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6910232 No.6910232 [Reply] [Original]

We need to re distribute all of the world's wealth equally. It will solve all the poor peoples problems. Try to prove me wrong you can't.

If everyone got paid the same and all of these trillions of dollars went to bettering humanity world wide it would end starvation, death, war and make the world over all a better place. If everyone got paid the same wage it would end jealousy and envy and people would just focus on bettering everyone elses lives.

Think about it for a sec. I've finally come to this conclusion after long thought.

>> No.6910250

Fuck off OP, you worthless nigger.

>> No.6910267

OP is a lazy faggot who will never take a risk and make it, and will be dependent on a nanny state to take care of his worthless ass. please kys lefty, because lets be honest, you will do it one way or another

>> No.6910285
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Commie bastard

>> No.6910312

No incentive to be a better person than the others. Science gone to shit. Hyperinflation. Unproductive workforce.

Read econ faggot

>> No.6910315
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>redistribute more resources from Europeans to Africans
What could go wrong?

>> No.6910370


No, retard. I work hard because there's an incentive to do so - more money.

You honestly think people are going to become doctors to be paid the same as a walmart greeter? Are you stupid or what?

>> No.6910395

You can't buy trillion dollars worth of food because you have a trillion dollars, dummy. The supply of food doesn't correlate with GDP or money.

I hate the socialist saying that money spent on defense should be spend on ending world hunger. What are they going to eat? Bullets and gunpowder?

>> No.6910664

>no incentive to be a better person
better at what? more material? power over others? white people held wealth but also disregarded others because of skin color.
i can understand an incentive in a capitalistic world but are humans born with a want to have power over others or is that shaped through social constructs in a capitalist society where subsistance is not free as it would be in a natural world?
energy is free with solar panels and food can be grown indefinately. only hospitals and government facilities need constant power. should everyone become a farmer? amazon kills the malls. no need for commercial property if amazon is around.

>> No.6910677

>let's make everyone equally poor

>> No.6910688

Why should I care about anyone, but myself?
Check and mate, communist cuck.

>> No.6910714

u did a dumb anon

>> No.6910736


> give niggers their fair share

> niggers buy useless shit

> whites invest their money


back to square 1

>> No.6910738

>we need to do this thing that has been tried millions of times in world history and has failed every single time, it's going to work this time because reasons trust me guys i'm a first year college student and heard about marx

>> No.6910748

selfishness is a biproduct of capitalism. we need a psychology reboot

>> No.6910769

africans survived thousands of years without computers and white people

>> No.6910788





>> No.6910793


>No envy

Not until you realise how ugly you are in comparison to chad.
>Make everyone look the same
>Equality™ sure is great

Not until you realise how stupid you are compared to chad
>Make everyone think the same
>Collectivism™ is the best

>> No.6910805


>there are no selfish people in a communist system

Do you hear yourself?

>> No.6910807

If any of you want to coin before it's shilled here or a TA on any coin then join discord asap


>> No.6910824

Niggers have been free to return to Africa and survive there without computers or white people for my entire life.

>> No.6910825


ye das rite tell dat wite boy. we waz kings an shiet back home. yall know cleopatra was black? so was the brotha who invested the waffle iron

>> No.6910829

Exactly. No more developments funds, no tax financed NGOs for Niggerland, less taxes, smaller states and let Africans regulate their numbers by their own stupidity and lack of maintaining societies greater than a tribe

>> No.6910834

My holy book says that anyone who isn't my family or tribe is an animal, made to serve me in this world and it's not a sin to subjugate the animals.

This is why me and my people are successful, rich and have special privileges.
You don't understand that simple concept, that's why your people are vanishing from existence.

>> No.6910847

Then how would stupid people die off? They already don't, and on top of it they're encouraged to breed because it's too easy to survive in today's world. That's the reason why we're in the pickle we're in, there's too many retards running around unhindered.

We need a "market correction" but in real life.

