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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6857733 No.6857733 [Reply] [Original]

Work in a Crypto Hedge fund you know.


>> No.6857742

Why does it hurt when I pee ?

>> No.6857756

How low will bitcoin go

>> No.6857761

what assets are your hedge investing in?

when is the bear market ending?

>> No.6857762

what coins can we help you pump?

>> No.6857765

I second this

>> No.6857766

do you fap at work?

>> No.6857767

Why my asshole hurts when I put a cucumber inside it?

>> No.6857780


Because you're a nigger. God made a mistake.
Or Obstructive Uropathy or Bacteria.
Betting on Nigger tho.

>> No.6857812


are traps gay?

>> No.6857814

Thoughts on LINK?

>> No.6857817

How do you hedge in a crypto fund?
When Bitcoin went from 19000 to 10000 last few weeks, all Altcoins went down with it.
How did you hedge from that? Or did you take a big hit and are trying to recover now?

>> No.6857825

what do you guys think about Ethereum for 2018?

>> No.6857835

Are you hiring?

>> No.6857847

Of course he knows link is a shit token. Ask better questions you dumb pajeet. No hedge fund worth their salt would touch that.

>> No.6857859

This is not a bear market for fucks sake.

This semi correction around NYE is normal and happens every year. It'll end soon. This year will be even crazier than last year.

What are we investing in is someting I can't sa publicly. I can tell you if something will moon or not.

>> No.6857862


shit got an actual quston: will these niggers slaughter the market tomorrow?

> Weiss Ratings


>> No.6857872

Will RLC moon?

>> No.6857887

most definitely

>> No.6857889

Whats the outlook on Cardano

>> No.6857913

Will FUN moon?

>> No.6857952

what do you think about VEN, REQ and LINK?

>> No.6857971

Yes. Get a fucking life.

It might moon, but nothing serious.

We have aroudn 15% of our portfolio hedging bitcoin on bitmex. We leverage.

If you are smart we always hire. Since I can't tell you who we are, take a look into SwarmFund, they are hiring and have an interesting concept.

>> No.6857978

What about TurtleCoin (TRTL)?
It's on a single exchange (tradeogre) and valued at 4 SATs.
Is this ground level?
No ICO, no premine... breath of fresh air. But I'm still not sure if I dump my other investments and go all for it.

>> No.6858082

Anon tell me the space colony potential on this list: icx, neo, ven, bat, qsp, trx, xlm, xrp, ada, xvg, sphtx, bto, hpb

>> No.6858203

Weiss and any rating company are fucking niggers. Nobody takes them seriously. The problem is that the rubes will. So whatever they say is shit is gonna tank and whatever they say is A-ok will rocket.

The thing is, you can't rate a fucking coin on traditional ratings, so they have no fucking clue what they are doing. We have insiders there, and they are fucking niggers. We bought them with 5 btc to pass us info. You think the CEO is not bought by banks, ripple, or Ver?


We are out form there already. It has room to grow some more but there are better coins in the market in terms of growth / tech potential.

If they get the liscence from UK Approved it will moon hard.

Ven is okay but too much hype. Community is full of idiots and it has heavy competition. I reccomend getting out and going to the competition. Ven is a BMW. Competition is a bentley and a ferrari. It's good, but beside the competition it's noting.

We don't like Link that much. It'll probably moon in due time.

>> No.6858334

how will NEO do with weiss, since it's indivisible and pays dividends

>> No.6858336

Your opinion on ARK?

>> No.6858440

Go for other coins. Join Binance and get into a full moon coin.

ICX = Sure thing
Neo = Medium.
Ven = Medium high. Has HEAVY competiton and will loose to it.
bat = Medium. It will, but unkown when.
trx = It's already mooning. It's time to get out.
xlm = Medium
ada = Already mooned. Get out.
xrp = High because of rubes. But it's a bad coin.
xvg = Low. It's a shitcoin.
sphtx = Medium. WHen they join an exchange it'll be high. A real exchange.
bto = No clue who they are.
hpb = medium to low.

>> No.6858460

Are you a dumb nigger? Why the fuck are you idiots entertaining this moron

>> No.6858480

Great coin. Great team. It'll moon for sure. As it gets closer to completion it'll moon. Put money in when they get to 65%.

>> No.6858485

If you work at b tower and live in the city let’s talk. bb analyst here

>> No.6858489

Thoughts on iota

>> No.6858537

Great coin. Much of the smear against it is false.

>> No.6858539

Ven has too much partnerships to lose the competition imo even though walton got the better tech, but who the fuck knows the future

>> No.6858612

Thoughts on SelfKey?

>> No.6858622

Walton is not the Competition. Even walton will lose to the hidden giant.
Walton will beat VEN aswell but it wont knock it off the market.

>> No.6858643


lets see if u are larpin op

>> No.6858677


>> No.6858685

views on NGR?

>> No.6858709



>> No.6858710

What will?

>> No.6858739


It's xlm isn't it?

>> No.6858751

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.6858752
File: 216 KB, 787x1049, hifg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laziest and least believable larp I've seen

>> No.6858767

I second OP's opinion on AGI

>> No.6858794

Who’s this hidden giant

>> No.6858806

thoughts on COSS/INT/RCN? Thx for answers

>> No.6858818

pajeet begone

>> No.6858821

If this is true, which I believe not, theres no reason to not invest in coins with promising futures (ven, icx)

If that happens in the future though I would gladly pull out from ven to invest in it but for now ven is unstoppable

>> No.6858822

Thoughts on WAN, ENG and Dragonchain? Also can you say what your favorite coin for 2018 is?

>> No.6858856

wan and drgn are good coins

>> No.6858887

What will happen to Tezos? Will Gevers fucker get his act together?

>> No.6858896

Agi = It'll pump to dump.
key = Good. Nobody knows when the big pump will come but it's an easy call. Market doesn't like these type of coins as much tho.
rvt = Market doesn't like as much but it will moon for sure. The team they have is really good. They will be impleenting new tech soon.
wabi = over hyped. As with VEN, it cannot compete with other tech out there.
Rcn = Wall street doesn't like Juans and Rauls.
Bos = Red flags everywhere.
ost = It'll moon with roadmap development.

