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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 1000x600, ven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6803889 No.6803889 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actually the next major 100x? We're not actually that lucky right? I find it hard to believe that a bunch of fucking autistic nerds from 4chan are going to become millionaires...

>> No.6803929

Will be dumped tomorrow, sell now, inside info, thank me later

>> No.6803931

The next major parabolic coin like eth
It has everything going for it
Jim Breyer and sunny will make sure it succeeds

>> No.6803934

like it or not this train already left the station

>> No.6803948

All the true /biz/raelis are already millionaires from ethereum
The ven millionaires are all newfags unfortunately. And redditors

>> No.6803975

>tfw comfy as hell with 2x already

>> No.6803979
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>> No.6803982

what do you think eth was like mate?
people will sell too early etc

>> No.6804032

Like it or not, the autistic NEET is the new ruling class.

>> No.6804072

Hey I love it.

>> No.6804073
File: 290 KB, 1052x1664, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want in but the current price seems like a bad time to buy in

>> No.6804143

That one guy per square km in Mexico..

Ha and my capcha is mexico!

>> No.6804217

you're right.
buy in tomorrow at 9.05

>> No.6804221

Titanium fucking hands holding since Oct. 17, 2017 at $0.22/VEN. Picked up Dragonchain during the ICO and Payfair at $0.02. I'm on a fucking streak.

>> No.6804259

ICX>VEN why would you trust the Chinese?

>> No.6804313

We trust Jim Breyer

>> No.6804359


What's your next pick anon?

>> No.6804362

You are too late

>> No.6804401

Are you in the US?
Ive been searching for a way to get past some of the KYC stuff but havent been able to find any concrete information regarding ICOs.. got anything for me?

>> No.6804404


what was this board like when ETH was this price?

>> No.6804440

Beetoken is the next on my radar.

>> No.6804449

Got another pick anon?

>> No.6804462

i think unironically, if you get in before 10 dollars, then you might be able to 100x your returns on vechain. at least in a reasonable time frame.

getting to 800 dollars is crazy but not unreasonable.
Remember jim breyer invested in ETH when it was 6 dollars and look where it is one year from then.

>> No.6804465

yeah, its happening and you still don't realize how big this one is

>> No.6804472

I use Private Internet Access combined with Photoshop and some basic Google searching. Get creative!

>> No.6804490

there is a 500 BTC sell wall

probably one of jim breyer's admirers

>> No.6804537


He listed it on his website when it was $6. He likely bought it much, much, much earlier @ ICO prices.

>> No.6804650

Thank you,
You just gave me the little boost of courage i needed to pull the trigger

>> No.6804652

what does it need a token for, though?

>> No.6804672

That might be true, but we know for certain that Jim did not buy until at least mid/late December. He wrote an article dated around that time frame that listed that he had no holdings/investments in Vechain.

>> No.6804693

i don't know about that.. he might have bought earlier, but if he had, it means his posted article was lying when it said he was not invested. maybe the gave him a special price off exchange, that's possible

>> No.6804727

I bought at $7 am I a retard

>> No.6804778
File: 17 KB, 394x450, 1515558402643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trade it for dbc before it's too late

>> No.6804795

you are rich

>> No.6804799


so did I

>> No.6804800

>bought coint at $X
>coin is now $X + 1

Sell for a profit while you still can!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.6804949

Is buying ~30-40 even worth it? Judging by this confidence it will crash soon right? Please tell me it will dip soon...

>> No.6804989

would you buy 30-40 eth if you could go back and buy them at 15 bucks

>> No.6805078

literally every one is in, every singredditor

>> No.6805155

This. VEN has been pumped to the point where Redditeurs are religious about it. Use that as a litmus test to determine whether it's grossly overvalued or not.

>> No.6805175

Well 3/4 for picks is still pretty good

>> No.6805187

I bought around $4-5 during the first dip, then at $6, then at $7. The last two were ATHs but it worked out in the end.

>> No.6805215

I am curious, as someone who wasn't on /biz/ when ETH was in its infancy. Did ETH see as much FUD as ICX and VEN have seen when it was $5?

>> No.6805226

I have 1,300 of these. Please be the next ETH. Please let President Xi personally come on television and announce VEN as the official blockchain of China.

