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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6811397 No.6811397 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, I was busted and bitch has been running her mouth. The fuck do I do? Buy her a purse or some shit?

>> No.6811420

Haahahahhahahah you fucking whipped bitch

>> No.6811439

>my money is yours baby

>> No.6811450

>my money is yours
cuck cuck

>> No.6811454

lmao you are such a cuck
nice fake post btw

>> No.6811458
File: 48 KB, 172x186, Screen_Shot_20180108_at_22.38.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her. She has no claim on your money.

>> No.6811463

>telling anyone about crypto

>> No.6811470

>she is supporting you

Explain yourself

>> No.6811475

>my money is yours
the absolute state of biz

>> No.6811480

What's the point of these fake posts?

>> No.6811483

dude... your mum needs to chill out...

>> No.6811485

how does this bitch know what blockfolio is if she doesnt have some crypto stashed herself

>> No.6811488


>> No.6811489

beta faggot

>> No.6811492

op is cucked

>> No.6811493
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>pls be troll
This can't actually be someone's reality can it?

>> No.6811495

here goes the divorce and eventual 50% loses

>> No.6811496


>> No.6811509

why doesnt she feel safe and secure? Can someone please explain this to me?
>The money is yours baby. Chill.
You better text SIKE right now and show pics

>> No.6811519

It's obv a fake screenshot

>> No.6811534
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>That reply

>> No.6811545

Why was your phone insecure?

>> No.6811551

Stop being such a weak faggot. Weak faggot.

>> No.6811591

How much does your asshole hurt from her fucking you

>> No.6811686

I know, but you ever see a troll and just wonder? SOMEONE SOMEWHERE is actually as retarded as OP is pretending to be. Breaks my heart m8

>> No.6811695

Are you fucking kidding me. Tell that money grubbing gutter slut to kill herself and have some respect for boundaries. You don’t understand the power you have over her right now. You can say or do anything and you can get away with it because of how much she wants your money. Put her in her fucking place you pathetic faggot and do not marry such low life scum.

>> No.6811804

why everyone on this board talks about marrying someone, worse invest ever, will not make it

>> No.6811828

>tfw my gf only has a part time job and basically no savings
>i work 37,5 hrs and get some crypto gains and have savings
>she still wants us to spend equal amount of money on each other and insists on buying things for me
get a normal gf

>> No.6811851


>checked blockfolio
>no password on it

The fuck is wrong with you, a simple precaution to keep random people from looking at your shit and you fuck it up.

>> No.6811861

Just kill her

>> No.6811895

so unlike all these virgin fags in this thread, what im getting out of this is you are a real piece of shit op.

lemme guess, you guys live together and you have her pay for everything so you can squirrel money away in crypto. if thats the case, i hope she leaves your ass and your portfolio crashes to zero.

>> No.6811903

why do you keep making these fake threads

>> No.6811905

What's it like being mexican?

>> No.6812005

Don't be a bitch OP

>> No.6812105


>> No.6812254

There are people like this. I know two who have killed themselves after the stay at home wife they supported for 20+ years filed for divorce, one of them a day after he paid off the house.
Lazy bitch got the house, kids and most of his money. Dude's name was Steve, started his own business building custom aquariums and was pretty successful, real good dude.
The sickening thing is she was laughing about it afterwards since it just made it easier for her to take his shit.

>> No.6812259
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fuck me she doesnt get it

>> No.6812308

Anon she wouldn't have invested, she would have thought it was stupid and to risky because all women are Jews and can't part with their dollar

>> No.6812329

you gotta leave this bitch NOW

>> No.6812371

all this effort to LARP and you can't even use a proper Free Message Emulator(TM)

>> No.6812378

Tell her that her last text is the precise reason why you didn't tell her.

>> No.6812398
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Get her a 30c token
Pretend it worth the current btc price
Tell her to keep it preciously and keep the secret

You're welcome.

>> No.6812407


>> No.6812436

>OP has $1 million
>can't afford to fix his fucking car

>> No.6812445

Tell her all in on VEN

>> No.6812469

He's crypto nigger rich.

>> No.6812473

Top cuck

>> No.6812479

Leave her and don't ever get a gf again.

Fucking nig nog

>> No.6812480

>larp nigger
>but real people probably have these fights over less than a btc

>> No.6812504


>> No.6812508

To be fair I blame the antidepressants fucking up her brain. Everyone I've known who has taken them becomes an emotionally distant zombie.

>> No.6812510

>my money is yours baby. Chill

May as well hand over your blockfolio and kill yourself you spineless piece of shit.

>> No.6812561

I assume all these are larps because who the fuck talks about money like this?

My wife is grateful that I earn 2x what she does.

>> No.6812593

Moral of the story: Never get married, get a vasectomy, never let a bitch live with you.

>> No.6812603

Ignore all the virgins in here. Although you're not much better if SHE is supporting YOU.

The least you can do (if this is an actual relationship you're in) is take care of some stuff around the house that needs taking care of. Being an ACTUAL cuck and letting your woman support you is worse than being a fulltime wagecuck.

>> No.6812622

>fix the window
My fucking sides

>> No.6812679

You need to up your income and hers and not spend money on useless shit for one another. Better idea is to get a hobby where you 2 make something of value and gift one another with that while simultaneously turning that into side income.

