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6914223 No.6914223 [Reply] [Original]

Over the last few months, people on this board were excited for futures contracts to start. The common reaction was that institutional investors will bring more legimatacy and hence increase the price much more in the long term.

Institutional money is not fucking made of Normie's. Institutional investors are smart and don't buy in the green like fucking normies. You have average future contracts that are probably worth more than 80% of this board's portfolio, and 80% of you probably don't even know what a fucking future or how much volume these contracts have already brought.

Simply put, bitcoin is now stable and institutional investors took the fun away from the massive gains. Hope you enjoy your bags.

>> No.6914280

You think institutional investors are in? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6914330

Stop larping

>> No.6914407
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likely the most important thread we'll currently see here.

>> No.6914450

>The common reaction was that institutional investors will bring more legimatacy and hence increase the price much more in the long term.
Wrong. This entire board predicted beforehand that the price would dump after futures, which it did. Nobody here was enthusiastic for them.

>> No.6914452

Talk to me in a month when the price is 8k. I've been in crypto since 2012 and I am 100% sure we won't see massive gains anymore. Pack your bags. It's over.

Use your logic. The trend is now everywhere in the news. Normies are scared. Where the fuck is the new money going to come in? Once something is hyped at its peak, it will never reach that peak again.

>> No.6914549

While I generally agree with you, I think you overestimate the importance of normie money and their $100 'investments'

>> No.6914561

>Simply put, bitcoin is now stable and institutional investors took the fun away from the massive gains. Hope you enjoy your bags.

Do you have any idea what this will do to the alts market. Damnit man I hope you are fucking right. I hope BTC becomes stable as fuck. I hope BTC basically becomes tether 2.0


>> No.6914585

Unironically, the only way to salvage ourselves is for a huge dip to occur (6kish). If market cap goes back down to what it was before november, massive gains can still happen.

>> No.6914612

Alts will have future contracts too you idiot. Some of them already do. It will become just like the stock market

>> No.6914728

>being this new

>> No.6914740

Then we will be forced to trade NGR. Prepare your melons.

>> No.6914794

Yeah I'm so fucking new. I once liked Bitcoin now I fucking hate it. By the way Big daddy shitcoin is farting a wet one right fucking now. Stability please, can I have it.

>> No.6914802

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6914819

I'd be happy if Bitcoin stayed at 10k forever.

>> No.6914843

Shut the fuck up and prove it you idiot.

>> No.6914865

The price might hit 8k in a month but that's when the institutional buy in will happen, and when it does we'll still see a huge jump from at the latest feb 28 into the summer screen cap deez nuts

>> No.6914897


They took away massive gains in Bitcoin specifically, can't see how buying into new coins still won't get you good gains. If Bitcoin actually stabilizes the alt market will finally go up instead of being fucked every time big daddy BTC crashes

>> No.6914911

Don't sweat it. Institutional investors are just as crazy as normies and sometimes worse. This recent holding pattern is them proving a point that they are now in control of the market and nothing more. Get ready, because as soon as they are ready this thing will turn into a printing press again. If there's one thing wall street loves it's easy money, and they haven't had a taste of easy money like this in a long long time.

>> No.6914929

That's not the point. The point is to show that the time for massive gains is over. Massive gains only happen with emotional investors and FOMO.

Expert investors don't FOMO. The moment you see a spike, it will go down. I expect BTC to go up in the long term but very steadily along with other alts (they're already steady).

To put it in even easier terms for the 15-20 year olds here, you are NOT going to get rich off this shit anymore.

>> No.6914932

Everyone on this board is saying it's going to 8k

this is why 8k will never happen, we'll keep bouncing off like 9k since everyone is waiting for 8k and then they'll FOMO when it hits 13k

>> No.6914948

Crypto hasn't even started yet. All the products are in the baby steps phase. BTC ironically being one of the worst ones.

>> No.6914953

on a more serious note, crypto will never be stable. Its always going to be fairly volatile because the market technology is too accessible, there are too many whales, its too easy to make new coins.

Also the psychology around crypto is that its highly addicting like a video game. It basically turned saving accounts into a video game. You will never see stability in this market.

so yeah.

