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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6897202 No.6897202 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys actually enjoy your job or are you just doing it just to survive in life?

>> No.6897267

pro model but lately i make more money by photographing other models for their portfolios + FAMILIES. holy shit people spend over $1k on a family shoot.

putting all those quick profits into crypto

fight me.

>> No.6897316

Is it pretty easy to find pussy to smash?

>> No.6897379

My actual interests are history and philosophy, but I work a software engineering job for the cash. Hopefully crypto lets me quit it because I hate corporate culture

>> No.6897400

Sales. I hate people, and the public in general, no matter how much the boss tells me "I'm a natural" with sales. But the pay is hard to beat.

>> No.6897405

software engineer, i like it

>> No.6897472

Software development lead for a big company in the bay. Money is very good. Pretty low stress. Flexible working arrangements too. Not my dream job but it's comfy comparatively and with continued decent money management I'll retire at 50 a multimillionaire.
Crypto is merely an attempt to expedite the above.

>> No.6897515

Cloud Engineer

Work is great we all post Pepes, take 2 hour lunches and shoot nerf guns. We write scripts for everything so our actual work is now like 25% when our startup began. Also make 100k at 23

>> No.6897544


Same here.

Exact same here.

>> No.6897551

if i was a braindead like most modelbros, then yeah.

most the girl models know they have a short career ahead of them. female models peak around age 20 so they're scrambling to find a sugar daddy.

i always lmao when i see a female model acting like a complete bitch on set. I think to myself "2 years max" then you're fat and irrelevant. it' usually true.

too bad I don't drink anymore and have a fiance eh?

>> No.6897576

Bugman detected

>> No.6897647

I hate working more than anything

I only live for crypto if I don't make it off crypto I kill myself

>> No.6897728

Well that is great you found your partner. I'm going through a loneliness streak and sometimes I have thoughts that better looks would improve my life.

>> No.6897739
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OP here.
I've been working at a club as a bartender for the past years. I want to get out because I just can't deal with drunk bimbos anymore. I went to college for finance but I dropped out because I didn't feel like I was fit for school.

I've been thinking about getting an IT cert and just doing help desk for a while. Is this a good plan to go with? I've been told that IT is a booming field and that I can work my way up if I continue getting more IT certs/experience.

>> No.6897864

My job is a sack of shit because startup.
Also Crypto is fun but I aint gunna mek it.

>> No.6897912

research associate in psychology, professors assistant and coffee slave on the weekends. People think I'm smart but the pay is abysmal. Going into law school.

>> No.6898060
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>too autisitc for University
>Too smart for run of the mill administrative wagecuckery
>15+ years in IT
>No degree
>No certs
>Could probably make 200k easy with bullshit MBA.
>Don't want student loans tho. Fuck paying for knowledge.

It's not a bad existence, money to spare, house, nice car...

But the computer wage cuckery needs to go. It's better than pushing papers, but I get really depressed at how stupid most the human race seems to be.

Seriously this whole civilization is propped up by 10% of the population. Everyone else is a hopeless retard. 90K+/year because I can use Google.

So yes and no, more thankful I don't have to worry about TPS reports, but regretful I lack the focus to apply myself more.

>> No.6898207

id say look up pickup artst stuff bu that'll jade you even more. it's not hard to find a hot girl and sleep with her.

after a while you'll resent them though

I found my fiance when i was certain id be single for life. had to get a restraining order on my ex gf because she kept trying to have me shot.

wanted to be single for life. then i met my fiance

i dont deserve her. im an ass most of the time.

good luck anon.

try drinking a gallon of water a day and working out. if you can afford it; p90x will get you in great shape FAST

do some reading, work on your posture, keep a clean haircut (not that shaved on the side bullshit people are wearing today)

floss and brush 2x a day, change your sheets often & get plenty of sleep.

also don't use soap on your face, just rinse it with cold water. you need your natural oils. people strip them with harsh detergents and wonder why their skin is flaky, red and bumpy :\

lastly, try to meditate. im working on learning astral projection now. it's not easy with my fiance and 2 chihuahuas in the bed. but im getting there.