>> No.6805242

there are literally only 34k token holders probably less because people are spread across multiple wallets. you know how chinks americucks and eurofags there are

>> No.6805274

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.6805275

4chan is so late on this coin though. I decided to check out /r/cryptocurrency one day and check out the top posts of the day or week at the time (I forgot). A VEN shill was one of the top posts so I decided to go all in. It mooned a bit after and then I started seeing threads on 4chan about it. I have seen some posts of people buying even earlier than me though, so not everybody on this board is slow. They were just busy accumulating.
>yfw this coin was 20c a month ago

>> No.6805282

It scares me how frenzied people on 4chan and Reddit are about this coin with no whitepaper, based in a country so well-known for scams and corruption that most of its millionaires are stashing their money in Vancouver mansions.

Y'all need to settle down. Be careful with your money. Diversify!!

>> No.6805336

half the comments are always fud and complaints about VEN being on the first page

>> No.6805344

>im scarred
fuck off bitch go buy bonds

>> No.6805356

you still have no idea what Vechain is, do you

you will rue this day.. sad but you deserve it for being lazy with your research

>> No.6805368

Buy under 10usd while you still can.

>> No.6805398

I'd rather buy coins with whitepapers or other detailed explanations of what the coin actually is and what makes it unique.

"DYOR" usually means read the whitepaper and research the dev team, right?

So what does DYOR mean when it comes to VEN? Check Coka Cola Kid's Twitter?

>> No.6805455

It means to look at the partnerships.

>> No.6805459

>6 posts by this ID
Ok Sanjay simmer down, have a look on Reddit and you'll see your PnD shilling has worked extremely effectively. Don't let this one detractor come between you and your dreams of one day having a US visa.

>> No.6805477

Is this the new FUD copy pasta? I prefer the one with Sunny at the supermarket.

>> No.6805493
File: 14 KB, 647x740, 1515973902020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbiter confirmed. The reason that VEN is pumping and the only thing stopping it is a giant 500 BTC sell wall is because it's fucking good dumbshit. All the great ones have this ETH, NEO, recently ICX until the FUD. Kindly fuckoff.

>> No.6805537

more than just this anon. ICX and VEN and others needs on 4chans will rejoin our brethren eth neets as millionaires.

>> No.6805545

wait it out until it hits 7, possibly 6

>> No.6805619

Absolutely. China is known for six things:
1. Stealing western innovation and implementing the exact same thing at home with the economic walls up to prevent competition
2. Absolute, unfettered corruption
3. Counterfeit Western culture products
4. Scams
5. Child labor
6. Faulty communism

Not exactly somewhere I want to place my bets on. VEN and TRX, one with no whitepaper and a bunch of "partnerships" and the other with a copy pasted whitepaper and a bunch of "partnerships" that are with his own companies, are scamcoins and shouldn't be regarded as anything else.

>> No.6805658

Is that the reason Bitconnect and Tron were pumping?

What is good about VEN, specifically? I don't just mean Coca Cola rumors and a group photo with the rich dude, but the tech itself... Don't be scared to get technical with us, I know some of us can handle it... Please do detail exactly why this coin is so good for us. What makes it unique?

>> No.6805774

I was only able to get 165 VEN, should I dump all the last drops of my 0.7 ETH into this? I'm locked down in other promising coins beyond this, and I only want to hold coins long-term for tax reasons.

>> No.6805825

>What exactly makes it unique?

>Actually has customers currently using their existing private blockchain.
>Doesn't need a fucking whitepaper because it's not a vaporware scam.

>> No.6805855

Fuck you guys see that $6M sell wall? Damn son.

>> No.6805896
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>Please do detail exactly why this coin is so good for us. What makes it unique?
Nothing makes it better than ETH. That goes for NEO as well. They are all ETH knockoffs.

The only thing that matters in the China is the partnerships and government cooperation. That's it.


China is a closed economy. You are buying that. Which is why it's pumping right now in a bear market. TRX was for children and was marketed like a rap album. XVG is trash and is Dogecoin Dark. Back to Plebbit friendo.

>> No.6806023

>>There is nothing good or interesting about this coin on a technical level, and nothing makes it unique.

That's what I thought.

As for cooperation: half the millionaires in China have shipped their families to Toronto and Vancouver thanks to government "cooperation."

Would you ever buy a Chinese car? How about a Chinese laptop?

