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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6846185 No.6846185 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on with this

Literally bought 200k at 1 cent

>> No.6846247

Just bought the dip. Roadmap comming today + Cryptopia listing paid.

Moon mission comming ?

>> No.6846334

It’s got too many fkn coins so moon mission is really for people who got in at sub penny prices.



>> No.6846386

I entered today at 0,00000061 BTC

>> No.6846467



more likely a 51% attack can happen


>> No.6846498

sold yesterday.
who the fuck needs another payment crypto. This is shit now with a shit team.

>> No.6846538

They will release the roadmap today. you just sold the bottom imo

>> No.6846563

>Cryptopia listing paid
Didn't that happen like three weeks ago?

>> No.6846604

Cryptopia is not adding any coin this month because they are too busy. But Colx will be added hopefully beginning of february.

>> No.6846649

>200k at 1 cent
I don't remember making this thread, but you're clearly me.

>> No.6846740

Lol don’t try to hack me

>> No.6846780




>> No.6846904
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But staking rewards, brah!
Never mind that it's been two weeks and I haven't seen one. Or that rewards have been reduced by 2/3rds even when you do! It's the future, brah!

>> No.6847027

so sell?

>> No.6847055

COLX is garbage. There's no reason to use it over monero.
If the coin has no inherent advantage over monero, then its only use is as a pyramid scheme

>> No.6847146

>selling anything at a loss
I will shill this shit up and down the designated shitting streets for months before I lose a single penny. Motherfucker I am Iron Hands man. I even held TRUMPs for a year until I could get out with a profit.

>> No.6847181


>> No.6847226


Read some shill chart saying it’s better

Shill chart had supply of coins wrong by factor of 1,000. Fuck me anon.

>> No.6847389

trust me, 90% of the shit on those charts doesn't matter.
For privacy, only 2 things matter. More privacy, and more scalability. monero is king in privacy.
find me a scalable privacy coin (the only thing monero lacks), and you'll be rich.

>> No.6847555

monero sucks, its too big and the community is toxic, they literally shill monero everywhere...case in point

colx's community is fantastic not to mention its huge for the marketcap

such a comfy hold

>> No.6847607

Dude. Check your configuration. You’re probably not staking

>> No.6847677
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>You’re probably not staking
Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

>> No.6847767

i only put like $200 in at 6 sats. wish i put more in at the time

>> No.6848094

I got a reward after just 3 days with only 7k COLX. Now with 7.9k COLX I've been waiting 4 days with nothing. I guess I just got lucky.

>> No.6848154

Staking is a joke. 10 days since the last mint, not worth to let the computer run.

>> No.6848252

Comfy sitting on 8m and currently staking. I'm getting about 2000 colx a day since I split it up with after calculating the ideal stake to timeout ratio. If I hit 10m I can become a masternode.

I have no doubt once the whales stop manipulating this coin it will hit .05 by Q2.

>> No.6848277

I have 580k and I've gotten 6 mints in 18 days. I bet your shit isnt set up right.

>> No.6848329

Dang...you should have waited. We'll wait for you at the Moon Bar when you eventually get ther.

>> No.6848339

I bought a little mini pc to run my COLX, NAV, and PIVX wallets.

>> No.6848369

You get timed out everytime your staking block gets rewarded. If you didn't split your 200k then your whole 200k block is timed out for 7 days.

>> No.6848415

ehh...depends if you have a better alternative. I sold Verge at a loss after the wraith release and slapped the money right into stellar for the moon mission. Cashed out at the top and was in the green.

>> No.6848462

Your stake is pretty small so there is less likelihood for a consistent stake reward. Also, you probably didn't divide your block so it's timed out for 7 days.

>> No.6848500

"big community" of 3000+ on telegram foaming at the mouth waiting for an order book with more than 1-2 BTC on the buy side to dump their x100+ profit bags from buying in pre-coin-swap

enjoy anon

>> No.6848536


>suddenly hardcore colx shilling all over /biz/ all at once

Gee Whiz! I wonder what happened?



>> No.6848537

PnD you stupid idiot.
Dont fucking follow /biz/ shills who promise you a lot without any fucking analysis of the coin.

>> No.6848578

Nope, just stoked about my stack. They're having issues with their staking and I'm just trying to help.

>> No.6848670
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Why are you fudding this coin? It's a solid project

>> No.6848808

Anyone can fork a coin on github and change the name and work on a roadmap jpg for a month. Also, because it recently went up 130x and people didnt have a chance to dump, being stuck in coinsmarkets etc.
You wanna buy into a coin with no discerning features that went up x130, be my guest. It's probably a bukkake of more epic proportions than you could ever organize in real life, if that's your thing