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6855038 No.6855038 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else actually going insane here?

I'm making like 6k month average from crypto, even accounting for the dip recenty.

I quit my job a couple months back and I've been going full NEET mode, just go to the gym and play video games all day, then research more crypto shit

I have a few friends online and that's about it.

I have a stock market portfolio too that's up 20% for the last 5 months but it doesn't fucking matter, I am genuinely uninterested in having anything but millions of dollars.

I've become so numb, 30% swings up and down daily don't even phase me anymore, which is definitely a bad habit to get into as an investor

I've genuinely become too lazy to get out of all of my alts if a crash really were to happen. I don't have any stop losses placed either

I'm considering not even finishing school. I just check blockfolio every 10 seconds like a crack addict.

I've become even more reclusive as well and despise normies more and more everyday, makes me want to stop even going to the gym, might just buy a home gym

I just feel so disconnected. I barely know what day it is anymore, and I feel like by the time I wake up It's already dark and I'm going to bed soon

I'm getting pretty fucked up but I'm sure some of you guys have been through this too since some of you held through the last 3-5 years.

How the fuck do I deal with this? How do I help myself? This isn't right

>> No.6855159

ill stop being this way when 100x gains are no longer possible

>> No.6855197

>I quit my job a couple months back and I've been going full NEET mode, just go to the gym and play video games all day, then research more crypto shit

Wish I had your life senpai.

Anyway, listen to some JBP talks or something.

>> No.6855275

Stop smoking weed for atleast 10 days

>> No.6855295

hike the Appalachian trail with your gains, travel

>> No.6855374

babbys first depression lmao

you aint felt nothing yet

>> No.6855386

I feel you anon.

I think you have to cash out and live the normie life. You are like an alcoholic, you have to go cold turkey or self destruct.

>> No.6855401

>even accounting for the dip recenty.
nice larp

>> No.6855428



>> No.6855449

I'm planning on quitting my job soon and feel like this is exactly what will happen to me. But I hate my job and don't have any friends there anyway, and already hate normies. My plan is using the extra free time to do other stuff that improves my life, not just focus on crypto all day. Also get some hobby that will get me some sort of interaction with people most days. Force yourself to go outside every day. Get some sort of routine that involves stuff outside of crypto.

>> No.6855464

Are you enjoying how things are right now? If so nothing's wrong, I'm in the same boat. Quit my job and haven't felt better in years.

>> No.6855477

blog/10 fuck you

>> No.6855485

Ask yourseld why do you want money in the first place. If you just want them, congrats you've been Calvincucked.

Protestants were a mistake.

>> No.6855509


yeh pretty much my shitty life, except I make an effort to go for 2 hour walks every day
also wanna join the local gun club and pick up archery but yeh life is fucking shit. also I still have to wagecuck (work from home), if I could make 6k a month trading cryptos Id quit in a heartbeat

>> No.6855538

Get a dog.

>> No.6855546

6k per month

how much do you have now?

>> No.6855552

How can you quit your job if you don't have actual money not tied to crypto? And if you take any out you lose 40% of it to taxes. Quit larping

>> No.6855554

you dont deal with it. thats the game you either play it or quit it.

>> No.6855624

You cashout a portion of your gains brainlet. Its easy enough to make consistent gains with arbitrage if you know what you're doing.
Shortterm taxes are at the same rate as normal income so you're not in any worse of a position than you'd be with a normal job.

>> No.6855714

Aren't they a ton of work to take care off? I feel like I'm too autistic to have a dog. Maybe a cat. And take care of something for 10 years. I can barely keep a human relationship that long.

>> No.6855732

don't smoke
seriously considering this for a while

I'm going to be honest because this is an anonymous board, but I just wanted wealth so I could get validation from others and "be better" than all of the normie faggots in this world who complain about wealth inequality all day long without actually doing anything about it. But can you really blame me? People have been doing nothing but trying to shit on me and belittle me no matter where I work with very few exceptions. I just want it all to shove it in their face.

>> No.6855735

I know the feel, I became a zombie, nothing mattered to me but crypto, just sleep for 4 hours order food trade until 4am and repeat. It was bad and i knew it too. Currently in Europe on a trip I booked months ago, completely stopped checking crypto even though it's crashing really bad. I feel like I'm alive again, the stress and dread faded. I had dreams of the market crashing and me not selling in time, but I'm all in ETH and NEO so even if I'm 20% down right now I will be okay. I know if I was checking binance constantly I'd probably be making more money than simplify waiting for it recover, but it's just not worth it. You are young anon, enjoy life get fit and actually live a little.