>> No.6898315

>Going into law school.
Fucking why? (Lawyer checking in)

>> No.6898336


Research scientist. Intense hours and terrible pay compared to other STEM fields, but there’s nothing like it, i fucking love it. You get to learn from outstanding scientists and mentor young students, solve cool problems and do cool shit all day. Plus you’re literally at the cutting edge of human knowledge, on the front lines of science.

If crypto makes me rich, I wouldn’t change a thing in my life, except upgrade house/computer/clothes etc.

>> No.6898376

As someone in this field right now, yeah you can surely get a job in IT if you can get an a+ cert and maybe know how to reset a password in active directory. School is not worth it for IT imo. I have a 4 year degree in "IT" and learned next to nothing. Everything you learn is going to be on the job.

If you really want to accelerate your growth get a job at an MSP, you'll really get your hands on enterprise equipment and learn a fuckton.

>> No.6898462

I'm a pharmacist. I think the pay is good for the amount of work I do but it can get very hectic. It's a good fit for my personality.

>> No.6898501

IT can be great, especially when you end up somewhere where you're the soul person on deck. It can be pretty funny to watch a whole rooms eyes glaze over when you explain why a VM host's iscsi initiator crapped out and tried to use a duplicate IP after patching the SAN because of the Meltdown/Spectre bug...

Everything I just said is bullshit but management will never know, and they'll give you raises for it.

>> No.6898619

Oncologist and even though it pays well and some days are rewarding, most of it is just long and tedious. Riding crypto gains just so I can have free time in the future

>> No.6899648
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that sounds epic bro :) Did you come here from reddit too?

>> No.6900071

I'm forced to work for my dad in a corner-store in the ghetto, shit's horrid. trying to quit at end of month, he'll probably just threaten to kick me out again. trying to find other job asap because sadly that's only way I can leave essentially, I actually work as sales rep for weed company but it requires constant attention, not something I can do three days a week, which is what I have off, so I essentially have to quit that job because I have to get a full-time job to replace the part-time shit I'm forced to work. it's pathetic as holy fuck, mainly on my part for having fuck all'd my earnings from post-HS till now, but that's what it is

>> No.6900094

Some days I enjoy my work. But even though it pays decent, it's a shitty repetitive job most days.

>> No.6900113

I work to survive, I am not happy

>> No.6900170
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I love my job. I wake up most mornings and look forward to work. I'm a malware analyst for an AV company you've heard of.

>> No.6900202

AV programs suck. All bloatware.

>> No.6900278

They're great for normies. Useless against any sophisticated attack though.

>> No.6900298

Fuck AV it's all memeware

You guys will be redundant over the year as nore people realise that Windows Defender is all they really need.

>> No.6900308

I work in a nursing home wiping bums and generally providing for the elderly, infirm, demented.

Wouldn't say I enjoy it but it is the most rewarding (i.e. I finish a shift feeling 'yeah I've done some good in the world') job I've ever had and I've had quite a few over the years.

>> No.6900341

I know some carers too and they seem to get the same feeling.

>> No.6900385

I work on Porsches for a living, the pay isn't great but they're my dream cars so I love it

>> No.6900390

I don't care, I don't develop the applications. I reverse engineer malware. Its fun. I get paid well.

>> No.6900408

I do crypto full time now.

What's the point of going back to a soulless entry level job for 2000 dollars a month when my portfolio fluctuates more than that every 30 seconds?

Might go back to school though. I'd love to study astrobiology

>> No.6900445

I work a 9-5 and literally do nothing 99% of the day. I use all the free time to research crypto. If 2018 is a fraction of what 2017 was like, hopefully I'll be in a position to take back my freedom.

>> No.6900452

That sounds fun. Shame you work with shit software devs.