>> No.6812732

I don't understand these cuckboys. I am not tall, am not rich, I AM bald... but somehow I always get the hot chicks, they dish out money, they cheat on their boyfriends/husbands with me, and they call me for sex. The competition has become so easy that I'm starting to get very concerned with the state of my fellow men.

>> No.6812838

Haha, that's so cool. And very relevant for this thread.

>> No.6812864

>my money is yours
if not kys

>> No.6812982

No women are typically more risk averse and go for sure things. This actually on average makes them better investors as they go with the flow while men experience is more varied. Typically bigger winners and bigger losers for us Y'ers.
OP hold frame and do not let her take any money out. Just get a second job if your working less than 50hours a weekl both of you need to up your income. Remember a womens job is to test her man. You need to pass this test and what her friends say does not matter. Notice how she uses her friends as a ad populum logical fallacy.

>> No.6813056

Do you have a girlfriend? I'll fuck her for you, if she buys me lunch

>> No.6813197

>gloat a little bit about VEN gains to the gf today at lunch
>shes nothing but excited, wants to learn more
>i autistically struggle to explain wtf VEN does
>"wow that's really cool anon, you're so smart"
>-t-thanks babe
>we still split the check down the middle at lunch

im gunna make it guys

>> No.6813263

Wow, you're wild man. So nice to have you in this thread. Post some more about yourself.

>> No.6813325

I've lived in odd situations - This scenario is 100% real - and there's shit I've been through that will make you go buy an indoor gardening system and water filtration system so you don't ever have to step outside in society.

>> No.6813357

If she isn't your wife, dump her ASAP.

If she is, than show her blockfolio can be added and subbed with any amount and that your making speculated buys and seeing how much you could possibly make.

Worst case, put everything you have in monero on a wallet and tell her to fuck off

>> No.6813387

because it got bullied in high school

>> No.6813399

wipe your comp and backup anything important, get the fuck out ASAP. you can find another bitch but crypto gains are once in a lifetime.

>> No.6813411
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>> No.6813449

RIP Steve, hope he is making some sick gains in the afterlife.

>> No.6813465



>> No.6813477

if dubs you must reply "thanks just bought 100k" and dump her

>> No.6813482

Westerner :
>fuck being rich in 1 year I want this window fixed now and i told all my friends what you did
Any 3rdworld country :
>I trust you and stand by you my husband Let us prosper so that we can move to a western country - purchase a commerce and real estate and kick these emotionally weak and pathetic cucks to the streets.

>> No.6813546

>"YOU need to fix MY car"

Nope, leave her now you idiot.

>> No.6813601

>you have money that's not mine?! CHEATER!

>> No.6813664

Ayyyyy lmao

Get to it OP! You aren’t a faggot are you???

>> No.6813746

>being with a girl who looks through your phone
you're not going to make it OP

>> No.6813788

story time? i know youre just larping, but i have some time to kill

>> No.6813830

OP you know what you have to do

>> No.6814029

These days its surprising to not have any fucked up stories

>> No.6814051
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>I don't feel safe or secure
also dump her.
2d can't make babies
fapping is degenerate
turns you into a cunt.

>> No.6814097


>> No.6814119
File: 33 KB, 530x492, CF-k9JAUEAAhvqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got scammed out of 700$ of my ETH gains last summer. Ex lied about being pregnant then ghosted me after I sent her money.

I invested my savings into AntShares shortly after. Guess who's laughing now.

>> No.6814146
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Fake but still funny

>> No.6814237

She's supporting you financially and you kept this from her? Are you retarded?

>> No.6814528

God you are pathetic if this isn't bait. My good damn wife is even in my trading group and knows how much I got and what I plan to blow it on. Grow a pair anon.

>> No.6814568
File: 110 KB, 800x595, the-jester1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know OP i got a funny story which you would appreciate, even though yours is fake and whatever if by chance it is true. you are basically damned if you do and damned if you dont.

>late 2016 feels bad missed bitcoin millions even though i used silkroad for drugs
>decide to start investing in bitcoins putting away small amounts of my chipotle paychecks
>tell good friend coworker A about it decides to do the same.
>bitcoin climbs to almost 1400 and immediately tanks, friend is freaking out sell out coins and i do the same
>agreed investing in bitcoins was a bad idea leave it alone and he blames me for losing money.
>heart sinks when i see bitcoin recover and shoot up, could have been me. decide to continue investing keep to myself already lost a friend over money
>currently have a good chunk of gains halfway to a million, girlfriend comes by for free burrito and does small talk with coworkers.
>everyone now knows i have a good chunk of money, everyone now hates me for not telling them what to do or how to invest
>sob stories left and right, people trying to visit me after work and hang out or whatever
>work sluts extra aggressively flirty with me, manager now changes my schedule because apparently im stealing his work slut even though i have a girlfriend.

i quit chipotle because the work environment became really toxic.
i even denied having money because let's be real crypto gains arent real till you cash out but my girlfriend is retarded and showed them my screenshots that ive been saving.

im problaly going to dump this girl too, she is a serious liability ive told her to shut up about my personal shit.

my free burritos :(

>> No.6815048

So glad this is what I have.
She just sits down and listens to me autisticly go on for hours, sometimes she ends up with my dick in her mouth, but that’s not my fault. She gets mad when I’m watching charts or going balls deep into and ICO and uses it to steal my attention back.

>> No.6815493
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