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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6838419 No.6838419 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking sick of you newfag /pol/acks posting on my board with your memefag "hur jump in guys" threads. This is /biz/. Making money comes first.
Nobody gives a fuck about your opinions, sourceless calls, what you should invest your inheritance on, your disdain for crypto or your fucking identity politics (you faggots are as bad as the leftist cunts you hate).
To be relevant to making money, provide something to the thread you're starting instead of trying to hang out with likeminded faggots like yourself.
It can be as simple as posting upcoming events and/or announcements.
> VeChain is based in Singapore, but was owned by and branched off from BitSe
> BitSe is owned by China- speculation suggests VEN is Chinese in all but name
> Jim Breyer is investing into VEN; https://breyercapital.com/portfolio/
> Jim Breyer was Forbes Magazines number 1 tech investor from 2011 to 2013
> VeChain is partnered with PwC, a company with more annual revenue than McDonalds
> VeChain claims DNVGL will announce partnership by the end of Jan
> DNVGL announced on twitter they'll be hosting a Facebook Live Event with VeChain on the 24th of Jan
> DNVGL has an annual revenue of over $20bil
> VeChain is rebranding to VET on the 26th of FEB
> VeChain is currently being trial'd in Chinese provinces- suggesting strong govt backing
> VeChain CEO already stated there will be Fortune 500 companies launching ICO's on their platform

>> No.6838452

Thanks, just bought at 150. Will I make it?

>> No.6838489

Wow you want us to buy VeChain how brilliant

>> No.6838495

its a pretty good project i think
it depends on if the market does well i think
also if PBoC pans out i think

>> No.6838496

I'm not spoonfeeding these pajeets and brainlets tyvm,

besides if they can't even do 5 mins of DYOR then they don't have the capacity to hold this coin for long enough to even make profit

they'll fall to FUD and degeneracy but I appreciate your effort in trying to bring some rationality in this forsaken desolate echochamber

>> No.6838497
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>> No.6838501

Don't believe the people who say VEN has a product. Here's the facts:
>Jim Bayer already dumped his bags at $9.
>No white paper.
>Huge sell walls are people who bought in at 30 cents dumping there bags on you.
>Even once Thor comes out they won't be more then $1 each.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: All of biz has bought this coin and biz never makes it.
My advice to you: Sell VEN and buy something else you guys are worse then linkies now.

>> No.6838519

Set yourself a goal, then judge for yourself
I don't care if you do. What I want is less useless newfag posts shitting up my board.

>> No.6838536

like biz has any impact whatsoever on the big coins like Ven go fucking kill yourself fucking pajeet shit for brains

>> No.6838571

Dude. FUD faze is over. We are now shilling.

>> No.6838578

100k$. Can you judge for me? should I daytrade VEN? There's pretty clear patterns, it'll go up about 10-15% sat and then dip some. But some say I shouldn't with VEN.

>> No.6838588

Goddamn, see >>6838578

>> No.6838652

People calling this another tron should obviously kill themselves, like wtf

>> No.6838710

You're the kind of newfag I hate. Why the fuck would you post in a thread about your investment if you didn't want to talk about it?
Why wouldn't you post reasons to invest into your coin so anons can at the very least, pick it apart and assess it?
FUD is good. Shilling is good. Being lazy is bad.
Source on the Jim Breyer dump? His website says he's still invested
How do you know the price of Thor?
/biz/ has made me more money than i'd ever get being a wageslave. It's newfags like you will never make it because you try to follow the /biz/ hivemind instead of making decisions for yourself.
I understand you're probably a VEN holder that's self fudding for fun like linkies do, but fuck sake up your game a little bit. FUD in a way that's at least a little bit constructive.
I don't think VEN will reach $1000 any time soon if at all. My goal is to unload and reallocate my VEN at either $50 or $100. If your goal is $100k, then i'd suggest planning out your investment schedule and trading for the next 6 months atleast. Holding can work, but you're better off setting yourself a trading trajectory/plan imo.
Unless you plan to inject FIAT into other currencies. Either way, making $100k this year should be very achievable.

>> No.6838715

don't pretend you're smart, pajeet

>> No.6838782

The circular logic of /pol/acks calling good investments pajeet coins. Are you all secretly envious of the Indian's because they're culturally the most Aryan?
I don't fucking care, but I know that fact triggers you faggots from /pol/

>> No.6838804

What do you reckon tomorrow's announcement will be?

>> No.6838856
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Not an argument....pajeet

>> No.6838862

>Are you all secretly envious of the Indian's because they're culturally the most Aryan?
lmfao, I knew you are a pajeet. You know what to do now don't you?

>> No.6838903

Uh oh prepare for low caste chimpout.

>> No.6838909

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6838922

Ok listen up biz coss I am fucking sick of this god damn bullshit fuckery you keep spewing onto the web all fucking day long! You don't want to mess with me I eat fucking mustard covered stun-guns for lunch god damn it! I don't need to dip it in ketchup! Do you think I'm afraid to steal a gun from an armed policeman??! I got 8 Sovjet cold war graded AK-47s just laying in my bedroom closet armed with uranium filled exploding bullets! That's how casual I am! What the fuck do you think I say to the low life McDonald's person when he asks me if I want my tripple double whooper with cuecomber on the side? My fucking titanium forged platinum steel teeth won't have that shit! I trade cryptos! I drive lambos! I make ten fucking grand $$$ each trade while caring fuck about ratings! I could get a fucking 9-5 job at Wall Street any day of the week but why would I join a group of pussies?!! Every CEO would suck my dick and fondle my balls just to get me to trade for them! I dont give a fuck about fundamentals I'm here to make money bitch! I dump on you fags! Margin is my fucking middle name! You think 100x is bad try 1000x bitch! I steal you're cheap ass discount coins when you run crying to your mother making millions of your weak hands! I'm not the hero you wanted I'm the monster you needed!

>> No.6838962

Announcing the partnership officially (as VeChain said they would) with some details on the the partnership entails.
ie. rough idea on how closely DNVGL will be working with VeChain and what they will contribute to development and progression.
I'm hoping it's nothing too unexpectedly good as I plan accumulate before the rebrand in Feb.
I just know how to trigger you /pol/ faggots- point out the hypocrisy in your own arguments. Same formula as the leftist cunts invading my countries uni campuses now.

>> No.6839102

because this is 4chan you fucking inbred? if you think any of your fuckery has any impact than you're delusional

>> No.6839124

>justifying being a useless newfag with "this is 4chan!!"

>> No.6839200

I believe it will be over 1'000$
1) The current undervaluation is still insane. With the partnerships they have announced so far, this is already at least a Top 5 coin. So I give it x5 for current undervaluation (10B market cap right now would seem pretty fair to me compared to other coins).
2) The Thor rewards system (mainnet launch late Q2) will put more value in the VET coin because of ROI. My expectation is that this will increase value by x3 ceteris paribus (meaning this will be on top of 1) I'm not even counting in too much the reduced supply because all the nodes will be stacked earning Thor and the "real" market supply (coins that will actually be traded) will be much lower, price pressure upwards, right?
3) There are many more partnerships under NDA right now that have yet to be revealed. I expect something big in the few next months. But let's try to be very conservative here and assume that all the new partners announced in 2018 will give you an additional x2.
4) Business expanding through DNV GL, PWC. There is obviously something big to be announced 24th of January in the Live Facebook stream from DNV GL and we have a rebranding coming 26th of February. So lots of factors able to push the price up. I won't factor it in at all though (let's see it as a Joker) Let's say it doesn't have an additional impact or is factored in the other 4 topics.
5) TMC growth this year will probably be at least x5, and I'd say it's safe to assume that Vechain will grow at least in proportion to the market growth. x5 is super conservative again, it could be more something like x10 actually.
So now some quick maths (my assumption is that all the 5 factors are completely independent): 8$ (current price)x 150 (x5x3x2x1x5) = 1200$
Every factor works independently, is IMO more than realistic and leads to a total growth potential that seems totally feasible. Could be 2-3 x higher, could be 2-3x lower but it will be in that range if not for a major crypto market meltdown.