>> No.6900469

Class A CDL driver. drive a super 14 mostly and transport heavy equipment occasionally. 5 raises since july 2016. my pay is higher than average for truck drivers with below 5 years experience. comfy/10

>> No.6900496
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my man

ecommerce bought this really dumb 19 year old a 996 c4, aside from the IMS(which has been replaced) how else did I fuck myself? paid 17k with 81k miles

>> No.6900552

Work in a technical field for the Navy

I go off on contacts for months at a time so I never have to worry about rent
Hope to someday sail around the Pacific Ocean and buy a house in rural Oregon. If all goes well I can make that happen by the age of 40

>> No.6900582
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I'm a professional neet and it's great. I chill at my families beach house rent free because my parents are totally on board with me accumulating bitcoin. I day drink, trade crypto, swim, tan..whatever I want. And now that my bitcoin stack is fat I can go downtown at night and party.

>> No.6900617

I work in a nursing home aswell; Im a CNA and i absolutly fucking hate it. Im an ass wiper for sure. hard work, for horrible pay. Also, added bonus of working with lazy negroids who do not do their job at all and make all these old demented people suffer. It really is horrible.

>> No.6900650

Yes, my work challenges me and makes me feel like i'm achieving something.

I feel the best mentally when im working.

(Civil engineer)

>> No.6900733

My job is SO easy.

I watch TV and shitpost, swing trade.

I get paid for 40 hours a week and work about 8 hours total.

If I succeed in investing (here and the stock market) I will follow a career path I’m passionate about

>> No.6900743

Euro oncologist here
10% rewarding 90% sucks due to outrageous bullshit bureaucracy, understaffed department. Literally nonstop work. Im lucky if I got 15 mins time to go for dinner. Oncology is a fucking meme and barely advanced last 20 years. Apart from emotional support we dont even help those people because pharma is shit. Memed by pharma, cucked by gov, lawyers, socialised medicine, workload...medicine here in EU turned to utter shit. USA is next to get socialised in 10-15 years.
Hold it down oncobro, Im getting out this year and in the next years out of medicine.

>> No.6900795

I'm a full time photographer. I make 6x the minimum wage and it was my dream job since college

>> No.6900813

I'm going into work as a graduate technology analyst at an investment bank you've heard of in the UK.

Starting salary £35k which is ridiculous money for someone my age (21).

I won't need to worry about rent because will be living in my parents 2nd apartment so I can just accumulate crypto for the next few years and develop a cocaine habit.

Pretty content with life tbqh.

>> No.6900841

web developer
ez job, cool coworkers, big pay
of all jobs, it's a good one

>> No.6900864
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>> No.6900886

Same. Sad.

>> No.6900935

Start as a budtender at a dispensary in WA tomorrow. Pretty fucking stoked son

>> No.6900944

I work two jobs. Day job I get to watch kids play all day while I drink coffee and shitpost on 4chan. At night I work in a bar and get to get drunk for free while hanging out with friends.
Trick is to just find a job you like and do almost as little work as possible.

>> No.6900954


I work long hours marketing exciting technologies to my customer base and buying and selling said techologies to and from the same customer base.

I'll let you figure out who these customers are. Work is for low IQ peasants destined for mediocrity and slow decline into wasted dreams.

>> No.6900956

i work as a part time waiter
even if it doesnt even pay my rent i love my job
hopefully will get some graduate management job when i graduate
its a big hotel chain

>> No.6900968
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Good for all night swing trades.

Bad for prophets.

Don’t kill your heart and mind anon. Use your opportunity to create a legacy.

>> No.6900977

>work 9 to 5
>repair medical equipment
>get stressed because more work than techs

All I want to do is woodworking and camp innawoods. Unfortunately I don't have time to do much in my workshop. I cant quit my job either because its retarded hard to run a small business in today's economy and I don;t think I could make enough furniture to support my family, let alone pay my debts.

>> No.6901017

Had to exit my studies early because I was facing a tough situation and needed to work fulltime. Because of that I got stuck in the retail trap for 9 years. Most recent job had me in a basement stockroom with no ventilation and some kind of airborne irritant that gave me breathing difficulties + chronic coughing, and began developing severe muscular pains so I had to quit to save my health.
Right now I'm living off savings until I get back in to studies, but I managed to put a little bit in to crypto in hopes that everything will be okay in the near future.

>> No.6901018

That's gay as fuck get a real job anon be a fucking man not some pussy numale shit

>> No.6901031
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Ortho assistant. Sometimes its rewarding though I really wish to cash out to attend med school in the future. Being at the bottom of the hierarchy sucks donkey dick.

