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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 1200x900, CsLygN8UsAAtIHg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6854979 No.6854979 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your boy Ethan fudding cryptos. I guess this is how normies see this whole thing now.


>> No.6855014

i hate ethan so much, i dont get how this loser got famous

>> No.6855018

Good. Normies can now back the fuck out.

>> No.6855036

bitconnect having such a close name to bitcoin is going to scare off lots of normies for a while. also please never give this faggot any of your BATs

>> No.6855055

I fucking hate this kike

>> No.6855057

He's Jewish, what did you expect?

>> No.6855076


Jews gonna jew.

>> No.6855081

that shit was funny as hell

>> No.6855099

A Jew wouldn't use a position of influence to make your life worse, they're your greatest ally.

>> No.6855135

I typically don't wish ill on people but ethan is such an obnoxiously unfunny dickhead that I'd like to pop his puny kike head like a grape.

>> No.6855163

why does his fucking "girlfriend" look like he imported her straight from 1945 auschwitz ?

>> No.6855175


This is a good thing. The normies will eventually fomo back in. Until then we have good pickings.

>> No.6855187
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, h3h3 jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6855210

does anyone find h3h3 and his fan base of sad losers the most pathetic thing on the internet

all they do is sit around literally internet bullying people that remind them of their highschool bullies

its ethan and all his fans, they are the biggest losers on the whole internet. they think they are literally the internet police officers, they get to tell you what to think

fuck i hate ethan so badly

>> No.6855212

BATmen btfo

might as well chuck those bags in the Thames for all the good it will do, lads

>> No.6855234
File: 197 KB, 965x561, h3h3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6855262


>> No.6855265

Thank Christ I love when Normans miss out on the easiest opportunity of their life to get rich because of their own stupidity

>> No.6855268


>> No.6855289

ethan was on biz researching this

>> No.6855305
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Thats good, the more fud the better. the longer we can accumulate.

>> No.6855327

the guys “career” revolves around being a drama queen and bitching about other z list e celebs. pathetic waste of flesh

>> No.6855351
File: 8 KB, 213x237, 1515470594619s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy eye having kike
and his dressed like an 80's 14 year old tomboy stoner retard euro trash beeech. ILL FUCK BOTH THERE MOUTHS SHUT FOR TALKING SHIT BOUT MUH BEEECONENNENENCTSSSS

>> No.6855357

bitconnect was never a crypto. nice journalism ethan

the absolute state of normies

>> No.6855362


>> No.6855367

He actually met her at the Holocaust museum/memorial, no joke.

>> No.6855387

For fucks sake I hate this fat fucking cynical kike.

>> No.6855418

nice fud

>> No.6855433

there is no such thing as bad publicity bruv
people with money in crypto aren't gonna sell because this dipshit tells them to, and people who don't might get curious and buy

>> No.6855444
File: 402 KB, 600x450, vaporium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Reddit))) and his vaping video

>> No.6855462
File: 15 KB, 356x356, jack-black-elmo-stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you retards realize he's just trying to keep the prices low so he can accumulate? Jesus and I thought r9k was full of brainlets

>> No.6855472

his videos back in the day were funny, I used to watch them back when he was aroun 60k subs, I don't know how he grew this big either, but I agree he's annoying and unfunny now

>> No.6855474

Ethan is a faggot. Get this shit off this board.

>> No.6855496

Thank god for this videos, an extra barrier for normies to not get into crypto yet.

Also, it was funny as hell

>> No.6855518


where else do you think your gains even come from faggot? we need normies

>> No.6855528

>Also, it was funny as hell
Pretty sure you're the normie

>> No.6855531

this exactly

>> No.6855566
File: 1.07 MB, 1083x716, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids watch this shit (((bro))), wtf

>> No.6855579

What a fucking cuck. More like bitdisconnect hahahshshahahahs

>> No.6855614

I love nocoiners shitting on crypto it gives me hope that I'm going to make it.

>> No.6855653

Fuck off with your kike e-celebs.

>> No.6855700

I kinda like him, lately he has fucked it up, but has also said he hates the jews and israel while being one.

