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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 229 KB, 360x480, HS-boob-smashing-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6896355 No.6896355 [Reply] [Original]

>be 18 year old KHV friendless HS student.
>in U.S history class
>boomer teacher is talking about economics.
>he says "hey anon how are your bitcoins doing" (I told him about crypto earlier this year)
>he asks how much I put in crypto.
>asks how much I have now.
>the class starts asking me tons of questions about Bitcoin.
>"do you store it on your hard drive" typical normie questions.
>tell everyone about other cryptos such as ETH, LTC, NEO.
>explain how you buy them, smart contracts, wallets ect.
>teacher says it's great I'm doing this at such a young age.
>nog in class says "damn anon be getting that money, he stacked, i should buy dis bitcoin"
>roastie sitting next to me says "wow that's so impressive that you have so much money at your age"
>roastie smiles at me.
>after class some people continue talking to me, show them my block folio, some guys give me their number so they can ask me for advice.
>girls acting friendly and keep looking at me.
>hear one say "wow anon is so smart"

Did crypto just make me a normie? Who knows, I might be able to make some friends, or even get a girl to like me becuase of this. How do i fuck one of these girls in my class? Surely a lot of them are impressed.

>> No.6896416

6/10 because guaranteed replies

>> No.6896420

have fun getting robbed.

>> No.6896429

you fucked up now you have to shoot the whole school

>> No.6896440

theyre just trying to steal your coins. keep them away for your own safety.

>> No.6896450

Yes anon. They will definitely let you fuck them because you have 35k.

>> No.6896465

Now you have to discuss basketball and stuff with the nigger. Not worth it

>> No.6896469

I hope you get raped by a pack of wild niggers and they take all your gains

>> No.6896475

>telling people about your disproportionate amount of money
this is nice but also really stupid

>> No.6896480

>post seems real.

Let me give you some important life advice:
>Value add
Remember it.
People that are popular or successful provide value to other humans, be it laughter, investment advice, troubleshooting-help, leadership, etc.
People that are losers drain value from others.

The golden is give more than you receive.

>> No.6896483

They're all going to hate you once the bubble pops. They're all going to blame you when their investments cut in half. Including your teacher, he'll probably fail you. You'll always be known as that guy who ruined people's lives. Good luck anon

>> No.6896484

Now Tyrone is going to cut off your fingers 1 by 1 until you give him your private keys. Good job faggot.

>> No.6896494

I know this post isn't real but, anons out there have problems with girls and they'll fall for this:

I repeat
fuck girls that show interest for economic reasons. And I mean non-prostitutes.
Have money? Get a paid escort. She's there for business, rates are upfront, she'll be honest about it and that's it.

The "normal" girls looking for a goldmine? They'll rob you of your money and your will to live.

>> No.6896521

Sadly this. No survivors.

>> No.6896535

Start an investment club and have those bitches do research for you

>> No.6896546

>They're all going to hate you once the bubble pops. They're all going to blame you when their investments cut in half. Including your teacher, he'll probably fail you. You'll always be known as that guy who ruined people's lives. Good luck anon

this is trie

>> No.6896565

holy shit you are a fucking faggot. kill yourself
(35k) hahahahahhahahahahah

>> No.6896568

You gon get robbed son

If they ask you what to invest in say XMR it’s the most safe. Won’t boom up 5000% but won’t die either.

Normies will see 20-30% gains in a month and be impressed so they won’t beat you up

>> No.6896576
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>> No.6896593

>The "normal" girls looking for a goldmine? They'll rob you of your money and your will to live.


>> No.6896606

Women are attracted to wealth - you've got the next best thing, potential. I wouldn't be surprised that some roastie wants to get her hooks in you early.

>> No.6896609

Underrated post

Had me dying senpai

>> No.6896611


so true anon

>> No.6896619

OP, make sure to get inside her guts for cryptoadvice and if the chads want advice tell them they have to invite you to the cool kids graduation party.