>> No.6901042
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That’s awesome. I’m investing in marijuana business as well.

Have a good first day anon

Have a skeltal

>> No.6901056

no i fucking hate it
i have two fat fucking faggot supervisors that i have to pretend to not want to spit in their face daily
i have 500k saved so i plan on quitting soon thank god

>> No.6901105
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>4chan biz pajeet:The job.

Please sar

>> No.6901145

architect in shithole of a country
I love my job and seeing my designs brought to life but it doesn't pay well and at times I feel miserable when I realize my architecture will never be relevant because I'm only hired for low-profile stuff
if I ever make it I'll still do this as a hobby, would be much more fun if I didn't have to worry about finances

>> No.6901150

College dropout, 21 years old. Started working as C# web dev 6 months ago at $55k, have since become more a Linux sysadmin and got a raise last week to $68k. Have also increased my crypto to $10k.

For having only like 30 credit hours, I'm doing better than what most of my peers will be pulling when they graduate this summer.

>> No.6901207
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Not horrible, occasionally the engines have catastrophic failures unrelated to the IMS bearing (Cylinder walls crack, piston slap). But besides that they are actually very reliable, ignition coils crack due to heat and water pumps leak. Make sure you vacuum radiator ducts every service to prevent leaves and debris from corroding rads. Personally I am a big 996 fan and yours looks nice, good job

>> No.6901225

I actually like the work itself, but I hate the people. My job is full of normies that constantly gossip, the fucking drama and politics is unbelievable. If I could work from home or be able to work w a bunch of autists like me, I wouldn't mind it. But the pay is pretty good, so going to put up w it for now. But as soon as I make enough in crypto, I'm quitting

>> No.6901230


Thanks anon! Viva la cannabis!

I actually just moved across the country from Indiana to Washington, for the chance to be apart of the industry. I do web design on the side, and I'm building a social network around cannabis that will be launching in the coming months!

>> No.6901323

Good luck! It’s a booming industry.

We are gonna make it brother!

>> No.6901343


Appreciated, you as well!

>> No.6901402
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We're going to make them give back our past.

>> No.6901452

That looks like such a pain to work on.

>> No.6901485

Bored peon working a 9-5, browse biz all day. Not really, I can play emulated games at work but I have anhedonia.

>> No.6901486

>As someone in this field right now, yeah you can surely get a job in IT if you can get an a+ cert and maybe know how to reset a password in active directory. School is not worth it for IT imo. I have a 4 year degree in "IT" and learned next to nothing. Everything you learn is going to be on the job.
this. I have a degree in Art (go ahead, laugh) and I'm a network admin.

>> No.6901566

I'm freelancing for a bunch of shit and it's finally starting to pay off, but I started getting more into crypto as a means to surviving the slower seasons.

>> No.6901613

How long did it take you to get your certs?

>> No.6901617

Would such an entry level job pay ok?

>> No.6901762

What's your job/salary anon?

>> No.6901871

Porsches are definitely some of the better cars to work on, not as bad as it looks lol

>> No.6901969

I love my job but I still plan on opening my own business. I like the work and the benefits/pay but I hate taking orders from retards. I can live very comfortably with my salary until I retire but fuck that. I want to be able to spend time with my kids and fiance whenever I want and come and go as I please.

>> No.6902009

I mix bands at bars in downtown Nashville, TN. I am a private contractor, so the taxes suck dick, but nobody else in the bars have the ability to tell me what to do because they have no idea what I do or how to do it. ~60k a year if I work every shift I have available, but my migrains and laziness usually lead me to miss at least a few days a month. I love my job most of the time.

>> No.6902069
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I'm 24 just started working in commercial loan servicing, and make $47,500 a year. I also have $10k in a brokerage account I manage and another $8k in savings. I know that I'm doing alright for my point in life but it doesn't really feel like "grown-up" money.

>> No.6902202
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I enjoy my career but I don't want to do it until the normie retirement age. Just long enough to fund my hobbies and purchase more properties to become a comfy airbnb slumlord.