>> No.6858903

nice larp fag, i work at the real crypto hedge fund if u do tell me why january is the worst month in crypto, after u post ur answer i will reveal why, and why feb will be an epic bull month

>> No.6858908

Please explain this future shit briefly: There has to be as much money long as there is short, right? So why is BTC dropping everytime these things expire? What tells us that the guy/institute that took the long position is stronger in manipulating than the guy who went short?

>> No.6858928

>Ven = Medium high. Has HEAVY competiton and will loose to it.
confirmed larper. VEN has no competition, it will be a top 3 coin in 6 months. Now get the fuck out

>> No.6858931


>> No.6858940

>We don't like Link that much

Can you provide the reasons why?

>> No.6858952

OP is legit

>> No.6858956

What is this other tech you absolute faggot?

>> No.6858977

And your thoughts on SUB, REQ, OMG, NEO, QSP, would be highly appreciated

>> No.6858990

look at my og post you dumbfuck

>> No.6859058

Thoughts on


>> No.6859066

Will XMR moon anytime soon?

>> No.6859084

Ven is not unstoppable. Don't fall into that trap. However, you can continue to profit from it without fear. But I would move to some other coin soonish.


No clue what this is.

Not gonna leak it yet. We are still filling out positions. It's on Binance, Kuckoin, Hitbtc and Etherdelta.

>> No.6859094

lmao, OP is a pajeet shilling his shitcoin portfolio

>> No.6859135

OP is an insufferable faggot

>> No.6859153

Wrong the tech is so fucked its unbelievable. The devs are retard tier. Any programmer will tell you this.

>> No.6859187

Can confirm, am programmer.

>> No.6859200

lol NGR is niggercoin. Its inactive and has been for years.

Can you give us any proof that you are who you say? and what do you think about the potential of Nimfamoney?

>> No.6859252


Lol it's obviously Ambrosus. Sorry for leaking it, pump that shit /biz/ so this crypto nerd gets less gainz for his clients.

>> No.6859253

The VEN WTC killer op is talking about is NULS or AMB or ATC but I can't remember what ATC does.

>> No.6859278

How far can ETH go this year?

>> No.6859279

What do you think of Ambrosus, Modum and Shipchain? The Western answers VEN. Walton etc

>> No.6859346

this shit doesn't even come close to vechain

>> No.6859374

Main parts of my portfolio are ETH, ICX, FUN and ENG. Thoughs ? What is your fund looking for when choosing potential investments ?

>> No.6859380

Answer this you larping faggot

>> No.6859403

Do you do fundamental valuation or just ta

>> No.6859423

AMB. The others are not on the exchanges he mentioned.

>> No.6859428


Yeah, but they apparently have several NDAs waiting to expire with big partners. After those expire and the hype train begins, it's gonna fly through the stratosphere.

I do agree that it doesn't hold a candle to VeChain as it is though.

>> No.6859463

Don't act like a fucking virgin. All women get old and die one die. So do fucking coins. Don't get emotionally attached.
As I said, it'll continue to climb but it will reach a plateu and fall to it's competition. and WTC is not its competition, neither is it baby wipes Wabi.

Great coins. OMG will moon soonish. Neo wont moon soon but is a sure future moon, however, I'd go somewere else.

XMR is a God coin. Which means it'll be around for a long time and will keep mooning. The team they have is exceptional. However moons are uncertain.

Sub is a really good coin. However, put money into SKY, it's where the money will be in their niche these following months.
Req is a great coin and will moon for sure towards the end of Feb mid March.
Neo is great. Will continue to have growth, but I would go somewhere else for now.
qsp is a boring coin. It'll take a lot of marketing for them to reach the moon. They'll grow, but you're not in market for small erections.

kmd = Really good coin. However, they need to push the marketing or it wont compete.
TNT = Same as kmd. Boring shit that is useful. Can moon but meh.
KND = We expet a moon from them this year but we wont enter.

>> No.6859470

Vechain? Enigma? Nebulas?

>> No.6859474

Whats ur opinion on axpire and lamden?

>> No.6859486


>> No.6859496

I like to imagine pajeets in a click farm shilling stuff all day on /biz/
Every now and then they take a little moment for themselves and write a comment much like this yours and have a giggle.
Then farm boss tells them if they want their dollar today they better stop goofing around
>worth it, sir

>> No.6859498

your favorite masternode coins? low and high masternode cost

>> No.6859503

btw you're a larping faggot

>> No.6859507

Your opinion on QST?

Good call on ARK brothaman. Also RCN, it never sat well with me even though it's a really cool idea

>> No.6859511

How do you feel about LEND?

>> No.6859525


>> No.6859545

Thoughts on XRB?

>> No.6859576

What's a good price to sell my ICX at?

>> No.6859580

LOL OKAY. Get out of here larping nigger faggot.

>> No.6859586

nvm, just saw you answered it

>> No.6859592

anything on dragonchain? anything to the disney hype?

>> No.6859607

Decent answer.

My last question, what do you think about ELF? how high will it moon

>> No.6859610

Cause they're bored and surfing through the bullshit here looking for a break from wojaks for a min

>> No.6859633
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>> No.6859641

Try me. What is wrong with the coin? Don't copy pasta. A lot of people, programmers, are working with it already. Even if you don't believe in it, its a good coin. THe thing is, it cannot moon more than x2.5 so we are already out.

>usly Ambrosus. Sorry for leaking it, pump that shit /biz/ so this crypto nerd gets less gainz for his client

Is bull shit. It works in some scenarios and in some other markets, but it's mainly shit. Just do due dilligence.

These three are great coins. One of these is god tier.

>> No.6859651

im enjoying your commentary, please continue

>> No.6859673

Have any funds of funds bought into your fund?

>> No.6859680

Thoughts on data storage coins like IOC and Siacoin?

>> No.6859712

what are you go to choices for this year? any that would throw us off guard or surprised?

>> No.6859721

PRL and BAT?

>> No.6859726

What is your AUM? Is everyone in your team under the age of thirty?

I work at a hedge fund that has about 200 million in AUM and we're getting calls from clients if we're doing anything in crypto.

>> No.6859730

Can you give us a hint on the big guy? Is it one of Roger ver's projects?

>> No.6859736

>All women get old and die one die. So do fucking coins.
talks like a brainlet 12yo from /b/

>> No.6859743

Thoughts on:

>> No.6859754

>Try me
They didn't use a seed generator, forcing people to use online ones and lose money in the process. That's honestly as incompetent as it gets for their developers.

