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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6838628 No.6838628 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone actually self employed here? Memecoins / cryptocurrency NEET does not count.
What do you do?
Do make decent money?
Is it worth it?
How did you get started?
Biggest lesson you learned?

Passive income also welcome.

>> No.6838703

I'm about to be thanks to crypto. Putting my two weeks in today.

>> No.6838716
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Hope to see some good suggestions here too. It would be great to set up some kind of a business

>> No.6838820

I'm self employed

What do you do?
>run a small armada of businesses
Do make decent money?
>no because i spend my time browsing 4chan and playing videogames. i could though if i wanted to (get taxraped by juden of judeogermany)
Is it worth it?
>i'm the happiest person i know and i do what i love
How did you get started?
>by dropping out of uni and living on leftover student loan money for 2 years. that was my deadline to start generating income or get a normiejob. would have killed me if i hadn't managed.
Biggest lesson you learned?
>making money is actually really easy and intelligent overanalytical people struggle with it because they paralyse themselves with their autistic perfectionism

ama? i'm not a very exciting bizposter though. just a quasi-neet who makes his own neetbucks.

>> No.6838932

Freelancer in the film industry. Make $160k + about $30k renting some properties. It's worth it but I'll quit and retire once my crypto reaches $3M+. Biggest lesson I learned is that no matter how "cool" my job is, I'll never really be happy until I can retire and travel without worrying about money.

>> No.6838966

>What do you do?
Builder. Although I had to quit my job in November so currently unemployed for the foreseeable future.
>Do make decent money?
Take home £500/$700 a week
>Is it worth it?
Yea I enjoy the job but it can be hard some times. Last job was hand digging constantly for months.
>How did you get started?
Moved to NY for 3 months after I graduated from uni
>Biggest lesson you learned?
Apply for jobs as soon as you graduate because it gets harder if you leave it too long.

>> No.6838967

Yay for a non coin thread.

I work full time, but I’m interested so I thought I’d share my little side project. I started a news page on fb as a uni assignment and decided to continue it. It now has a website and I get about 40,000 visitors per month. Makes about $100 per month

>> No.6838972

1. Yes
2. Solar Company
3. 7 Months in. I'm profitable and I pay the bills. Think 2018 will see more than decent money
4. Yes, immensely worth it.
5. Former company went out of business and 3 of us with differing skill registered this LLC in a bar the night they told us all to go home. The rest if history. Essentially no barrier to entry other than knowledge. Each residential system is funded by cash from customer or by a finance partner who is loaning directly to customer, but paying us directly. We all spent about $1,000 bucks to get it all off the ground. Made our first logo on Fiverr.
6. People who think they need to make the next Facebook are dumb. Enter a service industry and don't be a lying asshole. You will get 5 star reviews and referrals. Growth will come. You'll figure out the personal money in the meantime. Everyone always finds a way to get by.

>> No.6839220

I'm a New Zealander. I'm wondering if this is a viable business here.

>> No.6839238

I've started a business selling memes on redbubble

>> No.6839288

Solar energy seems like a great field to get into. I'd love to do it. How would I go about getting the right kind of knowledge needed?

>> No.6839309

learn me senpai

no degree, 24, don't make shit. how the fuck do I make mons

>> No.6839423


learn how to code, learn basic design and visual communication, learn basic marketing. and then go ham. create anything. my first websites were stuff similar to lemonparty and meatspin lol.

>> No.6839455

fuck me. I know decent html and css, and have good Photoshop skills/paid graphic design experience. will I make it?

>> No.6839492

Yes. Marketing and web development agency.

>> No.6839525

What is the subject? I own a marketing company and we buy up smaller websites if we see potential in them.

>> No.6839578

I run my own hedge fund with the crypto gains I earn; i.e., currency and commodity trading from crypto gains. I've got a net worth of $20 million and literally no one knows about it but you anons and my mom who I bought car and Mercedes for.

>> No.6839685

1. Web design
2. Mostly
3. Yes. Im my own boss.
4. I left previous web design job and started my own.
5. Dont trust people.

>> No.6839713

> What do you do?
I install furniture.
> Do make decent money?
Most of the year no, Dec-Feb and Apr-Jun I make OK money.
> Is it worth it?
I have fun but I enjoy not working more.
> How did you get started?
Worked for a dude, he died, his clients kept contacting me and while I was taking care of them more people called.
> Biggest lesson you learned?
Stretching is not retarded.

>> No.6839737
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I'm an industrial machine entrepreneur, we rent out excavators, bulldozers and shit. Got a 50/50 partnership with my father in this business. We have 4 employees managing shit, plus an inhouse accountant.

Our biggest expense is fucking insurance on the machinery, next to employee salaries, followed by actual maintenance costs.

Been doing this for 9 years. I'm currently 30 years old.

The money is pretty good, it's not Lambo money, but we're comfy, and the insane insurance premiums allow us to sleep like babies.

>> No.6839739


entirely up to you. sounds like you've got a good foundation. stop planning and thinking and 'do'. but start projects about things you're passionate about. else you'll never finish anything.

you can manipulate low marketcap coins very well with that kind of capital anon. i'm jelly.

>> No.6839766


1. App business/ecommerce business.
2. Yeah
3. Yeah
4. $300 and a Pajeet developer
5. Tim Ferris 4 Hour Work Week

All passive.

>> No.6839777

Does anyone here do templates and WP themes? I thought of doing some and see where it goes. I'm good at programming and shit at design, so I'd have to hire a web designer and sell my stuff on Envato market.

>> No.6839784

idk how you do it the stress of that would kill me

>intelligent overanalytical people struggle with it because they paralyse themselves with their autistic perfectionism
i hate this fate desu

>> No.6839792

do I need JavaScript and all that shit? dunno what the fuck I would even make. how do I get ideas

>> No.6839824

Not sure. Check out what incentives are available from your Government for people going solar and whether solar in New Zealand is growing.

I'm in a single state in the U.S. right now so my knowledge is somewhat limited to the States in general.

>> No.6839835

>What do you do?
Trade Crypto
>Do make decent money?
Yes, 900k last year
>Is it worth it?
>How did you get started?
Started with $500 back in 2016
>Biggest lesson you learned?
Cut losses, opportunity cost of holding shitty bags is too high in a bull run.

>> No.6839840

>Freelancer in the film industry.
Fluff boy?

>> No.6839856

yep self-employed with some money in crypto as well

>What do you do?
freelance writer
>Do make decent money?
yep - I'm from Eastern Europe and get paid in $ so even better
>Is it worth it?
>How did you get started?
Googled freelance writing jobs - not even kidding. Also wagecucked one year and a half at a content agency
>Biggest lesson you learned?
Never wagecuck at a company - just do it for some xp and move on

>> No.6839888


>making money is actually really easy and intelligent overanalytical people struggle with it because they paralyse themselves with their autistic perfectionism

Also this. I have a friend who is pretty dumb pulling down like 200-300k/year flipping shit 1999 style on eBay. His genius is that he doesn't overthink anything.

>> No.6839896

How much time do we have? Wise one please tell me an honest answer. How much time do we have to make a little money?

>> No.6839898

Both of my partners learned from working in Solar Sales. Its pretty easy and lucrative if you find a job at one of the big guys. They just feed you leads all day and you just need to set appointments and go show them if solar can save them money.