Anyways, electrician here in Toronto. I'm a foreman for one of the larger union companies on highrise projects, which usually last between 2-4 years, so it's nice not bouncing around too much. I control anywhere from 5-20 guys, and seldom have problems with any of them. Been doing this since I was 20. 31 now.

>> No.6902244

How hard is it to get into/make it in photography? I kinda want to get into it as a hobby but it’s a bit intimidating, I don’t want to go halfway and call myself an Instagram genius like some other fags

>> No.6902249

doing better than most people your age. gg

>> No.6902328

IT/data specialist for healthcare org. I do like 1-2 hours worth of actual work on average a day and spend the rest of my time shitposting and drawing. Comfy as fuck and will hopefully set me up for a higher paying job in health care in a few years.

>> No.6902337

What did ya major in?

>> No.6902381

no certs. started as a tech and moved up.

>> No.6902382

I wouldn't mind work as much if I didn't have to get up so fucking early. I used to work at a place where I didn't have to be in until 10AM and worked for about 9 hours a day, but I was way more productive and enjoyed it more. This crack of dawn shit is a scam.

>> No.6902448

Damn thats pretty cool. Did you get the job because you had connections? I didn't think it was that easy to get a job in IT.

>> No.6902469

It's horrible unless you have a good network of people getting married or are willing to pay decent for good, edited photo sessions. Video is too much work desu.

Learn how to take photos and maybe video for your personal life and for friends but unless you want to be hating your hobby, don't try to do this for money - or at least don't give up your day job.

>> No.6902479
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the latter

>> No.6902483

Network Admin jobs usually aren't entry level unless it is a small company. Good money at a larger multi-site facility though. Especially if u are the one coordinating and sending out other techs. I'm pretty happy with what I do, and it isn't boring since shit is constantly changing.

>> No.6902510

it's not that bad anon, and you get used to it.
I'm up in the sky by about 645 daily. up at 530. I get so much more in the day considering I leave work at 3pm and dont sleep til about midnight. A lot of people get fucked over dealing with rush hour twice a day. Really eats in to your free time.

>> No.6902584

this was def one of those deals where i got talked up by a friend that was higher up within already. That was 8 yrs ago though. They gave me a shot as a tech, despite lack of certs and BS in comp science, then saw I knew more than most the other guys, so they kept me on.

>> No.6902636

I don't enjoy work. I hate corporate culture and politics. I dream of owning my own house which is why I continue to work even though I live with my parents and don't have many expenses at all. My parents are growing older and it'd be easier on them if we lived in a house and not the top floor apartment.

Houses here are fucking expensive and I don't know if I'll ever make it though.. which is why I put a fair bit of my savings into crypto, hoping I'll make it within the next few years so I can quit this job and have my freedom. When I do, I won't retire though. I'll just go do what I'd actually enjoy instead of working for money.. I hope everyone on biz makes it. I truly do. We all share the same dream

>> No.6902693

Nice, what field?

>> No.6902747

thanks man, you too... Getting into a house in hot markets is tough. I moved almost an hour away from Toronto for mine. Toronto has nothing good now. Anything under 8/900k is a near-teardown or in a terrible neighbourhood.

>> No.6902907

No, I hate my job. I make 70k a year right out of college in an inexpensive area and have no debt but I still hate it. Hopefully Chainlink moons so I can quit and live off interest in a safe investment.

>> No.6902950

I'm getting a degree in software engineering and I'd say only 20% of my modules (excluding my dissertation) will have any real world use.

>> No.6902964
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Just working sales for money. Industrial equipment. It's mostly awful, and I work for the two most retarded people you could imagine. Can't break 5 million in a year despite flooded market and 35 consecutive years of business. Anyone with two briancells to rub together could dig us out of this. I talk to them, but they think all I do is complain. Retards will retard.

>> No.6902978

>Wake up hours before daylight
>Sit in traffic for 45 mins
>Sit in corporate cuck boxes for hours
>Miss out on enjoying the nice weather
>Have multiple superiors to micromanage you
>Sit in traffic for another 45 mins

Living the American Dream... Figuring out how to work from home. Wageslaving is cancer.