But a lot of you infants are throwing your life savings into a vague Chinese crypto startup??

Reddit is just as delusional, but there I get downvoted to shit. Thankful for 4chan.

>> No.6806035

Hey venfags what if the chinese whales always have the walls up for eternity. Because they never can accumulate enough, and always want more. How will we ever see a high price then?

>> No.6806055

FOMOed at ATH as long term hold. Feeling comfy.

>> No.6806081


Do you think ETH will get to $2000 before VEN will get to $20? That should help your decision.

>> No.6806095

Price going up even with the walls/whales

>> No.6806096

what are nodes

>> No.6806144

>you're telling me random individuals across the globe just so happen to put $5M up for sale at the same satoshi

Lol. Right. Gtfo

>> No.6806159

Haha well people said that all the way up.

I got In at 5 cents and sold. Got back in at 40. Cents

1.20 USD. 1.50 , 5.00 6.00 and 8.00

I will continue buying

>> No.6806188

Because in order to make more money off the tron, the price of VEN has to be higher. The higher the price of VEN/VET, the higher the price will be for TRON.

>> No.6806199

lads, should I sell for ETH and by back later?
I dont want to miss out on the ETH recovery

>> No.6806222

Do you mean Thor?

Or what does Tron have to do with VEN

>> No.6806235
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1513319777350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is a fucking CLOSED eco system. They will only used their government backed blockchains and they will be regulated. They will not use censorship resistant ones.
You are not buying into the tech dumbfuck. You are buying into their connections and partnerships. Also their tech will eventually be comparable to ETH anyways as it's open source.

>> No.6806325

Ah, I see. I'm buying into the belief that the Chinese government will have foreign investors' best interests in mind and would never screw over anyone by--for example--"nationalizing" a company and seizing all of its assets, including all coins held by 4chan kids in Indianapolis.
Cos China has never, ever done anything like that before, right?
And all those Chinese millionaire families are refugees in Canada just cos they really love hockey and not cos they're fleeing government asset-seizures, right?
You're right, I'd have to be a dumbshit not to dump my entire savings into that opportunity.

>> No.6806353
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He will FOMO in later.

>> No.6806365

>Reddit is just as delusional, but there I get downvoted to shit. Thankful for 4chan.
You're a Redditor and you need to go back there. You're not wanted here. Is that too difficult to comprehend?

>> No.6806367

VEN is XRB all over again

Massive hype. Heavy bags

>> No.6806372

Yes. Thor. Lol. I'm sorry. I'm half asleep and doing three other things. My apologies

>> No.6806377

Dumbass. Almost everything most dumb Americans buy is from China.

Once the NDA's expire then you'll see how many people are using VEN and how they are using it.

When the main net rolls out the coin will sky rocket.

2nd half of 2018 is going to have a lot of new multi millionaires.

>> No.6806417

Full disclosure: I bought in around $5, ready for the ride no matter what happens. But unlike a lot of the children here--who are behaving EXACTLY like the Reddit normies they despise, who are just as frenzied over this coin--I spend only what I'm willing to lose.

I expect to lose it, but I hope all you kids are right.

>> No.6806433

I'm only in drgn I feel shitty right now. Vechain is the coin, drgn is lost forever.

>> No.6806437
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15 percent of portfolio isn't entire savings Mr.Plebbit.
Let me guess what you're next line is 'Don't risk anymore than you can afford to lose'. Are Plebbiters even human?

>> No.6806440

I've learned from inside sources that the reason these whales are holding the price down is because of insufficient qualified developers in the team.VENfags don't want you to know that. This coin is goingo HELL.

>> No.6806493

I fucking hate you plebbit faggots. Neck yourself you fucking nigger.

>> No.6806516

Hot tips

>> No.6806542
File: 30 KB, 334x329, 1511710561340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I don't use Plebbit spacing. And no we are not Plebbit normies. We are the ultimate in netizen hive mind tech fag. All the big ones we are right about. We all called XVG and TRX bullshit that was only good for pump and dump.
>I spend only what I'm willing to lose.
Holy fuck. Stop being a giant queer. You should be investing what would really hurt to lose so you can make it.

>> No.6806594


XRB has consistently been rank 20 ~ 23 on CMC for like 2 weeks now, hardly bagholding.