Depending on your skill set you could also partner with a former sales associate that is looking to move. I'm an Accountant, one of my partners worked in solar project management, and the other in solar sales. You don't need every piece of the puzzle. Sometimes you just need to be the guy that registers the LLC and makes the damn logo to turn the bar pipe dreams into reality.

>> No.6839933

Second on the don't trust people. Lawyers make a lot of money for a reason. Everyone and their mom has already tried to skim some of our profit in one way or another.

>> No.6840014


It’s just all round news. How much do you buy the sites for? Let me guess... you buy them for affiliate marketing purposes?

>> No.6840017

Architect - sole proprietor
100K ish in low cost state
went to undergrad, 3 yrs grad school, 3 yrs internship, opened my own practice
work smarter not harder, get paid 1/2 upfront

Currently buying single family rentals that cash flow. Cyrpto gains were a surprise. One more long run this year and I might retire.

>> No.6840027

>What do you do?
Online Marketing Agency.
>Do make decent money?
Absolutely. Beats my previous job: washing dishes.
>Is it worth it?
Yes, not just for the money, but also for the freedom.
>How did you get started?
Lurk on forums, reading blogs.
>Biggest lesson you learned?
What made me a bad dish washer makes me a good entrepreneur. Don't ever let other people define what trait is good and what bad.

>> No.6840036

No but I got cucked by some guy who runs his own Magic the Gathering store
>enjoy my ex girlfriend’s herpes

>> No.6840160

>What do you do?
run a cleaning company
>Do make decent money?
$2k aud a week
>Is it worth it?
yes its fucking easy
>How did you get started?
found some site that offered basically a quick-start cleaning website. hired self-employed cleaners off my local equivalent of craigslist and told them i have extra work for them or a take it or leave it basis. if someone books a clean the cleaner will be notified and they can either accept/deny it. rates are generally around the $35-40/hr + extras mark for a clean, cleaners get $23-25 and i pocket the rest. best thing is they're technically not my employees so they have their own equipment/licenses/insurance etc
>Biggest lesson you learned?
shit is fucking EASY. the biggest upfront cost was buying the website package which was $450

>> No.6840281

I second this. You just gotta have the risk taking mentality and jump in.

The way to look at it is this:
If you work for an employer, the company you work for fronts you the reward for your work by starting to pay you right away. The company takes the risk because you could turn out to be a shitty employee.

If you start a business, you’re fronting the company your hard work and money in the hopes that you’re rewarded with more money and freedom than you’d have in a normal job. You take the risk because the company might end up being a shitty company.

That’s what most people don’t realize when they bitch about their boss being so rich and then not getting enough money. They risked little by taking the job, and the entrepreneur Risked everything to start the company. You can’t bitch about not making it if you’re not willing to put yourself on the line to make it happen.

>> No.6840286


Self-published novelist. Have a couple of sci fi series (no I will not name them), along with billionaire/paranormal erotica written under a pen name.

The sci fi is my passion well churning out a new romance novel keeps the lights on. The old ladies on amazon who read that shit have an endless appetite.

Involves writing, self-editing, and then hiring cover artists and editors, costs about $500 per book but I easily make that back. Spend money for FB advertising and various email lists to get traction. As long as the cover is good and the writing is decent enough, and you've built up your brand, then you'll get sales. Don't price too high and you can push a lot of volume.

While I do this full time, the environment has gotten a lot more competitive. There are more books and authors trying to make it these days than years ago, and overall readership is declining. I fear for the future of my profession once the boomers are gone, who are really the largest demographic of readers.

Have to say though it's pretty /comfy/. My best year I pulled 100k (2013) but it's been steadily declining since then. I was wise enough to live frugally and invest in the stock market, so I'm sitting with a decent cash reserve. I make far less than I did then (equivalent to minimum wage, but I can pull from my reserves during lean times).

Mainly browse this board to find out about new coins that no one's hyped yet. If it weren't for /biz/ I wouldn't have stumbled upon REQ back in early december.

I wouldn't recommend this job to anyone unless you really liked writing and were willing to go through a lot of shit. There are easier ways of making money.

>> No.6840318
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What % of this is automated? Is that 2k/week total profit or revenue? How'd you market the site?

>online marketing agency

So you're marketing for clients or what? Online marketing is vague.


How do you make money? Per hour or per project? How do you get clients? Is it normal for an architect to work freelance like that?

>> No.6840433

Paid per project. I base my rates at roughly $125/hr. Estimate how many hours. Add extra for unique items. Get quotes from engineers when needed. Present proposal to client.

Clients through word of mouth. Have a handful of regular clients.

A good percentage of the industry does this. It's a cyclical industry so when times are tough you need low overhead.

>> No.6840445

nearly all of it is automated. i take customer phone calls and if someone pulls out of a job last minute/day before i have to find their replacement, much like retail jobs with teenagers. 2k profit, 3 years into it now so it wasn't an overnight success. a lot of it is just from SEO, i rank first on google for most "house cleaning in city" or "maid service in city" searches. in the very very early days it was mostly through asking family/friends and advertising on a craigslist style site

>> No.6840522

What is the website? I'm going to DDoS the shit out of it.

>> No.6840564

Putting your 2 weeks in in a bear market?

>> No.6840572
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Interesting, thanks. What's the learning curve as an architect? What value do you bring exactly other than drawing out a plan? Or is that really all there is to it?


Awesome. I remember seeing something similar to this few years back on a forum where a guy was doing the same thing, something called like blackmaidservice.com or something, same model though. Seems like a great idea.

>> No.6840603

ya that would very likely be from the exact same site

>> No.6840624


Thought so haha, excellent.

>> No.6840628

At least you didn't get cucked by some guy running his own Magic the Gathering online exchange

>> No.6840673

I really hope you've been a trader for longer than a year OR you hate that job so much you don't care.

>> No.6840692

Im 26 and I have my own tree nursey with 6 employees. It's pretty awsome actually. Just bought myself a new Mercedes C-class full option with AMG kitt. Still tho im hoping that crypto will take me to that level of complete freedom.

>> No.6840715

I'm a carpenter, meh make cold cash upfront.
fuck taxes,
profit on you goons buying up my shitcoin bags.

>> No.6840744

imagine slamming your cock down her throat and choking her neck to make it even tighter, while her mom watches. Fuck this dumb bitch.

>> No.6840758
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How'd you start that? How profitable is it? Are you in a big city or rural area?


What else would I be thinking about?

>> No.6840899

its not easy gains you know. My father started it small in the 90's. A couple of years ago i took over and just made it more efficiënt by buying stock from nursery's that became to big for them. I specialized in big trees to handle these products. This way i could buy relatively cheap from other businesses and sell it pretty expensive to the normal customers. The season swings are pretty crazy tho so sometimes im really bleeding a lot of cash but in the season i make top buck. I can afford the new mercedes easily so i guess overall its allright. I live in a rural area.

>> No.6841032


Cool shit man, how do you do enough volume to afford that? Like who are your clients/customers? Is it just normal people or do biz 2 biz shit buying thousands of plants/trees?

>> No.6841045

Started working a year ago. I do financials.
Invested 300 eur on the side and now this earns me anywhere between 150 and 250 eur per month. I wish I could figure out a scheme where I can scale this - invest 3k, get 1000-1500/m. Facebook page + articles + adsense.

>> No.6841078

measuring your wealth in the things that you buy is a sure way to lose much more than necessary

>> No.6841081

>Mine cryptos

No in all srsness I do IT stuff.
Shit money but eh, early days. Getting better all the time.