My nigga.

>> No.6855701
File: 185 KB, 285x471, 1516703624907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was shit i expected more one thread about bitconnect on /biz was more funny then this video lazy jew didnt even cover the best part just wanted to get on the bandwagon

>> No.6855741
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>> No.6855748

pumping stale bitconnect memes kek
This faggot better pump BAT

>> No.6855768

Also says he doesn't understand borders and thinks there should be none.

>> No.6855796

Every single second that normies and mainstream adoption are out of this give you more time to accumulate, by the time there is full mainstream adoption there will be full regulation that will shutdown any person acting on his own

>> No.6855904


I honestly believe this to be true. I felt like I missed the boat when the market cap rose to $800B and all the normies were in already. If the normies go away again and we get a significant drop-off, then the second it gets back into the news we'll see these massve gains again.

>> No.6855933

same thing here, it was back when he was influenced by sam hyde and was a lot more brutal with his subjects, now it's pretty gay to watch

>> No.6855943

Who is that fucking bitch roastie?

I'm only like 20 secs in, but she is always annoying the fuck out of me.

>> No.6855974

His parents are typical normie white folk (and his mom is a MILF), and I don't think any of them are religious.

His girlfriend is an Israeli soldier, but that's it. Is he a religious Jew too?

>> No.6855984

>>>6854979 (OP)
> Who is that fucking bitch roastie?
This is the fault of exchanges not H3H3, we knew this would happen as soon as people didn't remove the ponzi from it.

Same goes to tether, just wait it will be an even bigger shitshow.

>> No.6855986
File: 16 KB, 300x300, ethan-klein-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't forget to invest in BLACKEDcoin, boys haha

>> No.6856013


Remember boiz. The time the normies start pouring in, is the time we cash out for good.

>> No.6856045

I'm sure the H3H3 fanbase has a combined purchasing power of about $17

>> No.6856054

literally the epitome of a money hungry kike. left the funny alt sam hyde kind of humour behind when he realized he could make an easy buck by peddling e drama to 13 year olds

>> No.6856067

Also how old is this guy? How the fuck did he become so big by simply reacting to shitty videos?

I really don't get this generation and I'm 22. Not even lewronggeneration, I just don't get all this shit that teens are getting excited about

>> No.6856082
File: 107 KB, 670x949, johnoliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white folk
Shalaom Mr.Noseburg!
Yeah I remember watching that video. Mentions "BLACKED.COM GUYS" like twenty times to his audience of twelve year olds. I'd love to gas this fucking kike.

>> No.6856113

when ethan meets sam hyde

I really hope this is true

>> No.6856176

>normie white folk
I think you meant
>fellow normie white folk

>> No.6856209

Basically ripping Sam Hyde and twisting his character to appease the current hip hop culture autists

>> No.6856245

What is wrong with that fucking bitch? I literally have never been so angry at someone I don't know.


>> No.6856256

The only thing that had me laughing was the BICONEEEEEEEEC guy

>> No.6856315

Sarin Fetal Syndrome

>> No.6856396


>> No.6856413

I really don't understand why Ethan has tried to incorporate his wife so much in these videos over the past year. She literally doesn't contribute anything ever and has a wet blanket personality.

>> No.6856441

basically he copied sams video really gayly


>> No.6856455


>> No.6856464

Where the fuck is Sam now?

>> No.6856481

She looks like a female version of those mutt memes. I can't unsee those kinds of people anymore fuck.

>> No.6856494
File: 10 KB, 225x225, hackerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The normies are in en masse.
A turbonoemie told me about how hes 50% down on ripple right now. We laughed together and I told him I too am in the red (actually im rich now)

>> No.6856498

He's a legit spastic/autist and he genuinely loves her. It's not that bad.

There's videos where the material is upsetting Hila, but she isn't saying anything, and he deliberately goes out of his way and his routine to cheer her up and praise her.

It's childish love.

>> No.6856515

I think he's only making videos for his patreon supporters now or something.

>> No.6856519

Im not watching does he whine about bitconnect or something?