>> No.6806617

Redditors and 4chan kids are identical here, infant. Unanimous trust for Chinese business practices. China has your best interests in mind. Chinese banks would never harm you.

Call me a plebbitor, but you children are the ones saying EXACTLY the same shit as Reddit. Seriously, listen to yourselves and then go check the Reddit Crypto boards.

Snowflakes think you're outside the box. My Chinese friends are having a laugh right now-- "White snowflakes who wouldn't survive a day in China are putting all their Christmas money on some shady Chinese startup that even the most ghetto Chinese street-sweeper would stay the fuck away from"

funny shit man keep going, we're loving this

>> No.6806620

this is a sound counterargument. anyone going to tear the redditor to shreds or did he just come itt and fuck you all up

>> No.6806654

500 btc wall pulled for now

>> No.6806662

All of this FUD is just reinforcing my opinion that this shit will be $100 eoy. Stay mad and poor you fucking pseudo-pajeets

>> No.6806688


>Read about VEN at 2.8
>Can't get Fiat into exchange
>Pay Scambase 4.5% fee to get fait in
>Buy VEN at 4
>Only holding 40 VEN
>could have got in at 4 but deposit limits fucked me
>debating if I should put in fiat at 10% fee to buy VEN at ATH now

will I make it?

>> No.6806749

We get it buddy you want to push the price down so you can buy more. No one give a fuck about your "chinese friends".

>> No.6806756

I have 13k on it. It's not like it's the end of the world if it crashes to the ground. The thing about Normans like yourself is that you're extremely risk averse and it's kind of repulsive.

>> No.6806763

THe only thing I am worried about VEN is a lot of VEN is normans who have weak hands and jumped on this becaues it was green in a sea of red. Watch how fast teh sell off will be when this tastes red. I have a feeling I will wake up with this being 4.50 but I still see this coin going up to 50 bucks eoy. I just wish the progression was a little more under the radar.

>> No.6806782

504 btc wall is down bois

>> No.6806785

this is a proper redditor fresh off the boat. making those snarky shivs at the end of his paragraphs like a soyboy. too autistic to realize how effeminate it looks outside of plebbit. unable to keep up with internet culture and yet convinced he's on the cutting edge because of muh echo chamber

>> No.6806794

700k VEN Sell wall down

>> No.6806803

I always laugh when faggot normies get all haughty because they think being risk-averse somehow makes them more wise

>> No.6806807

this guy gets it. except not just for VEN. but for the entire market.

satoshi nakamoto was chinese. this is all a transfer of wealth from the west to the east in order to east to buy up all commodities, most notably gold

>> No.6806808

>VeChain shilled on CCTV
>Implying Sunny wouldn't be executed if he ran a scam

>> No.6806820

so many pissed after seeing this go 50 cents to $8.50

And this coin is still on shitty Binance who have a hard time accepting new users.

buy now. be happy later. eth didn't moon in the first few months. give VEN till 2nd half 2018

>> No.6806822

I'm implying that the Chinese government may be in on the scam.

>> No.6806854

You guys are saying exactly what the people on Reddit have been saying for weeks. I'm saying the opposite.

>> No.6806858

You are a faggot I hope VEN tanks just so you kys. Still worth it.

>> No.6806886

All of Crypto is a risk. Trusting the Chinese government with money you need for rent is a dumber risk than most.

>> No.6806891
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>> No.6806897

Nice bait plebbit fag

>> No.6806914

Yep. Ofc it’s already gone 20x so there’s only 5x left in the bag

>> No.6806918

honestly though. why even get involved in crypto at all if you're risk averse?

>> No.6806923

When should i get on VEN?
Is it worth getting it now or should i wait for a dip?

>> No.6806926

quite the conspiracy theory you have there, faggot

>> No.6806933

Just hit new ATH

>> No.6806935


>> No.6806942

Why would VEN tanking make me kill myself? I didn't invest a fortune in that shit-- only a child would invest a fortune in a Chinese government venture.

>> No.6806958

you will deeply regret this day, remember this

>> No.6806970

Asset seizures are the norm in China. It's not a theory-- it's the reason half of Vancouver is now a Chinese overseas money safe-haven.

>> No.6806973

>People are afraid of dips in VEN

You realize that every dip is followed by a new ATH a day later at the latest?

>> No.6807003

I'm saying you are a moron if you think the scam is them taking western money in the most basic bitch way.

