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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 544x274, ponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6891359 No.6891359 [Reply] [Original]

Check out the newest addition in the Ponzi world http://ponzicoin.co

>> No.6891518

bump this is easy money

>> No.6891652

What the fuck am I looking at?
A ponzi marketing itself as a ponzi? is it like reverse psychology?
Owe yeah our coin totally has 0 INTRINSIC value.

>> No.6891694
File: 171 KB, 910x1204, SeemsLegit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I cant stop laughing

>> No.6891969

someone link this shit to trevon james, he will probably shill it, seeing how retarded he is.

>> No.6892186
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1500929152773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking whitepaper

>> No.6892313
File: 31 KB, 472x461, 1515014988731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, just bought 100k ponzi.

>> No.6892388

Unironically getting this. It's like the good version of Athene's coin

>> No.6892406
File: 101 KB, 2212x572, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 1.47.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892441
File: 101 KB, 725x1024, 1516473429772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks cool. So sell and buy doubles?

>> No.6892460

This isn't a bad idea but why is the sell price immediately 1/4th the buy price?

>> No.6892463

It's mooning.

>> No.6892500

Are you special? how do you think they double the price everytime, still stay solvent and make money?

>> No.6892502

So you hodl until 100 more tokens were sold...

Whats the contracts address?

>> No.6892512

Fucking kek

>> No.6892564



>> No.6892578
File: 1.79 MB, 3614x2798, triangly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be from the anon that posted about creating ponzicoin the other day. toppest kek

>> No.6892581

Get in now before the autists here take this to rddit and the degenerate normies get in. I can see this 4 bagging. I droppped in an eth to see what happens.

>> No.6892606

Unfuckingbelievable. The ETH is pouring in.

>> No.6892630

I guess I am special, fuck

>> No.6892658
File: 946 KB, 954x1138, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 1.55.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing with my life

>> No.6892677

If you have any interest this is absolutely your last chance, not in a pushing you to invest way but a why the fuck would you wait until you're the bottom of the pyramid way.

>> No.6892688
File: 150 KB, 720x720, 1516485162555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lot of runway here. Putting in more i have profited from every ether game i play. made cash on ethertanks, etheremon, cryptocelebrities.co (that one was the best) and ethercraft.

>> No.6892707

unironically bought 1 eth worth of this

>> No.6892711

Whats bad with Athenes coin?

>> No.6892738

oh you already did it lol
Congrats you're close to the top of the pyramid, no you just have to hope some real suckers get in on this.

>> No.6892745

>that guy dropping $5k.
I thought about it but I feel like I am already to late. Its not like its really going to "fool" people everyone is just meme buying or trying to be early.

>> No.6892758

Looks like 200 tokens were sold.

>> No.6892761
File: 278 KB, 853x1280, 1516477540908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit is just getting started....

>> No.6892770

It's less than 4 hours old. I got into ethertanks like 18 hours and still made money. Look at the transactions on the wallet.

>> No.6892797

This ain't a scam at all, it will just eventually reach a price where it takes a lot longer to double

>> No.6892808
File: 26 KB, 668x520, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 1.58.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.6892817
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1516531158110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, we are in at the top of the pyramid boys. Cannot believe my luck, i was about to go to bed.

>> No.6892827

athene already did this

>> No.6892848

Yeah the wallet with 38 fucking grand USD is what makes me think Im too later. partially just too lazy to send money to metamask.

>> No.6892884
File: 61 KB, 736x1002, 1514637912174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed and wake up with the cash. (((Who)))) could have dreamed up something like this.

>> No.6892932

I keep a small amount ETH on metamask for meme shit like this. I missed out on cryptokitties and etheremon cause it took so long to get the ETH into metamask

>> No.6892963


>> No.6892994
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, 1516657078700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically the only way i can make money from crypto. My trades are generally shit but I make good cash from these fucking games because I am in on day 1.