>> No.6896670

Idiot, enjoy getting robbed or jumped on

>> No.6896784

See you in 2 weeks and roastie will suck your gains out of you without you realising it.
>talking about crypto to normies
>talking about crypto in public
oh boy, you deserve what's coming for you.

>> No.6896845
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>Hand over the private keys, white boy

>> No.6896907
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>roastie smiles at me.

3dpigs, not even once

>> No.6896920

>ayo, white boi! HAND OVER ALL YOUR BITTY MONEY or i fucking shoot!

>> No.6896927

"Did crypto just make me a normie," dying laughing at this one anon. Good on you, go normie it up for a few years. After you realize friends are fleeting and bitches ain't shit you'll be back here around 25-30. Enjoy your youth though!

>> No.6896942

>How do i fuck one of these girls in my class?
Money. $80~$120/h. So with your current assets, you can fuck them one hour, every day for an entire year.

>> No.6896997
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holy shit

>> No.6896998

ayo so when anon waiting for the bus we beat his ass and take his phone i saw the blockfolio got his coins on it

>> No.6897000

>Get a paid escort.
Do escorts always have sex?

>> No.6897005

turn tricks op
double up
ice cold

>> No.6897016

If the eternal roast doesn't jew you out of all your cash, the niggers will shank you in the kidneys.

>> No.6897017

>Did crypto just make me a normie? Who knows, I might be able to make some friends, or even get a girl to like me becuase of this.

the girls are looking at you like an atm. you won't get laid though, the nigra will try to rob you first.

>> No.6897052

have fun getting robbed

>> No.6897093

I thought they just showed you around town.

>> No.6897152

Go back to Sheddit with these cringey ass posts

>> No.6897181
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>> No.6897193
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Probably why there's so much school shootings in the US, dumb students who got into crypto.

Makes sense.

>> No.6897200

I graduated hs with 60k in stocks. (mostly a gift but still mine)
Never told a single person other than a gold digger in college who I had dealings with. And her only after we were finished, felt great.

Dont ever reveal your power level.

>> No.6897221


anon getting dat cashh maneee

now da shit iz minee manee

>> No.6897232

this, sorry OP never disclose your gains

>> No.6897257

and then everybody started clapping

>> No.6897291

Are you retarded? This is high school those girls would fuck you for a pair of nikes

>> No.6897306

It's more money than 99% of people in HS, my profolio which is mostly NEO and ETH will be worth 100k or close to it easily in 1 year.

>> No.6897313

>go all in on some meme crypto
>either win big and retire
>or lose it all and go for highscore school shooter
its a win win

>> No.6897331

You don't have to do anything anymore, OP. Just pull your dick out and start slapping hos with it.

>> No.6897339

all he has to do is edit his balance in blockfolio and show them and they will let him fuck them

>> No.6897347


>easily in 1 year.

if u dont get stabbed to death to give up ur private key lol gl faggot

>> No.6897373

that nigger is going to rob you

>> No.6897401

are you kidding? niggers are too stupid to use crypto.

>> No.6897436
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Great idea, do it OP.

>> No.6897455

And then you woke up with 50$ wearing your 3 day old your cum stained briefs

>> No.6897483
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I haven't been with one. I just saw a film yesterday about one.

>> No.6897497

Mods plz ban underaged larp

>> No.6897534

Does it really matter? I was asked about my gains, I only say my gains when people ask. And I won't be robbed, I don't even carry any money on me, and there's no way someone could steal my crypto.

>> No.6897566

It's not a Larp, and I'm 18, I just turned 18 one month ago.

>> No.6897577

>How do I fuck one of these girls in my class?
Pay them in Bitcoin.

>> No.6897597

In the same place as you but with 46k. Started mining back in 2014, quit a while, then got back on. I don't disclose how much I have except to my fellow robots tho. Fuck the normies. Hope I can get to 6 digits this year.