>> No.6839214

DNV-GL IS partnered with VEN.
Just check their Facebook - tomorrow they will have a LIVE video on Facebook from DNV-GL's headquarters in Oslo at 14:00. Not sure what burgertime that translates to

>> No.6839223

So you made it to Australia, pajeet? How did that change you?
What do you do there, do you clean loos for a living?
Do you still squat in the streets?

>> No.6839316

I squat in your mothers house and I clean her asshole as payment. Australia really is the land of opportunity.
I agree on the fact that it's heavily undervalued at the moment, however it would need about a 280bil market cap to be worth $1000. I can see that happening eventually, but definitely not in the short-mid term.

>> No.6839353

Let's meet EOY

>> No.6839388

Seriously considering taking another $10k usd out of my savings and buying more VEN.

That would leave me with $10k to live on for the year, and would probably mean I have to scrape profits on the way up. Have no additional income currently....dont really want to work....


>> No.6839395

I'm pretty deep into VEN myself- I read over your post again. I hope you're right, but scepticism is healthy imo.

>> No.6839443

> claims 4chan is usefull
> feels a sense of entitelment being on some obscure website

sad chimp, glad you found your online tribe where you belong, chimp away pajeet

>> No.6839469

Nobody gives a fuck about entitlement anon. This is 4chan, everybody is a virgin wizard unless proven otherwise. Now fuck off because I cast my lightning bolt

>> No.6839488

My prediction post got dubs, it can't be wrong. Approved by 4chan god

>> No.6839520

Whats the general consensus on PBoC ties? I know there is already strong government ties for vechain but I can't really see what benefit a partnership with vechain would bring PBoC. I can see them releasing their own coin on the vechain blockchain but other than that I think it's reaching a bit.

>> No.6839571

Why are Norwegians on the forefront of things? It's like when their mining company Element said they were giving the workers the option to get paid in btc, and now DNVGL

>> No.6839579

you're truly disgusting, pajeet

>> No.6839584

Preach brother

>> No.6839598


they have the luxury of not giving a fuck about money, because the oil fund for their country and low number of citizens

they can experiment however they want with very little repercussions

>> No.6839649

No product, not even a white paper. If you bought this you deserve to lose money.

>> No.6839653

Thanks I just bought 100K

>> No.6839687

Arguments for VeChain being a scam
>No white paper
>They are Chinese

Arguments for it not being a scam
>DNV-GL is partnered with them and they are doing a joint announcement tomorrow
>PwC partnership
>Chinese Tobacco partnership
>Jim Breyer invested in them and joined as an advisor

Hmm. It's a scam guys. They don't have a white paper.

>> No.6839695


>> No.6839712


damn, thanks

sold my 20k

>> No.6839719


Please don’t use ceteris parabis to sound smart, you sound like a first year econ student

>> No.6839752

ya think?

>> No.6839783
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>> No.6839801

Im holding VEN but I think $1k is stretching it.
$100-200 should be good EOY.

>> No.6839837

how low is it going this time?
I need to buy the dip

>> No.6839886

I bought 3 VEN when it was like $5
I'm gonna drop the whole shit when it's $12 so better duck&cover.

>> No.6839912
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>'buy the dip' with bitcoin/eth when btc/eth also crash equally hard

btw btc is going to 5k

>> No.6839930

Holding on kucoin will the rebrand make any difference to me?

>> No.6840236

No bullshit time. I started in Crypto late by most standards (May 2017) and saw a TON of FUD around some really great coins, but also saw a lot of FUD and genuine distaste for bullshit scams (Confidio, anyone?). I can say this looks and feels on all levels like the Antshares FUD. This is, and will, be a monster business in the sphere and it WILL increase in value this year. I can't say it will hit $1,000, or even $100, but to me $50 isn't out of the question.

>> No.6840338

You are an idiot and you will lose everything taking risks like this.
Never invest more than you can afford to lose

>> No.6840371


>> No.6840377
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>> No.6840436

You are approaching this problem incorrectly. Instead, you need to understand what Vechain is trying to accomplish and where they will obtain revenue. By the way, vechain will be the first blockchain dev team to be operating at a "profit" within the next year. If you are running a node you are going to be entitled to part of the profit due to THOR being bought by enterprises for transaction fees. I built a spreadsheet to calculate the value of VET/THOR based on a reasonable ROI of 5%. How much do you expect enterprises to spend on THOR in 5 years if it becomes widely used? 10 billion usd? 60 billion usd? If you divide total enterprise spending on the THOR network divided by maximum annual thor generation (If 100% of all coins are being used to generate thor all year) you will find a reasonable equilibrium price of THOR. You can extrapolate that price to VET assuming that most investors would not pay more for a token with less than 5% roi. At a 60 billion USD annual revenue from THOR the price per VET/THOR would be around 1400/410 USD. That's about a 20 P/E ratio.

>> No.6840440

all in on ven. portfolio still down 50% from ath, but still in the green overall.

>> No.6840723

you convinced me. time to all in my 1 eth on ven

>> No.6841093

Depending on how many nodes there should be around 500,000 THOR a day.

LTC mines $3,000,000 worth a day.

500,000 THOR * $6 = $3,000,000 a day

Plus 70% of THOR gets burned after use.

So I could see THOR being a couple dollars starting off. There will be many people using THOR day 1.

The higher the THOR price the more people that will want to buy and hold VEN to generate THOR.

Or the less people becoming a node means a higher THOR price for those generating THOR.

You can't lose buying a shitload of VEN.

>> No.6841461


>> No.6841494

Even their non-white paper doesn't even seem that unreasonable. Considering the problem of transaction fees and latency problems using blockchain for carrying data about inanimate objects seems like a really intuitive/reasonable idea.

>> No.6841547

You have to go back.

>> No.6841570

I'm sick of all the VEN euphoria of the last few days but honestly, their non-white paper is as good, or even better, than quite a lot of actual white papers out there

>> No.6841628

VEN is offically a normie coin even normie youtubers are name dropping it, I can't stand the reddit fucks that own this coin. I'm cashing out.

>> No.6841695

>Iota lel plebbit coin enjoy your bags normies!!

>> No.6841749

Internet is also a normie thing, so stop using it right now, faggot.

>> No.6841938

Why are you surprised normies take notice of a coin after it has gone up 3000%? You got in back in early December right anon? You aren't a normie are you?

>> No.6842139

Better no whitepapper than a copypasta-one like in TRON case xD

>> No.6842166
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"I base my investments on a photo a redditor posted, I would have no fucking clue who Breyer was otherwise. I also dont understand the tech but i deserve a 100x return"

>> No.6842176


>> No.6842205

>Jim Breyer invested in VeChain
>Jim Breyer has a photo with Xi Jinping
It's still better indicator to buy, than trusting random shill on this board.