>> No.6893021
File: 27 KB, 288x425, 1370118840225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a hot way to live

>> No.6893033

this is just totally incredible, whoever did this is pretty switched on

>> No.6893040

Anyone know how to add the SEC coin to display in MEW?

>> No.6893086

Why even fucking wear the bathing suit at this point? Might as well just have a cool blue wristband and call it a day.

>> No.6893118

Next time I guess.
too bad, cause Etheremon and shit got people rich but were dumb. This one is actually hilarious reading the page made my day.

>> No.6893122
File: 63 KB, 736x763, girl-buying-spectre-on-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it suits my NEET lifestyle. I see myself as a professional ETH gamer now. I have cleared 100k in these games in the past month and have a huge inventory of items. I told my brother and he doesnt understand what i am doing here. I want to do this as a career. Looking to make 500k this year in these games.

>> No.6893162

the ticker is SEC...


>> No.6893211

You're a fucking madman dude, I love it

More often than not I just get burned on these things. Etheremon was nice but I missed out on Ethercraft unfortunately.

>> No.6893232
File: 35 KB, 712x615, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the minimalist aesthetic they have here, the ponzi element is what I like the most about these games and they are really bringing that out and celebrating it. Pic related, i drew it myself

>> No.6893295

I am a madman and a savage when it comes to ether games.

>> No.6893340


>> No.6893346

unironically bought some SEC

>> No.6893347

I feel like dropping 5 eth on this right now.

>> No.6893378

someone with reddit acct post link here https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitconnect/

>> No.6893393

It's basically a savings account for your ETH

>> No.6893397
File: 276 KB, 365x367, a82AoiD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to double up over night faggot.

>> No.6893417


>> No.6893441

I dropped two ETH on this. We are still on top of the pyramid. You need to get in NOW in case you dont hate money!

>> No.6893442

Fuck it I'm all in
Please let the memes work in my favor. Believe in the memes bros

>> No.6893457


>> No.6893479

You still have months till the bottom of the pyramid is reached.

>> No.6893496

that's assuming this doesnt just die out completely

>> No.6893506
File: 66 KB, 499x499, CPEyGzRWUAAIXPe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just meme like a next level savage, we will make it and reddit will carry the bags. This shit has only been open a few hours.

>> No.6893528

I really doubt it, a few weeks at best, its a literal meme.
Id never put more than $1000 in. And by the time My Eth hits metamask itll have doubled again.

>> No.6893541

SEC generals on /biz/ from now on. We will shill this.
Once the contract received 1M it will be in mainstream media faggot

>> No.6893543

You need to create a new token in MM and imput the adress from etherscan.

>> No.6893550

Bro this thing will be dead by Friday night. But the next 48 hours are gonna be lit

>> No.6893580

Is it to late to go into ethercraft? Its not a ponzi is it?

>> No.6893591


being honest about stealing is still criminal

>> No.6893595
File: 53 KB, 701x700, rishab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some bold pajeeting

>> No.6893612





>> No.6893621
File: 500 KB, 387x305, 1490197066986-f4d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it this way - etheremon took about 1 mil on day one. These guys have taken in like 37 ether. This isnt even the start of the beginning. Just keep meming and posting and you make it probably with 4X gains.

>> No.6893674

Genius, just bought 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

>> No.6893685
File: 208 KB, 675x559, f0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the bottom line. If you are going to be an ether gamer, you need to get in as quickly as possible. The longer you wait the worse your gains. This is day one and this game likely goes for another 2 weeks. Getting in now is a conservative 4X if you pull out early or a 16X - 32X if you hang in for the full run.

>> No.6893695

Vitalik truly is a genius.

>> No.6893719

44 now

>> No.6893765

someone just bought 7 ether worth. savage.

>> No.6893775

What metric do you usually base your exit on?

This one is a new twist from the ethermon stuff and the site is funny so I could see this heading for mainstream headlines once we reach 1000 ETH spent to be honest

>> No.6893797

I guess it’s a reasonable tool for people that need to launder money

>> No.6893799
File: 405 KB, 499x499, 1440021472161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a tonne of runway left here boys. I do this professionally and know a good ether game when i see it. cryptocelebrities.co is also good.