If the Chinese are running a scam which of course they are it's the fact they secretly run all 101 of the Authority nodes and control a large chunk of the Ven supply allowing them to control every vote.

The real trick to getting Western money is to develop a open enterprise platform that they secretly control and making it the dominant force in the emerging BaaS market and dominate it from the start.

You are throwing around baby-tier short-sighted shit.

>> No.6807006

Why would I regret it? I have some VEN too. If it moons, I win. If it tanks, I didn't lose more than I could stand to lose, and I win cos I feel smart. I win either way.

>> No.6807012

im honestly just trying to see where this pump will lead atm. no need to be greedy trying to get in on the next big thing without any idea of why its doing so. buying the rumor and selling the news is for day traders. buying the news is for investments with actual long term investments

>> No.6807027
File: 139 KB, 799x800, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got Donald Trump elected. I think we can make ourselves rich.
By the way Plebbit. Trump is the best president since Reagan.

>> No.6807030

I'm buying some because this moon is pissing me off. Prepare to get dumped on.

>> No.6807044


It will be too late by then....

Buy now

>> No.6807048

VENlet here bcuz poorfag
>Tfw only 22VEN
>Tfw I put all my life savings in VEN

Bizraeliz pls help me ;___;


>> No.6807052

That is interesting-- the rest of yall should take note. If a random dude on 4chan came up with that scam, just imagine what the professional life-long scammers in China might be able to come up with.

Feel safe stashing all your money with them, do you?

>> No.6807055

Why are you here? Go put your pussy hat on and drink your soy. The chinese government is scamming us? The chinese government scams everyone you faggot. All of crypto is a scam you retarded reddit faggot. And why the fuck you keep talking about kids and children you diddling faggot liberal retard.

>> No.6807096

>tfw bought ven at 50 cents and people laughed

>> No.6807114

If they are just a bunch scammers why is Jim Breyer so involved?

>> No.6807117


>tfw made a Binance account to buy VEN at 50 cents and decided against last minute

>> No.6807120

China already owns the West, or at least the US. I still can't get over how crazy it is that they own maritime shipping without having a navy worth a damn, all because the US Navy is happily protecting their interests. As far as I can see, the US is a paper superpower that has China's interests and safety as a much higher priority than that of its own citizens. So, wringing one's hands about the Chinese government this and the Chinese government that is pointless, as we're already their vassals.

>> No.6807121

It's a national level scam which means nothing to the individual investors that it will make extremely rich. They are running a scam on the West not some random anon on the internet.

>> No.6807138

How about giving me your 22VEN?

>> No.6807141

the way you are saying it matters faggot. lurk more or continually be frustrated by your own autism

>> No.6807156

>> chinese government scams everyone you faggot. All of crypto is a scam you retarded reddit faggot.

You better take out another loan then.
Man, if I knew how good you infants were at making my arguments for me I never would have bothered making them myself.

>> No.6807163

Don't be retarded. Both economies depend on each other and neither a vassal. If anything America is a vassal state of Israel which is where the real problem comes from.

>> No.6807198

Hey I was in the other thread you were FUDing. Please take our earlier advise and kys yourself.

>> No.6807210

Anon pls no ;_;

>> No.6807231

Seems like I'm the least frustrated dude in this thread right now. Look how everyone's panicking over these basic-bitch observations.

Everyone knows asset-seizures are the norm in China. You invest in Chinese shit, you may find your assets seized. That's why several million Chinese move to Canada without speaking a word of English and spend the rest of their lives talking about how corrupt and fucked up China is. But 4chan infants are like, "Ackshually..."

The Communist Party needs a new tank column. Thanks for the donation.

>> No.6807256
File: 29 KB, 400x225, Achilles-inner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is taking over all of 4chan. We will rule the whole internet eventually.

>> No.6807262

Thank you looks like someone gets it.

>> No.6807270

>that image

thanks for sharing. saved.

>> No.6807273

Israel has this interesting habit of stealing US military secrets and giving them directly to China.