>> No.6859769

We don't do masternodes. WTC will be good in a year when 50% of them sell. Solaris is cheap.

XRB is good. Look into Flash if you want a cheap XRB.

>> No.6859788

Someones been listening to cliff high

>> No.6859790

Thoughts about lend?

>> No.6859806

SKY & SUB - so you're saying sky is better short term? What if you intend to hold long term & not trade? Sub sounds v strong

>> No.6859808

Hehehe ya got me anon.

>> No.6859843


>> No.6859856


My question is, how did you find out about AMB? Do you guys have insiders that tell you about revelations of a coin despite NDAs?

>> No.6859880

what do you think about Siacoin? i feel its on a better level then storj

>> No.6859898

Reasons for the negativity about LINK?

>> No.6859899

also what about LUX

>> No.6859913

salty much. generating a random seed is easy

>> No.6859930
File: 160 KB, 598x465, GoodJobMarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it take to work for your firm remotely? I'm bootstrapping my knowledge of finance and trading myself and can be a dirt cheap monkey especially if I work from home.

>> No.6859947

Any thoughts on ARY?

>> No.6859949

Why would I be salty? Of course it's easy, which is why the devs should have done it instead on relying on normies to do it correctly.

>> No.6859981

Really good. Look into future ICO's doing that for hospitals without niggers working in the DEV team like PTOY.

PRL has a great concept. It has yet to prove it can do what it promises. If it does it'll go x5-8.

Old money has come in. New money can do what we do on their own.

Pascal is under the radar. As well as SwarmFund. Walton Will go really high once the fomo train hits with genesis (and since asia loves it, asia will fomo it like they do with every coin they love, like neo, icx).
Flash is also under the radar.
Skycoin is also under the radar.
Monero should moon. Verge should fall to nothing. Xspec should go up to around 50k btc marketcap.
Yes, everyone in the team under 30, but you wont find us on the internet. Perhaps if you walk around Zug.

>> No.6859993

This comment unironically made me respect the rest of what you said downthread. ONE OF US

>> No.6860008


Jibrel Network (JNT)?

>> No.6860009

Opinion on the following:


Will they moon?

>> No.6860015

inflammatory infection, get checked

>> No.6860016

Thoughts on CAPP? It has p decent partnerships but it seems to be doing fuck all atm.

>> No.6860036


thoughts on ENG?

>> No.6860050
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Cheers mate

>> No.6860074

>how did you find out about AMB
look at the huge fucking team on AMB - it's Davos tier
Look at their credentials - wall street people jerk off to that stuff
All of them have probably given TED talks

>> No.6860091

>Don't copy pasta
>somehow repeating valid criticisms makes them void
The whole balanced tenary thing is so stupid. Why would anyone do that? It's like a teenagers "great idea". Zero benefit, only downsides to writing it like that.

The cryptography ignores all best use cases. Asking to be hacked.

On top of that it's not fully open source.

>> No.6860092

I'm curious why you're ignoring questions about Chainlink. What do you know that we don't?

>> No.6860093


How about shit like int, axp, crpt for a quick 5x?

>> No.6860103

>built by parity technologies

>> No.6860112

he's definitely not a pajeet, you're a fucking imbecile if srs

>> No.6860113

We work in switzerland, we work with ETH people. Amb will moon in a few months.
Good Coin. But it's already mooned. time to move on.

Not negative, it's a good tech. They need marketing for moon.

We don't hire americans.

If sky delivers, sky. The main dev is nuts. Really ambitious and great leader. In terms of room to grow short term sky. If you want something long term, go into a IoT coin.

>> No.6860138



>> No.6860152


when should we re-enter the market, wait for BTC to dip more possibly to 8k or go in before? thoughts?

>> No.6860166

also everyone remember that almost no hedge fund, no matter how expert they think they are, beats the market consistently

their guess is as good as yours

>> No.6860173

How high do you see ICX going in February?

>> No.6860186

What are youth EOS and Aeternity, both are supposed to go live middle of this year.

>> No.6860193


>> No.6860207

IoT coin - surely you don't mean iota??

>> No.6860212

Thoughts on Tiny caps such as Ellaism and Sumokoin?

Not holding this, but curious: Bitcoin Private?

>> No.6860217

FYI, LINK will be hiring a marketing director.

>> No.6860220

Bloom, Telcoin, Enigma ?

>> No.6860233
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Hey OP, what's the word on the following coins?

Marijuana coins

>> No.6860250

'nother pre-ICO churner wall street fag here.

I thought this guy was larping until he praised ARK, pointed out Flash, and Skycoin in the span of 3 posts.

Yes, a lot of wall street gets inside information like crazy from the government and the blockchain dev community itself. We also go around buying out any presale worth its salt (team, tech, etc) as soon as the owners start looking for funding behind the scenes.

Ark and Drgn are very solid picks, albeit conservative.

Skycoin and Flash are both DRASTICALLY undervalued Q3 Q4 moonshots as well

>> No.6860274

thoughts on COSS/INT?

>> No.6860284

What about CAPP, Mcap is finally showing up so it's around 96 right now. They claim to have deals with Nvidia and Alibaba, and what about ATS. I think it's a total shitcoin but I am not totally convinced. Also what about PST? Thanks in advance if you answer these

>> No.6860295


ALSO if none of these, QASH

>> No.6860308

They are good, but a bit cheesy. They were at btc miami and dissapointed a little bit. They will moon, look at key moments for roadmap completion. For relevant moments.

It'll moon. We think it wont be soon.

Already posted. The tech is good but they should boost marketing or they'll end up in the dumpster.

OG Factom team is in other coins. THey went with traditional experience and they will be bested long-medium term. They will have another 100% growth then death.

AMB is good.

lol. No indians in our team. As Chinese, too rule based.

>> No.6860325

Orchid Protocol?

>> No.6860330

What do you think about WANchain OP?

>> No.6860348

well, the only fact that we know for sure is that we don't know what will happen to the market in the future
if you think otherwise and listen to this retard you're as braindead as this retarded OP pajeet

>> No.6860402


Information is prolific in the stock market, and pricing is more or less efficient.