>> No.6842259


>> No.6842306

Really is no counter argument to this. People have to dance around it and FUD Breyer or say a man with a higher net worth than VeChains cap and more connections in China than any other westerner was bribed to shill it.

What is more likely? The man described above was bribed or he has access to insider information and that is why he invested and joined the board?

>> No.6842411

jim breyer already dumped his bags hence the big dip.

>> No.6842469

yea Breyer "dumped his bags" 3 days after joining as an official advisor you virgin

>> No.6842475

See what I mean? You get shit like this. Baseless claims because they don't have a counter argument.

>> No.6842566


Do you actually believe that? Follow up question, were you dropped on your head as a baby?

>> No.6842631
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d-do you guys think i could start flipping this coin
its not gonna suddenly launch into space, right?

>> No.6842685
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I pretty much have no energy left to shill VEN to people. It's such an obvious slam dunk. If you didn't dive in head first after Breyer joined as an advisor, then you'll be fomo'ing in at $10, $15, $20, $50, etc. The doubt actually makes this a more comfy hold, because the fomo crowd will help pump the price up faster in the future. I actually can't blame normies for not recognizing this, because they're currently being dazzled by brilliant marketing by the Tron chink and overpumped shit like Ripple and BCash. VeChain just isn't as flashy.

Everyone isn't supposed to make it. Most people will hold bags. Others will hold VEN.

>> No.6842772


Indeed. I bought this the second I saw Breyer was in. There is no genuine retort to this point. The man knows his shit, so why is he so involved?

I have no idea where this coin is going to end up and people predicting prices really fucking annoy me, but I think its fairly clear its going to do well unless the whole market implodes, and even then its one of the few coins with fundamentals to survive that.

>> No.6842923

Just to play devil's advocate, aren't the world's billionaires invested in tens of thousands of different companies (at the very least)?
Do Wall St traders piss themselves with excitement just because a billionaire is on board with a stock?
I'm in VEN too, but I really think the Breyer excitement feels a little naive. It's a good sign, but if literally everything billionaires touched turned to gold, then every trader would be a billionaire.

>> No.6842937

I bought back in mid December before Breyer was even in. He came out with an article shilling it on Christmas and after that any time I was close to or thinking of selling I remembered the article. Then he officially invested and after that joined the advisory board.

My reasoning is that he knows far more about investing and the market than I do. So far it's worked out well. Nothing but positives and I'm turbo comfy on my 80K stack.

>> No.6842957

One more word about Breyer.
Guys like this don't get caught with their pants down. Tech investing is his world, he's literally an expert at picking winners. And Chinese winners, in particular. His wife works in the Bank of China, and there are several photos of Breyer getting face time with President Xi. He's probably the most connected foreigner in all of China. To think that he is "gambling" on VeChain is ridiculous. Someone with his connections is able to verify whether the Chinese gov't rumors are legit BEFORE he buys a single VEN token.

>> No.6842977

>Others will hold VEN.

>> No.6843055

Breyer Capital is only invested in ETH and VEN.
Yes, they have a bunch of other tech and media companies in their portfolio, but only 2 cryptos. It isn't like they're holding bags of Cardano, Ripple and Stellar. They've chosen the sure thing that they were able to confirm with their gov't connections.

>> No.6843059

215 VEN microballer reporting in

>> No.6843073


This is true and a good point. I agree that it doesn't mean VEN is going to turn into gold, as I said I have no idea what pricepoint this coin will end up at. However it is a great indicator that its a legitimate project with a good future at the very least.

>> No.6843098

$1,000 + 2019 cucks deal with it

>> No.6843123

Agreed-- the cypto market is such a wild west place that any sign of legitimacy already puts a coin above the competition. On the flip-side, that's probably also why most investment groups won't touch crypto with their money yet...

>> No.6843144

My price prediction is $150 EOY.

>> No.6843170

I'm holding this but you retards don't actually believe this will hit $1000 do you? You realize it would have a 800 billion market cap at that point right?

>> No.6843219

>The man knows his shit, so why is he so involved?
That's like buying into Bancor because Tim Draper was involved. Seems kind of retarded to buy in just because of some VCs whose intentions and stakes you don't really know

>> No.6843225

It's funny because the CDRP test they ran with PwC is one of the most boring and yet incredibly significant news drops they have done. They are legitimizing crypto and setting standards for it as used in business.

>> No.6843227

You obviously have no clue how VCs work.
You invest in 100 projects with a fairly good potential, 99 of these fail and 1 succeeds and makes you a profit.
This guy, Breyers, may not even remember if he has vchain or chinachain or whatever in his portfolio.

>> No.6843238

Normies are invested in Tron and Ripple because they think it will flip Bitcoin and be worth $200B.

Could you imagine if VEN had Justin Sun take over their marketing? We would be top 5 in 2 weeks..

>> No.6843303

He literally joined the advisory board a few days ago and tweeted an article he wrote about doing so.

List for me the other 100 crypto he has invested in.

>> No.6843325

So, he's written 2 articles specifically about VeChain, yet you're he might not remember which crypto he's invested in?

>> No.6843367

t. cuck

>> No.6843379


God you're dumb. Here's an article he wrote.

>> No.6843396

out of ammo, huh faggie?

>> No.6843408

Just like he wrote articles about the 100 chin chong chains, and joined their advisor board.
I see now, devilish.

>> No.6843422

800b market cap would put it at $4,000 you amerimongrel.

Circulating supply will be ~200-300m

>> No.6843440

Draper has shilled several different coins, though, including possible scams like Tezos.

Breyer only shills VeChain.

>> No.6843460

t. la creatura

>> No.6843474
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>circulating supply will be 200-300m
>haha yes goy just ignore the total market cap, trust us, t-those coins will be locked away, we won't dump on you
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.6843478


well, and ETH.

>> No.6843491

Are you braindead, seriously? The investment is not confined to crypto. Look up his portfolio
there are dozens of other companies there.

>> No.6843493

>normies want it
>there is active money being pumped into the market for this coin
y-y-yeah haha fuck you guys I only buy obscure coins

>> No.6843506

how do you know jim breyer is even real i mean have you met him personally do you know he is a real person you say he is but you dont know him you show a picture but it can just be some guy how do you know breyer capital is real its just a website the medium is just some guy his twitter is "jimihendrixlive"?? thats not jim breyer its just a total invention hes not even real its just a chinese scam they invented jim breyer to market to white people hes not even real its all fake its just a scame how can you be so stupid jim breyer is fake his chinese ceo wife is fake and his step sister isnt even the secretary of transportation shes fake too its all made up there is no such thing as breyer capital its fake chinese propaganda STOP falling for it its all fake DNV GL?? what type of company calls its self that its fake also you ahvent ever seen a dnvgl (try pronouncing that) deeennveeegeeellll so stupid you havent ever seen a dnv truck its fake also chinese made it up pricewaterhousecooper? is this harry potter universe thats not even ar eal name youve never even met somebody called that before pricewaterhouse cooper its like a chinese person making up a white person name its fake RFID chip blockchain what a scame fake wine fakewine shipmens its nto even real you didnt see the wine yourself its fake more chinese propaganda SUNNY LU? sunny loo??? thats nto a chinese name, "sunny" thats not a chinese name its fake another fake person you havent met him its all made up its just an erc20 token it doesnt DO anything these """"partnerships""""are fake they dont mean anything chinesetobacco monopoly are you kidding?? they dont care about vechain also who the fuck supports tobacco company what the fuck you must be a trump supporter its all fak e its a scam ven scamcoin just like tron jim breyer isnt even real hes not a real person its a fake website fake twitter fake medium all fake just tron 2.0 like UFR pajeet shill fake scamcoin everything is FAKE stop fALLING FOR it juststop

>> No.6843520

seeing as the vast amount will be locked away by government/corporate entities who rely on the tokens, yes, they wont be dumped on us.

