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6919416 No.6919416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What drugs or nootropics do you guys use to keep you motivated in this crypto game?

>> No.6919491

i used crypto gains to buy SARMs
gained 15 pounds in the last 5 weeks pure muscle
20% increase in total lift
no bloat or suppression like steroids
i also do some LSD here and there but no time for it right now

>> No.6919504

weed. i'm stone faced reading this place when i'm sober but i fucking die laughing here if under the influence, and i seem to make better trades as i think slightly different when high

>> No.6920073

SARM? Is that food?

>> No.6920256

Coffee, Dabs.

>> No.6920404

Modafinil is pretty nice.

>> No.6920445

caffeine + l-theanine (1:2)

>> No.6920466

This. 200mg a day for me. How is it with increased dose, anyone know?

>> No.6920477


I just ordered a bunch of opiates on dream. I have a hernia that’s getting worse and my island kike Filipino doctor would only prescribe fucking aleve. So I had to resort to darknet drugs to keep me sane until surgery

>> No.6920498

Is modafinil available on the clear net?

>> No.6920543
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Nothing, honestly. Trading money is best done with a sober mind. Anything that makes you more emotional/more "in the moment" will have a negative impact on your ability to see the big picture.

I used to use a stack of coffee/modafinil which led me to think really short term. While I still made money on trades, I could have been making much more if I zoomed out, lol

>> No.6920547

Only some anabolics cause bloat, do a proper winny/test cycle. SARMs kill testies, no amout of clomid/rolax will fix them. Once on, your natural test levels will never be the same.

Hope you track pre/post bloods, if not you're in for a nasty surprise.

>> No.6920564

Yes, look up modafinilexpress or something like that

>> No.6920591

Has anyone used the Sun Pharma Modafinil, Modalert 200 I think it's called. I used it a few years ago and now I have a pituitary tumor. Did this happen to anyone else by any chance?

>> No.6920613

What an absolute degenerate. If you need to use drugs just to keep yourself sane and stay in the game you probably suck at playing.

>> No.6920619
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>> No.6920629

Day 6 of quitting cigarettes, fucking tough. Smoking extra weed has been help though.

>> No.6920657

Not wanting to be poor. That's my drug.

>> No.6920662

How do you get it?

>> No.6920663

Anything higher than 200 mg and i just get jittery.
Modafinilbank is great, if you're in Europe.

>> No.6920731


? yes, but why would u correlate pituary tumor with modafinil sunpharma?

>>6920629 just vape, its the only effective way to quit.

>> No.6920739

Just quit vyvanse, that shit is harsh on the body.
Is modafinil like a natural alt or is this the same shit

>> No.6920760
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sup, still in skoo so..
Adderall to get good grades and cram for exams. I used to be a huge pot head, especially in high school, but It gets boring over time. Occasional blow because i'm in a frat and I love to party with thots. Acid yearly just to reset my ego and figure my deep rooted problems inside every now and then. Modafinil every now and then because its fucking awesome.

>> No.6920761

I'm using the same ones, no side effects yet.

>> No.6920779

i wanna mess with psychedelics, but im too much of a pussy to go out of my way to get them so i just occasionally smoke weed.

>> No.6920783

Only weed

>> No.6920810


>> No.6920811

Same, when i'm high AF I can easily lose my shit over random Pepes or memes. Or just the basic pajeet posts and shit. I love biz.

>> No.6920826

Guys what are your thoughts on modafinil? Supposedly it's better than adderal? Would it improve my crypto gains? Anybody seen the movie Limitless? Looking for something like this lol.

>> No.6920853

No drugs. Just alcohol

>> No.6920873
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Modafinil is nothing like Vyvanse. Modafinil doesn't really produce any good feelings/"euphoria" like Vyvanse/other amphetamines do, it's really just like a really drawn out strong cup of coffee. Same physical effects for me - dehydration, sweats, insomnia if you take it past noon, etc.

It's good for getting shit done that requires no creativity - like a long todo list. That's about it.

>> No.6920904

Just order them online, it's pretty damn easy, i never had to buy anything aside from weed from a dealer.
It's nothing like that, it's mostly some stimulation, still better than caffeine, amphetamines are much better but quite harsh on the body compared to modafinil.

>> No.6920946


Been sober awhile now.

Ganna do some coke in the summer...next Feb there's a Kendrick concert and I'll drink,smoke green, and do sokmw lines

I only do drugs and drink once n awhile. Then it's really fucking awesome when you do them

>> No.6920995

Vape is in the guinea pig stage, I'll pass.