In crypto? The tech community as well as VC firms get a RIDICULOUS amount of inside information right up the pipeline. Not much of a stretch after the Ark, Skycoin, and IoT shills

>> No.6860406


>> No.6860409


>> No.6860412

This is a fucking useless thread. Tell us what to buy and when and we'll see in a month if you are right

>> No.6860424

thanks got into ENG little while ago, and it seems like a def moon but i've been thinking of parking my coins elsewhere for a little while and getting back into it.

however, you know how that usually goes lol

also do you think the weiss ratings will have an impact on coins tomorrow? already doubled my XLM stack, honestly thinking of buying XRP and holding for 2-3 days. any insight?

>> No.6860430


What do you think of Neblio?

>> No.6860432


cheers i'll still go all in on it after it hits the exchanges, can't help myself.

>> No.6860435

>One of these is god tier.

>> No.6860443

OP, do you know anything about Adshares (ADST)?/ If so what do you think about it?

>> No.6860450

Thoughts on QTUM

>> No.6860461

>The tech is good but they should boost marketing or they'll end up in the dumpster.
are you saying this because they have competition that could force them out or what? they're supposed to have a marketing director in a couple months.

>> No.6860467

Will KIN moon?

>> No.6860477

will QASH moon?

>> No.6860481

Guys, what this guy does isn't hard lol. I already made 23 million off crypto and started in May. AMB is an amazing project, but look into NuCypher if you really want dem gains (:

- Pajeet out

>> No.6860497

thoughts on zclassic/btcp and the upcoming bitcoin private fork, predict for btcp this year?

>> No.6860522

>Couple months to hire a fucking marketing guy

Dude that's like 5 years in crypto time. LINK needs to speed up their development process.

>> No.6860533

Nuls is nothing ;)

>> No.6860534

Homosexual fucking thread right here. Give me some stats rather than shilling random coins.
When did you start hedging?
Alpha and beta? Or beta only models?
Direction of beta?
Performance last quarter? Sharpe, returns, the usual shit?
Seeing as there are no established benchmarks how are you measuring relative performance?

>> No.6860539

Who is the competition to VEN ? This is the only thing I need to know

>> No.6860547

whats your thoughts on elixir, kickstarter on the blockchain trading on kucoin at a 18 mil market cap?

>> No.6860557

What do you think about Sweetbridge?

>> No.6860566

Very poor LARP.

>> No.6860569

Is it QASH?

>> No.6860573

lmao, you must be new to crypto and investment in general
you can take all the information up your ass and the market will still move in an unpredictable way
fckin curry eaters, is it morning in mumbai now, why are you so active?

>> No.6860576



>> No.6860582

is AION a meme tier shitcoin?

>> No.6860605

Will DBC go back up again?
Also what are your thoughts on the CREDITS ico? And ICOs in general?

>> No.6860625

What do you think of OST?

>> No.6860649

ahaha faggot hedge fund my ass

>> No.6860653

Do you think Xtrabytes is a moon or scam?

>> No.6860659

>lol. No indians in our team. As Chinese, too rule based.
isn't not-hiring-chineses a sweeping rule in itself

>> No.6860668

i see nucypher has already sold 4.3mil during presale. any idea when the public ico is?

>> No.6860671


>> No.6860674

ENG is good. Need to boost marketing and then it'll fly.

Just enter now. You wont beat the market and if you try to do so you'll probably loose more. I wouldn't wait more than this weekend if I were you.

Not true. Especially in crypto. There is so much inside info you can get that it's really easy to anticipate.

Vitalik is shitting his pants because of EOS.
Aeternity is great but they need to penetrate more with marketing or they will be forgotten for some time.

Good. Go to some other coin for better profits. Icon and WTC will probably be the kings of this following month.
NXT have an airdrop on march, we have to see if people are interested in it or no.

Internet of Things.

Qash is good. We believe it'll moon.

Don't care about BitcoinPrivate
Go into Pascal or Flash. Both will surprise everyone. Some greedy sharks are eyeing it because the tech is really good.

About fucking time. Nerds don't understand that if you can't sell the tech, your tech is useless.

I don't like nigger pictures.
Coss is cheesy. They need to fix that.
MJ coins we are not interested.

Yep. Flash and Pascal, in our regard, are undervalued.
Skycoin is undervalued on the condition they do what they say they do. If so, this thing is gonna go high so quick, it'll hurt. Also, people can get skyminers for 600 dollars, and get aroudn 15k per month. Not bad.

>> No.6860682


>> No.6860689

As you are based in Switzerland, wjy the hell are you still awake talking to random faggots on the internet in the middle of the night?

>> No.6860696

What about modum and hst?

>> No.6860711

Was this a fun escape from your real life as a mall employee

>> No.6860714

in addition the network doesn't fucking work, and I don't think it's going to work better in the future. dead coin

>> No.6860716

What are your thoughts on XTZ as we move to a beta network and the Swiss FA installs a neutral lawyer to the TF board?

>> No.6860754

Thoughts on the following coins please?

>> No.6860756


>> No.6860762

Thoughts on BTCP fork of BTC/ZCL
I'm banking on it pretty hard atm

>> No.6860784

What are your thoughts on:
Achain (ACT)
Agrello (DLT)

>> No.6860790

So which IoT coins do you rate?

>> No.6860793

Today i discovered how to predict bitcoin future 24 hour price movements to near 100% accuracy. How much will you give me for my system?

>> No.6860800

Digibyte, Xtrabytes, ADX? Thanks

>> No.6860809

>About fucking time. Nerds don't understand that if you can't sell the tech, your tech is useless.
i don't understand what the fuck you're talking about. i've moved on though. what do you think about Loopring? i've read a few things about binance/bittrex using Loopring to pool liquidity. any idea how the main exchanges intend to survive when various dex's roll out or if Loopring factors into their plans?

>> No.6860810

Hi Olaf

>> No.6860823

What are you thoughts on INT?

>> No.6860832

It’s 6pm in California dumbass

>> No.6860866

I asked as well and he said they dont care about it-- I think what they're doing is a good idea, but doesnt seem like an institutional investor/big money would care about it.. Not FUD, my portfolio is half in it and I am currently deciding what my best move is

>> No.6860881


How come you curiously ignored DBC from that guy's question? :)

>> No.6860884

Here's a big question...

Omega One thoughts?

>> No.6860891

Hey OP

Can you address Neblio please and let me know what you guys think of this coin?

I'm big on Nuls too. any input on this one

>> No.6860911
File: 208 KB, 466x341, butthurtkike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't hire americans.
Just one more question: how did you dox me so quickly?!!