>> No.6903018
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I genuinely enjoy my job. Analyst at a middle market IB. Lots of work, but my co-workers are all awesome people, so it's not too painful. Need to ask for a raise soon, though.

>> No.6903066

Yeah, I don’t think I could do it full time. My people skills aren’t up to par and I hate buttering up and sucking dick to network.

I really like tilt-shift photography as meme-worthy as that is but I don’t know anything about frame settings or lenses or post processing, like nothing. I just think taking cool photos would be fun and if I could make some scratch on the side, even better. Thanks for the input

>> No.6903102

I studied economics. I feel like more important than what you study is getting a good looking resume doing bullshit that you can polish up. And interviewing with confidence, good eye contact and natural smile/laughter.

>> No.6903150


Are you spying on me? That's mu life.

>> No.6903155

Mech Engineering student who worked in banking all his life. AMA I guess. The work was whatever and the workplace is what kept me going since everyone liked me and got along. Probably helped that I was one of two guys working there with 6 other women

>> No.6903222

Thanks man

>> No.6903226

skydive videographer here. I put cameras on my head and fly circles around tandems. I don't usually get to bang the hot tandem students like the person taking them on the jump, but I get to bang all of the hot skydive students and manifest girls. Love my job

>> No.6903285
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We’ll figure a way out of this kikery anon. I’d rather be a full time NEET than do this for the rest of my life, and that’s not ideal.

>> No.6903292

>Pizza cook

I hate it but it's the best I'm getting for now while attending community college at 19. Allows me to put a good chunk of my check into crypto. If my investments take off I might not even have to transfer to a university but probably will to get my Econ degree and be on the safe side.

>> No.6903556

23, analytics consultant for big 4 working in banking. It's a lot of hours but I like the people i work with and the all expenses paid travel lets me live a lifestyle i never could otherwise.

>> No.6903653

What do you guys sell

>> No.6903682

You could probably get a start by doing some part-time remote helpdesk work. It is a nice way to build some work experience up while your getting your certs.

There are also ways of "infiltrating" certain companies with big IT departments. Start in an entry-level job at a company with a big IT department. State your goals, bullshit, and show your certs if you have any. That might get you there too

Best of luck anon

>> No.6903693

>be me
>0 bills or taxes
>work at cushy movie theater job
>hit on 10/10s all day long
>fake confidence turns into real confidence
>get fired
life sucks now

>> No.6903743

I have a bachelors in statistics, but I do software implementation... The work environment is ok, I travel a fuckton, and I get paid and ok-ish amount.

It's so fucking boring though. I want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.6903798

holy fuck this
all of this

I feel like IT really has potential to be fun, and engaging, and profitable, but fuck helpdesk shit

>> No.6903799

I do like my job. We're a small ragtag team and a subsidiary of a large multi-billion dollar conglomerate. My boss lets us drink on the patio of the local bar with our laptops and our meeting room has Smash Bros/Mario Kart/Street Fighter/Mario Party/etc.

Full stack developer making 80k based out of South Carolina.

>> No.6903996

I am an apprentice toolmaker. Still suck at more than what I'm good for but at least I suck a lot less than I did a year ago. All that sucking and I still don't have the kneepads to work in the service economy. It's hard, challenging work but it is fulfilling.

>> No.6904559

In Construction
General Contractor
Sub out as project manager on larger projects
Love it, love building, love the blue collar man, it's a good life

>> No.6904941

Get paid to fly in helicopters, and ride snowmobiles for 100k leaf bux a year even if Link went to 1000 I’d probably still work the job.

>> No.6904992

>doing p90x
>paying for p90x

Literally google "Reddit PPL" or "Big but Boring" for a decent routine based on looking good or just bootleg p90x if you're a cuck but not quite the turbocuck that buys p90x.

>> No.6905019

>even if Link went to 1000 I’d probably still work the job.
>tfw you love your job so much you forget to eat
>tfw you love your job so much you volunteer to stay behind just a bit more when your boss reminds you it's quitting time
I'd still work my job even if the shitcoin I'm holding goes $2

>> No.6905020

Nice anon, congrats.