>> No.6897598

yes, but unfortunately they are just smart enough to use a gun

>> No.6897612

Don't overreact, they are shameless sharks, and it seems you gonna have to learn it the hard way. They just have an opportunity to get things from you. Don't be a fucking beta, if you wanna fuck a whore:
> Pretend that you think she's interested in something else than your money
> Fuck her
> Never buy/give her anything
> Repeat with another one

And next time don't be the whiny bitch about your gains hoping for validation from people, you're just asking for modern-pajeet-assholes to fuck you

Those fucking biz normies will never learn they need to keep their gains a secret. Fucking faggot, don't forget to kys

>> No.6897815

I would never give anyone money, why does everyone freak out about not telling anyone? It really doesn't matter to me if someone knows I have crypto or made a lot of money from it at a young age, people useally find it impressive, sure some people have told me it's risky/not smart to do but that doesn't bother me.

>> No.6897882

You shouldn't have told anyone but since you have you should try to lose your virginity faggot.

>> No.6897916

>being 18 in 11th grade

>> No.6897923

You're gonna get robbed or stabbed, and it's gonna be your choice.

>> No.6897942

They want to fuck him because he was the center of attention

>> No.6897957

I'm in 12th grade, I didn't take U.S history in 11th grade so I had to take it this year.

>> No.6897958

> be me, normie HS student
> in U.S. history class
> teacher is talking about economics
> sperg puts his hand up
>"yes, spergo?"
>spergo tries to relate topic to bitcoin that does not have anything to do with bitcoin
>teacher continues with lesson
>"wow, spergo is really weird"

>> No.6897997

You better start lifting weights, buddy

>> No.6898002

I doubt it, I live in a nice area and my school is 80%-90% white. Stop being so dramatic, no one is going to kill me becuase I told them I have crypto.

>> No.6898023
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>> No.6898097

Robbed most likely. Everyone in your class now knows you have $35k on your computer. They are going to skip school and break into your house when they know you aren't there.

>> No.6898122

As a HS student with no debts and expenses that started with 1k that's really good, and I haven't even been in crypto for a full year. I bet Rich 60 year old Rich boomers with 8 million in stocks would laugh at your crypto profolio.

>> No.6898125

Literally spit my drink out

>> No.6898136

nice larp lmao. you forgot to add

> Girl walks by after class, winks at me and tells me to follow her

> Follow her

> Fuck passionately on the teachers desk while the whole class watches and cheers you on

>> No.6898174

Jeez does everyone here live in the ghetto or something? And my crypto isn't stored on my computer dumbass. stop overreacting faggot.

>> No.6898184

>people find it impressive

You fucked up anon

>> No.6898187

1. Idiots will ask you for advice constantly. Like think about the bottom 5% of /biz/ and that is the kind of person who is going to be texting/messaging you asking for the next coin that will get him 1000x gains in 24 hours. He will then ignore your advice and seek your validation after telling you proudly that he's "invested" $20 into some scamcoin.
2. Idiots who you give advice to will do something stupid, lose their money, then hold you responsible.
3. Insecure people who are poorer than you will resent you.
4. You will make yourself a target for crime. Sure it's 35k today. Tyrone is going to see a news article tomorrow about some coin that blew up and assume you now have a million.
5. You will never know if people actually like you or just want your shit.
6. People will try to get money out of you either by straight-out begging or through roastie voodoo.

The list goes on and on.

>> No.6898225
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huhuhuhhu coffee all over my keyboard take my upvotes m'sir kys

>> No.6898232

Well it's not a larp and that did not happen. Does everyone think anything related to talking about crypto in public is larping ? It's more common than you think. Everything in my story is 100% true.

>> No.6898264
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>> No.6898334
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>thirty-five thousand

*breathes in*

>> No.6898337

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.6898349

I wished I could have shown off my fake poorfolio and got bitches in HS.

>> No.6898365


>> No.6898370

Wait. Are you the faggot that Larped about showing your money to HS girls before? The same retard that was insulted by pol? Are you the same guy that had an excel spreadsheet of crypto trades because he couldn’t buy as a minor? If that’s you then get the fuck out you literal autist.

