of incorporating any possibility of negative outcomes into your views. That should be a warning sign to you right there.

>> No.6923349

No, we're on a break until more USD trading pairs appear. The market will multiply again once alt coins become decoupled from BTC, might take a year though.

>> No.6923393

>i already began to hear them in the restaurants and bars I frequent, they think Ripple is god lol

>> No.6923492

Pump and dump discord groups are like the "360 noscope xD" of crypto

>> No.6923523

Yeah. I like the ones with the microphone where he's singing a song. Some of 'em were pretty good.

>> No.6923530

Bear market. If crypto was done for good it would have already crashed much harder than this. Wait it out or sell if you think it'll go a lot lower in short term.

>> No.6923637

How about some coin being used in actual application faggot?

Buttcoin has already let that opportunity pass, if some other coin or various coins actually start being used in the real world beyond their whitepapers and bullshit websites, more money can get in

>> No.6923896

>anyone interested in digital meme money is already in
I don't really think this is true. Many normans are still very leery of crypto in general and may not hop on board until it has been around for much longer.

This is why I think Monero will end up as one of the most important cryptocurrency.

>> No.6923964

>If crypto was done for good it would have already crashed much harder than this
Well, 50% really is pretty hard. It takes a while to let all the steam out. Look at the dotcom bust.

>> No.6924130
File: 67 KB, 571x800, Mr-Freeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just for Men
>tfw not actually man

fuck off OP and the rest of you weak-hearted faggots
leave the profits to those with the balls to take a risk ALBEIT ONE OF THE EASIEST RISKS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND
think of all the crazy shit our ancestors have risked over the past millions of years, all oyu have to do is transfer funds from one place to another, wait, shit post, wait some more then PROFIT

>> No.6924224

lambo or death motherfuckers

>> No.6924391

Bit coin and crypto is becoming a cult, shit coin should have already crashed hard, at least with the for .com boom there were companies with real world products and assets. There will be people holding on to Bit coin bags for years thinking the crash rise pattern will continue indefinitely.

>> No.6924499
File: 104 KB, 1024x653, E00415DD-7086-4104-A8AA-80CDFF813D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a coin that focuses on anonymity won’t be the first to go during regulation
You think the ZOG wants you to be able to buy anything without them knowing? >>6923964
This, if we were in the early stages sure a 50% crash we could recover from but this far along in the game? Come on I know we all want to keep making money but when are we gonna face reality? Do you really think (((they))) are gonna let a huge transfer of wealth happen and a new financial industry emerge they don’t already control?

>> No.6924503

>implying dealers dont re-up with crypto

>> No.6924518

yeah im down to even after 1 month of cryptos... i recently put it all in on an alt coin because i was overdiversified and that dipped back down. i dont know what to do to make it boys..

>> No.6924683

We might be out of "Just hold and 10x in a year" but it'll be awhile before we reach "Hold and you'll make 10% a year if you're lucky".

>> No.6924777
File: 51 KB, 1114x627, cmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto's straight line upwards stopped for a month and you think the whole thing is over? Anon, are you seriously this fucking weak or are you just new?

>> No.6924862
File: 67 KB, 1110x666, log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the same graph in log scale but you are probably too dense to know how to read a log scale lol

>> No.6924896

blockchain as a technology is here to stay, but there are too many shit coins that need to be whiped out first

>> No.6925050

I like and have to agree with your thinking anon, cryptos have got to the point to where they can't get much bigger without tptb taking then very serious, that is if crypto has not been controled by tptb from the start, as is suggested in this vid.

>> No.6925859

Not gambling on shitcoins would be a start, that might have worked in December but that ship has sailed
What do you dumb niggers not understand that the crypto market is about the size of 2% of the stock market.... how much more money do you think is gonna come in? Do you seriously think any cryptos will ever be able to funnel as much money into them as complies like BP and Apple???

>> No.6925916

that was my only hope. back to neetbucks for me

>> No.6926083

Yes. Vechain alone will draw 500b.

>> No.6926113

market sell your bags and then buy back 1/10th of your crypto for 10x the money eoy

>> No.6926175


The next phase of this ride is the death of all true shitcoins. That process will reveal the next set of moon missions.

>> No.6926442

calm down nigga... lunar new year is on jan 31st ching chongs (majority of crypto market) wont come back to crypto until early/mid febuary, hold your tits until then.

You think it has already got all the media atention just because you live in the west, SK crypto trade volume is 2x the stock market trade volume... Asia is the most important economic force driving crypto and we're all getting Just'd until they get back in again

>> No.6926447

How big of a NEET loser are you? If you have friends I’d suggest putting some NEETbux into selling weed and funnel the profits of that back into crypto. Put the profits into safe long term holds and the combo between the weed and crypto will be almost as good as if you strike gold on a few shit coins.
Yes very good sir plenty good do very well! Yea a chink scam coin is going to save the market, you lot will learn a valuable lesson about doing the business with the Chinese who are known for corruption, scams, and knock offs.

>> No.6926478


Bp current mc is at 130 billion, Exxon mobile mc is 350, I think Exxon is the biggest oil company out there.

This shows the complete delusion of crypto fags thinking a digital leger that is powered, built and maintained by oil can reach a market cap that is larger then the biggest oil producer in the world. We as a species are so far from.reality it is fucking scary.

>> No.6926530

i dont fuck with weed. but i lied im a wageslave making 40k in flyover shithole. im willing to throw all my savings into a moon mission and then become a crypto daytrader. dyor hasnt worked for me

>> No.6926673

Even better if you don’t fuck with it you won’t smoke away your profits, if you don’t have friend with connections tho it probably won’t work for you. Daytrading is a meme friend, for every successful non LARPer day trader on this board there are 50 others that lost money chasing PnD’s and moons. Day trading works if you got into crypto 4 years ago and have like 20 BTC to play around with that you paid like 250 for total if not it’s a slim chance you will make it say trading despite what shills tell you to buy their pajeet coins

>> No.6926709 [DELETED] 

My bags of ZCL are pretty light OP. Bear market wen.

>> No.6926753


but yeah i see what you mean. i still believe i could get a x10 on something and have 10k to play around with and diversify into safe hodls. id love to be shilled a pajeet coin that had a group and active conversation so that i could actually learn more

>> No.6926805

i think we dun goof for a at least a month.
The main issue right now is the tether scam.

>> No.6926841

There are option contracts now. All you basement day traders are about to get ass fucked by hedge funds and AI trading.

>> No.6926904
File: 72 KB, 211x244, 1510474298546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are such a fucking brainlet, you think you're so smart as well. the two measures are not even remotely comparable and the fact that you think they are shows you have sub 100 IQ

>> No.6927000

I don't know if the crypto super bowl commercial is a meme or not but if one plays you can bet your sweet ass Cletus and klan from Ozark, Missouri will be putting their welfare shekels as soon as they figure out how to use a web browser

>> No.6927038

So your plan for crypto raising in value is that there are still some hillbillies that haven’t fallen for the scam yet?

>> No.6927117

where did he say scam? and its wealth distribution so ya money will come in

>> No.6927151
File: 22 KB, 480x360, takbir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta inflate the bubble somehow and get out before it goes pop

>> No.6927157

What was your argument again?

No shit I am comparing apples to oranges, I am not the one saying a digital asset that has zero intrinsic value will have a mc bigger then the biggest oil producer out there.
Am using an oil company as reference because imo oil is the most valuable I, critical and useful resource in the modern age known to man.