>> No.6905059


Nearest boss to me is a 16 hour drive away

>> No.6905068


Don’t talk to my wife’s son like that. He’s trying to enjoy his new Nintendo switch

>> No.6905127

This sounds chill af

>> No.6905287

biglaw attorney. it's alright. fortunately work with some legit good people, even if a bit weird. would quit if i make it with crypto.

>> No.6905658

Don't fall for the college meme.
Electrician Foreman
80k + pto/pension/bonus
Crypto/Netflix/Books while I wait for shit to break
Won't retire even if I make it.

>> No.6905772

Heavy compounds are way better than "P90x". Squats, deadlifts, and bench are all you need.

>> No.6905821

I'd like to become a photographer part-time. How did you get into your roll?

>> No.6906375

I work in healthcare, i supervise interns. yeah i like my job. the catch is i live in a 3rd world country and make about about 5k USD a year. Probably wouldn’t quit even if I “made it”

>> No.6906517

Which one

Whats the rep for e&y? Asking for a friend..

>> No.6906751

assuming you mean reputation, ey is fine, heard they're shitty about expenses though

>> No.6907572

Trauma Nurse , pay is good work is busy as hell. Overworked and understaffed. But I enjoy the job just wish I had more time to actually deal with things.

>> No.6907592

First year analyst at a $2billion private equity shop in the westcoast, doing a mix of business development and financial analysis. Im killing it on deal flow but i feel like im gonna get pidgeonholed into biz dev and not financial/investment analysis if I over perform
Need to lateral to a bigger PE or IB firm, pay is 52k base plus average 25-35k bonus, im closing near the 35 end, not bad for being 24 and no rent,

got 2 startups and an online merch selling business to get up and running this '18-'19 season. keep my head down, invest big into blockchain ETFs, try to pick up some certifications and maybe online mba

goal in 3-8 years is a big boy PE/IB/buy-side, MBB management consulting, partner track at a big advisory or bigboy fortune 50 role

>> No.6908333
File: 103 KB, 1437x908, X9832189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually wageslaving and not getting crypto rich
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, when will the wagies learn?


>> No.6908362

if true, you basically won the lottery

current MBA student at a top 15 program. desperate to get into PE / investment management. fucking difficult.

ibanking/consulting is actually average tier difficulty by comparison. howd u do it

>> No.6908527

Worked for the UK government for 6 years in taxes. It is absolutely fucking shit - unionised workers, filled with low energy boomers, all creativity stifled by beaurocracy, 5 years behind the private sector in all aspects. Most of the staff just counting down to their gold plated pension pot. No incentive to work because everyone is on flat rate of pay irrespective of performance.

Handed in my notice and leaving end of February to a small firm specialising in accounting and investment in technology, fintech and creative startups. Can't wait to get out.

>> No.6908545
File: 682 KB, 498x498, 1516218909591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: people who didn't invest in crypto

why are you ppl still working a 9-5? i genuinely don't get it. i just held some shitcoins and made six figures in 6 months from DOING NOTHING and i made no trades. why would anyone subject themselves from 9-5 when are you can profit off of one of the most disruptive technologies? can a wageslave explain to me why you are not full into crypto?

>> No.6908632

i like it mine. i to healthcare analysis to see how i can save money for different companies. basically, fat cunts are costing us all a fortune. fat and otherwise sedentary people are my 'niggers'

>> No.6908687

i stand on concrete 8-12 hours in a metal workshop every day (not related to my STEM degree whatsoever). only been working full time for 2 year and my heels are already killing me, tried every combo of work boots and insoles. i only make $150/day. i wanna kill myself everyday. make it end, please.

>> No.6908698

this is why i dont hire kids. experience is always more important and kids take huge liberties like you have just aired to the world. you arent 'worth' half that.

>> No.6908721

just to survive

there is no freedom to do what work you want in our society

>> No.6908795

literally this

how comfy are you my nig

im on fuckin max comfy

>> No.6908979

I could basically kill myself every single day.
Dropped out of uni because I was doing a meme degree (pol. science) and went for an apprenticeship in IT. Trade school included.
I get paid fucking 900€ a month (650~ after taxes/ healthcare) and actually get along quite good financially. But jesus fucking christ does the work suck though. Fucking inhouse IT support beeing responsible for everything that actually uses an electrical socket. KILL ME PLEASE

>> No.6909007

u jelly?