>> No.6893801

>the literal state of crypto
crash coming soon boys

>> No.6893830

Just jumped from 32k to 46k in mins

>> No.6893845

Ethergamer pro, shed your light unto me. Where do you find games ground floor? What resources are you using? I know biz is pretty good but I want to be the guy that post on /biz/ about it.

>> No.6893858


This Weimar Republic level degeneracy.

>> No.6893864
File: 86 KB, 620x620, 1509733618543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is genius!
Loading up

>> No.6893880

Literal buy high, sell low.
/biz/ should be all over this.

>> No.6893886

im an idiot

is the max you can make off this x2?

>> No.6893901

SEC can't possibly crash unless everyone cashes out for a loss

>> No.6893910

no it doubles every 100 coins sold

>> No.6893922

already did x3, idk what im doing with my life but i like it

>> No.6893934

20x if you get in enough suckers.....
pull out too late and the contract will be depleted

>> No.6893941

lol wtf did I just get myself into. think ethermon, cryptokitties is a fat scam but invest in this shit.... hope it goes well 7eth

>> No.6893964

8eth til next double

>> No.6893965
File: 1.36 MB, 890x960, 1515243982256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you need to get on telegrams. You need to be autistic. You need to be on biz all day posting memes. This is not an easy fucking life ok, you have no idea the issues i have had with the pajeet infestations. Get involved in the etheremon community, they are the folks who basically started this and look for the chats of the traders. Crypto kitties is fucking degeneracy, avoid.

>> No.6893977

I'm all in. Let's accumulate and then go shill normans.

>> No.6893989

So when do we pull out of this fucking thing?

>> No.6894001
File: 279 KB, 1690x784, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 2.31.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big dick money is starting to roll in.

>> No.6894007


when treyvon james goes all in

>> No.6894020

Its not stealing.

>> No.6894021
File: 57 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contract doesnt deplete, I have read it - its balanced.

>> No.6894022

someone message him i bet he'd love this

>> No.6894029

who cares about supreme, everyone buy into this right now and shill it for the next 7 days

>> No.6894058

This was on reddit before it got posted here u fucktard.

>> No.6894078
File: 64 KB, 480x480, degenrate_shrooms_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not whales, I pump in 30 eth in a day into these games.

>> No.6894087
File: 60 KB, 432x585, 1298398936972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6894091

yea well not enough new suckers also means = depleted since you wont be able to sell at profit

>> No.6894109

I'm pretty autist I'm on biz nearly every waking hour. I'm working right now and on biz on my laptop. Shitpost 24/7. That's why I feel like I'm a good candidate for this shit too. I'm plugged into biz and crypto all day every day.

You're saying to check the ethermon community? like discord/reddit/telegram? Any specific gold nugget communities you can recommend?

>> No.6894127

Where are you on this one then?

>> No.6894130

Contract cant deplete.

Nobody is going to be stupid enough to to sell at a loss... Right? If nobody sells at a loss the contract can't deplete.

Otherwise: fuck over /biz/, toss in 20 ETH and sell it at a loss. Easy.

>> No.6894142
File: 389 KB, 3032x2064, y3fvzrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in this in the first few hours. Everyone in this thread and who gets in today makes it. Keep fucking meming and dont stop. This is ready to take to reddt now. Anyone want to do the honours?

>> No.6894171

so, where are my tokens now?

>> No.6894185

Its been on reddit for 2 hours.

>> No.6894195

In your address
Add the contract address as a custom token in MEW

>> No.6894209

discord and telegram. i am not posting the rooms here, you should be able to find them where the traders go. there is one on discord and one on telegram. The early bird catches the worm. Be in first day or preferably first few hours. Go big or go home. Its worked for me.