Its not like they're all held by whales that are seeking profit and will unload them on us once it reaches a milestone price

DYOR el atrocidad

>> No.6843526

Do you think Breyer invested in the coins??? You morons, the coin have no value! The company gonna fuck you over, and you would see this if they had a fucking whitepaper!

>> No.6843544
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fucking waste of human air, kys

>> No.6843546

Decent point. Breyer is not a guarantee, just a + on the side of Vechain.

>> No.6843556

vechain will literally make me a millionaire in 2018. The crazy part is $35 is in stone and who knows what the ceiling is.

>> No.6843558

you are out of arguments give up you tard. Ofc breyer knows what vechain.

>> No.6843568

hahahahaha i greentexted about you trusting their word on not dumping on yo



>trust us goy we'll keep the tokens locked away, no dumping from us hehe


>> No.6843590

I clearly said he was only invested in 2 cryptos, the other being fucking Ethereum. Of course he's invested in other non-crypto companies. My point is that he doesn't have a crypto portfolio of 10 coins.

>> No.6843597

>reddit spacing

you need to back

>> No.6843663

Glad to know you're out of arguments. Your entire premise is to just blindly trust that tokens will be locked away at some point and not dumped

top kek

>> No.6843682

$236 per VEN and I’m a millionaire

>> No.6843709

>When you have to fall back on conspiracy theories to FUD something

>> No.6843719

$35 in stone?
what does that mean?

>> No.6843737
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vennavy lieutenant reporting in

>> No.6843738

la abominacion

>> No.6843744

I think he meant $35 set in stone for VEN at some point? Not sure.

>> No.6843806
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>> No.6843818

Not an argument.

>> No.6843830

His ven is worth 35$ in stone, so about 69 pounds of grade 3 rocks.
Or one really nice german granite boulder.

>> No.6843838

Can somebody explain me, why there are so many FUD against VEN? Why people do that and what they are trying to accomplish?

>> No.6843855

el ogre de los americANOs

>> No.6843906


750 for me

Fuck i might not make it

>> No.6843919

The thing I hate the most about ven is how people think they are “smart money” for buying the most heavily shilled coin in reddit and 4chan in the last few months

>> No.6843938
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1514844942067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people fomod in ATH and dumped at 20% loss
now they are angry

>> No.6844012

buying ven compared to any other coin rn makes you smart money get over it el atrocidad

>> No.6844015

tfw bought 39k at 1.7 usd and now on the way up I got another 4k.

>> No.6844043

pls gibs me 400

>> No.6844114

A literal crypto hipster. Jesus Christ, I have never seen something so sad in my life.

>> No.6844145

Personally, as a VEN holder, I like the FUD because the VEN shill is a little gross. Like the other anon just mentioned, this is by far the most heavily-shilled coin, and on Reddit it's obvious that bots are doing some of the shilling (I was called liar on 4Chan for pointing this out the other day, but a post making the same case is frontpaged today on reddit/cryptocurrency).
And 4Chan hates reddit, right? So the fact that 4Chan basically IS reddit when it comes to VEN makes me suspect that bots have invaded this board too.
Also, I think the ecstasy over the Meyer news is a little much. His fund owns lots of different shit; not all of it is going to succeed, let alone go 100x, and yet people are acting like his stamp of approval means there's no risk.
The other concerns should be obvious and are not unreasonable: there's no working product yet, right? If you're choosing between 2,000+ coins, many of which already have a product (and their own rich backers-- isn't one of them backed by Disney or some shit?)...

>> No.6844171

Sorry, can't do anon.
I have to make money for me, my best friend, and a bit for some family members

>> No.6844219


They already know that VEN will be a top 5 coin in 2018, and will set a standard for what is "acceptable" in the market

Meaning that all projects without a use case, partnerships, marketing, and significant government and industry network will be discarded because they simply are not worth investing in, until they have those things. VEN will become a standard by which all other projects are measured.

Until very recently, the crypto market has been 100% speculative, but now we have projects arriving on the scene that see REAL WORLD USE and adoption by huge industries, and not only that, but they offer rewards for token holders through PoS system, allowing those token holders to benefit from association with the project.

Simply put, VEN blows everything else out of the water with a nuclear torpedo and makes 99% of crypto projects look like absolutely fucking retarded kiddy shit, which they are. The icing on the cake is the billionaire venture capitalist Jim Breyer, aka "money jesus" to the Chinese and US tech investors, giving his full endorsement to the project.

They FUD because they know their shitcoins that float on promises and speculation will lose value as working-product coins take center stage this year. They FUD because they are terrified, they FUD because they are the ones experiencing fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Not about VEN, but about the future for the garbage they chose to gamble on.

The FUD about VEN should be viewed as the collective screaming of retards who chose to baghold worthless pieces of shit, instead of jumping on board one of the very few actually-good, actually-working, actually-networked projects in the current market. There are other good projects, but they are few and far between. They don't need to fud VEN. The morons that are here, are here because VEN directly threatens their future.

The funny part is they can never have any effect. 4chan is an infinitesimally small part of the market. True Idiots.

>> No.6844222

IOTA, XLM, REQ, XRB and XRP were shilled just as much. Especially IOTA and RaiBlocks.

>> No.6844227

You dont even own a single Ven larping faggot

>> No.6844240

I spend a decent amount of time in this video discussing "hot" cryptocurrencies, currently Vechain but the idea really appeals to all of them. Perception is so far detached from reality now with Vechain (but again, could be applied to any other "hot" cryptocurrency) that it has become exceptionally risky.

Tacking blockchain onto RFID doesn't suddenly remove all the inherent issues that RFID has had for (wait for it) decades now. Just like Raiblocks has corrected nearly 50% since I talked about it being the "flavor of the week," I would be cautious investing at highs for Vechain.

>> No.6844256

very good answer, its okay :)

>> No.6844292

Lol nigger lover. Don't corrupt VEN with your egalitarian faggotry.

>> No.6844327

What top 20 coin doesn't have FUD?

Maybe NEM, EOS, QTUM, LSK don't. But they also aren't majorly shilled like the others. I honestly think a lot of people believe that VEN's partnership is too good to be true. Also, people get tunnel vision from only reading good news about THEIR coins, VEN included.

>> No.6844434

Exactly, if i wanted a circlejerk or echo chamber and to have every dissenting view get downvoted to shit I'd go to Reddit.
Don't like the FUD? Time to go back

>> No.6844479

you need to go back

>> No.6844514


in terms of a working product, they SAY that they've already got companies using their product right now. take that as you will. source is sunny's recent interview with a dutch financial paper.

