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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6892070 No.6892070 [Reply] [Original]

so.... wheres the massive pump you guys were all fighting about yesterday

>> No.6892134

Really is some dirty shit to double the circulating coins right after they do a press conference.

Bags sold.

>> No.6892154

always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.6892165


>> No.6892189

Kek, have the shillers left you holding bags?

>> No.6892205


>> No.6892224

7.28 is the floor guys, buy in

>> No.6892239

Never trust a coin being as frantically/manically shilled as VEN. It was such an obvious TRX/XVG situation

>> No.6892241

kek i cant tell if this is bait but dnv organized the event not vechain tard

>> No.6892244


everyone always sells the news you fucking moron

>> No.6892272

7.20 is the floor guys, hop on in

>> No.6892286

I lost everything my wife is gonna kill me. Her kids private school is not cheap. I'm ruined

>> No.6892315

I mean, buy the rumor sell the news isn't just a meme anon. Anyone with a half a brain sold during conference and will eat up this fucking dip. The chinamen bout to wakey wakey too

>> No.6892327

vechain is about to dump HARD

>> No.6892336
File: 9 KB, 183x275, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its rebounding were saved!

>> No.6892338

It's all to distract you while they dump their bags, the shilling of this coin has been unbelievable for the past two months on both 4chan and reddit, this shit is going back to a dollar now.

>> No.6892353

So who’s buying back in? Bought at $2 sold at 7.75 Any reason to buy back in or is this chink coin done???

>> No.6892360

>Her kids
Well you deserved it

>> No.6892428


and don't you fucking give me that excuse. I was in the threads yesterday, me and one guy saying most likely it will dump or have a weak moon

Everyone ELSE crying defending VEN saying it'll have another Massive pump

But i get it, now that 90% of the VEN holders were wrong the excuse comes in. ' you bought ATH didn't you anon, sell the news retard'

yfw i sold the top :)
Why didn't you?

>> No.6892430

Fucktards wanted 100x after the """news""", not knowing that there wouldn't be any new announcements.
Fuck faced moon faggots don't know how to hold a coin for longer than a day, so they sell.
Once all these soy boys start selling, that triggers other sissy faggots to start selling.
Once that second wave has come and sold, stop losses get triggered.
Once the stops are done getting taken out, smart money like myself comes in and buys it up, and then waits for new highs the following week.

>> No.6892646

Wait what?

>> No.6892730
File: 67 KB, 644x647, 1515179102303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all turns to nothing
true marketcap was revealed, potential destroyed

>> No.6892982

> 2018's ETH

Fucking kek. still managed a 20% gain on what I put in but im not touching this shit till it goes back down to 40-45k

>> No.6893651


>> No.6893711

so when do I buy in smarty pants

>> No.6894265

If you didn't sell this shitcoin above 8 yesterday you're a brainlet. $5 incoming

>> No.6894349

Will be able to afford a node then

Bring it the fuck on chinks

>> No.6894418

tfw CMC is still underestimating the circulating supply. This is going to get even worse.

>> No.6894520

Really? Source pls

>> No.6894542
File: 108 KB, 962x440, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894569



>> No.6894606


So there's 1.1B total supply...


>> No.6894658

Total supply is 876m if you cant read

>> No.6894661

>Supply doubles (except it didn't really)
>Price hasn't tanked to half its value
It's amazing how much of /biz/ can't put two and two together

>> No.6894760

dont reply to obvious pajeets

>> No.6894934

Learn to read anon

>> No.6895118
File: 38 KB, 500x500, pb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My bad boys, I was in a state of panic. Phew.

>> No.6895166


d...does this mean I do what biz says?

>> No.6895198

It's over boys

We got chinked, everyone was expecting a moon today and we got this

Admit it, and ICX had a pretty lame moon as well for mainnet

Admit it folks, this market is over

In the good days, these coins would have been through the fucking roof with mainnet launch

>> No.6895241

please sell you fucking faggots im so sick of you retards being in ven threads

>> No.6895332
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1516716861486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895410


>> No.6895423


>> No.6895450

We got scammed. This shit aint going nowhere. Fking chinks

>> No.6895503


>MFW the $100 worth of XRB I bought, I sold for $3k

>MFW I bought VEN with those gains @ 40k sats

You do realize what this means, don't you?

>> No.6895554

That you are... holding bags?

>> No.6895583

You're holding bags.

>> No.6895585

>DNV-GL announces that they will unequivocally use VeChain for their future development and plan to move their entire operation on to the VeChain Thor platform
>They state that they plan to move and push VeChain onto all of their customers
>It dumps because CMC was updated to correctly show the circulating supply for what might be some of the most bullish news in crypto

It's really interesting. This shit will be on news channels in a few days and probably Coindesk tomorrow. Are you people insane? How does nobody understand the significance of what happened?

>> No.6895607


it will repeat in one month, but at a higher value as there will be little pumps a long the way

>> No.6895746

I rode to 8.05 yesterday sold for XLM at 5.2 and sold XLM at 5.6, now hodling ETH. No idea what to do. I may betray you, VEN brahs, and move to WTC for those nice gainz.

>> No.6895812

Bag holder supremeo

>> No.6896068

Delete this!

>> No.6896194

Oh wow you mean now you need more then one fucking fundamental thing to be working for price to go quadrupal? You retards knew exactly what you bought into with this chink shit.

>Muh partnership
>Muh cryptic autistic tweets
>Pretty much china coin

>> No.6896219

My new strategy re: /biz/
>Watch coins that pop up with one thread a day or less and consider buying some if it sounds smart enough.
>Once you see several simultaneous threads about BUY BUY BUY NOW NOW NOW get the FUCK out of it.
I've seen it happen a few times now (DBC was one in particular I'm kicking myself over). Same thing happened with VEN of course. Once I started seeing 4-5+ threads going at once about VEN I knew it was time to bounce, and I made a little bit of money on that. Discord Pajeets seriously cannot help themselves or show restraint. Even if one of them could one of their neighbors can't.

>> No.6896376

you’re not smart i can tell you that

>> No.6896489

Calm down Mohinder, I'm sure a nice white man will help you with those bags shortly. Best regards.

>> No.6896607

You have nothing you fcking indian shitskin

>> No.6896666


>he didn't look ahead to the coming month

fine, you saved yourself on the dip, but you'll miss the next ride back up