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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6915493 No.6915493 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.6915565

Thanks senpai, just bought 100k

>> No.6915593

I'm now down 50% since buying. Fuck whoever shilled this

>> No.6915601
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same desu

>> No.6915797

this thing is going to explode lol

>> No.6915834

bought 1m let's where it goes

>> No.6916003

>goes down 6 sats
>omg no, its crashing

I fucking hate retarded niggers. Kill yourself OP

>> No.6916105
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>The chart is literally perfect staircase.
Good thing i learned to not buy a coin that's already mooned above 50% on the same day.

>> No.6916148

If you hate retarded niggers then you should sell. Have you looked up who is the CEO of tel? lol

>> No.6916154

Still way up from ICO, still gonna make a killing on this, still gonna keep holding. N-Not even worried in the slightest, desu.

>> No.6916258

Is this shit officially dead for the next 2-3 months?

I atleast feel better knowing the guy who shilled me on it put 500k in it at the same time

>> No.6916287

It's not doing anything.
It's just fucking stuck.

>> No.6916331

I think the sell walls are way too deep to ever get people into

>> No.6916439

>buying ATH

>> No.6916819

Buy high sell low

>> No.6916940

Soon as the market turns it'll 10x with normies coming in.

>> No.6917076

Just going to hold until oblivion

>> No.6917294
File: 142 KB, 410x674, bog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell it. Use your phone.

>> No.6917295

i bought at 11 cents