>> No.6910861

are you implying that capitalism holds any more virtue with all the wars, oppression, and spiritual bankruptcy?

>> No.6910867

Tell that to millions of years of evolution. Our psychology is not a blank slate you postmodernist POS.

Your stance literally relies on a philosophy which rejects objective knowledge because it can't find any evidence to support your vapidly empty claims.

>> No.6910885

>New government promises to redistribute weath
>skims off 90% as their cut for "administrative fees"

If you disagree, go to gulag

>> No.6910909


>wars, oppression, and spiritual bankruptcy?

You mean like every fucking communist nation in history?

>> No.6910918

too bad the market correction will have all the patriotic white people joining in first with trump signaling fake virtue

>> No.6910947


Sorry folks I don't know how to 4chan.

Can you tell me if those guys are for real or am I getting trolled here?

>> No.6910949


Redistribute wealth and it will cause massive inflation because the supply remains the same.

It would have a complete negating effect.

>> No.6910950

You filthy communist dogs truly know nothing of human nature do you? Pulk your head out your ass sunshine. You think everyone will just focus on bettering themselves once everyone is equally poor? Where's the incentive?

Newsflash. Humans always have and always will do what is in their best self-interest. The world owes you nothing and no one gives a shit about your existence. Shoo shoo stinky commie.

>> No.6910953

regardless of your foreced expropriation and redistribution producing some equal starting point, pareto principle would still naturally distribute the wealth to the most capable, most enterprising individuals and/or companies

you need to ax any semblance of a scientific notion from your favorite neet's """work""" since empiric evidence refutes it completely

also stop being a dependent household member and create some value

>> No.6910954

As opposed to communism? Have you ever read a history book?

>> No.6910981


>Implying wars are exclusive to capitalism
>Implying we aren't "oppressed" regardless of our economic system by our biology anyway
>Implying Spiritual bankruptcy is because of capitalism and not enlightenment-era charlatans that disavowed religions because they were too simple to understand it's psychological role in society

>> No.6910985

The economic system doesn't dictate human nature.

Biological instincts do.
Marxists don't even fucking believe in evolution.
Incredible how dumb they are

>> No.6910986

OP is right
>muh no stupid people dying off

you realize you are talking about yourself here right? you might be smart, but you aint functioning in society, so you wont reproduce and your nazi ideolgy will die out.

>> No.6911003

i bet you paid price for an xbox.

>> No.6911004

>Not marxist=nazi

>> No.6911017

I don’t believe in a government controlling the wealth like that, but I think tech like fairX, ect. will help globalize the world. Places like Venezuela could receive xlm from their families across borders, I have family in Central America that could greatly benefit from something like this. If it was as easy as sending lumens to someone’s address then yeah I’d feed my extended family for a few bucks.

>> No.6911032

both are totalitarian, we need more snek

>> No.6911037

Why don't Marxists believe in science?
Why do they deny biological instincts and human evolution?
Marxism is pure pseudoscience.

>> No.6911047

>arms dealers is a direct biproduct of a communist market.

>> No.6911049

when has this been tried and by whom?

>> No.6911062

they deny the empiric evidence from their failed attempts throughout history but still believe in their neet's dogma that the proposed inhuman system is somehow scientifically based

>> No.6911075

Prices for resources in areas that don't have them naturally would shoot through the roof, Inflation would be massive.

There would be large scale wars over resources.

There would be no incentive to innovate or create anything. Everything would stagnate. Except the military advancement. And no "art" does not count. No one cares if some hippy is now free to shit on a canvas at his own leisure.

>> No.6911105

If you re distributed all the wealth the result would be an immediate rise in inflation, house prices would x2 and x5 if not more in highly desirable areas, food price would increase etc.
You got it wrong kid. “Most of these “trillions” are speciation, just paper printed by Jews it does not represent productivity, the reality is that if we wanted the whole world to live like the USA the productivity of the world needs to increase over 6 times and we need to explode 6-10times most resources and hundreds of times more resources in most cases, which in no way is possible anytime soon.
Let alone the social implications etc

>> No.6911127

They call it "scientific socialism" lmao

>> No.6911165

I dont want to give my possesion away

how do u solve this?