>> No.6807280


>> No.6807286
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>> No.6807293

Literally nobody in /Biz gives 2 fucks if its a "scam" as long as we make money. GTFO plebbit faggot

>> No.6807300

Dude why are you invested if you think VEN is a scam? Are you just that scared to be wrong? You need to be able to say " ya I was wrong but I still made money off it" just so your bloated ego wont be completely crushed

>> No.6807305

Vechain will be $100 EOY. Mark my words. If it isn't I would happily kill myself. And I would never kill myself because I'm not retarded. Therefore vechain will be $100 at the very least.

>> No.6807315

you will regret your half measures

>> No.6807318


>> No.6807330
File: 108 KB, 1440x1115, Screenshot_2018-01-22-01-04-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send heeeeelp ;_____;


>> No.6807340

Guys coinbase is taking a huge dump on me and blocking a transaction for 72 hours (it says waiting for clearing). It says I can speed it up with photo ID but i can’t find that feature on the app, only pc where i dont have cam


>> No.6807344

Solid reasoning

>> No.6807351

thx just sent 100k

>> No.6807352

gtfo beggar

>> No.6807354


>> No.6807358

I'm invested because I think I can make money on this scam before it dumps.

>> No.6807379

I'd like nothing more than to see Israel wiped off the map.

>> No.6807383

you're a pleb obviously for using coinbase over GDAX but since you are a venbro ill say only suggestion is to purchase with ur debit card which will only be 700 dollars.. the transaction will take 4-5 days in my experience.. or you could do a wire thru GDAX and it would take 1 day.

>> No.6807400

i agree

>> No.6807410


>> No.6807414

hadn't heard of this until a week ago, been on /biz/ for months.
why? do they even have a working product?

>> No.6807417

I just need leave my shithole country anon

>> No.6807432
File: 73 KB, 643x597, huobi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on huobi's twitter

>> No.6807434

A paradox I've been trying to work out for my entire decade on 4Chan:

Why dudes on a troll board are the easiest to troll. Even spacing trolls you infants.

>> No.6807444

what is your sell target then? Also there are plenty of other good coins to make money on in crypto why would you choose the to invest in the one you are sure is a scam?

>> No.6807456

> on biz for "months"
> hasnt heard of vechain


>> No.6807465
File: 22 KB, 500x441, pepeshrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you space after every sentence?

>> No.6807472

You really have a thing for kids, sick fuck.

>> No.6807473


Doesn't mean shit, all the chinks are on Binance already.

>> No.6807495

i fuck HOT white girls and i'm brown

>> No.6807497

holy fucking shit...
someone post this on reddit

>> No.6807506

i'm grasping at straws man i'm running out of partnerships to shill

>> No.6807549

Yeah faggot. Give me your VEN before I bully you for it and make you wear a fluffy pink skirt.

>> No.6807572

Yeah i remember insane amounts of FUD and shilling back when ETH was hacked and hardforked, it was around $14 then

>> No.6807592

I'd be happy with 2x or 3x, probably ditch it after that. I think this scam is still young-- feels like it's just getting started. I really do believe this coin is going up in value. It's the religious frenzy of the Redditors and 4Chan kids that scares me-- so many people who are "all in" on some shady Chinese product...

>> No.6807619


>> No.6807624

ok buddy can you name a contemporary case of the chinese government nationalizing a company

>> No.6807671

A few years ago...

>going all in on ETH
>trusting a Russian
I'll go all in on BitBean and see you guys from Mars. Enjoy your scam coin.

>> No.6807679

>Would you ever buy a Chinese car? How about a Chinese laptop?
where do you think your cars and laptops are manufactured?

and before you say "they only assemble the pieces" you realize that the chinese also design the products they manufacture and license them to their customers like Apple?

>> No.6807681

More like nationalizing an entire sector. The state squeezes out the private sector or absorbs it whenever it becomes a big money-maker. Here's one article, but there are many:


>> No.6807689

i fuck hot white girls and i'm white. you lose.

>> No.6807712

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't ETH developed in Canada? By a Canadian citizen born in Russia?

>> No.6807716


You're just a shit tier troll, but on the off chance that you're actually a brainlet who believes this shit, I'll reply to you.

The most basic bitch observation would be that China wants to be the first adopter of Web 4.0 aka Blockchain technology. They stand to make WAY MORE money making VeChain a legitimate success and taking the crypto/web world by storm. VeChain isn't shilling itself to multi-billion dollar companies in order to take pennies from westerners.