>> No.6844553

Describe to me the problems RFID has. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6844587

I agree that the FUD crowd is mostly angry bagholders of other coins. I held RaiBlocks from $4.50 all the way to ATH, and finally sold at $25 after seeing it shilled to the top of reddit 1-2 times per day and the price still somehow losing 10% each day. Bag holders get Stockholm Syndrome when a coin rockets their portfolio. Selling it is like breaking up with a gf. The only reason I can afford 1k VEN now is because of XRB and XRP. But I wouldn't touch either of those with a 10ft pole, even though they tripled my portfolio 3 weeks ago. People have difficulty moving on, and then they start HATING every coin that starts to moon if they don't own it.

>> No.6844632

I don't like FUD that is straight up retarded nonsense with no supporting arguments. And for VEN is mostly just like that.

Don't like VEN? FUD reasonably, state your arguments, sources etc. If all what you got is "n-no whitepaper", "china" or "another scamcoin", you need to stay silent.

>> No.6844640

We will find out tomorrow I suspect. If I recall correctly their partnership with DNV led to a partnership with a business that has 24K locations in China but it hasn't been confirmed what business yet.

Tomorrow is a big day. Hopefully sunny doesn't actually rape someone live on stream.

>> No.6844645

>RFID systems can be easily disrupted

>RFID Reader Collision

>RFID Tag Collision

>The contents of an RFID tag can be read after the item leaves the supply chain

>RFID tags are difficult to remove

>RFID tags can be read without your knowledge

>RFID tags can be read a greater distances with a high-gain antenna

>> No.6844664

That's interesting; it's weird that we can't find anyone to confirm this though.

>> No.6844719

I'm with you on the whitepaper shit-- that doesnt seem like a big deal to me. But pointing out that China isn't the safest place to park your money just seems like common sense that's being overlooked. If everyone was getting hyped up about a coin with ties to the Uzbek government, I'd be like "wtf, scam"; if people feel the same way about China, I can't blame them

>> No.6844733


I'm happy to take him at his word to be honest, for all the reasons discussed in this thread I'm confident enough he's not just walking around making shit up

>> No.6844761

coupled with the fact that coordinated FUD campaigns are done by discord groups of middle easterners/pajeets.

>> No.6844768

The first 3 are hardware problems and blockchain literally solves the rest.

>> No.6844771

Sure but Breyer isn’t just any billionaire investor. This is the guy who invested big in Facebook (2nd most shares behind Zuck) when the company was comprised of less than a dozen college students. He led a joint venture with IDG back in 2005 where they invested into Baidu and Tencent, and since then he’s become a major player in China. He has incredible foresight, and Ethereum and VeChain are the only crypto he’s put any stake in, so it’s not like he’s pumping into every coin because he could.

>> No.6844806

you mean to tell me you wouldnt invest in a coin with ties to the albanian government?

>> No.6844830

My favorite current VEN FUD is that Breyer is invested in "thousands of companies right now", not just VEN.

Meanwhile, he's penning articles on Medium about VeChain and just joined the team as an advisor, lol.
This is China, and VEN is cozy with the government. Also, Breyer's wife having a position at the Bank of China is hilarious, not to mention all the photos of Breyer and President Xi. He's so deeply connected there it's ridiculous how easy it is for him. Imagine how many millions of VEN he has.

>> No.6844869

I agree that this dude is a great investor, but if his magic touch was such a sure thing, everyone who follows his portfolio would be a billionaire by now. VEN is just one of many different things he's investing in, and I'm sure many of those things will fail or only get modest gains. I'm glad for the Breyer news too (im 25% VEN). But the level of faith in this guy is just too much

>> No.6844876

>CEO named Sunny
>His coin is shady

think im gonna sit this one out, wtc seems like the safer choice for now

>> No.6844881

Kinda disappointed that you're even engaging with this clown.

>> No.6844893

Back when Facebook had only 7 employees, just correcting your statement, but not changing your point

>> No.6844904

>>Imagine how many millions of VEN he has.

Right, you have to imagine it, cos nobody actually knows.
And the family connections could be great or they could be bad-- what if he's just doing a PR favor for family and only owns like 2 VEN himself?

>> No.6844929

executed live on CCTV

>> No.6844948


It's mentioned in here I think. Scroll down and he talks about the current consortium chain.

>> No.6845049

Yes a white person who wants to be around other people is as bad as a fishmouthed Jewish plush pussy wearing feminist who wants more Mexicans in the United States

Not buying your shitcoin

>> No.6845077

I'm not seeing (yet) where he mentions a currently-operating product, but, in response to the RFID questions (above), he does talk a little about that:

>Kevin: Currently, we have multiple technical >solutions like RFID, NFC and QR Code. >During our cooperation with our customers, >we won’t be restricted by our technology. I>nstead, we will design solutions based on our >customers’ requirements. The advantage of >RFID is that it is convenient to use in the >warehouse and supports long distance scan. >The disadvantage of RFID is that the use of t>he technology requires the use of a >specialized scanner gun.

>> No.6845123

I member u

You still need to KYS faget

>> No.6845160

I remember u too

>> No.6845168

It's near the end in the QA section.

>> No.6845262

Is this the section you mean?

>Kevin: Our team is mainly situated in Mainland China, but our customers and business is not restricted to Mainland China. We have a lot of customers already in Europe and Singapore as well. Recently, our project is very internationalized and our overseas community is also well developed. We have more than 60,000 followers on our Twitter account. Of course, we also pay a lot of attention to the market in Mainland China. Despite the fact that the investment channels are limited currently, some investors have already held digital currencies such as Bitcoin and can exchange their tokens via exchange platforms.

I'm glad to hear that they have customers, but if I was these dudes and my product was actually working well, I would be hyping that up like crazy instead of (evidently) burying it; here, the mention of "customers" is even blending a little with his bragging about Twitter followers, which seems like a weird diversion. Can anyone here do some quick research (maybe in Chinese?) and find any info about their customers and product?
That would make a good thread-- it would silence all the dudes saying VEN has no working product...

>> No.6845268
File: 113 KB, 667x690, 82EE73EA-F542-4233-B56A-9EF92D7FDB1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people this retarded
>there are people who enjoy pretending to be this retarded
Either way you should just kys

>> No.6845342

No. Do a search for "The solutions we currently provided for our customers".

>> No.6845400


>The solutions we currently provide for our customers are not operated on a public blockchain. Our current blockchain can be simply categorized as consortium chain. We are migrating to a public chain in Q2 of 2018.

Ah... hmm, I don't think that will do much to calm the people who claim they have "no real product." Good to see some official comment though

>> No.6845452

Thanks I wasn’t sure the exact number.

>> No.6845477

Nothing will though. They say they are and have developed solutions for companies on a private chain. You either believe them or dont until the public chain launch.

>> No.6845527

Exactly. personally i believe them, but staying cynical seems like a smart move with this coin

>> No.6845532

chart looks like its ready to break out

>> No.6845534


RaiBlocks corrected because there are big faults to the node that are being worked on. Not because it's flavor of the week.

>> No.6845798

You act like he's gambling on SnapChat or something. China is corrupt as hell, and he's on the inside. He isn't invested in other cryptos (besides ETH) because he isn't able to verify their future adoption like he can with VeChain though his wife and President Xi.