>> No.6894232

gotcha, it was delayed

>> No.6894278


>> No.6894306

Just missed the double, fuck
still comfy

>> No.6894316

It just doubled fuck

>> No.6894356

I see a bunch of anons cashing out already

>> No.6894410

Are you going in on the next animal project when the beta is released? You know the one

>> No.6894411
File: 191 KB, 1000x847, PYQsTA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894421


>> No.6894440


>> No.6894474

they are and they will
im smart and still think this is a good idea at least until the coin price goes above 10k or so

>> No.6894487
File: 9 KB, 188x269, ladda ned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better start shilling

>> No.6894503

This could have worked if the price didn't double - they guy should have thought it through better

It's too expensive now to be viable

>> No.6894543

>this could have worked if it literally didn't function as a ponzi
what the fuck anon

>> No.6894567

only 300 tx, time to start shiling on plebbit

>> No.6894578

I just put in $5 can I expect $50 ?

>> No.6894581

waiting for the whales to show up

>> No.6894601

I meant, a slower rate of increase.

Nobody is going to risk going in at a $600 price point, when it'll take an enormous further input to break even

>> No.6894609
File: 7 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but supreme token... its limited edition !!


>> No.6894620

massive sell walls forming it's over guys

>> No.6894623


good job guys, ur ironically making a pajeet a ton of money.


>> No.6894628

Holy shit look at the transactions coming in. It's snowballing.

>> No.6894651

what the fuck

>> No.6894667


>> No.6894678

this thing started today anon.
Still one week of juicy doublings in there I believe

>> No.6894696

i'll very likely break even at least but this must be the most retarded shit i've done in crypto

>> No.6894727

So? He’s achieved more than 99% of this board

>> No.6894734

Didn't realize VEN's rebrand was coming early

>> No.6894746


>> No.6894750
File: 4 KB, 1109x40, 242172498172412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894809

80k now. Mooning

>> No.6894844

how dip did you go /biz/?

>> No.6894892

why is the real value so far off from the sell price

>> No.6894899
File: 84 KB, 694x694, scammypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whew lads. Its time we shill this on reddit

>> No.6894932

You wait for doublings to break even.AKA it needs to be shilled hard

>> No.6894942
File: 16 KB, 550x144, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 3.01.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894975
File: 59 KB, 960x600, tumblr_nvoru84M501udwanoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am putting some more in. DAY 1 HOUR 3.

>> No.6894973

was about to post that
things are heating up

>> No.6894978

How long and how many referrals do I need to double my money, OP? Going all in

>> No.6894980

I don't have any money for this shit unless I sell my shitcoins at a loss. I'll pass gl niggers

>> No.6894986

bc it's a ponzi scehme

real value is 4x the price remeber? the price you buy it at not the price you can sell it at

ALSO someone should shill this to pump and dump groups haha

>> No.6895011


>> No.6895029


Why does everything I consider retarded and don't see how it can succeed end like this...

>> No.6895045

(40.42 ETH) need to go in for next doubling

>> No.6895050
File: 23 KB, 200x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads, dont forget to roll the gains into cryptocelebrities.co and ZCL.

>> No.6895071
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1505769533249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy money bois, we're still on the top of the pyramid! Buy in before the bull run!

>> No.6895102 [DELETED] 

>when it doubles, the creator has literally made $240,000 if they cash out

The fuck is wrong with crypto

>> No.6895109

He literally announced this 3 hours ago on Twitter. Just got in on the ground floor for once!! Missed crypto kitties

>> No.6895124



>> No.6895147

no he hasn't
he has 200 coins, he doesn't own the eth on the contract

>> No.6895153
File: 387 KB, 680x708, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost bought in at $40
>mfw now its $655

>> No.6895164

based pajeet is meming on you faggot
Hes in this thread right now 100% guaranteed he is OP

>> No.6895194

but this is our pajeet

>> No.6895226

I saw this when it first started...

Lmao at me... fuck my life, literally everything I buy or don't buy does the EXACT OPPOSITE anyone could imagine

>> No.6895227

ETH Balance: 91.78512 Ether

FUCKING KEK. Oh my fucking lord, why didn't I think of this? This guy is gonna be rich in a few days.