Quick question, what percentage of clients would you say you get from your website as opposed to word or mouth or referrals?

>> No.6841086

What do you do?

Run a software business in the security industry

Do make decent money?

Starting to get pretty good. We had 2 lousy years but had a 12000% increase in our profits this year.

I earn around 1500 USD a week before taxes.

The company is profitable and will year me another 10k from the profits this year. Not really aiming huge profits until we cash out.

Is it worth it?

Total. It is hard as hell but if you are up for it gives you freedom. But with that comes a lot of responsibility. So you better keep your room clean!

How did you get started?

Dropped out of uni because they are 10 years behind the market. Jumped from work to work until I found a niche where I could excel.

Biggest lesson you learned?

Don't trust anyone and know what you are worth. Only suckers go below market value.

>> No.6841096

Nah its 90% normal people who are my clients. People with a fancy house that do not wanna wait 20 years for a tree to grow. So they spend €1500-€5000 on a tree. The hardest part is that you need specialized employees not just some fuck heads. You pay them year round while actually you only have like 5 months of real work for em. Thats the biggest cash eater, but there's not really a way around it tho since you can't just rent a new brain dead part-timer for these jobs.

>> No.6841136
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>solo consultancy solving big problems with small ideas stemming from marketing and behavioural sciences
>about US$120,000 in my first year of operation
>based in Singapore
>love it because this is exactly what I like doing--solving problems without the media-related constraints of ad agencies or the detached ineffectiveness of bigger consulting firms

>> No.6841137

>Run a software business in the security industry

What does this mean?


Interesting shit, guess that makes sense. Hopefully automation will help someday.

>> No.6841180

large majority of new customers come from SEO, over half of last month's revenue was from existing customers as well since they have their clean every week/fortnight/month

>> No.6841233
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hello fellow singaporean, being the highest iq nation in the world isnt easy

>> No.6841238


What do you actually do? What's an example of this?

>> No.6841242

Sounds incredible

How did you get your first client?

>> No.6841270


We integrate and automate processes between systems that need to interact with access control and surveillance systems.

Mostly private but also some gov.

>> No.6841320

$299 for a pair of shoes ... you will always be poor if you buy pointless shit like this.

>> No.6841340


Interesting, so like getting 3rd party software to integrate with each other? How do you find clients for such a boutique industry? Do you charge per project?

>> No.6841407

bro.. :(

>> No.6841409

any tips and good forums that you suggest for a start?

>> No.6841446

Hello, my brother. Sometimes I'm really not sure about our supposed high IQ, but I'm still keeping an open mind about it.
I currently only have one client but I can't really talk about it because the project's effectiveness relies on its confidentiality. Sorry about that. But imagine PR and advertising back in the 50s, before they became rigid and started working for >muh awards.
Cold email to the client organisation's leader. The idea was in my head for months so I decided to take the leap.

>> No.6841490

I'm a professional crypto holder, pretty volatile income, decent money, its worth it, I started with buying Iota at 80c then held through dip to 30c, the biggest lesson I learned is to always hold

>> No.6841510


Very cool, I understand. So you just sent them an email with your idea and they hired you as a consultant? Any advice for trying something similar? I'm bored making passive income desu, I'm thinking about doing consulting in the software/marketing/psychology industry.

>> No.6841557
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are you native Singaporean or an expat

>> No.6841592

>>making money is actually really easy and intelligent overanalytical people struggle with it because they paralyse themselves with their autistic perfectionism
Holy fuck no kidding this is actually extremely crippling for some people. Simply realizing that this is a problem puts you ahead if you're willing to work on fixing it.

>> No.6841616


Exactly. We say we are an API first company so we build a homogeneous API to interact with several different systems. We make it easier for our customers to automate their process flows.

Word of mouth, we have a very good reputation. Also manufacturers point to us when their customers buy their products and what to do something different with them. That helps a lot.

We charge per project but an hourly rate. So we make a specification (which will of course never be final) and we charge somewhere around 150-250 USD per hour when we write code.

We also charge a monthly fee for support, right now me and my partner salary are covered by support agreements. Somewhere around 12k USD per month. We are hoping to hit 30K this year.

>> No.6841683


That's awesome, congrats. I need to do more business to business software. I'm assuming businesses are your primary clients? Just based off the support cost.

>> No.6841693

1) E-commerce Store and freelance graphical designer
2) Its alright, would be better if the CGT was lower
3) Yes and no, i dont have a 9-5, some days aint as heavy as others, some days are heavier than other
4) CBA finding a job during uni and then couldn't find a job after uni
5) You're taxed way too much, people are annoying as shit, being self employed doesnt mean you're your own boss, it means that each customer is kinda like your boss. You're always trying to please them to make sure you have return purchases but at the end of the day the 80/20 rule applies.

I also make 10k a year on passive gas which is goat and 1.5k a month on zennodes.

>> No.6841711


>> No.6841747

I sent them a very detailed proposal. Must have spent at least 40 hours on it.
I think it depends heavily on your luck, i.e. the people you're dealing with. My client is very serious about their work and not just trying to fuck each other over to get ahead in the organisation. Hence, I showed that I was equally serious about wanting to achieve the same goal. Not just through the proposal, but through follow-up documents of research that I've done that might help them in their own work. Some people will call this "value-added service" but I prefer not to wrap it up in obvious corporate-speak. To me, it was just a very rational thing to do.
To summarise, it wouldn't hurt too much to be serious and sincere about your work. Your clients will be able to sense it.
Born in Johor but raised here in a working class family. Got fed up wageslaving because class mobility is quite impossible that way.

>> No.6841753

How do you get into nodes?

>> No.6841786



Also second the taxes issue, government butt fucks the self employed. There is a steep cost to freedom that wagecucks never know.

How much Neo for 10k in gas? How'd you get in so early?


Good advice, thanks senpai.

>> No.6841811

Very shit LARP. Fuck off cunt

>> No.6841838

>What do you do?
freelance programmer
>Do make decent money?
not really. i make like 25$/hour but $200 monthly
>Is it worth it?
i don't know. i live in the third world so it's alright. i should work more though i work like 10 hours a month
>How did you get started?
>Biggest lesson you learned?
i don't know

>> No.6841854

Private guitar teacher

Sort of, 40 an hour, obviously not all day every day.

It is worth it. It's deeply fulfilling and gets me by.

I got started by just being really good at guitar and advertising with
videos to prove that, basically. Cunts only want to see chops, especially dumb cunt guitar players. That said a slim few students have grown on me and I know they look up and consider me a mentor which gives me the good feels to be honest.

Biggest lesson is don't stop looking for more people or things to fill your time slots, if you can basically be a fucking walk in clinic for 6 hours a day, person in person out, you're making it as best you can playing guitar without winning the lottery and getting to play soul crushing shit normies know you for for 40 years.

>> No.6841858

That's your perception.

>> No.6841900

Can't reveal details about your "project". Post proof about what you do or fuck off u shit larper

>> No.6841933


No one else posted proof, why the fuck would he? Lol you retard.

>> No.6841968

>Anonymous (ID: CY8u29Z+) 01/23/18(Tue)15:55:55 No.6841753▶
>>>6841693 (You)

theres guides online on how to do it , in short you need
A stake
Cheap Electricity.