>> No.6911176

because high tech societies have more suicides than low tech societies.
that proves evolution is a shit theory.

>> No.6911185

>it's not our fault hundreds of millions starved to death under communism

>> No.6911199

Because that worked so well in all the communist countries, didnt it?

>> No.6911212

>because high tech societies have more suicides than low tech societies.
>that proves evolution is a shit theory.
are u legit tarded?

that doesnt prove shit, that only proves that countries with higher suicide rates have higher sucide rates you fuckng strawman faggot

>> No.6911240

condition the person to hold spiritual needs to the highest order and look at materialism as a low tier ponzi sceme. show them the proof of god and that this life is nothing but a low level realm compared to the vast nature of the heavens.
why do you think millionares are fucking sucidial and depressed? its because theres no more "struggle" and hope this isnt the all.

>> No.6911266
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this meme has to die

>> No.6911269

>not our fault america killed a billion over the course of its lifetime.

>> No.6911295

>condition the person to hold spiritual needs
>why do you think millionares are fucking sucidial and depressed?
I dont think they are

All you have is baseless assumptions and your own beliefs, I dont care about that, I am not giving you my possesion, how are you going to take it from me?

>> No.6911313

>evolution isn't true because marx said so
At least you people admit you're creationists.

>> No.6911334

>muh natives
A literal myth fairy tale.

>other things
So you admit states can be fucking horrible and must have their power limited as much as possible?
Welcome to libertarianism.
Stop being a commie.

>> No.6911345



>> No.6911351

Lol, idiot. Equal wage is not a goal in itself. Equal opportunity is where it's at.

>> No.6911547

Your equal share will be the base for all price making herpa derpa

>> No.6911575
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I can't wait for a super powerful AI—skynet but with kttiens and peace involved—takes over a large portion of humanity's consciousness.

There will always be people ruining shit for each other—ruining shit for ourselves. Only when we are literally one mind-body with the helping hand of technology will we ascend petty shit.

>> No.6911624

Wh*tes may not have a heart but others do

>> No.6911673

I can't take commies seriously, all of you are sons of rich daddies and do nothing all day but spew random utopic crap and let out your inner anger by protesting (and of course take a picture together with dying wageslaves protesting because they have nothing to eat) only to feel good about yourselves.

Go work first, then we can talk.

>> No.6911687

Billions of years of evolution produced us and our innate desire to have more resources and power over others. This is a human universal, communism has never occurred organically except on a very small scale and with great need.

Communists have dreadfully misunderstood human nature and if you try to correct it, another hundred million people will die.

>> No.6911753

>no incentive
>hasn't seen UI trials being ultra successful

Oh dear anon, DYOR.

>> No.6911764

Not just muh human nature, it's about proper allocation of resources that only a free market is able to deliver via price discovery from supply and demand

Sadly, we've strayed from free markets considerably by this point, hopefully crypto and other disruptive tach reclaims that

>> No.6911773

>No one should have power over others.
>The people in the government should have absolute power and control over everyone.

>> No.6912049

Not all people can utilize resources as effectively. Some will consume using every single dollar they get, and when that runs out they'll buy even more with debt. If we redistributed wealth to everyone billions would just spend it all on frivolous things. Here's the best part. There is about 5 trillion dollars in currency, so if we distributed that to all 7 billion people everyone would receive an astounding 700 bucks. Do you really think this is going to make a difference to the starving people in Africa? Do you really think this won't be a net LOSS for virtually everyone in the first and second worlds? Because even if you do this there will still be those same institutions in place. They will be able to quickly take up that 700 dollars from the entire planet, and then use that to hire the desperate masses as wageslaves.

