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6815447 No.6815447 [Reply] [Original]

>no more amerimutt weakhands
>no more stupid EU tax and regulation attempts
>no more pajeets

This would solve all crypto related problems. Prove me wrong, you can't

>> No.6815943

Top left Africa, top right Africa (including middle east), and bottom Africa. If we fucking make Muslims and Africans breeding grounds a nuclear wasteland we'll solve a ton of world problems.

>> No.6816131

India, Middle east, Central Africa

>> No.6816161

Gday cunt.

>> No.6816182

India, middle east, and India

>> No.6816210

All you'd have is chink projects with 0 standards and a bunch of subhumans who think crypto is bitconnect. I hope Japan and Korea have a lot of capable coders otherwise you'd be fucked.

>> No.6816232

Middle East

>> No.6816264

thanks, just went all in ICX

>> No.6816281

filthy chink spotted

>> No.6816316

India, and then India and then India one more time to make sure they're gone.

>> No.6816469
File: 12 KB, 226x221, 102645654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washington DC, New york, North Pole.

America blames N.K, China and Russia, moves troops to invade, destabilising Asia, slides us into WWIII.

The North Pole finishes the job by accelerating the melting of the polar ice caps and global warming.

>> No.6816506

great britain