Since my utility company is a complete cuckold and charges me insane amounts each year under the notion of "unlimited electricity". i abuse the fuck out of it with nodes (they aint even elec intensive). I wanted to do some mining but the entry cost is too high

>> No.6841970

Having to compromise my hard work just to prove myself to an anonymous poster on a Bhutanese wooden penis souvenir message board doesn't sound like a very good deal to me.

>> No.6841987
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good work buddy, you seem to be doing well. I sincerely hope you prosper. im currently in uni doing a bachelors in international relations. It's something i love and have a passion for, but will i make it? You know how saturated the degree market is like in Singapore.

>> No.6842051
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gimme milkers

>> No.6842056


i have roughly 2638 neo, had some when it was still ant share, sold some in late august and then bought some more during the china bear.

>> No.6842068

You pay these guys to stay home when there's no work?

>> No.6842101

I love you my man!

>> No.6842108

If you werent larping you wouldnt even mention it u brown chink.

go stick your 2 inch cock up someone elses ass u fucking cuck

>> No.6842128
File: 115 KB, 606x856, 03d7c6ab127843fe83becac8d35d2354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am. Callgirl of 5 years. In another 5 I'll be able to retire.

>> No.6842153
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, MUTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2 inch cock
sorry senpai, 130iq 8 incher here

>> No.6842190
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Appreciate it. Things won't get easier for local grads. It's a cliche but do as much networking as you can in your uni years (something I didn't put an effort into). I wish you all the best too.
Thanks for reminding me. I should get a tan soon.

>> No.6842206

8 inch nigger lips maybe. defo 2 inch chink x pajeet dick
fuck off with ur ass licking u fucking beta 70 iq ape

>> No.6842346
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>pic related
dear 56%er, your daughter will have sex with Pedro and Tyrone in order to spite you thus polluting your already muttified gene pool with even more undesirable DNA. Respect your future northeast asian overlords and maybe we'll open our borders just so you'll get a job cleaning up the infinity pool at marina bay sands

>> No.6842368

I sell designer toys, vinyl and sofubi. I do like 3 months of work a year cause the second hand markup is insane for limited edition convention releases. Dcon in November I spent 15k, I've made 50k profit already and still have a few items left for my own collection.

>> No.6842434

underrated answer

>> No.6842440


How do you sell them?

>> No.6842481

I'm a substitute teacher and I live in my car. I go to the libraries after work or weekends or the summer and play on my laptop. Just started trading cryptos with a few hundred I had laying around. I'm 27. Figure I can take a year or two off once I save up like 20K or so and just jerk off to porn and sleep most of the days. That will be very enjoyable.

>> No.6842489

oh you think im an amerifat? fucking retard u chinks are literally worthless in the world. your race is traded all across the world as cum dumps.

>> No.6842534

Instagram, ebay & facebook groups. It's such an easy hustle and so much fun cause you're just dealing with toys lol

>> No.6842661

Hey, anyone ITT want to chat on discord? Maybe discuss tips on starting/maintaining a business? Perhaps we could start something together. I'm serious.

>> No.6842712

Yeah for sure. I can hop on after work. What's your discord

>> No.6842736
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stay mad mutt, you'll never live here or ever attain this high standard of living, not even in your wildest dreams. Your daughter Rachel is getting tag teamed by Malik and Tyo tonight, if you log off now you might make it home just in time to watch

>> No.6842745

Shriek#2756 is mine

>> No.6842894

That would be cool to watch. Three humans with anus's sharing their energies.

>> No.6842951

I am looking at wholesale products , electronics,clothes ,etc i can find sellers as well (I am in Europe) in Germany at wholesale prices.

How do i go buying and selling these products?

also is it worthwhile knowing taxes will fuck all the profit.

>> No.6843067


That's awesome man, what's your profit margin on a toy on average? Anywhere else to source them other than conventions?

>> No.6843079

I cut and pasted this on my desktop. This is me all over. I'm a fucking mess when it comes to this.

>> No.6843150

Not completely self employed but passive income is 75℅ of post tax regular income.
At 150℅ I'll quit.

Total pretax income mid 6 figures annually

>> No.6843152

>have you heard about gearbest? they sell quality stuff very cheap. Only problem is it takes ages to arrive

>> No.6843163

>this is ironically the exact same behavior that over analytical people engage in that stops them from succeeding

I'm guilty too, wish there was a way to break this cycle other than a fistful of adderall, which only works occasionally.

>> No.6843199
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where are you hull scrubber bro, I remember you from a while back, you made some good money

>> No.6843202

oops didnt mean to greentxt that

>> No.6843244


>memecoins don't count
>making thousands per day doesn't count because it's crypto related and i don't understand crypto

spotted the boomer

>> No.6843268

no niggers here in norway u micropenis pajeet chink. sure, singapore standard of living is high, but not for poorfags like u. stay mad son, i would be too if i were in your shoes.
i pity pathetic people like you.. just remember, you have no future in chinkland as there are too many of u wastes

>> No.6843306

What do you do?
>I run a small recruiting business
Do make decent money?
>Six figures before taxes
Is it worth it?
>Fuck yea
How did you get started?
>Was in the industry working for someone else and just decided to start my own firm
Biggest lesson you learned?
>Don't let your goals be money-oriented, because once you hit them you won't want more money.

>> No.6843377


Passive income from what?

>> No.6843386

Freelance programer in the USA
Make around 100k a year.
Better than being a hardware scrub at a datacenter or office
Learned to code online, got tired of working 50 hours a week for 45k. Now work 100 ours a month.
Organization is key to efficiency

>> No.6843420


How do you find clients? How much do you charge per hour? What % of business is return clients?

>>I run a small recruiting business

What does this mean exactly?

>> No.6843442
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nice norway larp took you long enough to google "which country doesnt have niggers" ah norway ah ok gonna type that. burger mutt, your race is dying

>> No.6843472

I hope you kys eventually. Who the fuck would pay someone to program some shit for them for a few hours? I hope your shit becomes automated at nigger. Robots can code better than your poppy stinky anus that you haven't washed in 3 days.

>> No.6843504

Hey dude, yeah im down. I currently have my fingers in a few pies and have a comprehensive list of ideas in a spreadsheet I maintain.


>> No.6843540

>fell in love with it as a kid
>don't ever do fucking weddings, no matter how much they're willing to pay.

>> No.6843541

was actually taking a shit but ok lol

>> No.6843548

I am the owner of my own live sound production business. I am my only employee. I set up bands 5-6 nights a week, usually as a private contractor st bars in Nashville, TN. No benefits or paid time off or any of that, but my best year was last year. Made around 55k.

>> No.6843623

Most of my clients are local business, just being friendly and shaking hands with owners of small business in the area goes a long way.
I would say 80% of them are return clients because they see growth online.
And I charge @100 usd an hour, Usually work 4 hours a day.

>> No.6843642

no you were on cleanup duty for Jamal. Nigger needed a felch and you were up

>> No.6843646

Just checking, does what we need to do to make decent money in crypto basically amount to day trading in *coins? Or is there more to it?
I've been trying to DYOR but I still need a final push. I got into BTC and ETH but it seems to me that the gains are too slow without some day trading tactics.

>> No.6843648

>when the guys who are usually fudding coins totally at random can't do it anymore since the market is shit

Kek, love these stupid faggots flushing themselves out.