>> No.6855828

what are you trading with to get 6k a month
whats your stack size for that

>> No.6855836

Not at all, but you need to do the same chores every day (prepare food, clean poo/piss, walk) and it might bore you.

>> No.6855864

nearing 45k, cindicator moon driving it up pretty quick too, ~50% of my portfolio is CND now even though I only invested like 2k into it a few months back. I should probably do something with it but I honestly don't even know what the best move is and that teeka faggot predicted $5 by the EOY, and everyday that's seeming more and more true

>> No.6855876

you seem to have found your sanity. the insane people are the ones who work and don't trade. imagine working when you can make more money browsing 4chan

>> No.6856001

I understand breh, we all somehow got a shitty past if we ended up on this mongolian throat singing forum.

See it like this: money are not a problem anymore. You can face life without worrying about it, which is a huge thing. Now find something that stirs your energies and passions. Just try random shit, from music to martial arts to sports. Even wageslaving can be an experience without the prison feeling of needing the cash.

>> No.6856041

you know I never thought of it that way, I might just wagekek part time for the hell of it, maybe at best buy or some shit

>> No.6856133
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feels good anon, I used to make jewelry (tedious as FUCK) now I just chill at my house browse biz, twitter, ann and play league from time to time

>> No.6856228

I relate a lot

I didnt bother to invest until I FOMOd, because I felt depressed AF even before that. Began after china ban with 400, currently sitting at 10k. Will I make it? Because honestly, I feel like this is my only shot at life

>> No.6856232

Become a line cook for fun. Make some scummy friends and hide power level.

>> No.6856239

I started with 3k back in august, rode BTC/XLM/ETH through their moon missions and took earnings and put them in

CND/LUX/ICX early december

I probably won't keep up this growth but that is the average for now. I definitely got lucky with some timings, but I've seen other dudes here make 100x since august. I'm just happy as long as I outpace dinoking

>> No.6856304

I personally hate wageslaving because I feel like I cant break free from that shit. I hope crypto will help me become independent for one.

But on the other side I've lived as a NEET for quite a while and shit becomes depressing and trite exactly as wageslaving can be. And sometimes having a rhythm in life is not bad. You enjoy weekends as weekends and holidays are orgasmic. Stagnation is bad, change is the salt of the mind.

Being economically safe allows you to change whenever you feel right.

>Excuse my plebbit spacing btw

>> No.6856306

same i'm on $11k and i know this is my only chance

>> No.6856366

You'll eventually have a bad run and blow up completely with those type of moves

Don't say I didn't warn you

>> No.6856407

this fucking hivemind personality of 4chan detachment to world,orchestrated in crypto gainz. with the timing of it and all, it feels so odd. I dont find the right words for it. One day youmake a fucking goofus president with memes and another you might be a millionaire

>> No.6856433
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Sounds like you're evolving brother. Glad to hear you're becoming one of us now.

>> No.6856438

>Finish school, at least basic education
>Don't become totally reclusive it will lead to depression
>Do some charity work

>> No.6856479

This OP, I've never met a more drug and party fueled line of workers than chefs/cooks.
Always got the best gear

>> No.6856480
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Holy shit guys I found this rare chainlink image I think it might be true. I think LINK has partnered with Disney and they're going to fork it as DisneyLINK. It'll be the token to get on all the rides and you can also buy the turkey legs with them too. Rumor has it that rory's dad settled a (legacy Ethereum) smart contract with Jason O'Forkparser and they've agreed to buy back all legacy and ShadowFork LINK at below ICO. They're going to start a new token to build supercomputers on every city at SIBOS 2018. All because Sergey is Satoshi...

>> No.6856501


I had this idea to teach troubled kids or something like that OP

think about that

>> No.6856551


I think we'll make it man. I've been watching BTC for years and I kept listening to idiots around me tell me it was a scam since it was less than a dollar. My biggest regret to this day is listening to other people, but also being too lazy to put forth more research into it when I was interested.

Anyway I'm getting away from my point, people really still do think its a scam or have no idea how it works, despite the normie threads you see here. There's not a single person in my old normie circles who have bought any of this shit, and I have yet to meet another person in real life who actually buys this shit as investment. You have to remember what generation we're in now. This millennial generation is economically fucking braindead, that's why they protested wall street instead of the government back in 2011. No millennial is investing anything towards the future, the competition is very small, and even today, as dumb as it may sound, we are still early investors on bleeding edge technology.