>> No.6845829

please don't buy, you don't deserve the profits

enjoy still eating hot pockets in 2019

>> No.6845932
File: 56 KB, 480x480, 1515788946791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VeChain is going to make it BECAUSE of Chinese corruption. The fact that Breyer's wife works at the Bank of China and he's chummy with President Xi.

When you are investing in something, corruption is a GOOD thing. It ensures that the product/service will be used.

>> No.6846035
File: 4 KB, 280x147, 1412016397781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66% VEN, 34% ICX
>both steadily rising
>ICX will moon first
>take ICX money to buy VEN
>VEN will moon next


>> No.6846122


>> No.6846141

That's my plan too, I'm 80% VEN, 20% ICX.
All of it going straight to VEN soon.

>> No.6846453
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>> No.6846615

>They FUD because they know their shitcoins that float on promises and speculation will lose value as working-product coins take center stage this
To be fair. RaiBlocks is a very interesting project with great community. It will go far.

Probably not as far as Vechain tho.
I too made a ton of money on XRB. Sold 2/3.

>> No.6846777

My problem with XRB is how it's shilled.
The shills always list 2 reasons why it's "the future" :

1. fastest transaction time
2. no fees

meanwhile, Stellar and Ripple transfer in about 20 seconds and the fees are a few cents.. I just don't see how XRB is that revolutionary

>> No.6846890


Most of them didnt even read the white paper, wwwhat ? there is no whitepaper ???? :)

>> No.6846982


dang really? I got tricked, selling now

>> No.6846992

And where are those coins now ? :)
When insane hype comes, if you are lucky to already hold some, u have to think about selling some on the way up. If not, you will wait, see the downtrend, and sell at your entry point, at best

>> No.6847229
File: 45 KB, 701x443, Capture d’écran 2018-01-23 à 19.56.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a solid partnership

>> No.6847258

This isn't even close to 'insane hype'. This is nothing. This is barely the beginning. This is like a round of applause at a kids dance recital.

You think you have seen hype before? Think again, kiddo. What comes next is going to be so fucking annoying that you won't even wont to visit any of your crypto hideouts because nobody will stop talking about this fucking coin.

It will be more annoying and all consuming than ETH hype. More irritating than doge threads on /g/.

Just you wait.

>> No.6847279
File: 102 KB, 455x193, VENFAGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the high budget video presentation on the website's main page

They can not even write Australia correctly

>> No.6847320
File: 146 KB, 1335x900, fortheretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see filename

>> No.6847383


God, im sorry, sounds HUGE, a 2B market cap start up ! ALL IN

>> No.6847724




>> No.6847817


>> No.6848055

what a fag. like reddit fags are any worse than /biz/\

>you just don't like people, that's why you're here, assburger.

>> No.6848382

Neck yourself you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.6848425

ching chang chang chong
He makes a good point

>> No.6848593

Fuck off jew

>> No.6848704

Quality shill Congratulations, I'm willing to bet that the UFR discord already switched their coin to VEN . Good job pajeets. Top notch shilling do some for Ada next

>> No.6848709


The CDRP drill was a great success. We believe that as more enterprises leverage the blockchain technology and invest in crypto assets, it is imperative to set up the best practices of enterprise-grade crypto-asset management and security. By completing this process, to the standards set by PwC and global enterprises, VeChain Thor and VeChain are one step further to cater to mass adoption.

PwC and Vechain are more than just partners do your research newvechainfag

>> No.6848710


>> No.6848713
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>ceteris paribus

>> No.6849284

this sunny character surely seems shady

>> No.6849346

what's a good estimate of VEN's price after tomorrow's livestream?

>> No.6849415

6 usd

>> No.6849436

Link to tomorrows DNV GL livestream:

facebook com /dnvgl/videos/10156159703448395/

Share it

>> No.6849484

200 after the announcement.

>> No.6849487


No, fuck YOU

>> No.6849604
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1508787683220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no facts or sources to back up any of your claims you are just spewing bullshit out of your fat mouth you are far to dumb for this board and should be banned by a mod for quality control means.

>> No.6849733

Up a dollar 50 from now, these idiots think too well of their favorite coin. This coin will probably not pass $80 EVER

Even with its massive hype and such, this is judging by what has happened so far and what announcements have done for it so far.

>> No.6849758

Vechain is tanking. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.6849780
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>> No.6849888

>not pass $80 ever


>> No.6849977

I can't even tell who is fudding for real or just joking any more

what a time to be alive

>> No.6850059

Laughing at the retards who fomo'd in at 80k sats

>> No.6850089

Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now.

>> No.6850104

Vechain is only 4 gay fagots

>> No.6850107

salty walty

>> No.6850126

that's being generous too

Look at what the massive announcements have done for it so faR?

Moon up a dollar, or two, or three followed by a correction back down.

Now how would it grow to $500 like you fucking morons think, with a pattern like that? Explain your reasoning, the days of random SHITCOINS like BTC having value for no reason are over. This is not a shitcoin, i am not saying that btw

>> No.6850140


I bought more at like 78k lmao
slightly hurts, but it'll get back there in a few days

>> No.6850216


> VeChain claims DNVGL will announce partnership by the end of Jan

most likely tomorrow.

>> No.6850242

2pm european time I think

>> No.6850280

Guys, should I buy during the slight dip we have right now? Im too lazy to cash out fiat from ATM and could I do it tomorrow? I dont wanna buy it at 10$ though

>> No.6850289

>european time

>> No.6850302

i got in a 8.47 and i have no regrets

>> No.6850358

reddit spacing

you need to go back

>> No.6850367

I wouldnt mind that If I had sources to buy right now. I was wondering if the price will morewhat stays at this level

>> No.6850465

Remember March 2017? We all said eth would be 300 EOY max...... 1k was impossible? I think VEN is in that same boat ONCE the rebrand happens. I remember someone tried to make me sell all my eth and put it into POSW because eth was to over valued when it was 50 bucks.

>> No.6850480

thought so, go back to day dreaming of your millionair NEET life, it isn't happening. Get a job

>> No.6850544


OP do you have discord ? because people like you are extremely appreciated, finally someone not retarded like the rest

>> No.6850551

Its better to expect less and get more then the opposite

>> No.6850585

I'd like to get in on that aswell. A discort for non retarded investors

>> No.6850613

>it isnt happening

You do realise after consolidation all the normie money and institutional money will be going to functional tokens i.e vechain.

VeChain will be $1,000 by mid 2019, no if ands or buts.

t. 20k ven holder not cashing out till $1000

>> No.6850659

I read this whole thread and couldn't find any legitimate FUD.

Just doubled down.

>> No.6850702
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(sir) that was quite rude.

>> No.6850727

kekekeke have fun never cashing out, then the market losing it's hype and consumers leaving the HODL fags to hold bags at half the price it was at its peak


>> No.6850733
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gib 15

>> No.6850972

U make me want to go 100% into ven u sexy fuck

>> No.6851106

You're all forgetting that VEN has been one of the most hyped coins the past couple weeks. Nearly ALL news is priced in. Momentum is obviously drying up. MOST of the hodlers bought in sub $0.35. I remember when they tweeted about Apotheosis part 1, and I was shilling it like crazy on biz and Reddit. Knowing that Vechain wasn't a company that had baseless hype, I knew that the price was finally ready to explode. Explode it did. From $0.35 to over $9.50.