>> No.6895252

I have moar coins than the founder. Is he familiar with the SEC?

>> No.6895263



>> No.6895271

the eth is not his dude

>> No.6895281

This is till the top of the pyramid, get the FUCK in NOW

>> No.6895289

is this the new way of making money
first KYSnetwork
now PonziCoin
Will the feds buttrape me if I go and do something like this?

>> No.6895301

>crypto isn't a manchild playground

>> No.6895305

>implying he was not the first buyer of like, 100 tokens.

>> No.6895318

This is unironically brilliant.

>> No.6895339

>create a ponzi
>don't buy the top of the pyramid

its obvious m8

>> No.6895358

Buy now then, this has only just begun. It’s to decimal places so you can just chuck in a few dollars

>> No.6895360


He premined 200 tokens. At the current price it's 32 eth, which isn't too shabby.

>> No.6895389

He says he owns 200 because he likes money. Read the website

>> No.6895435


>> No.6895445


Guys, don't you know crypto? This thing is going to moon GUARANTEED. Went all in, I have a max loss of 50% now, and as soon as it doubles again, which will be fast, I have guaranteed breakeven. Jesus christ, I am going to triple my capital here easily

>> No.6895500
File: 64 KB, 1200x850, brainlet1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get in before this doubling anons

>> No.6895562

Jesus christ, this guy is a genius. Is that you, OP?
Fucking brilliant idea. Great way to reveal the lulz state of crypto.

>> No.6895590

Compare this to eth celebrities or ether craft, where you hope to get lucky or rely on perceived value.

This is just pure math

>> No.6895592

Now the prowd owner of 1 ponzicoin when do we get bitconnect'd?

>> No.6895600

This, it literally sums up 99% of crypto in one coin, Guaranteed to reach the top just because of how funny this meme is

>> No.6895615

Can we get a pic of one of you major "investors" standing next to Xi Jinping?

>> No.6895624

In a week or so by my math

>> No.6895627

Holy shit the text on the front page may not be meming. Front page of CMC could be possible

>> No.6895670
File: 29 KB, 400x400, boldpajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He shall be known as the Chad Pajeet of unlimited 2X

>> No.6895682


>Coin literally called Ponzicoin
>People are unironically buying in
>Faggots on /biz/ will unironically tell me to DYOR when literal scams get pumped beyond reason

Crypto is just one big joke isn't it?

>> No.6895687

Never because no one is going to sell at a loss. Only smart people buy this coin

>> No.6895712

Early days boys, lots of time to get on board.

>> No.6895728

it launched 5h ago
We havent even started getting the Bitconnect suckers into this



>> No.6895732
File: 383 KB, 750x458, B26C4CAE-18FC-43AB-AFEB-4A98B0898330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more double and I’m at break even thanks faggots I love this board

Easy money

>> No.6895734

I can't see anyone cashing out though?

>> No.6895760

who bout to /breakeven/ here

>> No.6895764

Look at etherscan.
The amount of inbound transactions is growing exponentially. As soon as this hits more tweets and boards, this is a guaranteed moon. Lots of poeple sending 0.1 ETH for the lulz, means a lot of profit for the top pyramid, which is us. Jump in fast bois!

>> No.6895771

On etherscan the anons sending 0 tx those are cashouts

>> No.6895777

2 more but you're still comfy dont worry

>> No.6895779

How much ETH to go?

>> No.6895780
File: 198 KB, 2220x1178, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 3.24.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, bro. We're gonna make it together.

>> No.6895792
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, DontBeMadAnons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this thing exit scam?
that would be the best meme
I mean its not really a good ponzi without an exit scam
That would make it interesting for the guy running it aswell how
How far can he take the joke before its less of a joke and more of a federal crime
Altho its a little different considering its all disclosed beforehand (minus the exit scam)

>> No.6895811

Doesn't make sense to cash out, once you are in it can only go up in value

>> No.6895818

supposedly not
I glanced at the contract and believe the founder was able to premine a bunch but didnt look too deep

>> No.6895821
File: 30 KB, 702x395, Roll-Safe-Think-About-It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895846

He already has 200 coins. He doesn’t own the ETH in the contract. He can’t exit, it will just keep going because no one will sell at a loss.