>> No.6856526

I love Sam

>> No.6856531
File: 263 KB, 1600x1600, rotw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan base of sad losers
>internet bullying people

>biggest losers on the whole internet

yikes anon go look in the mirror you sad sack of shit lmao

>> No.6856560

>rips on other eyelets
>they respond in anger he plays "just goofing around duuddeee chill"
>"supposed" Sam goofs around with physical banter and calls him a fag for giggles

>> No.6856564


>> No.6856604

Fucking typo Kek

>> No.6856606

When he tries to pump her "clothing line" god damn that stuff looks like awful sperg stuff

>> No.6856640

>He thinks any of his FUD is going to get to the GOD CARLOS FROM NY

Tic toc tic toc...

hey hey hey...


>> No.6856652
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>> No.6856654
File: 227 KB, 1144x783, goyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he used to browse /b/ back in the day.
A lot of the memes he drops were from there.
These days he is a little more normified, but his roots are certainly in the shithole of the internet.

Thats why he is having trouble with content recently, he is hanging with too many normies and having too much of a social life.

>Carlos says bitconnect, h3h3 says bitcoin
He is fudding it so he can accumilate!!!!

Fuck the ze jews win again!

>> No.6856688

Never trust a jew or a christian either they're all the same desert people

>> No.6856692

>dat freudian slip
We know your secret now, eyelet.

>> No.6856705

wew this is fucking embarrassing. how do so many people like stuff like that? it makes no sense

i mean the vape thing was decent for a moment but

>> No.6856706


hes literally just making the same jokes about bitconnect that we all made for days straight

how is that fud

>> No.6856778

she could probably sell that shit at zumiez or some other mall tier skateshops

>> No.6856780

>Fighting for a theocratic jewish state.
>Not jewish
ok pal

>> No.6857020

>I use to watch him, give him views and spam his le funny meme face gifs all over the Internet to attract other retards
>how on earth did he ever grow this big I wonder

It's quite perplexing, I agree.

>> No.6857272
File: 128 KB, 1125x765, laughs malicously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies never get on board
>no mass adoption
>bubble never bursts

>> No.6857306


>> No.6857337


>> No.6857359

This is the most ironic post I've seen all month. Thank you.

>> No.6857363

I hate Normies

>> No.6857469
File: 202 KB, 800x420, ganishka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Remember Remember the 16th of november

>> No.6857623

Ethan is a fucking god. We only have him to thank for this video, this is what we want normies to see.

>> No.6857679
File: 2.16 MB, 498x278, AFB2242E-70A7-452F-AF6B-A319F4736371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol did you even watch the video.

He was roasting BitConnect. And everyone’s niece IS acting like they can give investing advice. Even made fun of the sheer number of coins, which probably won’t be here next year. Nothing invalid here. Hold your coins and keep it moving

>> No.6857716

>bitconnect having such a close name to bitcoin

Its insane how many normies think that they are one in the same. Starting to get real fucking annoying

>> No.6857784

You gains come from normies you stupid fuck. They exist to transfer their wealth to US. You stupid fuck, stop fudding them so damn much.

If normies stop buying, then you start losing more money. You realize your gains are because these coins keep growing?

>> No.6857794
File: 222 KB, 292x480, vd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didnt tell plebs the difference between BitConnect and BITCOIN

>> No.6857809


I did watch it, but you obviously don't know how normies think. If a normie doesn't know anything about crypto, and then sees this video, and the title. What will they think other than 'lol, of course crypto is a scam'?

>> No.6857826

post hit a little close to home? lol have you left any mean comments on logan paul videos lately? hahaha keep me posted guys

>> No.6857852

>I guess this is how normies see this whole thing now.
Good. I wanted them gone anyway.

>> No.6857867

his videos were never funny though

>> No.6857968

It wasn't funny at all. All the humor comes from how ridiculous Carlos is. It would be just as funny if you played the original video. That's why I hate H3h3 so much. His videos aren't funny because of him but because of what he reacts to. Literally all he does is scream something or cough or repeat old ass memes like "It's time to stop". He makes money off the backs of the pepole he shits on in his vids and then still feels qualified to be the YouTube Police. He is so fucking slimy.