>> No.6843661

On average I'd say 5x profit. I've been into toys for a while so I know what artists and companies are in high demand. Entering lottieries is a big profit area, limited run items they run contests for and whoever wins the lotto gets to buy one. I have 20 of my friends and family members signed up for me on various lottos so I win stuff all the time.

>> No.6843689


Awesome man, why do local businesses need a programmer though? Do you do web dev or something else..?

>> No.6843774

pls dont project your shitty future onto me stupid chink. your shitty degree in ur shitty uni isnt enough to land u anywhere u poorfag chink mudslime.

>> No.6843815

>What do you do?
Run a small onlinebusiness. Selling stuff on Ebay, Amazon and my own Onlinestore.

>Do make decent money?
About 90k

>Is it worth it?
It has advantages and disadvantages. You can work according your own timetable. But I dont took any holdays the past 5years

>How did you get started?
I started my business with 21, together with my first 9-5 job. My main motivation was to quit my 9-5 deskjob because i did not want to end like the people that worked there for 30 years.

>Biggest lesson you learned?
If it sounds too good to be true it usually is.

>> No.6843902
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How do you source stuff to sell? Are you flipping garage sale stuff or Chinese stuff? How are you able to compete with other people doing the same thing?

>> No.6843974

It takes roughly 10 years to get a license as an architect. I guess you could call that a steep learning curve. You also never stop learning because regulations, materials and methods change over time.

Yes, I draw plans. I also have an in depth knowledge of residential and commercial building codes. I routinely interact with different building departments and other regulatory bodies. Often I consult with clients doing due diligence and feasibility studies. I guess I should note that a lot of my work is commercial. I only do a few houses every year.

>> No.6844091
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looks like the mutt meme really hit a nerve there, im sorry 56%er but like i said if you try hard enough maybe we could hire you to do menial low iq tasks like food delivery or hospice care. You may be genetic trash but it isn't the end for you. Don't lose hope

>> No.6844154

I looked for a niche and build up a good reputation since my products have a good quality. I mostly source on Alibaba and buy from Chinese suppliers.

I do have competition but because of my brand reputation I do allright.

>> No.6844167

>every /pol/ buzz word that a nufag to /pol/ soaks up

the post

>> No.6844208

have only ever browsed biz and g tho

>> No.6844297

is your iq really so low calling someone an amerifat ur best insult. who u trying to fool pondscum

>> No.6844302
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Photographer/social influencer. My business made $260,000 last year.

100% worth it. My life is essentially traveling, taking photos and taking photos and writing emails.

Started because I got fired from my dead-end job for not giving a fuck.

It's tough but I wouldn't change it for the world.

>> No.6844310
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>> No.6844341


How'd you get started? Are you an Instagram model or what do you do exactly?

>> No.6844343

sometimes i look at /r/politics. thats the same as pol right?

>> No.6844346

give toptal a try

>> No.6844420
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lol because you're one, what makes it funnier is that you try so hard to deny it, even going the distance as to larp as some fag from norway hahaha. Be proud of who you are bro, im here for you

>> No.6844451


No, not a model. Just a photographer. Started by posting to Instagram for a couple of years before I got fired from that shitty job. People liked my photos enough and it took off.

>> No.6844501

Web dev, apps, inhouse ERP systems.

>> No.6844565

haha yeah u got me xdd im amerifat
i honestly think ur mentally challenged lol. no wonder u do a worthless degree, too dumb to get into a good uni eh? stay poor and enjoy the mudslimes in ur shitty country

>> No.6844609


How is it monetized though? How do you pull down 260k?

>> No.6844612
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Also Germananon here, but i own a foreign meme biz that makes fruit nets and mosquito nets and so on, but i am in a tax free zone.

Problem is, i make some profit, like 800 Euro a month, but i dont know how to doge the Socialist german Finansministerium, i cant even cash out shitcoins because its income tax ,not capital gains and no " muh hold 1 year" no tax thing works anymore


t. only ever spendet his money on apartment,food, shitcoins and ukrainian hookers

>> No.6844797


whats ur IG?

>> No.6844826


Making money in crypto amounts to:
>Don't be american
>Buy popular ICO that Americans are banned from
>Sell it back to them at a profit after the token is listed


>> No.6844844

Working for brands. On one job alone last year I made $98,000 for a couple weeks worth of work. Rest was made up of a $60,000 longer term job and a bunch of smaller stuff in the 5-20,000 range.

>> No.6844899


No chance I'm DOXing myself to 4chan.

>> No.6845173

How much we pay depends on what they are currently making, and through what channel (adsense, affiliate, etc).

We don't really do affiliate marketing so to speak, as we have direct relationships with all of our clients. Depending on the site, duration of income, etc - we typically pay anywhere form 24 to 60 months of current profit.

>> No.6845197

Lmao friend you're paying 300 bucks for a sock with a sole on the bottom?

>> No.6845244
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>intelligent overanalytical people struggle with it because they paralyse themselves with their autistic perfectionism
>mfw this is me to a T

>> No.6845511

Wouldn't even take that shit for free..

>> No.6846139

Don't let this awesome thread die yet

>> No.6846357


>> No.6846398

What do you do?
>Write retirement projections

Do make decent money?
>Enough, there is a huge amount of business out there I just need to inquire

Is it worth it?
>Being self-employed is. In the last decade I have spent about 3000 hours in traffic.

How did you get started?
>Bought a computer, already knew some of my customers, obtained a state business license

Biggest lesson you learned?
>don't let people walk all over you. I deal with cheap pushy salesman and everything is expensive to them.

>> No.6846545

1. sell used books on amazon/abebooks/ebay
2. 40-55k a year
3. 40+ hour weeks with one part time employee, it kinda sucks sometimes because a lot of it is shipping/tedious work but its worth being my own boss vs my data entry job I had before this for the same amount of money.
4. office donkey until I started thinking about suicide. did something proactive instead of anhero
5. copy other peoples success and try to build on it, trying to be the next elon musk prob is not going to work, especially if your on this board reading this.

>> No.6846723

What do you do?
Ur mom
Do make decent money?
Is it worth it?
How did you get started?
from the bottom part
Biggest lesson you learned?
use protection

>> No.6846807


I actually have the best job as a former NEET.

Self taught photographer/videographer. Started out shooting weddings (very cringe) but it enabled me to only have to leave my house once or twice a week to actually shoot the wedding. Everything from consultations to booking is all done via email so I never had to really interact with people face to face. Get paid $2-4k for a 12 hour day, spend the rest of the week editing on your own time. Pretty cush if you can handle the social aspect of the actual wedding day. I’ve since gotten into shooting hotels which is even better because I get to travel and eat bomb food in a rad hotel all
On someone else’s dime. Plus, shooting hotel spaces means I don’t even have to work with people as subjects. It’s pretty awesome.

>> No.6846945

I can tell you weren't a former NEET you lying fucking normie

>> No.6846971


>> No.6847207

How did you get started with this job? Did you study photography formally in university or elsewhere? How did you find your first clients and build your portfolio?

>> No.6847232

this guy gets it

>> No.6847385


>> No.6847454


>> No.6847510
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Really enjoyed this thread, interesting read.