>> No.6895865


>> No.6895872
File: 24 KB, 543x443, brainletsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and the domain was used for a literal ponzi exitscam in 2014 so that makes this whole thing much more fun

>mfw I saw the domain hasnt changed owners since then and I still put in ETH

>> No.6895902

Bought at .32 so wouldn’t it be at the next double?

>> No.6895913


I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6895914


>> No.6895932

>Can this thing exit scam?
he has 200 coins pre minted. So, yeah he can.

>> No.6895933

Just look at the real value, that's what you can sell each SEC for

>> No.6895940


USE THIS THREAD SO NEW BIZ KIDS GET IN and dont' know we have been buying for past 30 mins

>> No.6895941

Just bought 1.5 by selling some shitcoins. Let's start shilling this

>> No.6895943

about to double my pajeets

>> No.6895968

When it doubles, the contract will probably go to zero

>> No.6895972

Which should be break even in a few mins

Comfy at the top of the pyramid

>> No.6895991

best timeline confirmed

thanks amigos, only had the nuts to put up $400

>> No.6896013

Nope, still need 1 more double

>> No.6896024

Wew lads break even

Here we go

>> No.6896025

What was the starting price?

>> No.6896051

people are cashing out. its crashing!!

>> No.6896053

I bet 1 eth that this coin was released by the American government to catch scammers. Arrests will be made soon.

>> No.6896058

Good now it’s at my buy

>> No.6896080

so the price theoretically can never go down, which means this will always be going up no matter what

>> No.6896083

how can we escrow this bet?

the goverment couldnt make a website this funny with a billion dollar budget

>> No.6896096


>> No.6896133

holy kek

>> No.6896137

>saw this when at $20
>already at $330

The fuck lads...

Could have literally put down $200 and made $3000 in hours

>> No.6896144

so someone gets in, waits for 3 or 4 doubles, and then exits. don't be the guy to buy at the top of the ponzi

>> No.6896163

if enough people cash out at same time, it will create a scenario where no one will put more money in because the the eth trigger will be too high

>> No.6896181

it never goes down kek

>> No.6896213

Nope, contract address funds have nothing to do with the smart contract math, it can still go up, you'll just have to wait to cash out til more buy

>> No.6896220

I missed the doubling. Not buying now. Gonna spread FUD.

>> No.6896249

It's just starting, boi.
Get ready for the next doubling.

>> No.6896253

>not just going to the beach naked

>> No.6896283

>it stopped

well was fun lads

>> No.6896312
File: 45 KB, 500x458, icypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aint seen nothing yet

>> No.6896319

Can someone make a reddit post, and everyone here can comment

>> No.6896323

Several deposits rolling in, you dumb?

>> No.6896330

The people on top of the pyramid make money in a ponzi.

>> No.6896347

its just people pissed they missed they last doubling. it will speed up as we reach 50% again

>> No.6896399
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>> No.6896418

>How far can he take the joke before its less of a joke and more of a federal crime
Can it really be a crime if it's this transparent? The issue with ponzi's is that they're presenting themselves as legitimate businesses/financial funds, which is fraudulent. This is more like a mathematical formula.

>> No.6896433

10 transactions say pending? anyone know why?

>> No.6896444

they're both not wrong. That twitter account has to be fake. nobody would be that dumb. additionally the white paper links to sec.gov lol. The creator of this is smarter than that.

>> No.6896468

I dont think he can be fucked for it since he says its a scam
If he gets sued he can try to argue its art/satire

>> No.6896473

FUCK, is it too late guys?

>> No.6896479

Low gas prices, just wait

>> No.6896493

lol ofc not

>> No.6896505

just got conformed
I was worried for a sec there

lol no its day one hour 7

Kittens went on for 2 weeks

>> No.6896510

it's over boys back up

>> No.6896536

This shit is going to implode. Fuck it I'm learning solidity and making one of these stupid fucking things myself

>> No.6896543




>> No.6896551

He says, as 30 eth is deposited.