>> No.6860926


Scroll to my previous ID posts, stay poor lemming

>> No.6860939

Thanks OP. How good is this portfolio going into tomorrow?


>> No.6860947

coins that appear on all four of those:

Enjin Coin
Genesis Vision

>> No.6860963

Doing gods work

>> No.6860969

Hi, thoughts on carvertical?

>> No.6861015
File: 64 KB, 620x348, 2E7A18A3-5107-4F80-8419-067288B15CAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a SURE x100 ico if you have strong hands.
CoinMetro, a Coinbase/Binance killer. Use my ref code to sign up for the next flash sale for a 2.5% bonus (pic related).
I don’t believe OP, he writes like a 15 year old Larper

>> No.6861017
File: 9 KB, 240x193, SmartHelper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely this.

>> No.6861052

thoughts on CND?

>> No.6861069

Eos is good but it’s not competing with Vechain. The competitor he is referring to is ambrosus

>> No.6861078

Any long term holds?

>> No.6861088


It's ambrosus(AMB). It's direct competition to ven and wtc.

>> No.6861101

WANChain is a very very good coin. There will be a selloff once it enters the market but it'll moon. It's a great coin, great team, great tech and very good roadmap. They were highly praised at BTCMiami.

Better things out there.

Just screen shot this, come back to it during the summer. If you have anything over two milion, I reccomend you move to Zurich or Zug and hang out with the crypto milionares and get into the pre-sales. Inside info is where the gold's at.

Right now, hold your portfolio with WTC, AMB and ICON for three months.

Yes, they will have an impact. Rubes will follow the carrot.

Good but slow to get market attention.

Needs to hit bigger ex or it'll remain in that area. It'll moon, but cryptipia coins hardly go past 10k without extreme hype.

Good for you. You are still a few hundred milions away from us.

Yep. Marketing is extremely important. If you can't sell, doesn't matter how good you are. Look at Apple, it had amazing tech, but even better marketing.

If you are really interested go into the biggest crypto name in Zug and ask for the "dev" fund.

>take all the information up your ass and the market will still move in an unpredictable way.
Not when 94% of Crypto is in the hands of a few.

Swarm models have it as a moon coin, but it seems it doesn't take off for some reason.

You hire chinese when you need robots to work 12 hours straight without blinking an eye. You dont hire indians beacuse they stink.
You hire scandinavians, russians, and northen italians.

Credits is a really good project, however, they need to get out of their heads. Them being so "russian" in how they treat with people 1 to 1 hurts them.

>> No.6861102


He named a whole bunch just read the damn thread ya lazy fuck.

>> No.6861109

pol larpers are always the worst and easiest to spot

>> No.6861125

so why amb? im familiar with it but ven looked like it had a better road map and partnerships.

Can anyone shill me on amb?

>> No.6861132

of course I will, lol
it's so much fun to watch how this wannabe coin-guru just shilled ambrosus to wannabe "investors"

>> No.6861133

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6861136

Thoughts on ZRX?

>> No.6861185


Is the Vechain competitor a coin whos ICO had a minimum investment of 100 ETH and ven Invested in themselves?

Or is it something else just going into ICO thats named after a sea creature?

>> No.6861189

and the kids are eating this shit up like sausage rolls on a cozy sunday. yo, can you answer any of these?

>> No.6861196

All their partnerships are under NDA
It’s basically like ven at 10 cents

>> No.6861201

Don't forget INS Ecosystem

Grüße aus Basel haha

>> No.6861228
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1514945896495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got shilled into buying telcoin. I threw a couple of hundred at it (feel free to call me an idiot)
What are your thoughts?

>> No.6861242

I am fucking interested, wouldn't be asking otherwise. I do this shit on my own with purely alpha seeking models. Im interested in your relative performance, can you at least give me some kind of metric to go by?

>> No.6861250

Most days are pretty average on /biz/, today we've finally got some good info.

Thanks OP. Confirmed some of the future buy coins on my spreadsheet today :) Also, how is your fund feeling about Nucleus Vision?

>> No.6861253
File: 1.48 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180123-210809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while I like AMB, it's currently a pump and dump. don't fall for OPs lies

>> No.6861263

Well known hedge fund manager here, regular commentator on crypto on several channels you know and love.
I can confirm I know OP intimately, he is the son of my housekeeper and I caught him LARPing this thread when he was supposed to be cleaning the floors of the Bentley this evening.
Please disregard what he says for he is but a lowly negro.

>> No.6861280

That’s a bull signal. Medium term
That’s not a pump and dump niggie

>> No.6861296

Thoughts on NULS?

>> No.6861310

those pajeet groups put out 20 signals a day, that means nothing

>> No.6861322


what does this mean?


>> No.6861323

Because when you manage above a certain amount of money and certains people money, your life depends on it. Literally. Which means, even if we believe the market will be crazier this year than last year, unpredicitable events happen and you can lose it all (for example, G20 say they will ban all crypto, wont happen but it could). So you have to be the first to sell. Or we are dead.

Hoirzon state is good. Obsidian is also good but it has to go mainstream or it wont move that much.

Modum is long over due for a moon. They are too reserved. I'd go for some other coins short term.

If that's your portfolio it's too big. You can go all in on WAN and you wont regret it. HOweverr, this month is other coins month. AION is also good and will moon. DRGN as well. Qash as well.

>> No.6861344

stop throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk.

>> No.6861389

Do you guys use drugs like stimulants to increase focus?

>> No.6861417


Is the Vechain competitor a coin whos ICO had a minimum investment of 100 ETH and ven Invested in themselves?

Or is it something else just going into ICO thats named after a sea creature?

>> No.6861441

Trying to consolidate my portfolio, poorfag here.

Gonna go all in on ICX, WTC, and AMB for the next few months. Maybe SKY. I would love to move to Zug or Zurich. Any other suggestions and ways to keep in contact OP?

Will I make it? Thanks bro

>> No.6861452

Opinion on AIT (AIChain)? Team looks good but everything else seems scammy as fuck.

>> No.6861456

I bought XRP @ $2.00. wat do

>> No.6861474


He basically said it without saying it explicitly. Read the thread properly.

>> No.6861493

Should we wait for wtc to pull back a little? It’s near ath now

>> No.6861508

It‘s 03:00 am in Switzerland and he stated is working there. Can you even read you washed up faggot?

