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File: 252 KB, 1444x672, Chainlink vs. Aeternity vs. Mobius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6897761 No.6897761 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone elaborate on the differences between these decentralized oracle projects?

I understand the basic underlying principles of decentralized oracles. Yes, I have read the whitepapers, unfortunately I lack a background in computer science.

Which is superior? Why is Link the best? Why isn't it?

>> No.6897808

Stop begging if you can’t figure it out your self fuck off
Kys faggo SAGED

>> No.6897841


There is no "vs". ChainLink is aiming to make a decentralised oracle network that will change the world. They're working with the biggest players and best minds in the field and are only about 6 months away from main net launch.
The other two are just pieces of shit that have only just launched that happen to mention oracle on one page of their whitepaper. There is literally no competition.

Buy Mobius.

>> No.6898000


I'm currently all-in on Link. I've done extensive research and obviously agree with you. I just find it a little worrysome that Mobius and Aeternity are focused on the scalability of their blockchains, and make Ethereum seem slow as fuck. How is CL planning on scaling in the future? and Ethereum?

>> No.6898358

when will you faggots realize that Ethereum only has scaling issues because it has more daily transactions than all other blockchains COMBINED? Remember dial up internet? thats where Ethereum is at now. It will get better. All other blockchains are fuckin irrelevant

>> No.6898396


>I've done extensive research
>I'm worried about ETH scalability in regards to ChainLink

Anon, pls.

>> No.6898430

There's no competition.

Chainlink has zeppelin_os.

Chainlink has SWIFT/PDS2.

That's the game. LINK will become the standard oracle, and handle all data flowing into and out of blockchains.

>> No.6898498


I’m a pea-brained finance major, sorry. I know Link is planning on working with any blockchain and perhaps creating their own token in the future. I’m concerned because I heard that CL may only support Eth on testneg release.

>> No.6898506
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absolutely this

as for eth scalability meme
So far eth is the only legit blockchains out there. All those other scam cash grabs with empty promises don't have shit, (ironically some of them are still erc20 tokens kek imagine being such a cuck that you want to beat the competition by using their product)

>> No.6898509


>I just find it a little worrysome that Mobius and Aeternity are focused on the scalability of their blockchains

LINK is blockchain agnostic.

>> No.6898666


I keep hearing this. What EXACTLY does ‘blockchain agonistic’ mean?

>> No.6898729


Chainlink's network acts as middleware between blockchains and centralized datafeeds, meaning it can interact with any API or data feed on one side, and any supported blockchain on the other side. They'll support Ethereum, Bitcoin and Hyperledger to start, and will likely add support as new chains rise enough in adoption to merit it.

>> No.6898731

it means it operates in its own space (middleware). The token itself is an erc20 but that can easily be ported to another blockchain if necessary (protip: it wont be)

>> No.6898804


I'm only going to feed you think because of those digits. ChainLink the actual product, as in the network of nodes that trustlessly moves information on and off chain, can be used on multiple blockchains. ETH, BTC, Hyperledger, NEO and more. That's what "blockchain agnostic means".
The LINK token is just the part that organises payments to node operators. It is far, far more lightweight and can easily work on Ethereum. Think of ChainLinks of all the trucks in a trucking company, and the LINK token just as the payment system for truck drivers. The payment system doesn't have to have trucks driving on it, just money flowing through it.
But beyond that, even if for some reason Ethereum fails to scale and some other platform becomes faster, the LINK token could just migrate to that new platform through a 1:1 airdrop, which wouldn't even be difficult.

>> No.6898832

There is literally no competition.

Chainlink is in cahoots with some of the biggest players in the industry, everything else will come into place.

>> No.6898841

Computations in LINK aren't done on chain, just settlement of tokens for node payment which isn't so time sensitive, is my understanding. Also blockchain agnostic and could be hypothetically transferred to another blockchain if necessary.

>> No.6898958


Thank you, I appreciate your replies. So there really isn’t a need for Link to move to its own token?

>> No.6899009

No it doesnt need to be on its own blockchain (if thats what youre asking). That would defeat the purpose

>> No.6899622


You will only find Link Marines being this nice to someone calling a blockchain a token.

>> No.6899692

>the LINK token could just migrate to that new platform through a 1:1 airdrop, which wouldn't even be difficult
AKA shadowfork.

>> No.6899866

I am a LINK Marine myself with limited but rapidly expanding knowledge of all of this stuff. Something I am stuck on is what exactly does staking a node mean? I do not intend on running a node myself. What is the incentive of holding other than the speculative cost for me? Can I stake on other peoples nodes?

>> No.6900394


Nodes get elevated priority by having more LINK, so it's a node's interest to have more LINK staked in their node.
This means that potentially people could "lend" a node their LINK through a smart contract in order to get a cut of the node's profits.