>> No.6898423

>getting taken advantage of for having something other's envy
yup normie.

>> No.6898460

thats honestly only the tip of the iceberg on why you are a gigantic faggot
>sharing your crypto info with the class
>being in highschool
>larping this hard
honestly you should just kys

>> No.6898485

If they're 18 I doubt they're roasties.

>> No.6898493

>Me, the post

>> No.6898515

I used to think like you.Until one day, my nigger 'friends' broke into my apartment, and stole my safe. Taught me a lot about the world that day, and it was an expensive lesson. Just wish I could get back my old passports with all their stamps.

>> No.6898525
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>ay yo nigga send me them bitcoins n shiet

>y-yes sir

>send them bitcoin cash instead

>> No.6898536

>he doesn't know most girls have sex around 15-16

Anon I....

>> No.6898684

Never let on how much money you have, OP. The only reason they all seem to care about you now is your money—not you.

>> No.6898721

lmao, they're being fucked by highschoolers in middle school, anyone who thinks they'll find a moderately clean girl outside of a church is fucking stupid, and probably not even then.

>> No.6898770

ITT: Something that definitely happened.

>> No.6898808

lmao get the fuck out you attention whore, you're beyond salvation, get some self respect and self confidence.

>> No.6898854
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Tell them to go all-in on bitconnectx

>> No.6898874

>tfw you mention your gains
>your coach wants you to help him sell coke

Don't tell anyone that's not your innermost circle, kek.

>> No.6898884
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You should whip out some TA charts if you really want to impress them >>6892960

>> No.6898894

>nigger friends
found your issue

>> No.6898918

No, they want to use you. I remember hanging out with ultra normie people in high school once and a friend let out that I was very smart. The girls acted friendly to me for about ten minutes before asking me to do their HW. Similar things happened three other times.

>> No.6898939
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>you fucked up boyo, gimme your 24 word seed before anyone gets hurt

>> No.6898940

lmao, I hope this is a troll, somebody can not live so blissfully.

>> No.6898973

wow x35 is really depressing dude

>did crypto make me a normie
no it didn't you're still the social outcast that won't ever have any friends
you can now live on and help people that are worth more than you make money for free since you, in turn, only want people to talk to you

you're fucking pathetic and you should kill your self

>> No.6899033

On women:
I read a story about a woman who married a man who was into BTC, waited for him to tell her his seed words in case something happened to him, then pretended he was dead online to learn how to use electrum to transfer the coins to herself, then was never seen/heard from again

>> No.6899037


Lol, aren't you the guy from a month ago who claimed he had 100k in crypto and then you retracted that and said it was 100k from gains you "would have made" that you put on a spreadsheet?

>> No.6899053

For real. A few girls were putting out in 7th grade when I was that age like 30+ years ago, but they were the class sluts. These days girls basically suck dick as a hello. Trying to keep my sons from getting cocktrapped is a full-time job.

>> No.6899149
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>> No.6899254

Hey anon, will you do my homework?

I dont know if you realize what kind of power you might have. You can befriend chad, impress stacy, and crush chads bank account in a matter of weeks if you play your cards right... get him to invest his trust fund into a coin that is about to crash... hell do some insider trading type shit while you are at it and profit off this dumbass.. then take his girl.

>> No.6899288

Yes, you are going to catch gold-diggers and fake friends.

>> No.6899296
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Without a doubt

>> No.6899370

dude, there were FRESHMAN roasties in my high school. and that was almost 20 years ago. abused kids start having sex really early. I know a couple girls that started in 6th grade. not counting the abuse, obviously. otherwise they started as babies.

>> No.6899423

I fucking hate it when people introduce me as smart. I literally don't give a fuck, if people think in smart on their own that's great, but that's not my fucking Identity

oh wait, yeah it is. fuck.

>> No.6899444

>Old for class
>Taking US History


>> No.6899456

You're perfect for creepshots. Any more?