Here's mine

>What do you do?
Cell phone and tablet repair at a retail premises just off a busy main street.
>Do make decent money?
I could pull in 1k GBP a week profit if theres a lot of customers
>Is it worth it?
depends, you can end up in a lot of hassle from customers if you fuck up their phone at all. Sometimes a customer comes in for screen replacement and when you give them their phone back they now say x isn't working so you have to fix that for free. Also I've almost been sued for breaking an iPhone home button(which aren't replaceable) but as far as I know they dont really have grounds to stand on after they sign the waiver form before booking it in. Big ticket jobs are replacing screens, iPhone 7 screen is around £20, take 45 mins to complete on average and you charge the customer £75.
>How did you get started?
The rent was 125 a week in cash, I bought the supplies in cash, first stock up cost around 500 gbp. The good thing was, the place was already offering phone/tablet repair before I started, so the customers were already flowing in. didn't spent a penny on marketing.
>Biggest lesson you learned?
if you're dealing with the general public, ALWAYS protect your back with waiver forms and legal stuff. Women ARE THE WORST in retail and will gladly embarrass themselves and you for a discount or freebie.

>> No.6847722


LOL nigga I lived at my moms house until I was 29, never went to school or had a job.


Literally self-taught. (Fstoppers.com & phlearn.com is all you need) I also got really good at bullshitting so I kind of just faked it till I made it.

>> No.6847846

freelancefag here

>What do you do?
marketing related shit
>Do make decent money?
gonna clear bout 50-60k this year. could hit 70-80k if I work hard
>Is it worth it?
I fucking hate it. Im a glorified wageslave with a longer leash, no paid holidays and zero job security. Then again I just hate working so YMMV
>How did you get started?
Worked for oline marketing agency, realized I hated working from an office. Asked to work from home. Eventually took on more clients and segued into freelancing. Moved to thailand to fuck hookers for a couple of years, now back in the homeland.
>Biggest lesson you learned?
Some people are simply not born to do menial labour and Im one of those. Ill fucking hate my life no matter how little I have to work or how much money I have. In a saner society I would be a priest or intellectual and plebs would pay my living costs.

>> No.6847903


Lol, weddings kick started my career. Besides shooting extreme sports, weddings will teach you to be fucking fast, technically skilled, solve ANY type of lighting problems and work well under pressure. Id recommend any budding photographer do some Wedding Bootcamp for a year regardless of what type of photography you want to specialize in.

>> No.6848059
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>What do you do?
Run an affiliate marketing company with 3 employees.

>Do make decent money?
Last week i made $15k, some days i've made that in a day and sometimes it's dead for periods of time. On average i make around $15-30k/month

>Is it worth it?
Yes. Tho the ethics of it wears me down. Feel bad for the shit i do to people online.

>How did you get started?
Friend showed me a bit and i learned by browsing related forums. Can link some intro shit if someone's interested.

>Biggest lesson you learned?
Be a man of action. Procrastination is one hell of a beast to fight when your job is not something you love.

>> No.6848108
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Theoretically speaking, could one make an LLC, then donate one's crypto to the LLC as starting capital?

Then sell the crypto as a long-term capital gain, and purchase other assets (land, vehicle, etc.) to write off the purchased assets as expenses, thus reducing the LLC's net income tax?

>> No.6848199


interested. marketing cuck here tired of working for the man. send linkerooos

>> No.6848203

Yeah I'll be up for that. Discord name?

>> No.6848253


I dont know about this specifically but LLC's are great for doing all kinds of tax minimizing things. Check out Montana LLC...

>> No.6848302

most relatable poster in the thread

>> No.6848333


Doing PPC to farticles/flogs? Or doing ebook launches? Can't think of any other ways to generate that much w/ affiliate shit consistently, so assuming it's one of the two.

>> No.6848335

I posted it earlier ITT, but it's Shriek#2756

>> No.6848340

I'm down to chat boys

>> No.6848361


>> No.6848408

yeah, run 2 insignificant podcasts, still get dough. no I will not name them for obvious reasons. just bought a mic and compressor and started writing ideas/scripts. #1 lesson is to scratch your own itch, fill a niche that you want filled and you will enjoy it

>> No.6848492

I made a Discord server if anyone wants talk about business /GpGNdDS

>> No.6848551

Yeah I got out of affiliate sales because it's fucking annoying to me and I felt shitty about it. I make more money now anyway selling legitimate products online so it worked out.

>> No.6848577

Post links plz

>> No.6848597

Not sure what marketing you did before, but here's some basic stuff to understand what it is

Outdated but good intro guide to my industry in general: http://www.nickycakes.com/newbie-guide/

Decent blog with some good posts: http://iamattila.com/

The absolute best thing you could do is get a 1 month membership at stackthatmoney.com, they've got complete guides from entry level and tons of good resources to get a grasp of the whole industry. Sell 1 shitcoin and look into it. If you've got a bunch of crypto this is a great transition in to a real business as you'll need a good starting sum to learn the ropes.

Basicly what i do for a living is a buy fake facebook accounts from farmers and i use fake creditcards and other methods to buy adspace there, where i sell peoples diet pills/anti wrinkle creams/online casino memberships for a comission. I promote them by using clickbaity ads and have some fake news article promoting the product and i make shit tons of money doing this.

>> No.6848649

Nice good for you man. You doing e-com eh? In what niche, just shopify + aliexpress dropshipping? Did it take long to become profitable?

>> No.6848891


about 2 years digital mktg at a tech startup and currently running local field marketing for a company you've definitely heard of for about 1-2 years now.

this is sick anon, thanks for the links. get me out of here.

>> No.6849072


Ah cool. No worries, good luck with it! Add my Skype/TG if you want and i'll help you more

>> No.6849097
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You do know that buying an entry level luxury car just makes you look insecure, right? get an S-Class or go home

>> No.6849233 [DELETED] 

Anon here looking for stage 2. Was a SAHD .... wife pulls $180k now.
I think my best bet is go 1099 .... I did $35k on ride share part time and shield that money from taxes by doing solo 401k.

May get real estate license and do some side driving again..... trying to figure out something better. I have time and $$ . Used to be Financal Analyst but not trying to go back to desk job just yet.

>> No.6849245


Wow blast from the past, wicked fire fag?

What're you cloaking with?

>> No.6849256

why is everyone in marketing?

the fuck happened?

>> No.6849273


what's your skype chief? im slammed with wagecuck shit this week so i probably can't start reading up til this weekend.

>> No.6849313
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>Giant man hands
>Male digit ratio
>Male jaw, cheekbones, forehead and shoulders
>Huge man shoulders

That's a tranny.

>> No.6849340

> nickycakes

Jesus christ is it 2009

>> No.6849373


when i got to college i was sick of math (even though it's my strongest suit) and wanted to develop the soft skills/critical thinking required to start my own business. so i picked marketing. my dad was a 10/10 entrepreneur and also was a marketing major, so i thought i was just following in his footsteps.

god damnit, even though i qualified to join the quantitative finance program, i picked fucking marketing.

here i am making like maybe $40k when i could already be making $100k and banging hoors if i went the quant finance route.

>> No.6849384



>> No.6849441

yeah i couldnt believe it either

>> No.6849511

Haha yeah used to lurk wickedfire a lot, never posted much. Cloaking with TrafficArmor atm, tho there are better alternatives i'm just too lazy to switch.

e-mail me yours and i'll add you 9qq52w+c6pdf3h3cv61c@sharklasers.com

affiliate marketing is dead

>> No.6849557

Sums up /biz/ perfectly, full of shitcoin crypto shills.

>> No.6849581

its a good guide tho for someone who's never even heard of aff marketing

>> No.6849615


I'll probably hit you up too.