China used to need to resort to scams and shrewd money making ways, but in the last 20 years they've cemented themselves as the 2nd strongest economy/country in the world, and wants to become the 1st. VeChain (if it's a success) would be yet another pawn in their quest for global dominance.

>> No.6807720

i fuck little white bois and im brown. you lose

>> No.6807731

You realize they don't have to do it in this case right? They already control the supply which means they effectively control the platform.

They already nationalized it they just haven't told anyone outside of their inner circle.

>> No.6807741

That's a good point

>> No.6807761

Pajeet tier fud cant hurt Vechain anymore, fuck i spread fud on it myself when im bored.

>> No.6807773

That sounds even scarier, somehow... Is that observation supposed to increase investor confidence?

>> No.6807804
File: 17 KB, 211x301, EB1A5C52-BE2E-4CCA-A09C-00E9E6776E52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the most interesting thread I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Sitting on large VEN stack and mentally masturbating to intelligent economic/political discourse of the east vs. west. Please continue anons

>> No.6807811

oh my. i'm getting harder and harder the more i think what that THOR price is going to be

>> No.6807821

Yes actually. It means they have a vested interest in seeing it succeed.

>> No.6807835

Should i get VEN now or wait for a dip? What site is best to buy VEN on ?

>> No.6807848

These are good points, but I worry that the Chinese gov't has a different idea of "success" than most of us. Making a shit ton of money off Vechain while controlling it completely and, when it's valuable enough, seizing all assets of foreign coin-holders ... That would certainly be one way to profit, right?

And the waves of Chinese refugees in Canada are ongoing... their millionaires are fleeing asset seizures now, not just 20 years ago.

>> No.6807855

While we talk Ven keeps hitting ATHs in the background

Look at the chart. Tell me how many dips you see..

>> No.6807858

22 fucking posts LMAOOO why are you fuding, the market cap is too high for a few weak hands to give in and affect the price

>> No.6807911

Seizing all the assets even if they could (They can't) would just undermine their efforts and nobody would use their platform.

You are basically arguing that they will at some point in the future just decide to destroy the credibility of a platform the have a very strong vested interest in becoming the defacto enterprise BaaS platform just for some money.

China wants absolute economic dominance not a quick buck.

>> No.6807915

If you really think 4chan effects the price of these coins, DO NOT invest in these coins. Not any of them. Not ever. That is a very, very delicate commodity which can be upset by 4Chan dude...

>> No.6807924

Fuck off loser. How the fuck is Vechain a copy of eth. Eth is a fucking shitcoin in comparison. Give it six months and we'll see a flippening. I dont even need to shill i fucking bought big at ico so my money is made but you dumb fucks still manage to get on my nerves. Go shit on yourself my man.

>> No.6807973

I hope you're right. But if seizing the assets of extremely profitable corporations has not been a common practice in China, then what are all these rich Chinese families does in LA? If you ask them, I have a feeling they might tell you some scary shit that's very relevant to this "investment opportunity"

>> No.6807978
File: 31 KB, 521x378, 56BABF1A-C99D-4496-9D29-A01E76996D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will the West fire back? FUD doesn’t work, BTC is a dinosaur with old technology LN far and impractical. XRP is useless for the investor and as a crypto.

Could it be XLM? Can’t be ETH, not Western in nature too decentralized.

>> No.6807979

Fuck off shitskin faggot

>> No.6807982
File: 20 KB, 549x640, 1514962040105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you aren't wrong, because
you convinced me.
But if that is true, it would be wise to invest in whatever China ultimately backs, when the market catches up to the tech.

>> No.6808002
File: 92 KB, 947x625, fPo16MiPgfsFcu97gibY2Mfbf_eSRzgsJ8jnKH7jQB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC and ETH
>literally don't do anything, have no real use value besides hiding from MUH BANKS
>worth $100 billion+
>use-value first
>invested in and advised by a man who invested in Facebook early, runs the China equivalent of HBS
>and he's standing next to the most powerful man in China since Deng and probably since Mao
>and his wife is in deep with the PBOC and international shipping
>and the Chinese government has a notorious problem with tax collection and counterfeiting
>"hurrrr durrr shitcoin"

I'll be enjoying pic related while you're rubbing your two useless ass BTC together when they're worth $2k by EOY

>> No.6808018

They can't seize the assets of foreigners. It's like saying what happens if China seizes all the Bitcoins.