>> No.6857995


>as if a quick funny video would have a lasting effect on the culture.

we trade on fundamentals, just like we did when the total market cap was in the millions. and that's how we got to billions. normies will see the numbers and forget videos like this inevitably

>> No.6858043

Bullets coming your way. Get ready to die, Nazi.

>> No.6858188

Hes making a video game and a book. He also make shitty pay walled vlogs where he lectures the viewers about life.I read somewhere that he made a lot of money off crypto but I'm not sure.

>> No.6858220

>watching Jewtubers
>watching redditor Jewtubers

Really /Biz/?

>> No.6858266

ya cause you only stay on one site fucking idiot go back to /pol

>> No.6858330

>one (1) slash
>not /pol/
you should’ve been aborted

>> No.6858395

It is literally impossible to take threats like this seriously. Go back to /leftypol/ you tankie faggot.

>> No.6858463

wow, he sucks

>> No.6858528

Not even a tankie. Actually a conservative, you're just dumb as shit. If I see you, I will kill you and feel nothing.

>> No.6858553

>he doesn't watch Pewdiepie and Logan Paul
What bluepilled prolefeed do you watch then?

>> No.6858596 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 576x111, fuckingnormies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking normies in the comments actually think bitcoin and bitconnect are the same thing.

>> No.6858663

don't trust jews.
don't watch jews.
don't support jews.
don't date jews.
don't do business with jews.
avoid jews.
the fact that these dirty kikes hate crypto is just confirmation i'm on the right path

>> No.6858885

Lmao Sam's comment underneath

>> No.6858938
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1512864581690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub to h3h3 and mildly enjoy watching their videos
>Hop on biz

I need help, who can I watch for my weekly microdose of normie memes that is biz approved

>> No.6858967


>> No.6858980

He's a jew. It's obvious he's FUDing to accumulate more. He's using his fame to keep the normies out as long as possible. You should be thanking him.

>> No.6859053

this he just stole content and nuance.

>> No.6859102

Old Hodge twins were pretty good. Million dollarextreme and the old "Unforgivable" videos are the two best things to ever come out of youtube. Now that everyone wants to make youtube their career there aren't really any you tubers worth watching. I think Danny Duncan is the only pro youtuber worth watching these days.

>> No.6859134
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>> No.6859223

prolly banks paid this kike directly to fud
h3h3 is the new react video brothers

>> No.6859335
File: 280 KB, 539x573, molymeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6859517


>> No.6859624

>don't date jews
you're wrong here. everything else is correct but im not missing out on my khazar milkers

>> No.6859630
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She looks like her pussy is purple and her asshole is darker than sin.

>> No.6859659

million dollar extreme and now also pewdiepie. If you havent seen pewdiepie's videos recently then you arent yet aware that he is /ourguy/

>> No.6859691

Edgy keyboard warrior detected, have your (you) and go.

>> No.6859778

they have no idea what they talk about. they just see the meme and decide to make the video. welcome to youtube OC 3.0

>> No.6859826
File: 75 KB, 600x656, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone say bad about bitcoin
they stupid

>> No.6859836

He's a jew. He's honestly not that bad, but yeah he was propped up

>> No.6860054

He wasn't saying cryptocurrency as a whole is bad. He was just making fun of bitconnect.

>> No.6860183

>Not even a tankie. Actually a 12 year old

>> No.6860252
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>> No.6860322

Vids like this are an absolute godsend, keeps the prices down and the normans out

>> No.6860398

There you go, don't spend it all in one place.

>> No.6860678


>> No.6860839

watch these kikes investing BAT when YouTube ads can't put food on their table anymore

>> No.6861257

>h3 makes an average /biz/ bitconnect thread in video format
>"fucking kike I hate him so much"

>> No.6861355

It's how he gets to ride the trend and profit from it. He didn't say anything of value, and if anything he just made a shitty YouTube poop of Carlos's speech and went "ISN'T THIS GUY CWAZZZZZYY??!!".