>> No.6849625

What do you do?
>Regulatory consulting
Do make decent money?
>5k€ per month. It's decent in France.
Is it worth it?
>Yes, I only work 100 hours per month.
How did you get started?
>I was working in a big4 company and got hired by a client.
Biggest lesson you learned?
>I own other business. You can have the best product, you can be the smartest, you can do everything right, if at the end of the day you are not good at getting clients, you won't do shit. Of course this seems obvious for someone that never actually started a business / start up ;-)

>> No.6849636

most affiliate fags have moved on to crypto trading at this point
also its a scammy industry full of bottom-feeders would not recommend.

>> No.6849699

How long does it take for books to sell? I've listed some books on Amazon and they take forever to sell, I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong

>> No.6849731

do it

very true on both counts but still loads of money to be made if you're good at it and dont mind selling your soul a bit.

>> No.6849736
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Fraudster on a hiatus and placed a good portion of my earning into crypto, i used to cash out US bank logs to Europe using money exchange platforms, made 60k in 8 months, now trying to multiple it on shitcoins, planning on maybe getting back to fraudin whenever US banks decide to step out the stone age and do same day transfers like the rest of the world.

>> No.6849775

How do you go about self-publishing and selling?

>> No.6849778

been trading forex for about 5 years. Last year i made around 400k.

>> No.6849804

where do you get repair kits and how do do you learn to that? all i found was stuff on amazon and ebay and nothing tech re

>> No.6849879

>In a saner society I would be a priest or intellectual and plebs would pay my living costs.

>> No.6849907

Hey, I'm going to be in the same boat as you. What department? Also, are you in LA?

>> No.6849928
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>What do you do?
I am a waiter in central europe.
>Do make decent money?
I mean, not really. 1k$ per month.
>Is it worth it?
Hell fucking no, but I am dumb as fuck and have no idea what should I do with my life.

Guess I will never make good money as I have literally no ideas whatsoever

>> No.6849943


Doing margin trading? Or how do you do it?


Ok I will.


CreateSpace, also check out the sub-reddits for self publishing shit.

>> No.6849951

Amazon fba + private label

>> No.6849999


Pretty big barrier to entry when you consider the cost plus the fact that it might flop and you lose all the cash you put up for it.

>> No.6850004
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bunch of guys on xaviers are self employed.
4chans official stock/crypto room.

>> No.6850007

do you use your forex techniques in regard to crypto?, my dad is a forex trader for about 9-10 years now, he got rek'd trying to trade btc using his normally successful methods.

>> No.6850011

I wanna be anon.

>> No.6850045

wanna be you**

>> No.6850121

oanda.com and govianex.com and sometimes xe.com, figure the rest out for yourself.

>> No.6850239

You would also have a stepped-up basis on the date of the gift, and if you sold within a year it would be a short-term gain from that stepped-up basis. You don't get to claim deductions for every single thing either.....and if the business has no income, there is nothing to deduct against. Depending on how you account, you could depreciate the cost of the vehicle or land over time.

>> No.6850258


What apps do you have? What kind of things do they do? How many apps? Thanks pls answer I'm close to suicide.

>> No.6850293


About 50 different apps. All utility and productivity, no games. All iOS. I don't code, I outsource to developers. Lmk if you want more info.

>> No.6850310

Not that anon, but could you go into more details?

>> No.6850319

Yes I do, can you link an example? How much do you pull yearly on apps?

>> No.6850397


Nah senpai no examples, that'd be retarded. A bad year maybe 50k-60k, it's entirely passive though so can't really complain and i haven't really updated/made new apps in a few years. I could make a lot more if I actually did some more work, which I'm starting to crack down on more recently.


Like what?

>> No.6850420


alright mane, email sent. appreciate ya.

>> No.6850490

Are there any good platforms to search for a pajeet to code for me? Any pitfalls to avoid?

>> No.6850535

where do u outsource app creation ?fiver?
What tools u use to analyze lcal market needs?

>> No.6850628


fuck, wish you the best mate.

how many downloads per app on avg do you know?

>> No.6850969

How do the freelance cleaners keep coming back to you? Wouldn't they make more doing it themselves.

Your business sounds genius btw

>> No.6851044


underrated comment

>> No.6851594
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>> No.6851631

Make a server and I'd join. I'm a NEET but I'm willing to learn and try


>> No.6851883


>> No.6851967

What do you do?
I own 10 rental homes/properties in Florida.

Do make decent money?
$7,500~ month depending on severity of repairs needed on properties. \

Is it worth it?

How did you get started?
Inherited one rental property from a family member and learned how to manage it from there.

Biggest lesson you learned?
Don't be cheap with contractors. Find someone who is decently priced and they will do it right the first time.

>> No.6852338


Diff ID, I'm home now (was at cafe).

Upwork, don't listen to any excuses they give you. If they give you an excuse, fire them and get a new one. All excuses are lies when it comes to 90% of freelance devs. Any inconsistencies, same thing.




30k a month, I've got about 6 million downloads total to date.

>> No.6852545

that's not very nice

>> No.6852547

>10 rental homes/properties in Florida

What kind of properties exactly? Multi-family, single?

>> No.6852621

Is anyone actually self employed here? Yes

What do you do? Arist

Do make decent money? It varies, some years I make bank others I barely get by. Coins have really helps.

Is it worth it? Yes. I'm doing what I love and I'm my own boss.

How did you get started? Been doing it all my life.

Biggest lesson you learned? Can't take days off, don't be lazy.

>> No.6852828

metal fab and precision machine, mass produce a couple products, little job shop or custom shit

I do now, the first couple years were rough. In this kind of work you have to put huge capital into machinery and work space. Really difficult if you're young and don't have deep credit or pockets. I had to take on a partner in 2009 to keep things afloat but I bought him out over a year ago.

Its worth it for sure if you are building equity in the company while you grow. If you just have a high paying job with your own company and you could have the same high paying job working for someone else arguably no.

Quit my job and sold everything I owned including my home which I made 60k profit on during the housing bubble.

Grow slow, don't bite off more than you can chew. Stay specialized and focused on what your primary good or service is.

>> No.6852883

>What do you do?
Asset management.

>Do make decent money?
Enough to live off it and reinvest rest back into business.

>Is it worth it?

>How did you get started?
When I turned 18, I received several real estate properties and started trading futures and investing in capital markets with my own capital.

>Biggest lesson you learned?
Don't support financially your own parents if they are financially irresponsible.

>> No.6853027

I see. So you buy established sites that have the seo to do well?

>> No.6853137


Missed this, where can I learn more? I have some sites to sell.

>> No.6853156
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if you're in the UK, you should be able to find a local supplier. if you can't find one in the UK then you should become one because it's a booming business and most suppliers earn 100% markup on their parts. you can always buy online but returning is a hassle and I'd rather pay with cash for obvious reasons.

teach yourself via youtube, just follow along for the first 1 or 2 then you'll be able to do it on your own. it's really not that hard especially iphones, I could change an iphone 6 screen in 12 minutes, my best time :D. £35 profit.

>> No.6853374

Inherited Dads business


Bring in a decent amount

Spend almost a similar amount on taxes and incompetent staff.

Lots of hard work and headache for little return, thought it would be better than this.

Trying to get my head round it to improve things but that involves sacking people and im a faggot to do it.