It's only just begun.

>> No.6896552

any investment right now will take ~375k USD entering this to break even, and ~900k USD to double, just something to keep in mind, I'm watching the contract real hard myself and thinking of throwing about 3 ETH at it.

>> No.6896553
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, 1516221339593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 eth

>> No.6896571

The amazing thing is that this can be done over and over again with everyone buying in the first hour winning big.

>> No.6896579


>> No.6896581



>> No.6896599

>hes transferring to metamask
>double it

>> No.6896616
File: 19 KB, 1114x41, Captura de pantalla 2018-01-24 a la(s) 20.48.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just happened lol

>> No.6896633

It's also me. fuck, fuck.

>> No.6896636

Even if all of crypto collapses and I end up without a penny, this level of comedy is worth it.

>> No.6896637

There will be lots of these with different twists in the nexdt weeks

But this one will be the big one where all the normies send 10 bux for fun

>> No.6896664


This is going exponential. GET IN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!

>> No.6896668

Should I do it? Copy his whole fucking website and just redo it. I could make 100k

>> No.6896669

That's your ether wild

>> No.6896672
File: 50 KB, 663x707, 1514762442111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bets on when this falls apart? the sell off is going to be hilarious

>> No.6896699



>> No.6896701

fucking kek

>> No.6896712
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, charlieweidmanapproves.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.6896713

You'd have to write the smart contract too
Make sure to put cats or something on there

>> No.6896727

>those whales who got in early
All they need to do is throw a few big chunks of money at it right after it doubles and it will keep the whole thing going.

>> No.6896758

if you rush it now you'll oversaturate the market. wait a bit. once crypto market has some new blood and this has faded from memory a little bit into it it'd be easy to snag more

>> No.6896783

agreed. best timeline by far

>> No.6896791

It will happen anyways I bet you theres 20 pajeets right now wgetting his site and studying the contract

>> No.6896799

I can just copy his smart contract and edit it, not hard. Copying the website will be more difficult because I'll need hosting

>> No.6896809

aye, absolutely

>> No.6896810

Quite possible they sent the transaction ages ago but it only just confirmed because they used too low a gas price.

>> No.6896815

my god...its should be called a black hole
its off the charts.

>> No.6896840


>> No.6896855
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but i guess there are enough people who will fall for such a scam coin :P

>> No.6896946


>> No.6896974

Double soon get in

>> No.6897002

This isnt illegal.

>> No.6897012

How close are we?

>> No.6897031

like 20 mins max

>> No.6897034

It's fucking gold. It's really really unironically good.
Website is a jewel.

>> No.6897064

what prevents us from making these every day?
our own ponzicoins that make us all rich

>> No.6897079


>> No.6897078

look at this guy, if he's and not just a meme face he's the only chad pajeet in history


>> No.6897091
File: 15 KB, 240x240, DQmSRAR1VUeawpzpycqHSJ32FNKYqws3UrmeMwnF3Rn3hpr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /biz/, is this not a money making machine? I think the guy fucked up with the math calculation

"Every time 100 tokens are sold, the Smart Contract doubles the current price."
"At any time, you can sell your PonziCoins back to the Smart Contract for 1/4 of the current price."

So the strategy is:

1.) Invest 300 tokens, thus 8x-ing the price
2.) Cash out your investment at quarter of the new price, which is still double of your initial investment
3.) Repeat until there is no more money in the system

Be right back, I'll take all the fucking stupid pajeets money

>> No.6897096

Only the first will have the novelty factor that gets it posted everywhere

You should buy in and post it in all of your telegrams by the way

>> No.6897103


its fucking real guys

>> No.6897125
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1497558311437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it faggot!

>> No.6897130

You would get 3 lots of 100 tokens bought at different prices though.

>> No.6897133

Your 2nd and 3rd 100 tokens will be at the elevated price. Do you think he's retarded?