>> No.6900693

If you don't want to run a node then there is no value other than speculative cost. The value of holding link comes from running a node. You don't get good boy points just because you are holding it, you need to do something with it.

>> No.6900714

At least one staking pool has already been created for people who can't or won't create their own nodes. It probably won't be as profitable as running your own, but it's hard to know how rewards will scale with the amount of staked LINK, and what the oracle marketplace will look like. It's possible that small nodes targetting specific kinds of oracle data could be very profitable, or that the most valuable contracts will only be available to nodes with a very high reputation (meaning smaller holders will benefit more from joining pools than from staking themselves). And it's likely that this will be something that changes over time as the market grows. Keep in mind that the market for this product only exists in potentia right now, so it's not really possible to make accurate predictions about it.

>> No.6900826

Then turnaround to get them to sell

>> No.6901690
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 19-03-45-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never get my linkies.
They will go to my family after I die.
And a smartcontract will make sure that they can't sell it either. Only stake it.

>> No.6901782


tbqh, we have no idea on mainnet. rory sd theyd work with community to build it up, could mean its an alpha but there wont be a new version just updates and addons.

>> No.6901885

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6901947

the only reason stinkchain is shilled here so much is to distract from the clear winner which is Mobius.

Besides... ShadowFork. lol

>> No.6902019

>I've done extensive research
>What does 'blockchain agnostic' mean?

>> No.6902068

Akroma. It is ethereum and chainlink as a single coin with oracles and has relay chains and atomic swap support. Akroma.io. very low key right now, no announcements have been made yet. Just like turtlecoin.

>> No.6902492

You legit? I can mine this shit

>> No.6902508

Mobius getting listed on Huobi/OkEx next week.

>> No.6902711

I am not sure you understand that one of link's main selling point is that it is blockchain agnostic. While things like akroma or mobius can only handle things on their own blockchain. Chainlink could release support for both of those blockchains while also using every other useful blockchain.

>> No.6902713

Mobius, are you street shitting me?

>> No.6903086
File: 122 KB, 888x1120, 1516205306936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mobius team is full of pajeets hyping up the price. There's an article where the founder literally say something like "to the moon! get your spacesuits ready" or some bs. It's incredibly retarded, and shows a lack of professionalism and focus on the price instead of the project, which is INVERSE of what Sergey is doing (there's an interview to the mobius founder and he says similar shit). You can clearly see the difference. I don't think any big company is going to bother working with a bunch of pajeets hyping up their token price on reddit to a bunch of normie faggots or autistic 4channers.

More reasons:

Chainlink is a first mover and it's probably nearer to release the mainnet.
At the same time, mobius tries to focus on too much shit. Chainlink goes for only one thing and tries to do it well, which, considering the problem is trying to solve, it's the ideal situation.
At the same time we know there has been some relationship between link and swift, I don't think mobius have done something similar.
Never doubt Link.
And don't even bother mentioning OracleChain wich is even worst.

>> No.6903096

The token is what facilitates transactions of the network, it derives it's value entirely from the functioning of the Smartcontract (closed) system. Nodes stake LINK, nodes are paid in LINK, penalties are paid in LINK. All parties involved in the service (both nodes and consumers) are incentivized to perform in a way that maximises the function of the system, as this is what will maximise their investment to be a part of the system. Having a token as the sole transactable currency within a closed system aligns all party's interests to the same end.

>> No.6903434


Look at all the progress! This coin to the moon! Main net release in two months! https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-ruby/graphs/contributors

>> No.6903504
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It's private so faggots like you can't steal Sergey's god-like work.

>> No.6904064

That's kinda shit progress compared to Aeternity though, look at Aeternity's progress: https://github.com/aeternity


>> No.6904745
File: 28 KB, 547x495, 1513289686580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sold LINK to do some quick arbitrage elsewhere
>LINK begins pumping while I'm waiting for my ETH to transfer to Binance



>> No.6904761
File: 39 KB, 234x216, shadowforkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6904857


>> No.6904863



>> No.6905222
File: 45 KB, 500x505, 1508546978459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockchain scalability
Oh you sweet summer child. I had an epiphany when i was trying to look into the argument that Chainlink is just a token that doesn't do anything. It. Is. Just. A. Token. Once get that through your head you will realize that any blockchain based oracle is not going to cut it with confirmation times. The nodes operate picking and serving your data in real time to earn more chainlink. You're betting that you can serve up fast, consistent data with a node with some chainlink to earn more. Interacting with another chain? Get ballsy and stake your node to read the tx the moment it gets on-chain when it gets a single confirm if you want to.

>> No.6905540
File: 8 KB, 218x218, pepe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