>> No.6909039

Doing mecheng degree. I got into crypto for a reason. I despise this shit. If i end up doing it for a living i will probably kill myself.

>> No.6909068
File: 767 KB, 1064x670, X9832157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fuckin dropped out, comfy apartment

i eat fast food and trade crypto. i don't understand why people want to wageslave, were they indoctrinated by their school system or something? i guess the bilderberg system had made education system to train the goyim for work force. whatever, i will enjoy my comfy gainz

>> No.6909110

Run assorted gay porn tube sites, 100k a year in Chaturbate ref income. Grows about 20k a year. Takes about an hour a day to update, spend rest of day listening to metal and swing trading crypto. Married, 46, no complaints.

>> No.6909162


>> No.6909178

EMT masterrace. Minimum wage but I'd literally do this job for free if I made millions in crypto.

>> No.6909213


I'm about to get in my car, fight traffic with overly aggressive soccer moms and middle management faggots in shitty financed cars they use as status symbols, then struggle to get a parking space before selling 8 hours of my life to Mr Shekelberg.

Keep the tendies warm boys im coming soon.

>> No.6909251

tell me about this please. Do you create a random webpage and add videos from different web pages there? how do you earn? ads?

>> No.6909333

Humanities post-doc

Pay is decent, combined two scholarships during PhD so I made ok money and have decent savings. Love doing research and the freedom to make your own schedule, teaching is enjoyable too.

Just had a kid and wife is not working, so not much spare cash to put into crypto ATM unfortunately.

Not sure I'll go for a professorship job afterwards though. More pressure and administrative crap for not much more pay and the future looks very uncertain for the profession. I've been coding freelance on the side since grad school to make extra cash, so I might just get a better paying tech job.

>> No.6909443

fucking kek 12/10

>> No.6909476


Get a tube script, preferably MechBunny. Find a niche to exploit, in my case gay amateur because almost zero copyright complaints to deal with when you rape other tube sites for content. Could just as easily be fat chicks, trannies, asian, whatever. As I work gay I use Chaturbate but there are probably a couple dozen cam affil programs out there you can join. I prefer revshare over pps as the revshare really adds up over time. Get some cheap pajeet programmer to integrate api feeds into your listings and you are set to go. Getting traffic is the hard part. Buy it, seo it, spam for it, whatever it takes.

>> No.6909532

I wonder if we work for the same company.

Only afriCAN’TS and my lazy ass work here.

>> No.6909713

>combined two scholarships during PhD
>Just had a kid and wife is not working
what the fuck are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.6909919


What certs did you need to get into Linux sys admin work?

>> No.6910009

Hoping bizbros will shill me some good shitcoins while the wife and kid are asleep.

I've been here since 2004

>> No.6910130

This anon has the right idea. I'm holding millions of assorted shitcoins such as EXRN and TAU

>> No.6910528


I think I would enjoy my career more (EMT-P) if I didn't rely on it to pay the bills.

I know a few colleagues who are sorted for various reasons (married rich, inherited, bought at the right time, etc...) who still do the job and say the second they stop depending on that pay check the mentality and way they approach work changes completely, they seem genuinely happy/relaxed.

If I ever make it I'll probably carry on working full time initially until I am certain everything is secure (money in bank account, house purchased and paid off, taxes all level, accountant on retainer, maybe invest in a business like a bar for secondary passive income, etc...) then go part time.

>> No.6910657

70/30. It's not a bad job, I do what I studied (networking mainly), I have nice workplace with small kitchen and bathroom and enough time to check on my coins

>> No.6910719

AWS cert mite be worth it but these days it's more about being able to demonstrate your skill with a particular technology, and it's moving so fast that by the time you get a cert it's already outdated. Learn shit like Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Jenkins, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, etc and obviously learn python, bash scripting, maybe some perl, and probably javascript because eventually you're going to be asked to troubleshoot some asshole's node api even though it should be that asshole's job