>> No.6914966

I pray for this daily

>> No.6914983

>Talk to me in a month when the price is 8k.
That's exactly when institutional money will get in...

>> No.6914989



Bitcoin, and other alts, can increase multiple times over with a relatively small push. They are not bound by traditional stock market metrics such as profit and p/e ratios which can be restrictive factors.

Sure, institutional investors may short bitcoin sometimes. But do you seriously think they won't take advantage of how quickly crypto can grow to potentially increase profits by 1000% or more?

Going long on crypto is easily way more profitable than going short if it's done correctly. They will take advantage of that eventually.

>> No.6914996

Another point. The reason for these massive gains and high confidence was because bitcoin investors were a secret club. People still know about bitcoin but had no idea what the fuck it was and hence FOMOed. Now, taxi drivers are talking about how there going to get rich of crypto.

General rule: When EVERYONE finds about something and EVERYONE thinks they're going to get rich off it, WHO THE FUCK will they sell their bags off to?

That's right, no one.

>> No.6914997

All the late adopters are praying for it, which is why it will never happen.

>> No.6915023


>> No.6915057

>Wall Street brains thinking they won’t fall for the same psychological buffoonery regular joe crypto investors fall for. (Buy ATH, buy high sell low, muh partnerships, next gen fagchain, etc, etc)

They will fuck up their futures soon enough trying to chase BTc gains, and end up shoveling money into chink shit coins like the rest of us.......

t. Ex wall streeter....

>> No.6915068

not a late adopter, I just sold near the top and want to buy in as cheap as possible

>> No.6915078

I probably should screencap this thread and post it in year or two.

>> No.6915079
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x3024, 5C3EB791-2F4A-471D-9A77-82B652353733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rltd

>> No.6915097

you do realise they still have another 10k to short don't you?

>> No.6915112

>EVERYONE thinks they're going to get rich off it
Have you somehow missed the fact that bitcoin just lost 50% of its value? People are FUDding out, not FOMOing in you idiot.

>> No.6915125

>using an apostrophe to pluralize a word like an illiterate nigger

fuck off

>> No.6915134

My ass is probably a wall streeter if you're a wall streeter. Don't fucking come on here LARPing about how Scott Matthew, Leo Xu, and Sanjay Patel from Citi Bank are going to invest the same way as the guy who watched Trayvon James video on Bitconnect and thought he would get rich.

Again, I'll repeat myself: When everyone thinks they're going to get rich, no one gets rich.

>> No.6915151

Not all of it though. Some of us actually sitting long term on solid projects, unlike these frantic, ADD pajeets around here

>> No.6915160

> Let's address the horrible autocorrect instead of the points raised.

>> No.6915165

you're legit retarded if you think institutional money is in crypto, if it was we'd see like $5 trillion+ mcap

>> No.6915261

Yeah but there is always going to be new projects. As a game developer I know for a fact that big corporations are only just now possibly smelling the blood in the water on how the game industry will eat this shit alive. If you thought micro transactions were bad now ready your asshole for the unlimited pounding. All the studio needs to do is place a basic tax on transactions between players and they will drown in lambos to the likes never seen before by even the most well established game studios. All under the guise of a "free to play model" too LMAO

That shit about not being able to get rich off this shit anymore is fucking retarded.

>> No.6915315

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6915329

let's see if the faggots manage to push it way down to my last buy-in
I've already taken out twice as much as I'd put in so idgaf

there will always be a new shitcoin somewhere to trade off of, the faggots and their status quo is in jeopardy

>> No.6915336

It'll be glorious. Thank god i'm not a degenerate gamer

>> No.6915451

margin requirement at IB to short is $50,000 per Bitcoin

That's right, you need to put up $50,000 just to have a potential $11,000 gain (when BTC goes to ZERO, not likely) and potential $50,000 loss (when BTC goes to $60,000+, somewhat possible)

>> No.6915452

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6915478

The problem is bitcoin. That's literally it, once we decouple ourselves off of it we'll be much better off.

>> No.6916061

that's not a problem with bitcoin