>> No.6897135

so you literally just buy as soon as possible and wait until all hype is gone and cash out?

>> No.6897138

Is there still time ?

>> No.6897165

He cuts off the price. I sent >ETH right at the doubling.
Pajeet only gave me enough SEC to reach the 100 and sent back the rest. So its impossible to get the cheap price for all of your 300 ETH

>> No.6897170

Yes, it has only doubled six times so far. We are still very, very close to the top of the pyramid.

>> No.6897187

eh shit I thought you could just flood the system

>> No.6897224

How much eth til next double??

>> No.6897251

82 ETH
probably 30minutes

>> No.6897259

64, doesn't seem to be many people buying

>> No.6897308


82, my bad, I was looking at the wrong number

>> No.6897309

>cash out a ponzi scheme


>> No.6897310

About to order 100k.. Oh God. Get in soon before I double it manually

>> No.6897322

Bless that man. Imagine him right now.

>> No.6897346

You buy now and wat 10 hours top to cash out 2X
this hasnt even been live for 10 hours yet

>> No.6897365
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1513414278134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck boyos
I'm sitting this one out

>> No.6897408

No Exit Strategy
The entire Ponzi Scheme is run through a verified Smart Contract so there's no way for anyone to run off with all the money.

is this correct? he cant just drain the contract whenever?

>> No.6897441

50eth in 40min. Good luck to you too.

>> No.6897465


read the contract boyo

/// @dev Contract constructor function sets initial token balances.
function PonziCoin()
// It's not a good scam unless it's pre-mined
balances[founder] = 200000;
totalSupply += 200000;

>> No.6897495

so is this an exit scam or not?

>> No.6897510

not, exit scam is impossible, it's an ETH smart contract

>> No.6897523

No. It's a scam, just not an exit scam.

>> No.6897547

How much is the buy and sell price? I cant see through phone. No metamask...

>> No.6897585
File: 70 KB, 1175x742, ponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6897587
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>> No.6897637

Some whale should buy ads and media coverage.
I wish I was a whale.

>> No.6897685
File: 61 KB, 1124x346, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 4.19.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek just noticed the funny saying at the top changes when you refresh

>> No.6897694
File: 53 KB, 564x428, nohumanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6897737

Lol, a guy like this deserves my 2000$ invested even just as a tip

>> No.6897778

wait what happens if everyone cashes out? the price never decreases, the contract will have a bunch of money in it impossible to release. it's a literal fucking money black hole

>> No.6897826

Buy now, think later.

>> No.6897854

only 1/4 of current value which is 1/2 of last value can be cashed out so I'm pretty sure everyone can cash out for 1/4 the price. Worst that can happen is you lose 75% of your invest, if people stop buying

>> No.6897870

I have no idea how to "watch" these smart contracts, but I want to buy in.

>> No.6897935

Can you sell the coins at 1/4 price even if the ponzicoin website is down?

>> No.6897968

yeah everyone can cash out for 1/4 but then the contract will sit on the other 3/4ths, literally deleted money

>> No.6897991


yes, you can still communicate with the contract without the website. thats half the point of ethereum, unstoppable applications

>> No.6897993

how do you sell

>> No.6898013

yes, you would have to call withdraw() manually, it would be sorta difficult but doable


>> No.6898033

thanks anon

>> No.6898040

Just saying if Chad was going to fall for a ponzi this would be it

>> No.6898053

What job do you work that allows you a lot of time on /biz/. Soon my mom says she'll lock up the microwave if I don't get a job.

>> No.6898064

so what happens to that money? the pajeet gets it?

>> No.6898076

"do you know those pyramid scam things? well i'm at the top"

>> No.6898091

their whitepapers literally link to the sec

>> No.6898111

no one gets it. its locked in the contract

>> No.6898116

Guys let's spam this thing to every bitconnect video on youtube, especially the ones with niggers crying for their money. First thing we must say is that this thing has been released a couple hours ago, so it still has a long life ahead of it