>> No.6899472

>there's no way someone could steal my crypto
If you have access to your crypto, there is always a way.

>> No.6899483

Use extreme leverage. If you were [near] the bottom before this revelation, you must leverage up hard enough to try and be one of the more 'popular' (desired social associate) students while simultaneously leveraging favor-trades to catapult you ahead further. Trading is just one aspect of human behavior.

>> No.6899555

>anecdotal bs = entire gender

You've achieved peak autism. Congratulations, anon

>> No.6899571
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>mocks 3dpigs
>posts a 3DPD roastie but in 2D form

>> No.6899590

you forgot
>and everybody claps

>> No.6900105

How can I achieve this level of autism?

>> No.6900219

Be a fountain not a drain
Great advice
Completely lost on most of 4chan

>> No.6900324

10/10 fucking kek

>> No.6900440

I guess you missed yesterday's thread where OP got murdered after revealing his power level at a party.

>> No.6900518


>> No.6900648
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>I posted quints guys!!!
>its a wasted get

>> No.6900676

This is pretty much my plan
I either go all in on crypto and make it, or I kill myself. I was already going to kill myself, but crypto just happened to pop up at the right time, so I might as well see what happens since I have nothing to lose.

>> No.6900679

I was trying to see what it was, and yeah, its shit

>> No.6900692
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>> No.6900761
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>> No.6900771

this. except i also have 70k in debt and im too autistic to get a job

>> No.6901059
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>Put money into Monero and listen to Jordan B Peterson
>No longer suicidal, now saving the world

>> No.6901154

Monero is where I'll put all my money if I make it. But there's no guarantee that crypto won't burst before Monero alone could have me make it.

I'm just going to all in a guaranteed moon coin every two months and, hopefully, in a year I'll have enough money to live off the passive gains. After that, it all goes into Monero.

Right now I'm all in on FUN which I got at 3c and 12c, so I'm not feeling too bad about it

>> No.6901313

Was mine, glad I ruined it.

>> No.6901411

I don't want to take those risks. I believe in a world where Monero is the the reserve currency. Literally will only need one xmr to make it and I'll keep pushing until we get there or until I get murdered by a dystopian assassin.

>> No.6901472
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>> No.6901481

Let me suck your fucking dick

>> No.6901512

Singles of veracity. RIP OP. Donate your crypto to BCC survivors before you go.

>> No.6901559
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>> No.6901850

>I'm being used by others for financial gain, hey guys look I'm cool! I'm a normie now!

>> No.6901963

Yeah I agree with this guy. Fuck, girls would be stupid and not realize that you can just put whatever you want in your blockfolio. Slowly put in more entries day by day, show a girl that's dumb your "gains" each day... go up by 10k, 20k, 50k, etc. Make it realistic(ish)... you'll have these fucking morons thinking you're a millionaire in a week of investing, they'll want your nuts.

>> No.6902709

Never tell a soul what you have or how you got it. When other "haves" realize you are one of them, they will include you. When the "haves" realize you are a fluke with a big mouth you get nowhere.

>> No.6902753

I don't have anything. I'm broke.

>> No.6902795

You're honestly a prime target for getting robbed, no joke.

You need to be careful with what you talk about with your peers.

>> No.6903496
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*smacks lips* yo anon u bes be giffen a nigga sumtin

>> No.6903665

You shouldn't tell people that sort of thing. Everyone who asks you for advice will probably lose money and then blame you, roasties are going to try to dupe you into getting them pregnant, and that nigger is probably going to try to rob you.

>> No.6903709

Sad but true. Sorry OP, you gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.6904436

>some guys give me their number so they can ask me for advice.
they want 2 fuck

>> No.6904598

We were your friends and family.
You betrayed us Anon.
Leave you are not welcomed here anymore

>> No.6905274

This is what actually happened

>> No.6905385

Offer to buy spend money on them in ways that seem fun girls that age. Weed, beer, going out to eat, etc.

Girls are incredibly easy to manipulate.