>> No.6861509

cool, so thinking short-mid term if i'm going to shuffle portfolio around, put more into:


also going to check out:

WAN - when available

missing any other major ones?

>> No.6861525

thoughts on TRST?

>> No.6861544


so QTUM is your top coin eh?

>> No.6861552


>> No.6861567


>> No.6861572

Thoughts on BMC?

>> No.6861576

>Not when 94% of Crypto is in the hands of a few
is that exactly 94%, not 95% not 94.5%
how did you come with that number pajeet? lmao

>> No.6861583

was it your original guess in the beginning of the thread?

>> No.6861591

still here OP?
TNT moon mission?

>> No.6861597


>> No.6861600

What do you think of the following (low market cap coins on binance)


Also the coin that's gonna moon hard is MOD, not AMB, isn't it?

>> No.6861610

die. its over

>> No.6861620

Your original guess?

>> No.6861651

What do you think about Eth op?

>> No.6861655

Polychain Capital?

>> No.6861664

ya boi.

>> No.6861665


>> No.6861685

Going to ignore this one? >>6860716 are you the ones swing trading the IOU price? Is Dr. Muller having fun yet trying to dodge responsibility?

>> No.6861693
File: 32 KB, 456x141, modd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said you work out of Switzerland, we've got you all figured out, OP.

>> No.6861716


>> No.6861737

AMB is swiss too you pajeet

>> No.6861755

Or maybe that's not completely right, and he just works for another Swiss company... ;^)

>> No.6861756

are you guys buying up all of the GVT? lol

>> No.6861811

Thoughts on:




>> No.6861831

Why do I want to poop when I pee but I can't pee when I poop?

>> No.6861841

I work at a fund too let's chat


>> No.6861858

Achain guys are funny. BTCMiami was good for them. We wont enter.

DGB is a good coin. Xtrabytes has big redflags and we wont get in, not wort the risk for us. ADX will have some traction but people don't know anything about it. So it wont moon in ST:

We are in Loorping. If it get traction it'll be great. Possibly x5.

Pretty much.

Moon for sure. Wall street will pump.

It's good. Really good. But these types tend to take some time for them to moon. Associated with key roadmap dates only.

Go into WTC for this month, it's where the gains will be, then you can go back to nuls. Neblio wont moon soon. But it's a good coin. Just not soon.

Nice nice. It's one of those.

WTC, AMB. Sky.

Yep. We are in it. Pretty big.

Do you guys know that race plays a factor in the team evaluation? It's hilarious seeing AI call niggers out.
Sell and go to WTC, ICX and jsut wait a month. They are the less risky moon coins these months.

Where do you live? I'll come back tomorrow or the day aftertomorrow and do a check up aroudn this hour, I'll give you a secure mail to write me up. I'll give you some inside. Most of the traditional models are shit for crypto. You need AI Swarm models to help you weed out and you need some inside info. If you are really have a fund, or are thinking in doing one, move to switzerland asap. Buy out your residence. We copied what Palantir does for terrorists for crypto. It's really efective.

We are already in.

What the fuck are you doing in a group like that?

>> No.6861873

he ignored my question about Loopring, so he must still be accumulating.

>> No.6861896

If you are looking for the biggest moon rocket tell me which it would be (best coin that will moon hardest) and trll when it's expected to occur.

>> No.6861910

you have convinced me to go in on a skycoin miner. I already had a strong as fuck hard on reading the god tier whitepaper. This just confirms it. Thanks mate.

>> No.6861918

How do you rate the potential on these recent ICOs?

Blockport (BPT)
Coinmetro (XCM)
aXpire (AXP)

>> No.6861952

What do you think about Dent Coin?

Will my bags recover OP.

>> No.6861953

Your thoughts pn CIVIC and Steem?

>> No.6861964

Thanks for answering my question about EOS and AE

If you’re still here, could you give your opinion on UBQ, NEM and Cloakcoin too

>> No.6862002

How do you guys handle client funds for tax purposes? For instance, if US investor, he technically paying short term taxes on all your trades? Do you keep certain coins long term past 1 year?

>> No.6862044

>Trying to consolidate my portfolio, poorfag here.
>Gonna go all in on ICX, WTC, and AMB for the next few months. Maybe SKY. I would love to move to Zug or Zurich. Any other suggestions and ways to keep in contact OP?
>Will I make it? Thanks bro

>> No.6862045

Close, the biggest moon mission in crypto is going to be TURTL once it hits an exchange (besides TradeOgre).

>> No.6862068

But op said he wasn't going to announce it, and has now said it 10x lol

>> No.6862087

OP, thoughts on Everex? Looks like it could be a hidden gem.

>> No.6862091

bump. i would also like to hear an answer to this

>> No.6862093

You answered about dbc but what about bnty? Just want your opinion

>> No.6862099

Also OP I'm a computer science undergrad with econ/acc minor. Also have plans to master in cybersecurity. Can I come work for you / similar fund. Can relocate

>> No.6862105

How did you get into working for a crypto fund, when did you start, and how does your company pay you?

>> No.6862111


I leaked it immediately, that's why. Also look at the shortlist of the possible coins based on the exchanges OP gave as a hint.

>> No.6862117
File: 45 KB, 720x405, ThoughtWonderPonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub-$200M cap: CHECK
No niggers at the top: CHECK
Minimal poo in the loo: CHECK
Not based in shitstain country: CHECK
Idea is to be the supply chain audit blockchain.
IMO May go somewhere.

>Enjin Coin
Sub-$200M cap: CHECK
No niggers in propaganda cartoons/SJW-free: CHECK
Attached to autism-bait: CHECK
Idea is to be the minecraft or other game token.
IMO Probably won't go anywhere.

>Genesis Vision
Sub-$100M cap: CHECK
No niggers at the top: CHECK
Minimal poo in the loo: CHECK
Idea is to be a blockchain trust and investment system where 'managers' who invest well with brokers can issue more 'manager tokens' and get funded by investors looking for a manager on the blockchain.
They've apparently already got MetaTrader integration, meaning it's not pajeet nu-dev web 2.0 interface shit.
IMO Probably a winner.

Sub-$100M cap: CHECK
No niggers at the top: cannot verify, no linkedin profile to login with to see.
Idea is to be a blockchain merchant trust and payment solution.
IMO might go somewhere, not sure.

