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6810864 No.6810864 [Reply] [Original]

In which I was at the bitcoin super conference. When Sergey made his presentation the whole floor was speechless. Not many understood the ramifications of ChainLink but those who did were blown away by the revolution that is coming.

After the conference, I had the chance to meet with Sergey and asked him about everything: the partnerships, price predictions, why did he have all those big macs, you name it... He didn't reply to any of my questions. Instead he invited me to his place and gave me all the details in his modest home. A revolution is coming my friends.

This was a dream but my subconscious fabricated a Sergey that knew more about ChainLink and smartcontracts than myself. This was the most lucid dream I ever had in my life. I remember thinking "god dammit! This is a dream but it feels so real. This guy will make me a fucking multimillionaire!"

So there. I've been consumed with chainlink to the deepest parts of my mind. Today I woke up happy as fuck because of this. Meme magic is real.

>> No.6811411
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6.5 sounds like a reasonable target for the conference. $100 minimum eoy.

>> No.6811452

wtf i literally dreamt of $6.50 LINK last night...

>> No.6811507

Nice larp pajeets newfags know overshilled memecoin is shitty no point shilling

>> No.6811560

The LINK project on github is a copy paste of a popular golang hello world app in a udemy tutorial series. Rori forgot to delete the comments of the original author before pushing to master. All they did was fill in a few lines before calling the constructor of their json parser

>> No.6811607

Don't do this again. Not after what happened at sibos.

>> No.6811621

>It's happening, isn't it?

Always love a good pasta. Yours is weak.

>> No.6811842

Is sergay speaking in the basement again?

>> No.6811877

Poor guy. Link makes him so nervous he isn't able to form coherent sentences anymore.

>> No.6811891
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it is happening.... I bought at 15 cents after witnessing the post SIBOS FUD and waiting for the right time to pull the trigger... so glad I did.... I honestly believe LINK will make us rich...

the memes are real, the dreams are real, we're gonna make it LINKies

>> No.6811926
File: 529 KB, 1280x822, 1516492309244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not selling till 10k link.

>> No.6811944

>sergey abandoned twitter
>sergey abandoned github
--you are here--
>sergey abandons super conference

>> No.6811973

No basement this time.

I also went all in in december around 1k sats. Best decision of my life. I woke up one day and just knew I had to put every available cash into LINK. I did it the following day. See you there Anon!

>> No.6812040

me either anonno

>> No.6812096

We can get it up to 10k, we can do it with meme magic.

We can do it because we can, and we WILL.

>> No.6812258
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Where do you even buy linkies?

>> No.6812278

I'm actually going to be there. I'm a political analyst for a financial firm that I convinced to allocate 5% of their portfolio to BTC and GBTC over the summer. They are paying for the trip, and if there is news I will let 4chan know asap

>> No.6812290


>> No.6812325

I'll pay you 1000 link if you get me sergeys autograph

>> No.6812387

I'm not known in the crypto space yet, but I might be some day. I doubt I'll be able to meet the speakers, but who knows

>> No.6812472

If you can give any type on info on when you're in the conference, that would be great. Hope you have a great time there.

>> No.6812520

Just started trading on Huobi which I hear has lower withdraw fees than binance. I bought on Binance

>> No.6812545

anon the derivatives market. we're gonna fucking make it without breaking a sweat

>> No.6812579

thanks, i will post a thread on feb 16, 17, and 18th late evening (Dallas time)

>> No.6812580
File: 209 KB, 500x357, 1516492232966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to REALLY believe we can have 10k link for it to happen, ignore fud and lets do this shit.

>> No.6812620

anon i see the money flowing through our nodes already. I don't believe i know

>> No.6812685
File: 685 KB, 1200x545, link painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god,

It solved the oracle problem.

We are gonna be rich within the year.

>> No.6812713
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blessed be thy link

>> No.6812733
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LINK is the token of the gods, and Sergey is their prophet.

>> No.6812782

The revolution is simultaneously occurring within your consciousness and in the external world. We’re manifesting LINK into reality.

>> No.6812789



>> No.6812816

Rory said Sergey may have time to do autographs after his preseation. Don't have screencap on my phone. If you get it just make a thread

>> No.6812830


Somebody smart confirm this?

>> No.6812895
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1489823205411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billionaire Boys soon.

Get ready to make all thots in sight wet.


>> No.6812903


Old news. Its the Ruby testnet that's been out for ages.

Patience. There's no need for fake news. Within a few months time LINK's future will be clear to everyone.

>> No.6813634



>> No.6814335

Sergey is thou chosen one thou shall lead us to thee land of the lambos.