Do you REALLY think VEN will continue to climb after doing more than 25x in a span of not even two months? Until the actual rebranding event happens, I guarantee that no amount of news will be enough to keep this momentum going. What did we witness not even more than 12 hours ago? VEN of course got dumped to about $6.50 after its final pump for a good few weeks. WAIT to get into VEN. Now is not the time. These assholes that bought at the top and are trying DESPERATELY for you guys to buy their bags.

Unless you want to buy at the fucking top, for Christ's sake, just wait until VEN corrects. It has only gone up. Look at TRON. When it went from 20 sats to 2000 sats in less than a month... Well I'll just put it like this. It destroyed a lot of peoples investments buying at the top.


>> No.6851295


i suggest we start our own lol

>> No.6851421

But anon, durrr No one thought ETH would go to 1000 duhhh

No one thought BTC would be worth 10000 durrr

These bafoons think RANDOM insane prices on coins mean good coins should get there as well. It doesn't work like that, i will be amazed if we see the day of $50.....

>> No.6851628

thanks just sold 1000000k

>> No.6851752

$100-500 EOY.

Screencap this.

>> No.6852042


>> No.6852225

1000, 10000, the mars is the limit!
meanwhile in reality it's 30% down from ATH

>> No.6852289


look at the daily you dumb pajeet

>> No.6852400

post more cute pepes and i might

>> No.6852439

why are you so buttblasted? Seriously please dont hurt your family pets when ven reaches $1,000

>> No.6852562

I like being a realist
That and crushing newfags dreams, cuz a lot of them are overly excited children (LE XRP TO THE MOON, $100 end of week xD )

Anyways enjoy your gains, i'm off to sleep again

>> No.6852574


yikes. this much shilling must mean heavy bags. PASS

>> No.6852600

Congrats morons. Screen capped both of you to post later when VEN reaches 50+. Bet you said the same about eth

These two morons sold their eth for POSW in may. Then sold more eth for DGB.

>> No.6852691


Here is an interview:


He knows his shit. I smell money.

>> No.6852859

is he dying his hair he's 56 ffs

>> No.6853150


>> No.6853425
File: 158 KB, 1745x1067, 398DC883-3F2F-456A-B807-A1035456F133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all of them pepes man

>> No.6853433

>Hard drop
This shows exactly how much faith people have in it.

>> No.6853530
File: 135 KB, 604x516, B0E1A5F1-8646-42B3-A788-E2A17CFC652F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can gib much more if you want


>> No.6853687
File: 7 KB, 218x231, C51D5FDA-13C6-434A-991F-9F47D5265BAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont tell me you’ve left this thread mayn

>> No.6853977


>> No.6854205

China is finally answering what made them a joke of high end goods..
Counterfeiting. The fact they are addressing it and will be a worldwide solution for high end goods is a solid. I'd say that's a good start and expect the investments to see it a norm a growth I can't imagine till next year, and that's just start.

>> No.6854214

>got in at .40
>huh you idiots the coin probably won’t go past 200x your investment
Sad part is it will. And whatever FUD you have to spout when VET hits $1400 will be drowned out by the engine of my lambo and the grotesque sounds of a greedy thot performing angels grapefruit technique on my groomed cock

>> No.6854288
File: 61 KB, 736x733, 66a246ddf5bf97390b29af843766cfd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the sudden, massive FUD campaign against VEN? Allow me to explain.
In a nutshell, VEN makes almost everything else look bad. This coin has received an enormous amount of attention very suddenly, and upon casual examination it seems to have everything:

-A working product already deployed
-Use cases in industries perfectly suited for blockchain adoption
-A massive network of government and industry contacts
-Confirmed partnerships with industry giants
-Investment and direct advisory by well respected venture capitalists, who are also connected to industry and government
-Proof of Stake, which promises the passive generation of wealth for token holders, independent of market speculation.

So why the FUD? Why do people want this coin to fail? Isn't blockchain adoption a GOOD thing? Not to them. You see, they hold actual shitcoins who's only value is as a speculative asset. The coins they hold do nothing, have no use case, have no adoption, and are unconnected to any real world industry or government entity. They hold bags of shit.
When VEN succeeds, it means that suddenly the standards on what is acceptable in this market will shift. People will compare shitcoins against the new gold standard, and when they find the shitcoin wanting, they will move on to something else that more closely resembles what a winner looks like in 2018.
VEN pushes the standards sky high. So of course, the type of people who want to get rich off of scam icos, third world garbage, memecoins, and worthless no-use-case minables hate it. They hate it. Because it's the future. The future has no place for shitcoins.

The future is in utility. Logistics, fintech, platforms.

Blockchain is maturing. It's a good thing for everybody who wants to invest intelligently.
It's a bad thing for those who thrive on manipulation and blind luck.
Enjoy the FUD. It is merely the dying breath of shitcoins everywhere, and the frantic screaming of their bagholders as they go down with the ship

>> No.6854517

This reads like a middle school romantic teen novel. Corny and still cringing.

>> No.6854581


sauce or kys

>> No.6854605

you are all just stupid....I can tell you...as someone who sold 2k of ven....this is tron 2.0....how do I know? Knowing the founders....You all get rekt'd...why do you thin we didn't pull any sell wall? we wanted you to buy our bags!

>> No.6854633

still here pepe bro

>> No.6854693

Thanks anon
The thing is that most people here bought VEN >4/5usd and waiting for the moon, without realizing they sold the moon to early holders, already at x15/20

>> No.6854884

Thanks anon
The thing is that most people here bought ETH at $30 and waiting for the moon, without realising they sold the moon to early holders who bought in at $1 and are already at x30

thank you just bought 100k

>> No.6854925
File: 99 KB, 1000x564, 6FA6E742-DFAC-4D75-9001-A6CCB5A912BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have big stash of pepes left if you want

>> No.6854978


>> No.6855009

First good and relevant post to this board in far too long, bump

>> No.6855042

yes please :)

>> No.6855132

Please keep posting this everywhere you can. These novenners are going to rip their scrotums in half when this shit goes to $25 then $40 then $100 by EOY.

>> No.6855301

There will literally be suicides, anons throwing plates of tendies at their mothers, anons turning pink and a sudden spike in the rates of male pattern baldness when vechain hits $1,000 in 2019 and forces a market shift in which you can only make money by investing in things with substance, not some pajeet coin named "UFR"

>> No.6855307
File: 4 KB, 304x166, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Momentum is obviously drying up.
Facebook live event with multi-billion dollar partner (DNV GL) tomorrow and rebrand a month from now..

>> No.6855346

*$1000 EOY

>> No.6855347
File: 14 KB, 111x125, IMG_1692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't make fun of my Ching Chong yellow fever bride or her son Ven ever again!

>> No.6855410

Volume is at the highest its ever been and climbing

>> No.6855412
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Muh rebrand

>> No.6855452
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Panic sells

>> No.6855460
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>> No.6855544



>> No.6855607

no need for you noVenners to post selfies

>> No.6855637

Fuck off idiot theres no bots your larping go breastfeed your wife's son you soyboy

>> No.6855646

The team is made up of 40 ppl

>> No.6855652
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>> No.6855684

In a nutshell, VEN makes almost everything else look bad. This coin has received an enormous amount of attention very suddenly, and upon casual examination it seems to have everything:

-A working product already deployed
-Use cases in industries perfectly suited for blockchain adoption
-A massive network of government and industry contacts
-Confirmed partnerships with industry giants
-Investment and direct advisory by well respected venture capitalists, who are also connected to industry and government
-Proof of Stake, which promises the passive generation of wealth for token holders, independent of market speculation.