>> No.6921055


Reeee knew I wasn't the only /fratstar/ on biz

>> No.6921058

Kratom is the final trading redpill

>clear thought
>focussed for hours
>extaticly comfy
>only mildly addicting

>> No.6921112

Amphetamine is some junkie shit, gonna keep away from that. I've done coke before and that shit was great, too great even its scary. But the high is too short. I would imagine making mad crypto gains while high on coke however now that I think about it...

>> No.6921118

Kappa Alpha Order boi here, prolly the only /pol/ approved frat.

>> No.6921129

where do you buy yours

>> No.6921195

No, dont trade on Coke. Ive done it before. You make too aggressive decisions.

>> No.6921237

trading on coke is pointless, wall st has moved onto amphetamines and modafinil by now anyways

>> No.6921239

You buy it online for really cheap since its legal almost everywhere. You can get like 500g for couple hundred bucks or something and its legal. 500g will last you a year + if you dose every couple days (low dose for performance)

If you want to get actually real high you would take 5-15 grams but for performance I find 2-4 is my sweetspot and at that dose there wont be big tolerance buildup or widthdrawals

>> No.6921301

The effects are pretty great but it tastes so awful i usually prefer just taking something else.

>> No.6921330

Wow, aren't y'all bunch of weak faggits. I don't need no drugs for this game.

>> No.6921339

bruh, i'm also attending a kdot concert in feb.
Where are you going? Mine's in Koln (Keulen).

>> No.6921360
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Coffee and nicotine gum.

>> No.6921369

Hot coffee all day
Cold beer all night
Ohhh yeah baby

>> No.6921394


Here's my daily routine:
L theanine (mornings)
GABA (evening)
Caffine (mid morning)
ALA (morning, midday evening)
Acetly L Carnatine (morning, midday, evening)
Fish Oil (Morning, evening)
Grape seed extract (morning)
Vitamin D (morning, midday, evening)
Magnesium (morning, evening)
Cardarine (morning, evening)
CBD oil (Evening)

I also wear blue blocking glasses after like 7 or 8pm and sometimes when I wake up.

I eat one more keto meal a day. Or at least I try - sometimes with clients and stuff I'll have to eat non keto - but I still maintain one meal a day.

Good times - stay healthy and strong bros.

>> No.6921438

goddamn, just take a multivitamin

>> No.6921442


Oh nice - I use cardarine - I tried MK677 and I never liked it. I slept like a king but I kept feeling bloated and shitty - and that was even on my OMAD keto thing.

>> No.6921500

I wanna know more about you, that's a strict and good looking routine.

What kind of work do you do? Is this routine necessary for you to function properly and healthy in general or for your job? How much is your folio worth?

Good shit anon.

>> No.6921504

Is this a legit place to order modafinil in EU?

afinil (dot) eu (slash) en

>> No.6921542

the autism is strong in this one

>> No.6921553


They aren't vitamins my dude (well except for D).

each one does a very different thing - well they almost all have some kind of anti inflammation thing happening - each one has a different purpose.

I work two six figure sales jobs, I have a wife a daughters, I trade, I have a band and a photography business...so I should be the most stressed out dude in the whole world - but being healthy and mentally clear allows me to do all of that.

Plus I'm into longevity - I'd like to live to be 120 and functional.

(And I forgot collagen - I do that too).

>> No.6921563

>its legal almost everywhere.
Turns out its illegal in my state.

>> No.6921580

Buy a capping machine or dont be such a pussy

>> No.6921582

Phenibut. Keeps away emotions.

>> No.6921596

Muh nigga

>> No.6921604


1. Which SARMS anon?
2. I thought they suppressed testes

>> No.6921616




My folio is worth $988k as of this morning.

>> No.6921725

Weed. But I just HODL most of my coins. I'm not in crypto to "make it" I'm just seeing if I can turn 2k into 100k by the end of the year just for shits and giggles.

>> No.6921750


SARMS are great because they DON'T have estrogen side effects my guy.

SARMS can have an anabolic to androgenic ratio as high as a 10:1. This is what allows them to build muscle with little to no side effects. They also typically display a high bioavailability, ensuring effective utilisation and absorption.

>> No.6921801

there are huge differences between various sarms though?

I researched it a lot and stayed away since it just seemed too perfect

>> No.6921860

Only take Modafinal & psyllium husk.

>> No.6921933


Well they do different things if that's what your asking.

Also supplier makes a huge difference - best to stick with quality providers (which tend to be more expensive)

>> No.6922006


>(And I forgot collagen - I do that too).

How anon. I'm somewhat skeptical that eating it has much difference..