I don't give a shit about pol, or jews. I just don't like how some internet personalities pimp something out because its easy views. It would have been somewhat cool if he actually went a little bit more indepth about bitconnect, or ya know put a little bit more effort into his shit.

>> No.6861497
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 1515065813853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two 100%, I promise it's worth your time if you havn't watched them.

>> No.6861532

dunkey is shit, he makes the same shit over and over and over.

demo is the avatar of the anime community. when we needed him the most, he vanished.

>> No.6861556

How did this guy steal my neck?

>> No.6861722

Unironically pewdiepie

>> No.6861724

Logan Paul/Whoever does mean things
Ethan makes mean video about them
Ethan fans leave mean comments about them
You make mean comments about Ethan

You're exactly the same, congrats.

>> No.6861732

Absolutely hate this faggot.

I love how obvious it is that he tried to get in around Dec, got burnt than left.

>> No.6861822

He was at least tolerable in his early days when he had Sam Hyde like material.
Now he sounds like the typical late night comedian that talks with authority on anything they present with a condescending tone mixed with self deprecating humor.

>> No.6861854

I wish demo_d would come back to youtube. Although watching him on twitch is nice sometimes.

>> No.6861877

Jewish trick of making friends with the right people followed by stabbing them in the back at the first opportunity. Can't say I blame him as he'd be out in Israel fighting Hamas otherwise, need to give him credit that he worked his way up from the bottom.

>> No.6861927


if you told me a few years ago id be uniroically watching pewdiepie videos daily in my mid 20s i wouldnt have believed you but hes changed alot

>> No.6861976

dunkey is at least right now a fucking cuck don't know about the other guy

>> No.6862135

penguinz0 aka cr1t1k4l

>> No.6862537

to be honest he probably just saved his fanbase a lot of money. they're the people that buy tron at ATH

>> No.6862602


faggot ass channel. he became the shit he used to roast. if you seriously enjoy this now and you're on this board you might aswell return to reddit faggot you're no better than a normie

>> No.6862606

early h3h3 videos were god tier comedy, i mean pre 40k sub times

just reddit now

>> No.6862720

fuck the kikes

>> No.6862908
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>> No.6863074
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>dealing with 3d women
>dealing with 3d JEWISH women

Jesus christ Wifebots with sophisticated AI are coming soon just have patience

>> No.6863134

what else is new

>> No.6863435
File: 31 KB, 600x600, h3h3-ethan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jew cries out as he strikes you

>> No.6864356


>> No.6864513

Aren’t they kikes? When will you noJQs learn? Kikes are legitimately evil. They’ve proven time and time again that their envy of others becoming wealthy knows no bounds.

>> No.6864567


>> No.6864619

Good, normies literally ruin crypto.

>> No.6864629

Read the comments. This may be the most effective FUD yet. If they make crypto into a fedora we're fucked for normie adoption.

>> No.6864675

I approve of whatever you like anon

>> No.6864686


>> No.6864713
File: 62 KB, 800x450, 77d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those comments... Normies are truly retarded.

>> No.6864770
File: 12 KB, 240x240, POwGu01F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know what will be funny
>another video about jake paul hahahah!
>33 years old btw

>> No.6864899

fucking kekd at that editing tho

>> No.6865436
File: 19 KB, 448x448, 1515897452521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well whats their to say

>> No.6865542

Not true.

It being shilled on TV and YouTube will make the bubble pop too early.

It needs actual FOMO to work; the feeling where people one day discover "holy shit I was wrong this whole time" -- shilling will never work to the public.

>> No.6865623
File: 147 KB, 460x493, 4L_GnOTWzRm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Ethan fucked up and said bitcoin when he was quoting something Carlos said.

Aren't those dudes dead now? The guys at the meeting

>> No.6865669

I used to not mind is videos but once he started his podcast it became how much of an arse he really is.

He’s two faced as fuck, will do anything for money and is a massive hypocrite. I’m not watching that shit

>> No.6866042

His self depreciation makes me sick. The way he jokes about being a fat slob and talks about his fupa disgusts me. What a joke of a man.