So why the FUD? Why do people want this coin to fail? Isn't blockchain adoption a GOOD thing? Not to them. You see, they hold actual shitcoins who's only value is as a speculative asset. The coins they hold do nothing, have no use case, have no adoption, and are unconnected to any real world industry or government entity. They hold bags of shit.
When VEN succeeds, it means that suddenly the standards on what is acceptable in this market will shift. People will compare shitcoins against the new gold standard, and when they find the shitcoin wanting, they will move on to something else that more closely resembles what a winner looks like in 2018.
VEN pushes the standards sky high. So of course, the type of people who want to get rich off of scam icos, third world garbage, memecoins, and worthless no-use-case minables hate it. They hate it. Because it's the future. The future has no place for shitcoins.

The future is in utility. Logistics, fintech, platforms.

Blockchain is maturing. It's a good thing for everybody who wants to invest intelligently.
It's a bad thing for those who thrive on manipulation and blind luck.
Enjoy the FUD. It is merely the dying breath of shitcoins everywhere, and the frantic screaming of their bagholders as they go down with the ship

>> No.6855692


>> No.6855720
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>> No.6855743

There are now a handful of other RFID-based coins in the cryptocurrency market—Ambrosus, Vechain, Wabi, etc—and while they are all involved with tagging items on the blockchain, they all have one thing in common apart from Waltonchain: they do so through API.

When collecting data from the outside world via RFIDs, that data must first be fed through API before being written to the blockchain. This means all the data is first passed through a centralized intermediate. The blockchain is implemented in the application layer, through business-centralized control, and as such, the system cannot be trustless.

Waltonchain bypasses this problem completely. They have developed RFID chips that write directly to the blockchain on their own, without any human intervention, guaranteeing the data is fully reliable with a decentralized, trustless system. They implement the blockchain through the RFIDs themselves, at the foundational layer. This technology is patented, which will secure Waltonchain as the only blockchain that connects the physical world (via RFID) with the virtual world with truly reliable data. This positions Waltonchain as the optimal Internet of Things (IoT) platform. This also allows for the true authentication of items, which makes Waltonchain the best solution for tackling the counterfeit goods industry.

>> No.6855762

oooh i like this pepe

more frogs now!

>> No.6855807


Lmao. Walty. Bruh you are all way lower mcap and always will be.

Yes you will survive and climb up the ranks, but you will never touch VEN.

It's all good Walty, only one can be the winner.

>> No.6855832

salton waltons eternally BTFO

>> No.6855849

In a nutshell, VEN makes almost everything else look bad. This coin has received an enormous amount of attention very suddenly, and upon casual examination it seems to have everything:

-A working product already deployed
-Use cases in industries perfectly suited for blockchain adoption
-A massive network of government and industry contacts
-Confirmed partnerships with industry giants
-Investment and direct advisory by well respected venture capitalists, who are also connected to industry and government
-Proof of Stake, which promises the passive generation of wealth for token holders, independent of market speculation.

So why the FUD? Why do people want this coin to fail? Isn't blockchain adoption a GOOD thing? Not to them. You see, they hold actual shitcoins who's only value is as a speculative asset. The coins they hold do nothing, have no use case, have no adoption, and are unconnected to any real world industry or government entity. They hold bags of shit.
When VEN succeeds, it means that suddenly the standards on what is acceptable in this market will shift. People will compare shitcoins against the new gold standard, and when they find the shitcoin wanting, they will move on to something else that more closely resembles what a winner looks like in 2018.
VEN pushes the standards sky high. So of course, the type of people who want to get rich off of scam icos, third world garbage, memecoins, and worthless no-use-case minables hate it. They hate it. Because it's the future. The future has no place for shitcoins.

The future is in utility. Logistics, fintech, platforms.

Blockchain is maturing. It's a good thing for everybody who wants to invest intelligently.
It's a bad thing for those who thrive on manipulation and blind luck.
Enjoy the FUD. It is merely the dying breath of shitcoins everywhere, and the frantic screaming of their bagholders as they go down with the ship

>> No.6855871

The big reveal for the rebranding isn't going to be the PBOC.

It will be revealed but that isn't the biggest card they have up their sleeve. The real reveal is the Chinese Government is opening up a new exchange based on the VeChain blockchain.

It's a goods exchange using both RMB and Vet as payment methods and the only accepted goods are those which are part of the VeChain ecosystem and can be tracked. From cars to cigarettes you can buy virtually anything that is being tracked on VeChain. The real reason they are getting so much push and getting into so many industries is that you won't be able to sell anything on that exchange without its entire life cycle being tracked on the VeChain Thor blockchain.

This also explains the crackdown on chinese exchanges that aren't controlled by gov entities

>> No.6855892

WTC might be awesome.
Too bad Jim Breyer has a personal relationship with President Xi. Oh, and his chink wife works for the Bank of China. Jim even tried letting us all in on VeChain with him by writing a couple of Medium articles shilling it.

>> No.6855930

Final words of wisdom. MOST people riding the VEN train right now are those who invested WELL AFTER VEN doubled at $0.60, 10X'ed at $3.00, and 30X'ed at $9.00.

People don't understand that most people that ACTUALLY believed in VEN bought in SUB $0.35 when they had their FIRST APOTHEOSIS tweet.

Let me lay down some math for you guys.
$1,000,000 at $0.35 will buy you 2,857,142.86 VEN.

$1,000,000 at $4.00 will buy you 250,000 VEN.


Those who are buying NOW at $8.00, do you really think you have a long line of people waiting to buy your moon IN THE NEAR FUTURE?

If the pre $0.35 investors are barely able to sell their moon without the price dumping (500,000 VEN dumps the price significantly, and I guarantee 500,000 is far less than what these early investors possess), then how are you shillers telling these new investors that the moon is happening next week, next month, or whatever other short period of nonsensical time.

Antshares (NEO), took about 3-4 months to recover from its initial hike up.

>> No.6855942

VEN threads are the worst fuck off shitskin cunts

>> No.6855973

People act like VeChain blew their load already with the partnership announcements. They're clearly holding the biggest one back. They want the coin price to be high just like we do. It means more money for their operations.

>> No.6855998
File: 1.05 MB, 358x390, 869603C8-B8A8-41B0-A678-422082CEE3A1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont waste them pepes. they are rare

>> No.6856037

Shills and FUDsters are literally just copying and pasting reddit comments now. This was fun for a while, but at least be creative if you want us to engage with you.

>> No.6856063
File: 3.18 MB, 600x450, F1A20B13-9DB9-4384-BDEA-E5E4BAFDF46F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I have so much, its hard to choose which ones to post kek

>> No.6856175
File: 28 KB, 495x362, 5ADD5449-0FDB-4880-8B9C-5F8CC0A9159C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6856182

you realize biz is where i learned about bitcoin almost 10 years ago? you realize all the eth/btc millionares are long gone, probably swimming inside their yacht?

>> No.6856344

>swimming inside their yacht

>> No.6856374

>you can leave 4chan
i bought early in both and live with my brother. i didn't choose the neet lifestyle, it chose me.

>> No.6856421

cute pepes please

>> No.6856628

A swimming pool inside their yacht