Sub-$200M cap: CHECK
No niggers at the top: CHECK
Minimal poo in the loo: CHECK (no poo)
Idea seems to be a decentralized/blockchain based cloud or supercomputer platform where anyone can mine the currency by offering their computer cycles. Will run Docker containers, do storage, do rendering, do web hosting, etc.
IMO seems very promising, and if built right possibly even a CloudFlare or AWS-killer.

Sub-$100M cap: CHECK
No niggers at the top: FAIL!!! (One nigger in operations)
Minimal poo in the loo: WARN (One strongly poo in the loo)
No obvious kike at the top: FAIL!!! (Head last name is Lane, nose knows)
Idea seems to be, well, another Ripple or Stellar frankly but for foreign currencies. Seems to also provide lending services.
IMO not sure. This one (((buzzes))) my alarm bells though so I probably won't touch.

My guess as to where the fund is investing, it's either:
Genesis Vision
or SONM.

>> No.6862152

since you work in switzerland (i live here too btw) what do you think of Swissborg, have you even heard of it? i yoloed in their ico, what do you think? imo there are way better projects but maybe i can still get some profits,

>> No.6862167

gj turbo autist

>> No.6862169

Its populous. Where can I apply for information?

>> No.6862234

Thoughts on Bitshares or any other DEX?

>> No.6862235

his fund could use GVT for their own business once the platform launches.. it will definitely be one of the more widely used ethereum based platforms for new investors in this space, looking to not be "bent"

It's GVT boys, load your bags and strap in.

>> No.6862236
File: 96 KB, 384x477, SmugSatisfied.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6862255

No. We do drug checks when we hire people, the last thing you want is people with addictions. We take melatonin to sleep, since we have wacky scheduales. We have a very small team tho.


Go into something else for now. Go for sure profits this month. It's an easy month to profit, especially with WTC and ICON being the asia love coins this month.

Just sell and go elsewere. Maybe wait for tomorrow.

Thats a good portfolio. Now eat your melatonin and sleep for three months.

You never know. We are already in, and probably most big guys are in as well. Which means they might sell the news after genesis. But if you plan to hold for a few months, you can go in whenever you want.

Going into those three is a really easy profit for these following months.
I'd add WAN whenever they go online.

You guys can also check Neurogress. It's a very cool tech that will have a lot of hype and you might be able to buy pre-ICO.

Modum will moon too. We are not in it yet tho. Korea has to find it first.

Loopring and Quantsamp have been replied to above. ETHLend is a good concept but we wont get in.

No. The max they allowed us.

Tezos has hype around it. So moon for sure. But not right away.

We are not in. But it'll moon for sure.

>> No.6862272
File: 87 KB, 1932x296, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at 8.45.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said that you couldn't say what you are investing in and now shilling the fuck out of your pumps. Quit believing this fuckin larp. Jesus the actual fuckin state of biz.

>> No.6862318

>Had a tiny position in Achain on the off chance it was the Eastern Ark
>Watch Miami Presentation live
>Sell at next 10% profit


>> No.6862326

Thoughts on MED, CND and NAS?

>> No.6862327

it's a pretty good larp
but the over eager and clean sentence structure is weird
you can almost feel him trembling in excitement behind his keyboard

>> No.6862339

Browsing while drinking makes you speak.

>> No.6862345

Thoughts on POSW?

>> No.6862351

You fucking newfags actually believe this larping faggot whos literally shilling you shitcoins . The state of /biz

>> No.6862400

Whats the call on AST?

>> No.6862410

Thoughts on ICN, EXRN, and INT?

>> No.6862413

The only conclusion that can be drawn from this thread is that the majority of /biz/ are complete morons. But that's hardly a secret

>> No.6862419

Universa or Credits?
Hawala Today or Sugar Exchange?
ShipChain or BlockArray?
ColossusCoinXT or Sumokoin?

Thanks for your time anon

>> No.6862420

at least its actual discussion about coins instead of pajeets sperging out about the moon

>> No.6862423

Just curious, why do you think WTC will beat out VEN in the long run? And what do you think of the VEN partnerships...are they as important as they seem?

>> No.6862449

Thanks for the insight I'm not involved much in trading. Here is a tip in return. Watch MME I'm going to put on a fireworks show. The lawyers are seeking legal counsel.

>> No.6862478

This the fact that this has so many replies shows the fucking state of biz. Doesn't even matter if this guy is legit since this will be a new tactic to shills coins

>> No.6862496


Kinda seems like he thinks that VEN doesn't have as much upside as other coins because it's got a fairly large MCAP (2B). I wonder if he's factoring in the implications of Jim Breyer plus the potential of the full force of the chinese government's backing behind it though.

>> No.6862518

OP deserves his own meme, like a canadian plumber
>swiss fund manager

>> No.6862527

Thoughts on AELF?

And thoughts on upcoming ICO's?

>> No.6862556

The fact that he said Vechain and
Factom are useless shitcoins just proves it. Hes literally shilling you fuckers his shitcoin bags and you're falling for it kek.

>> No.6862569
File: 51 KB, 1280x246, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at 8.45.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no discussion. it's just biztards taking this larp's pumped cock and then drinking the pajeet cum with no input of their own.

>> No.6862599

I got more info about coins from random turboautists and people making the questions, found promising coins i didn't even knew existed

You can always find gold if you have a keen eye

>> No.6862616

open your mind fool
seeing from another perspective will make you a better trader regardless of the specific hits or misses.

>> No.6862647

Not gonna lie I'm pissed this has been brought up. Been waiting for a dip for fucking ages.

There have been good recommendations here but anyone blindly following probably isn;t going to make it.

>> No.6862655

This was a great thread, even if it was a larp. Loads of background from all over the place on stuff I never heard of.

>> No.6862679

We don't get US money. They love to sue. We stay away from them like the plague. Altough you guys have a lot of money.

Go into Shopin and Neurogress. You can still get pre-ico on both.

Go into Xspec if you want a sure moon misson for privacy coin. UBIQ will have to move sometime in the near future. We didint get in and we wont. We got into nem 1 year ago and we sold already. It could increase, but it has a very high mc.

In switzerland you get paid in paychecks. Clients give you presents. Such as a nice Patek watch last christmas. Started working 2 years ago.

Send your CV to SwarmFund.