>> No.6856620
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hmm im also worried about this and heading the same direction, how ever i held on to my job so far, thinking once I go full time in Crypto to just get a low stress par time job to have some sort of routine and human interaction, lets see how it goes

>> No.6856625

you are going to be in a world of hurt unless you come to terms with money being the root of all evil.

>> No.6856668

don't worry, the bear market will wipe you out and you can go back to your job

>> No.6856767

I make around 10k each day that I decide to trade (without trading every day). Still haven't quit my 55k/yr job though because it gives me something else to focus on, otherwise trading would stress me out too much. Also I can trade at work which is nice.

>> No.6856785

I'm literally the exact same what the fuck is this. I don't even blink with 40% corrections anymore. This obsession is seriously taking its toll

>> No.6856807

will this meme die

>> No.6856822


How do you make money doing this? I only know how to hold. Turned $4k to $25k, want to use it as source of income though. How do I do this?

>> No.6856849
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same here, same here but if i hit it big in the next bull market, I am considering going full time in to Cryptos and starting a low risk small business just to get me up in the morning

>> No.6856922
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you just answered your own question, ok so you turned 4K to 25K, use half of that to invest back and get 50-70K and so on. Don't go full retard and waste it all once you gain it, who knows how long this will last stack up your gains and save as much as you can

>> No.6857007


No, faggot.

>> No.6857049

OP Listen to this anon. Money isn’t everything but it gives you the freedom to do anything

>> No.6857253
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>How the fuck do I deal with this? How do I help myself? This isn't right
According to what you say, you're suffering your own economical success. You need a routine, a bigger goal, you need new experiences. 24/7 in crypto isn't healthy at all, and having money doesn't mean that you're a god, but a normal guy with money. Seriously, do something different, travel to a new place, forget about the phone or the internet... Relax.

>I'm making like 6k month average from crypto
450€ here (I started with 150). Would you support a random /biz/raeli that wants to become economically successful too?

>> No.6857348


>> No.6857354
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same here even tough I am in a good position i can stand some of my co workers, especially the ones with no hopes or dreams, theres this one dude comes in every day pist off at life like wtf dude then do something about it, has no balls to quit, if i was that miserable i would look for something better, but all we have to do is deal with his temper and complaints, that right there is why i want to not be here the rest is fine i guess hot office chicks too look at

>> No.6857402
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redd it /b/ here is one more

>> No.6857438

just stick it out for a few more years as long as crypto is young and gains an be made by being active and smart
t. I even stopped going to the gym

>> No.6857521

yeah I definitely still need to work though until I get gains like that.

I actually didn't leave since crypto was taking off, but it certainly did help make me not want to put up with their shit.

What kind of work do you do?

>> No.6857555

>I'm making like 6k month average from crypto, even accounting for the dip recenty.

Pretty harsh man, that's only 0.5BTC.

Stick with the wagecucking.

>> No.6857569

dude, it's fine, sounds like my life (but I don't go to the gym).

We just need to do this for a couple of years then cash out and do whatever.

>> No.6857572

Too much of anything is bad.

I was NEET for a while and even though it's nice to not be wagecucking, it can get depressing if you're not sticking to a routine.

I started going back to the gym and joined a few clubs in my uni to not be an anti-social fgt.

There's really no point in being wealthy if you lack everything else in your life; especially your health and mental sanity.

>> No.6857575

get me off this ride

>> No.6857640


yeah I plan on getting back into some kind of work soon, Probably some light book keeping

>> No.6857664

Or just get more money in crypto so you can make 5BTC a month.

>> No.6857674
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>I'm considering not even finishing school.
I'd finish it, mate. You never know when it might be useful. Also, it will always be a social handicap.

>I just wanted wealth so I could get validation from others and "be better" than all of the normie faggots
Damn, that sounds pretty much like me in a bad day. My most shameful fantasy is to go to an alumni meeting in my Jaguar, with my hot gf wearing expensive clothes, and brag about how successful I am. But then I realise that it doesn't matter at all; what matters to me deep in my heart is human contact, to be loved, an honest conversation, a comfortable silence, a lonely landscape... (if you recognise my words it's because I used to browse /r9k/ too).

