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6865428 No.6865428 [Reply] [Original]

About two weeks ago my university attended a lunch and Q&A session hosted by Buffet and there was a question about bitcoin and crypto currencies posed to him. His response? "Don't buy it. Don't trade it. Don't get into it. It'll be gone in five years."

>> No.6865468

Lots of money to be made in 5 years

>> No.6865476

He's probably accumulating and don't want more normies on it.

>> No.6865486

hes a fossil

what would 22 year old buffet do

>> No.6865492


>> No.6865507

As long as there is money to be made in crypto it will exist

>> No.6865512

Thanks bought 100k

>> No.6865518

He is 87 years old and barely knows how to use a computer

>> No.6865519


Shit like crypto has actually made me appreciate the real regulated investment market.

Companies have audited financials, real revenues and earnings
There are professional analysts covering the them
There is the sec regulating it and requiring company disclosure
The central banks publish their minutes, holdings are fully made transparent to the public.

>> No.6865538

You can just google what Buffet said about Amazon and Google back when they were just starting... He does not understand technology

>> No.6865547

Warren is testing this generation. Only a fool would take his advice at face value. "Be greedy when others are fearful" should be applied now more than ever, is where he's trying to get at.

>> No.6865550

He'll be gone in one year

>> No.6865555

Reverse psycology my friends. He is spreading fear, but

>Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy only when others are fearful.

he is still /ourguy/

>> No.6865558

Clearly he meant he'll be gone in five years, old ass mother fucker.

Why would he fuck with crypto when he's perfectly comfy with his XOM dividends and pepsi

>> No.6865596

And yet with all this information, you still can't outperform the market since everything is priced in. HERP DERP MY REGULATIONS

I'll take a information asymetric, unregulated, pump and dump, flash crash and rise, FUD and SHILL, pajeet poo-in-loo crypto mess we have over the regulated crap anyday - because hate it or not, this is where the real money is made.

>> No.6865607
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>> No.6865610

I will never listen to boomers, even if literally God turns out to be a boomer.

Opinion discarded.

>> No.6865635

>I will never listen to boomers, even if literally God turns out to be a boomer.
>Opinion discarded.

But he's not a boomer? He's part of the silent generation I believe

>> No.6865659

>be still alive

>> No.6865668

Damn, heavy bro

>> No.6865678

Hmmm no

>> No.6865691 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 2550x1645, steemit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I have started my own server FREE to join for ALL like minded investors. I’d really like serious non-spammy people to join as their involvement will help the community a great deal.

We’re currently a small group of 30 members so please give it time. There will be absolutely NO VIP/premium subscription membership b.s . It will be free forever. I want to make it more fun but more crypto oriented - LESS Spam, would you like to join?

I don't care about having 15,000 members, 100 contributing members is enough. i'm only asking people i think will bring value to the community

discord (dot) gg "/" WMwVeW5

>> No.6865728

God is an old Atlantean from like 10k years ago. You're fine

>> No.6865737
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>silent generation
>won't shut the fuck up about crypto

>> No.6865766

>this is where real money is made
>as a response to a guy who makes more in a day than the greatest crypto speculator earns in a year

>> No.6865774

>It'll be gone in five years."
You will you, you old retard

>> No.6865780


Yeah, all those billionaires would rather run a crypto pump and dumb instead of real business

>> No.6865985


>> No.6865995

Buffett only "MADE IT" in his later years.
Who cares. He's just another fuck that was lucky in money and now is worshipped like some genius tycoon demi god yet he cannot send an email.

>> No.6866165
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Warren Buffet is not a boomer, he's part of the Silent generation

Yes, the Silent generation (Artist archetype) is known as the "lucky generation" since they avoided the hardships of WWII by simply staying "silent" during their childhood, they grew up during the American High of the 1950s, stayed afloat of the economic malaise of the 1970s, and retired during the boom of the 1990s and early 2000s. They now enjoy the last years of their life with the Bond market currently over-inflated.. Woody Allen (another Silent) is quoted as saying, "Half of life is simply showing up" which aptly applies to the Silent generation, but not so much to other generations.

The oldest boomer is 75 years old born in 1943, Buffet is much older than that born in 1930

>> No.6866248
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Both Warren Buffet and >>6865468 are correct. You only have 5 years at most to make money playing this market before the entire thing blows over. Also, be prepared to lose it all within that time frame.

>> No.6866364


But if you ask him what you should get into it would be something like stocks and bonds making 5% a year

>> No.6866415

>gen x

>> No.6866436

the big boys will exist past 5 years, even if everything is under 1k. No fucking way crypto technology disappears.

I predict the business will be booming in 5 years. Everything will have a token.

>> No.6866441


the thing is that if warren buffet was in his 20's, he would definitely be involved in crypto, because it's the easiest way for smart people to make money right now.

He's from a different time period, and the way he got rich doesn't apply in today's world. There's going to be new Warren Buffets who made it in crypto.

>> No.6866452

That's an interesting way to think about it.

>> No.6866518

Ofcourse. But it wont get rich on trading with it anymore.

>> No.6866519
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I agree with you that blockchain technology will live on and these cryptocurrencies may exist. What won't exist is the bubble frenzy that's about to occur and the ability to make x1000 gains, this is going to be dot-com bubble 2.0 and Warren Buffet stayed out of the first one back in 1998-2000.

>> No.6866553

Guess what else will be gone in 5 years OP......


>> No.6866608

He wants you to buy Berkshire Hathaway B shares

index funds

Real estate and businesses like he does.

He is NOT going to be telling people to buy anything else

>> No.6866686


In 5 years ole man buffer wont be here. Punk ass trader wants us to do it the 70's way. Bitch we in 2018 WE IN THE FUTUREEEEE

>> No.6866702

That chart should be featured in Frankfurt's book on BS as part of the definition.

>> No.6866782


This. Buffet is essentially just a discord pajeet desperately shilling you his stock market bags lmao

>> No.6867057

You don't know what you're talking about.
Financial firms wipe their ass with your best gains.

>> No.6867092
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this anon is a genius

>> No.6867113

Bitcoin might be gone but there's no way blockchain tech is leaving

>> No.6867191

So we have 5 more years to get filthy rich

>> No.6867210

At most, the market could easily crash well before then.

>> No.6867469

Shut the fuck up, ask me how i know your autistic after only reading a paragraph of your writing.

>> No.6867495

How do you know? The world is moving towards AI and robotic technical future. This could very well be here to stay.

>> No.6867522


Holy fuuuuuuuc

Let's not forget that buffett has always been into security analysis. So even a 22 year old buffett probably would have stayed away as it's impossible to measure it's intrinsic value.

Still an interesting thought though

>> No.6867547

The bubble market will disappear, but the technology will stay (e.g. dot-com bubble, biotech bubble, etc.)

>> No.6867576

So it’ll remain wildly profitable for early investors? Got it.

>> No.6867634

Just make sure to cash out in time.

>> No.6867649

Everything will have a token is the most annoying possibility that has been brought up to date. Congratulations. Why the fuck would you want to deal with that.

>> No.6867733

Because tokens are very easily exchangeable and can be seen as different currencies

>> No.6868073

So in 5 years every time I shit I'll need to spend POO tokens to use the toilet? Some billionaire pajeet will be collecting POO staking rewards off my dumps?