Alpha and Omega.
Love the way you weed out bad coins.
We actually chekc for nig nogs.


GVT is good for sure.

>> No.6862763

everyone checks for nignogs.

>> No.6862783
File: 277 KB, 240x287, RavingHitler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love the way you weed out bad coins.
Too bad you don't hire 'muricans.

>> No.6862784

>You hire chinese when you need robots to work 12 hours straight without blinking an eye. You dont hire indians beacuse they stink.
>You hire scandinavians, russians, and northen italians.
It's official. This guy is legit everybody.

>> No.6862801

Im skeptical, but amb does seem like a decent pick. Same with qash and wan. I think hes underestimating VEN though.

>> No.6862834

are you serious about swissborg? Their team looks shady af, and there are for sure similiar projects running, oder nid? Not that i'd be sad if it moons but still, i'm not as convinced anymore as i was when i bought it.

>> No.6862837

linda coin

>> No.6862867

I'm a VEN thunder node guy, so I'm pretty biased towards VEN, although I try not to be.
AMB has been a big part of my portfolio since early december, crazy good team, and i love all this supply-chain shit. it always stuck out to me as the best usecase for blockchain so far.

>> No.6862879
File: 468 KB, 1024x683, 488179827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the seems like "Fuck you for being American: The Coin"


>> No.6862913

QASH will actually x150 within 18 months, that’s why you never here it shilled here. Currently on a dip too

>> No.6862915

Investors lost trust, lost momentum.

Haven't shilled our portfolio. So calm your cookies buddy.

Ark is a hell of a coin. It has a great team, but it's slow. Whenever they get close to finishing it'll moon and it'll be top 10.

If you are in these three, go all in on ICN.

Credits, HW, Sumo.

Factom team changed a lot from the start. The most important devs are with other coins. It's a fact. Not shilling. Giving you info, you can do whatever you want with it.

Ven will still rise. Not long term tho. Also WTC will take over these months, Doesn't mean VEN will fall soon.

Yep. There are diamonds and gold. And some dirt as well.

>> No.6862955


PayFair (PFR)?

>> No.6862995


Also my portfolio is


Do I have any good ones or I have I gone to far?

>> No.6863001

Can you say specifically why you think wtc and amb will surpass ven

>> No.6863025


oh also have DENT and PFR aswell...

>> No.6863032

Lamden(TAU) and Q-Link (QLC)?

>> No.6863037

How much does need to make it (in EU specifically)? Thanks for the replies so far.

>> No.6863038

If you get into Pre-sells it's really easy to make big profits. Once it hits the exchange it wont be a top coin for sure.

Good. Ven is good.

Lol no.

>> No.6863054

do you think EOS will succeed and when is it time to accumulate?

>> No.6863057

The only coin/technology that matters here. what do you think of HASHGRAPH

>> No.6863094

Thoughts on ELF?

Also thoughts on upcoming ICO's?

>> No.6863095

Yea I have positions in ICX VEN and QASH. QASH is so fucking obvious you need to be braindead not to see the potential. I need to look into amb though.

Anyone else think amb is as big as this hedge guy is making it out to be.

>> No.6863101

Team is better.
Many ven fanboys hate it, but it's what it is. We don't care about a coin specifically, we jsut want really hard gains. WTC with the tings they are bringing will be very strong these months. Ven will also rise, don't get me wrong, but it's not their time.

You have way too many coins.

>> No.6863103


my portfolio is


Do I have any good ones or I have I gone to far?

>> No.6863113

APPC for short term? long term?

>> No.6863120

Is it worth holding ETH still

>> No.6863125


thanks man, appreciate it a lot. it'll hit hitbtc and livecoin in february. Do you have any price prediction, when to sell approximately? currenty it's valued 0.1chf, can i expect a x2? Also, do you think bnty will make a comeback over $1? or is it time to sell in the next pump?

>> No.6863126

Thoughts of everex?

>> No.6863142

warum sprichts du nicht in deutsch zurück?

>> No.6863145

What's your outlook on granddaddy BTC (since we've ignored it)

>> No.6863146


Ah ok you answered

and I guessed that was the case, I suffer from a different kind of fomo than buying at the top.

Which ones would you cull?

I got in earl on dBet and RISe so I think theres more room for growth there, I like DENT because its the onlly one I hold a good amount of (20k).

>> No.6863151

>350 replies
is LARPing really THIS easy? just say you're from a big hedge fund and pretend to know insider tips?

>> No.6863154

The time to accumulate was when it was 50cents to $1 during the China FUD

>> No.6863172

When do you think VEN's time will come?

>> No.6863184

>Many ven fanboys hate it, but it's what it is. We don't care about a coin specifically, we jsut want really hard gains. WTC with the tings they are bringing will be very strong these months. Ven will also rise, don't get me wrong, but it's not their time.

For those paying attention. This nigger is telling you to look at roadmaps. hint: when is VEN's mainnet release?

That said, I think VEN has an X factor that might defy OP's expectations/models.

>> No.6863188

A few of us have been shilling QASH for months.

Do you QASH will succeed, that large investors will invest in crypto via the world book? Are there any other promising projects tackling liquidity?

>> No.6863193

well, he is a cut above the normal: 'Get in here faggots...buy (shilled coin) now or stay poor!' that litters /biz/...so at least he's providing some useful ideas...dyor

>> No.6863195

im holding ETH VEN EOS BNB and XLM, would it be a good move to switch it all into AMB WTC and ICX for a couple months?

>> No.6863199

Thanks for the info on ICN. Any thoughts on OPT and MANA?

>> No.6863212


>> No.6863230

Eos will do well, most big cats have been acumulating for some time.

Nucypher get in.
Get into Arcblocs, NeuroGress (they are giving big presale bonus) and wait for telegram ico.

>> No.6863246

OP, your thoughts on SAFEX?
Are they Silk Road 2.0 and will they be accepted mainstream?

>> No.6863265

Will tether crash the market or is it just FUD?

>> No.6863278

Thoughts on axpire?

>> No.6863291

Bumping this one

>> No.6863296

>In switzerland you get paid in paychecks. Clients give you presents. Such as a nice Patek watch last christmas. Started working 2 years ago.

If you have all this inside info, you should be _printing_ money. Random morans on this board strike it rich with sequences of dumb luck. Surely you 5x-ed a 5-x or two and can now buy your own fancy watches?

>> No.6863310