>> No.6857713


>> No.6857720

Only redditors LARPing as biz veterans give a fuck about how other people format their shitposts

>> No.6857774

Dude I’ve been the same way.
>wake up at 5am
>check charts
>buy ven at $6.20
>sell ven at $8.00
>rinse, repeat
>get anxiety
>I’m gonna die
>check charts while heart attack setting in
>if this is it I’ll make one last buy of ven
This is my only chance as well, or I’ll have to join the army and scrub dicks with a toothbrush for 4 years


>> No.6857829

wtf have we come to anons

was this our destiny from the time we started coming here?

remember, you are here forever meme?

bizarro 4chin adventures

>> No.6857890
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same here Anon, this year is my last chance to make something of myself in Cryptos; move out with a grill and live life, but first i need my shit coins to Moon this year i need at least 50K in gains to set off that chain reaction

>> No.6857965

I'm no whale man, not gonna give a handout. I'm somewhat skeptical of my gains myself and I'm half expecting to lose a lot of it this year before it flies up again. I also have bills to pay

Your advice is pretty sobering though, I think a lot of my unhappiness comes from the fact that I know deep down inside making it just to show off isn't going to make me happy either. Maybe it will though. Time will tell

>> No.6858036

>move out with a gril
>1950s America
>nope 2018
>die instead

>> No.6858066
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i don't know anon i don't know feels odd, i just want a ton of cash to get my life in order i have over 30K debt and like i said this is my only shot to recover from my retard moves when i was young, I have to admit Crypto has improved my life i never had more then 1K saved up now i have around 5K in Crypto because i been putting in each pay check. I think we are going to make it Anons...

>> No.6858069

We’ve come to the end of the road
>one shot
>make it count with cryptos or make one bullet count
>neck myself old fashioned way

>> No.6858100

mo money mo problems

>> No.6858205
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shit so true, 2018 one financial mistake = Homeless Grill goes with a wealthier dude

>> No.6858265

You're living my dream OP. How do you cash out, a few grand per month. I want to put my 2 weeks in soon. I have a 550k portfolio.

>> No.6858324

Yes indeed yes indeed

>> No.6858392
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or sell the last of your bags, buy gun, wait for grill to get home shoot her, do yourself eternal Crypto Love..

>> No.6858443

I'm making insane amounts of money buy I just keep routine as usual. Haven't directly spent any money from crypto either.

I know this bullrun is not going to last forever, so might as well finish my degree and then start post-school life with tons of money.

>> No.6858584

good Anon whats your strategy? Just buy and Hold??

>> No.6858635

Works for me

>> No.6858711
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No problem, mate. Well, in order to "make it" you'll need at least a million (tax-free), sounds like a reasonable goal for now. Keep trading, but try to spend less time in front of the computer. Complete your education. With less than 1k you could plan a nice travel that will give you some relax. After that, focus on some hobby, and develop it. You'll end meeting people with your own interests, maybe even a girlfriend.

This is just an advice, feel free to take it or avoid it ;)

>> No.6858746
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i am sort of a noob really really f up 3months ago if I would have held my coins I estimate around 30K-40K in gains but im back bros this time once i hit 50K I will make the right moves, live and learn..

>> No.6858829

Could of, should of.
Making decisions is always easier in retrospective.
You still have time to make it

>> No.6858898

Why not try bootstrapping a side business? Even if you just break even, you're doing something you like/believe in. Just don't put in more than a few grand in it.

>> No.6858910
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>> No.6858916
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i know bro this time i have my stacks ready and I am not selling no matter what until i reach my goal

>> No.6858963

Yes. I started in 2016 though. I feel bad for whoever is just starting now.

>> No.6859025
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yea same here i started last year around June, i learned a shit ton and i already have a back ground that saved me from complete disaster, i cant imagine a normie navigating this seas, a bag holder is born every day..

>> No.6859465

>tfw you realize you could go to jail for posting this in some countries

>> No.6859658

I started in May last year with 5k.
10xed it but cashed out 20k to tie me over.

>> No.6859696
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6859942

i listen to crypto podcasts when I walk the dog. The exercise helps with stress too

>> No.6860048

Use your money to travel the world a bit. You can still follow up the markets whilist travelling

>> No.6860603
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faggot countries. get fucked yuropoor.

>> No.6861416

>living the dream
>complaining about it

>> No.6861904

Alt coins are child's play, you know nothing about the market.

Sign up for BitMEX you pussy.

>> No.6862591

you suck ass, what you have is exactly what I'm trying to achieve but I missed the boat on cryptocurrencies. Anyway, what I intend to do if I ever land in your position is spend more time on my hobbies (I Homebrew), get more projects done around the house, go the gym a few more days a week, and travel