>> No.6922007

Modafinil is a wonderdrug. Sometimes when I've stayed up all night and It's like 7 a.m, I just take 200mg's of moda with coffee and skip sleeping altogether. I'm sharp af, innovative and get things done. I like to sleep a little longer the next night tho

>> No.6922029

3/4th of the glass with Arnold Palmer and 1/4th with Smirnoff. Take it slowly throught the night. The stages come perfectly

>Stage 1: mini sips nothing crazy. Just get started.
>Stage 2: Browsing biz. Not drunk or even buzzed really. Just a minor heightening of senses
>Stage 3: After a few successful swing/day trades you slowly immerse yourself into the anime you only put on as '''background noise'''
>Stage 4: At this point, forget crypto and biz. Only monitor - DON'T MAKE DECISIONS - unless crucial updates etc in extreme circumstances.
>Stage 5: Transition from the anime into some of the hottest 2d hentai available
>Stage 6: it's fucking 7am and you're wasted with your dick out what the fuck are you doing nigger
>Stage 7: Somehow wake up pleasantly surprised because you managed to stop yourself pre-stage 5

It's worked for me thus far. But addiction runs in my family if you don't need to drink or watch anime it's probably for the best. Get a dog and take it for a walk while you set an order.

>> No.6922049



So ampd

>> No.6922073

Tried Modafinil but it just gives me angst and insomnia really. I can get a lot of work done if I've got a good schedule together and don't take any distracting breaks but it doesn't have a big enough effect to be worth it desu. I only really take it now if I'm having to work a nightshift.

>> No.6922121
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literally this, smoking good quality weed while browsing /biz/ is not only fun, but extremely effective

>> No.6922123
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nothing but plain old greed baby

>> No.6922140

>tanks testosterone

>> No.6922141


It provides the building blocks for your body to use it effectively - I had some serious foot pain for years until I started taking it.

plus the one I take has resveratrol and hyaluronic acid - so it's win/win haha.

>> No.6922209

Weed, lsd microdose, ketamine, l theanine, ashwagandha, magnesium, b complex, vitamine d, l glutamine, shrooms when they are around, kava kava (traditional method)

>> No.6922290

You what? Hahahahahahah

>> No.6922298

Testosteron, Modafinil, Adderall for enhanced body + mind and weed+Benydryl for good sleep at night.

>> No.6922312

i moved to a new city and wanna order coke from the darkweb but im too scared

>> No.6922320

Modafinil, caffeine, nicotine, adderall on tough days. Like every other sane person on the planet. Melatonin to sleep.

>> No.6922414

Stick at it man, the depression will get a lot worse but youll feel so much better when you dont need cigarettes anymore.

>> No.6922491

redpill me on the best ones. pls sir

>> No.6922495
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Nootropics actually got me into crypto in late 2016.

Bromantane and Emoxypine Succinate usually.

I typically use anxiolytics or caffeine + theanine. Something for focus and stress helps the best. Also Rhodiola Rosea is a superb natural stimulant and mood lifter.

Acetylcholine booster (alpha GPC or Choline Bitartrate) and Noopept and occasionally Colouracetame.

Hydrafinil (flourenol) is an amazing wakefulness promoter too.


>Pic related

>> No.6922526

only if you are degenerate and take actual high doses afaik
My morning boners are diamond

>> No.6922533
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Cheap Wine and play old school runescape xD and starbuck cafe and khat that all

>> No.6922561

>he thinks alcohol isn't a drug

>> No.6922564

Another downside of modafinil is that some people start to smell bad when on it. My piss and shit smell god aweful when I'm on it so I only use it when I don't have to be social for a couple days.

>> No.6922567

just vape.
Still harmful but 100x less so than cigs

>> No.6922598

You won't get bloat if you just inject test

>> No.6922637

CBD oil is nice.

>> No.6922681

Enjoy your early heart attack, retard.

>> No.6922719

The game itself motivates me. But try Piracetam. Shit works.

>> No.6922755
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>> No.6922800

His heart will be fine, his testies though, they will never recover. RIP balls.

>> No.6922833

Not using nootropics for crypto, but in general. Just started taking NSI-189 for memory and years of shrinking my hippocampus. Vitamin C and rhodiola everyday is my go to. NALT is also good. And green tea.

>> No.6922932

Deep brain chain oil? Weird haven’t heard of it yet.

>> No.6922942

No, SARMs cause an androgenic response in heart tissue. Abuse will lead to enlarged heart and subsequent failure. No one has developed one yet that can selectimely avoid this response in heart tissue. Some of them are over 100x more potent than typical anabolic steroids. Again, enjoy that heart attack in your 30s.

