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689303 No.689303 [Reply] [Original]

Im in a part of my life where "chilling" isnt optimal to my desired lifestyle.
Each day, I wake up, go to class at 8:30 or 10 (wweekends). I study until late, I want to get good grades. In the summer, im expecting to work 40h a week.
then come my hommies that want to chil. And we always chil late, and I always feel like shit the next day, and Im not nearly as productive.
what do you do? I often say "ssorry cant tonight" but it only delays the inevitable chilling. I like it sure, but it takes a toll on my "pprofessional life" priorities. Is having friends a liability?

>> No.689332
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Are you drunk?

Just stop having friends. You have us.

>> No.689336

I'm the same way OP.
>started hanging out with girl
>she loves drinking etc.
>we hangout every night and fuck
>Realize that I suck and I'm a useless mother fucker and she doesn't even care
>met with a financial advisor who gave me lots of advice for possible career opportunities
And I realized how much hard work this is going to take (Upgrading all my math from grade 9 up untill 12) Getting an accounting maj, and taking Financial courses. I have to get my lisence, and get a job while doing all of this. On top of that I havea dedication to the gym. I think i'm going to drop her, I really have no time for her.

>> No.689350

True chilling means u will be asleep at 2130 hours.

Your "homes" are deceiving you.

>> No.689351

>Is having friends a liability?

Depends on the quality of the wares

>> No.689357

No im in class but my autocorrect sometimes dubs letters and numbers, idk why

>> No.689362

It kind of solves itself when you get older. Mid 20's youll have lots of better shit to do with your time then "chill"

>> No.689369

We usually chil until 2-3, and I get driven home.
"Stay longer man, I'll drive you home np bro" well shit I feel like an ass wanting to leave at 10:30, when I show up at 9 after class

>> No.689376

I only keep friends who can benefit me
i.e. My intelligent eventual business party friend, My enthusiastic, good talker but easy to manipulate friend, etc.

>> No.689398

Mate, your friends are asses if they don't want to hang for an hour. Get a car, ride a bike, stop fucking your body. Get sleep, get fit (if ur not already) new study shows fitness increases hippocampus neurons and connections.

>> No.689422
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You're a faggot.
This. If they don't understand you have shit to do and they are holding you back, fuck that.

Bro: Just tell your friends you have shit to do. Don't say sorry.

In my experience, friends/people deserve/prefer honesty. Don't say sorry blah blah blah, just tell them: I got shit to do, I can't. Or just tell them you don't want to.

The only thing that ruins friendships is the bogus: "I can't how about tomorrow" and then keep delaying. Or giving a maybe when you mean no. That's for women.

>> No.689434

Limit yourself to chilling once or twice a week. It's good in moderation and will keep you in touch. Don't try to schedule anything unless you want to be that guy.

The rest of the time, tell them the truth. I have a huge day at class/work tomorrow, I have to get up early (also: 8:30? nigga please try to find later classes next semester). If they're really friends, they'll understand.

>> No.689467

Yeah, if she's willing to be with you when your useless, you can do better once you put all that work in.