>> No.6866048

>jew speaks out against crypto

how am i not surprised

>> No.6866082

Logan Paul is a jew

>> No.6866108


>> No.6866134

>People are this asshurt we don't like their retarded e-celebs
Go back to Facebook.

>> No.6866146

I didn't know that about him, but thank you for telling me so that I know to completely stay away from him and his fans.

>> No.6866351

QSP sure but not TRON. Talk about Vaporware

>> No.6867076

Ethan (Hila was always a joke killer) was pretty funny back in the day when he just did reaction videos... he hasn't been funny in a long time though.

She's a solid 6.5, that's pretty enough on youtube to get tonnes of extra views by desperate neckbears.

>> No.6867126

He's literally the walking embodiment of a reddit cuck

>> No.6867851

internet appeared while generation Y was growing up, parents where mostly clueless and let us run around on the web, but at least it wasn't this ad-fueled attention-whoring circlejerk that it is now, with enough bandwidth for videosharing etc.

maybe that's what's fucking them up, that and the paradox of choice, too many vidya and series and movies out there so you just look at a 4 minute recap by some guy.

but in the end I'm just as perplexed and clueless as you anon

>> No.6868017

Haha, all these bagholders in this thread screeching like (((rats))) when a youtuber threatens the potential value of their crypto. Fucking bagholders are no different to kikes, kek

>> No.6868263

I like h3h3, he rips on retarded feminists and sjw's as well as fucking stupid e celebs who are making the next generation 10x dumber.

Still think he is a massive fucking moron for not getting behind bat. He constantly complains about being demonetised on YouTube, he should be sucking bat dick super hard.

>> No.6868304

Ethan's doing a good service by dissuading normies away from crypto, I don't want anybody to lose their life savings in this frenzy

>> No.6869236


>> No.6869288
File: 46 KB, 960x540, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are normies because they're dumb OP, let them allow us to make all the gains, this is great. The dumber these fuckers are the better.

>mfw I just realized why the public education system in the US is the way that it is

>> No.6869379


Good, anyone who finds this jewish faggot funny doesn't deserve gains.

>> No.6869490


You should kill yourself.

>> No.6869518


Because normies don't have any depth. It doesn't take much to excite them.

>> No.6869818


Are the gunning for Trevor too?

>> No.6870418

What the fuck is Bitconnect?
Never saw it shilled here, for good reason.

Normies deserve everything that happens to them.

>> No.6871042
File: 267 KB, 494x525, 1515323787100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871108

The jew screams in pain as he strikes you

>> No.6871129

This is a good thing though.
We're back at square one with this kind of FUD, if normies don't want BTC anymore we're delaying the inevitable bubble burst.

We're going back to the smart money phase.

>> No.6871784

Do you have pic related but in human?

>> No.6871870

Lol pol got so triggered. This Jew is more successful than you'll ever be losers. Also this is not "extra barrier for normies to get into crypto". This is normies leaving crypto.

>> No.6871925

Jewish nepotism.

>> No.6872066

dunkey is funneh

>> No.6872119

What the fuck does he keep twitching his eyes it makes me want to punch that cunt so much

>> No.6872373

Anons, help me, what is the name of the guy who does the Bitconnect promo?

>> No.6872551


>> No.6872674


>> No.6872697

Carlos from New york City, New York

>> No.6872753


"Carlos Matos is a cryptocurrency investor, motivational speaker..."

keks of my life

>> No.6872783

This. We're running a limited schedule and once it's fucked there's no going back.

>> No.6872856

I think the worst thing he did was shit on Jon tron for having right wing political views, knowing that back in the day Jon tron helped build his shitty no name channel

>> No.6873554

jon tron is an idiot who got memed on by weak stats

>> No.6874590

no u

>> No.6874655

>genuinely tolerant person
>can't fucking stand h3h3 guy's face / body language / mannerisms / tone of voice.

>> No.6874701

>he thinks normie millennials have the money to influence markets
We don't give a shit if millennials stop investing, they have hardly any effect on financial markets. It's hedge funds and mutual funds we want. Who gives a shit if some whiney faggots with pocket change stop buying meme money and go back to buying artisan bread?