>> No.6922949

Weed is my fuel while on cryptos, bcs it keeps me chilled and no emotions

>> No.6923007
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Acid, MDMA, weed, N-ethylhexedrone

>> No.6923063


>> No.6923073

Anyone else kinda addicted to oxycodon? I don't really need it anymore but I can still get it for free with a prescription because I had heart surgery a while ago.
I really should be quitting but the numbness just feels so good.

>> No.6923228


Used to be big into research chemicals and other illicit drugs. Wasn't a degenerate about it though and got straight As in high school.

>> No.6923277

Poppy seed tea

>> No.6923296

>Yerba mate or coffee
>Creatine + citrulline + caffeine + lifting

Chad af. get on my level.

>> No.6923342

People predicted the same with regular anabolics for years. Only people with shit hearts from birth die from it, doubt sarms will be any different. Natural test levels will take a permanent hit, a much greater concern imo.

>> No.6923347

Caffeine+Lions Mane Mushroom+Ashwaganda Powder

>> No.6923396

Agreed. Good trading requires patience more than sharpness.

>> No.6923568

None of that shit anymore. Just Ashtanga.

>> No.6923693

I actually just popped some Tylenol 3s with codine because I got them from the DR yesterday. Other than that I don’t do drugs, drugs are for nuggets and degenerate white liberals

>> No.6923696


I noticed I was a shitting champ on modafinil, smelt awful too.

Kinda assumed because I paired it with coffee and smokes.

>> No.6923722

I have crypto induced depression can u recommend me some drugs to soothe the pain?

>> No.6924102


This "nootropic" is a naturally occurring chemical and it kicks the ass of many synthesized noots I've tried. You'll feel a difference in productivity/drive the first day you try it.

>> No.6924524

Lil bump of speed from time to time

>> No.6925101

have fun dying of fentanyl overdose you filthy degenerate

>> No.6925259
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ok somebody explain why none of this has any effect on me:

aniracetam, alcar, alpha gpc, oxiracetam high dose, 2g phenibut, coffee, 200mg caffeine, l-theanine, noopept, reishi, cordyceps, lions mane, ashwaghanda, valerian, rhodiola rosea, SAMe, b-complex, b-12

im waiting for modafinil now (modlert and waklert)

>> No.6925393


>> No.6925427


>> No.6925456

amphetamine, modafinil, armodafinil

>> No.6925497

>tree planter
>work 6 months a year
>live comfortably and save $25k CAD a year


>> No.6925501

cuz those aren't drugs

>> No.6925555

Ashwagandha and Lions mane OP

>> No.6925560

>SARM? Is that food?
it's the TEL coin of fitness supplements

>> No.6925608

Most of those are quite subtle, you should definitely be able to feel the phenibut and caffeine though. Maybe try taking them on a empty stomach.

>> No.6925631


>> No.6925671

i remember reading how 2g of phenibut knocks people out but i just can't feel shit and i had definitely tried on an empty stomach too.

that was like 2 years ago before powdercity got acquired. i still have all that shit but it expired

>> No.6925753

for the eu i ordered from afinil.eu and they shipped it next day i think. still waiting for it (been 4 days) but they have good reviews on trustpilot

for the us i think people use https://www.afinilexpress.com/

>> No.6925812

Money is the only drug you need. Everybody who says otherwise needs to leave.

>> No.6925915

from india sir
modafinilfromindia (dot) com

>> No.6925975


>> No.6926049
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the only drug my body craves is more UFR

>> No.6926061

Yeah Phenibut can be a bit weird dosage wise, it usally takes a few times to get the dosage right, above 3 grams the effects get really obvious though, it pretty much replaces alcohol for me.

>> No.6926096

holy fucking cringe, looks like a 14 year old made this trash

>> No.6926105


i kept taking increasing doses, feeling nothing, then one night my blood pressure dropped so low i fainted for the first time in my life.

>> No.6926252

My best trades are at 3 AM while stoned. I don't know why.

>> No.6926582

Phenibut tolerance builds really quick what might explain why you felt nothing with increasing dosages, not sure why you fainted though. It always works for me when i take 3+ grams on an empty stomach ( so no eating for at least 4/5 hours) with something acidic like orange juice and some caffeine to potentiate it. That's a recreational dose though, keep in mind that phenibut shouldn't be underestimated, quite a few people seem to get addicted to it.

>> No.6926718

My order came one week after ordering. Everything was perfect, but my last order contained some duds, the effect wasn‘t as strong as usual. Also ordered on modafinilbank which worked too, but is more expensive

>> No.6926780

What brand of cardarine do you use anon

>> No.6926878

LSD weekly
Helps with abstract thought I find

>> No.6926900
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On /biz/ smoking dank feels good man

>> No.6926900,1 [INTERNAL] 

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