"But anon" I know you are saying "The workers will control the businesses too!" Well here's the problem with that. The first method of deprivatizing the economy would be state ownership. This obviously doesn't work because the state has no incentive to give you anything, and will just turn into the Soviet Union, or Maoist China. Maybe you're smarter than your leftist friends and you actually know what a stock is. In that case you might think we can just distribute all the stock evenly. Still doesn't work. The company will still keep all the profits and use that for its own aims. Also the value of stock will plummet as there will be virtually no desire to purchase more if the entire population owns an equal amount of stock.

It won't work. If it could, it would have been done already. Capitalism is an awful system, but the alternative is not to eviscerate society, and enslave the global population.

>> No.6912232

>muh 1% percent
>much rich are getting richer
>muh billionaires richer than ever before

Yeah, everybody is getting richer. The world poverty rate is at an all time low, better healthcare, longer lives, the only places where poverty is rising are socialist shitholes like Venezuela and Cuba. The problem with OP is that he unironically rather see the poor be poorer than rich be richer.

Let me ask you this? What do rich people do with their money? What do they invest it in? That´s right into more businesses in order to make more money. In the processes, new jobs are created, new founders are promoted to riches, and then these founders repeat the process and become investors.

No, the rich aren´t richer than ever. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, adjusted for inflation had double to quadruple the wealth of Bezos or Gates. Consider that the US economy wasn't even 10% of what it is today. Additionally, kings and nobles in past centuries held almost infinite concentration of wealth and command of economies.

>> No.6913297

the world poverty rate may be but the gap between rich and standard is getting bigger and bigger.

And what do the richest invest in?
Right media and weapon.. Good luck with that

>Additionally, kings and nobles in past centuries held almost infinite concentration of wealth and command of economies.

You maybe missed the French Revolution 1789

>> No.6913368

>redistribute all the world's wealth equally
Great, I'll get a couple thousand. Woopdie-fuckin-doo.

>> No.6913374

Lmao where do you live though? Being a physician in the dutch caliphate has relatively bad pay. MD + PhD and a specialization into an area like internal medicine lay earn you a whopping 70k per year. Still gotta pay 52% income tax among others lmao

>> No.6914277
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>the world poverty rate may be but the gap between rich and standard is getting bigger and bigger.
Again, if you took their money and gave it to everyone, nobody would be better off because no new resources are created.
The 99% consumes 99% of all consumer goods.
What the fuck do you not understand about this?

>> No.6914324

Shut the fuc up communist scum.
What will drive the people who actually know how to make money to keep making it if it will just be taken from them every time? Why not just do nothing and get a little like everyone else?
This shit won’t work idiot.

>> No.6914331

>social constructs

>where subsistance is not free as it would be in a natural world?

Holy shit marxism is a fucking religion.

>> No.6914390

why work and invent anything if you can just be a lazy come and be paid the same amount as everyone else.
equality is a path to degradation of humanity.

>> No.6914595

high tech societies have long hours and a workaholic culture. Those lead to loneliness and depression.

>> No.6914760

all technological,scientific etc progress would be kill though

>> No.6914812


It won't work humans thrive on trying to accumulate more. Not any different from monkeys trying to get all the fruits and hoarding them so they can survive while other monkey groups starve. Unless we can fix people's brains to work similar to ants where we operate on one hivemind, this shit won't work.

>> No.6915829

Yeah, that's why niggers are the top doctors and scientists
oh wait...

>> No.6916022

>millions of time
can you not read
google "communism" you retard
and that's just the tip of the iceberg, because if you think you're the first 19 years old who ever thought "wouldn't it be just peachy if we shared things equally", you're in need of a good beating and no internet access for a month so you actually get out of your room and interact with the real world

>> No.6916062

whites are the most rugged individualists on the planet. chinks are the closest thing the human race has to a hivemind and they're gonna beat us out because of it.