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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 500x230, xlm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6879213 No.6879213 [Reply] [Original]



>(((Weiss))) rated XLM C
>this isn't a ploy to keep the price of XLM suppressed so that (((they))) can accumulate more

>> No.6879331

It's weird to see that (((they))) would surpress their own coin. XLM was made by the same guy who made (((XRP))) and who owned a portion of MtGox when (((they))) exit scammed everyone. The list was surprisingly responsible. They actually managed to take into account the volatility of the market and ranked everything hard C unless they clearly under or over (relatively) performed.

This is nothing more than a ploy to gain our trust. Don't let them fool you.

>> No.6879411

Does the burgers dumped this shit?

>> No.6879490

So because of that fucking pdf FairX and IBM isn't worth anything anymore?

>> No.6879599


>> No.6879741

>sell ltc for this shit last night
fuck you faggots
>justed soyjak face.jpg

>> No.6879808

>IBM meme
yeah, that is not worth anything lad

>> No.6879817

>sell into a literal jew scam list
>right before road map release of the project itself
top fucking kek brainlets

>> No.6880403

Might sell my 20k stash when it hits 100$. No less.

>> No.6880427
File: 46 KB, 347x346, approval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man

>> No.6880461

This guy knows.

>> No.6880673
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1513050905150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so cheap right now. I think once people see their value proposition and steady handed leadership it will really take off. $100 might be shooting too low.

>> No.6880781

Got 5 XLM randomly last year in my wallet. Probably deep state NSA or powerful merchants giving me breadcrumbs.

Needless to say, I bought in finally around 0.50$

>> No.6880827

You shouldnt sell XLM, looks like maersk is boarding the IBM Blockchain train.


>> No.6880867

you are fucking retarded mate, IBM was confirmed months ago, why do you think stellar went on that mighty bull run? fucking casual

>> No.6880918

At what time will the roadmap will be uploaded ?

>> No.6880924

are you retarded? he didn't say its not confimed, just that its not worth anything. cuz it isn't. its fucking ibm lmao.

good luck finishing highschool you pubic hair

>> No.6881014


>> No.6881435

>there are people reading this RIGHT NOW who didn't sell when it hit 5.3k an hour ago
enjoy holding bags as it goes sideways for another month at ~4k

>> No.6881468

I guess the question is; if you know about it why don't other people? How would this not be priced in already? kek

>> No.6881814

I could sell anytime I want kek

>> No.6881902

tell that to my 1200% percent gains you fucking dunce

>> No.6881904
File: 139 KB, 706x844, ask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just IBM durrrrr

>> No.6881935

Why is Verge still being traded? Market isn't logical

>> No.6882084


>> No.6882087

hold right there, fellas. we're still going to the moon.

>> No.6882099

I sold too early ;_; how can I buy back in!!!

>> No.6882122

Right now what the fuck were you doing fucking jell-o hands

>> No.6882153


>> No.6882161

dumped every last one of my verge earlier today.

>> No.6882188

you and the linkies are just the best

keep doing what ur doing and never stop <3

>> No.6882199
File: 250 KB, 1238x1312, 1516725504033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6882267

It's going to keep going up. You're an idiot if you think a C rating is topping it. Especially when they're own rating system says C is "'fair." If it were a shitcoin they wouldn't have even considered rating it.

>> No.6882318

I've just been buying the dips and selling the peaks all the way thru. Hasn't been working the best for me because of my jello hands but I keep going up in Satoshi !

>> No.6882509

Thats because xlm is going up in satoshi ya nunce.

You would do better if you didnt swing trade unless you know how to

>> No.6882568

You right, I lost 10% on my last trade. I'll buy in to.cover my loss and hold for a while.

>> No.6882573


So why did DOGE get a C?

>> No.6882667
File: 134 KB, 1392x762, IMG_20180124_234640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6882799



>> No.6882901

Ask and you shall receive.


>> No.6882930


>> No.6882963


No it's an actual pdf, I posted the link above.

>> No.6882982

yeah but the pdf that came out right after the relase stated stellar was just a C.

>> No.6883068

was pretty good day so far
>buy XLM this morning
>sell instantly when I saw its not on list
>bought STEEM
>Sold steem at almost highest point of pump
>buy XLM again just as it starts going up again
Im thinking of holding it for a couple of days since im tired of day trading after today plus I have exams coming up

>> No.6883087

The image with the Stellar C rating is fake. Original PDF says B. Someone is spreading FUD to fill bags.

>> No.6883094




>Update: Coinsquare confirmed via telephone with Weiss Ratings that the ratings were released today (January 24th, 2018). Weiss further clarified, going against rumours, that their site was not hacked. Weiss also confirmed they own https://weisscryptocurrencyratings.com/ and their statement announcing the ratings is accurate.

>> No.6883129

Prove it then nigger

>> No.6883156

Go lower I need to buy in!!!

>> No.6883213

Digibyte got C+

The ratings are a joke.

>> No.6883245

Stellar in reality is not a C. Weiss ratings are pajeet like a mutha. How can dogecoin be rated the same as Stellar? O.o like really dude?

>> No.6883255

Even if this is untrue, seens obvious they are spreading fud, stellar has a lot of thins ahead of it, not shilling but its just a good coin and a safe bet, maybe not a x10 or x100000000 like /biz wants to but still a good bet

>> No.6883608

It will 10x this year to 100 billion mkt cap.

>> No.6883904

Much obliged. Did you buy the report, or how did you come across this? All other reports ive come seen posted on /biz has xlm as c

>> No.6883984