>> No.6853388
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Good quote anon I snipped it

>> No.6853725


>> No.6853849
File: 88 KB, 736x736, U5du24CTDKYetbnnFCsc6WnxBeqXgHT_1680x8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much rich are getting richer
>muh one percent
>muh capitalism sucks
>muh inequality

Even though we are at the lowest global poverty rate in history, people live longer, can afford more things, products are cheaper, and global wages rise, OXFAM has to spread unbased socialist fud.

Despite their reports being constantly disproved as over-exaggerations ( most recently that 5 people own as much as half of the world´s population), they continue to bitch about how the rich are getting richer and there are still poor people, MOST OF WHOM ARE IN SOCIALIST COUNTRIES.


>> No.6853896

plot twist: nobody is a fidget spinner drop shipper

>> No.6854077

Translating official, sometimes judicial, and scanned documents.
A little but I couldn't be more blessed since I could buy food and pay decent internet with it and still save enough to buy crypto and stocks.
I had connections during my uni days. Good people.
Many people take advantage of an already cheap services thanks to machine translations. Experienced it twice when clients would claim I used Google Translate for the work and would run away. Well, translators are going to be replaced soon by machine translation anyway like how messenger job got eliminated with the invention of telephones so might as well take the small job before it dies.

>> No.6854220

what kind of writing do you do? do you do content mills or have steady work from some clients?

>> No.6854283

Uber/Lyft mostly XL Plus tier...

Drive main busy times in major city with some of the highest rates.
Car was already older and paid off...depreciation minimal.
Drove 20k miles for approx $33k in revenue.

Not bad.
Downside, with a high earning wife each additional $ of profit taxed at 25% and add SE taxes....


So answer, shield most profit into Solo 401k account....this was my second year , sadly the first year I just paid tax on the money not knowing.

>> No.6854487

thank you, anon. :)

>> No.6854523

Microtask worker on mTurk and another place. Average about 250/day which is way more than I need to meet my current goals.
I think It's worth it based on the sole fact that I choose when, where, how, and how hard I work.
I quit my job at a factory because I couldn't stand being surrounded by people all the time, or reporting to a superior that I didn't respect. I've pretty much had that issue with authority my entire life.
Biggest lesson I've learned is that no matter how hard Bezos fucks you on mTurk there's always opportunity elsewhere. Learn to cast a wide net, and learn jscript and research deeply into AHK to turn what LOOKS like a shitpile into something producing $25/hr. Your endgoal should basically no longer be a rank and file shit worker scrambling to make daily goals but to be the guy that advises google on how to set up a microworker task so that it's done accurately and efficiently.

>> No.6854684


How the fuck are you doing 250/day with Mturk? Are you serious? What's the secret? That's amazing.

>> No.6854691

Self-employed biogas producer lmao
Next to crypto I'm a med student and work as a freelancer drawing blood from people who want to do blood testing and companies wanting their people vaccinated against the flu, which is a normal thing here in the Netherlands. I can offer pretty low costs because I do everything by motorcycle. A car is expensive as FUG in the Netherlands so people choosing to use a car for this type of work have to charge quite a penny. I have contracts with 9 companies whom can request I go somewhere and draw blood / vaccinate people. Of course some times of the year I'll get more requests than other times. I also do speed deliveries because in Europe filtering on a motorcycle is allowed, encouraged and people are very polite in traffic.

In peak periods I make roughly 7k a month
In calm periods it varies greatly, some weeks I might get ~250 euros. Of course in the calmer periods I might get the opportunity to for example (like october) vaccinate a 300 man company against the flu, which pays off.

Started out via a proffessor who recommended drawing blood as a job in the hospital my medical faculty is attached to. I got pretty gud at it.

>biggest lesson
Don't ever fucking offer discounts, respect yourself and know what you're worth.

>> No.6854982

Scripts and qualifications and programs like Ditto along with a fat stack of approvals so I can absorb rejections based on my heavy automation of a lot of tasks. You'll note that I said another place, mTurk maybe makes up about $80 of that, sometimes as little as $50, on good days when a lot of Google requesters post along with large swathes of Amazon and OCMP show up it can end up being most of it.
Things on mTurk used to be a lot better, and I didn't have to automate so heavily and actually produce "quality" work for requesters, but then Bezos got greedy and let Pajeets in, and now I don't fuckin' care so much if I call a cat a dog or an asian a cup or copy/paste the wrong numbers someplace or leave the audio muted on a video I'm supposed to be flagging for violence.

>> No.6855068


Is "another place" similar to Mturk? Or is it a freelance site or something?

>> No.6855229

Very similar to mTurk. One of mTurks largest and most "fair" requesters basically didn't want pajeets fucking up his shit, but also didn't want to pay the massive increase in requester "fees" (what mTurk skims off the top) in order to relegate his tasks behind the masters qualification, or set up an annoying private qualification (which still costs more) and decided to just fucking make his own website where the only middleman is paypal.

>> No.6855373

>Is anyone actually self employed here?
>What do you do?
IT contracting.
>Do make decent money?
~100k before tax (AUD) and after fuckups.
>Is it worth it?
Wife doesn't need to work, can look after our kid, have a house, can take a break and spend time with the senpai, can take holidays whenever, can work remote 70% of the time.
Pregnant barefoot wife turning to smile at you from the kitchen because you're able to make a decent life with her and you're able to play with your kid 1 minute after you finish for the day.
Have ADHD so can work on my own terms - I can't always sit down and make work happen on the spot.
If you get sick, you don't make money. If I fuckup, I lose money. If something goes very wrong, I'm fucked. If I'm bad at my work, my family doesn't eat.
The stress can get to you, it's completely thankless and often boring. No one cares if you did a good job.
>How did you get started?
Told a friend I could put 56k modems into his dads business computers. Proceeded to make myself indispensable to everyone I come in contact with. Know my target industry very well and stay current, be proactive with my clients and offer things that will add value to their organisation. I never give sales pitches, only no brainers.
>Biggest lesson you learned?
Kill whoever you want, but taxes will fuck you.
You shouldn't do everything yourself, even if you can. Delegate, get an accountant, a book keeper, a lawyer, an assistant (if needed).
No one is impressed by how hard you work, unless they're a millionaire/they own the company.
Be genuine and build authority through knowing your subject backwards. Practise explaining complex things in ways other people will understand - this is not the same as dumbing it down.
Adapt your knowledge to their context.
Let them make the decisions - provide them with the best options.

>> No.6855447


Gotcha I might have to give that a shot, seems like it might be worth it when I get some free time.

>> No.6855482


What do you do in a modern context? You're not installing 56k modems right?

>> No.6855737

I'm saying this right now as an unfortunately moral individual: you first 4 weeks on mturk you will make no money, you will be on a shitty probationary period where you can only do so many tasks. After that, you will be a 3rd class citizen until you reach 10,000 approved tasks.
Avoid scam requesters. Get a turkopticon account, log into it, then get something like HitFinder or HitScraper. Any fucker with a red name is probably a scam, avoid doing work for ScoutIt, any of the SLS branches, or Shopping Receipts US. All they'll do is burn you. Never work for a requester that isn't an academic requester that has a fucking pajeet name, they all mass reject and as a newbie your worst enemy is getting rejections, they will ruin your chance at earnings.
Your first 6 months should be entirely focused on completing as wide an array of tasks as possible with no rejections whatsoever, which means doing them perfectly and ruining your hourly. This way you find out what you're good at, what you're not good at, and have a solid approved base to start taking on risk.