You seem to know very little about how Blockchains function and mostly think China is some unstoppable boogeyman.

>> No.6808020

u should hear the white bois scream and cry when i get deep in their guts

>> No.6808033
File: 453 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180121-212736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone asking if they should buy now or wait for the dip:

This is the all time chart.

Your only chance to buy the dip was the recent 30% correction.

Go ahead and try to time the next one. You'll be waiting a while and by then VEN will be $20+.

Sell your shit and meme coins and start investing in the one unironically legit project.

This is as good as it gets. 528 BTC sell wall for fucks sake.

>> No.6808036

This is fishy shit anons, very fishy shit. Get in make money, because shit’s about to get wild. Not sure when the exit will be, the amount of manipulation in this crypto could only be compared to BTC

>> No.6808088

How do I buy VEN?

"bitcoin or ethereum you fuckin' tard"

b-b-but they
>literally don't do anything

>> No.6808110
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Pathetic, but you can't do any better, can you? That's all you got. Kek

>> No.6808126
File: 33 KB, 721x342, node.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubbing my semi and thinking about muh strength node

>> No.6808128


>> No.6808132

vet and thor price predictions?

>> No.6808134

I believe that China is profoundly corrupt, and I've read that it's a common practice among millionaires there to stash their money overseas.

If you believe that a Chinese startup is a safe space to park your hard-earned money, I hope that things work out well for you. I stand to profit too. But I think skepticism is really healthy when it comes to China's track-record of intervening in profitable business for short-term gain, even when it's to the detriment of those businesses and to the detriment of long-term gains which could have been bigger.

>> No.6808137

Yes since discord faggots pump and dump it. Most posts on this thread are from them. Devs gave them a huge amount of coins for it.

>> No.6808153

1776 American. God speed

>> No.6808163

shady ass 40 man dev team, they're doing this but not working on a wallet? Shady as hell.

>> No.6808169

Every government with a lick of sense will have its own blockchain. Otherwise, they're going to have to use someone else's blockchain in the future, which leaves them strategically exposed. This is also why the big interop projects are going to be a big deal, as we need to make the blockchains talk to each other. So, if China has picked VEN, it's a safe bet.

>> No.6808178

nothing in this article advances your case. it says that private industry is tolerated but only certain industries. in fact, if the chinese think a certain private industry has potential they roll out the red carpet and make it easier for them to do business

i'm afraid to say that you've just been cucked, sir

>> No.6808189

At this point I'm convinced you are a boomer who doesn't actually understand blockchain.

>> No.6808200

Get it while it's hot

>> No.6808203

Please correct me if I'm wrong (maybe I am), but if you own a coin which is controlled by a Chinese company, is it really impossible for a corrupt Chinese official to have that company "take" or otherwise control the coin? I mean, isn't that one reason why people are scared of centralization?

>> No.6808245

i honestly think they're in the West because it's a higher standard of living than living in polluted China

also it's higher status. notice they send their kids over but the parents stay in China

>> No.6808257

>what site

Its an exchange, noob

>> No.6808263

>Shitskin rapes white girls
>Brags about it on 4chan
Checks out, totally not larping

>> No.6808264

I estimate 500,000 THOR a day.

$6 would mean it adds to the market cap the same amount LTC does everyday.


I wouldn't be surprised to see $10 = 1 THOR if a ton of people are using VeChain 2nd half of 2018.

VeChain would be in the hundreds.

Like if this is going to be as big as I think it is.

Someone is going to do it.

Someone is going to knock it out of the park.

Look how far ETH got based on a lot of hype.

>> No.6808269

True-- corruption in China is a myth. Ask anyone in Vancouver-- their entire city has now been purchased by Chinese millionaires because those guys just really love the climate. It has nothing to do with hiding assets overseas. Since China absolutely loves private industry and lets it run unfettered and uninterrupted... Is that what you're arguing, basically?

>> No.6808300

They don't even have that many devs most of the time it's like 5 guys who do actual work. The more you will know about this coin the more you will want to dump I promise you. Even if I hold a large amount of this by poor man's Standart I don't care anymore at this point.

Anyways the market is stupid and people love investing in scams so it will take a while before I dump my bags.

>> No.6808307

>faulty communism
no, just regular communism

>> No.6808323

BTC and ETH let you buy other coins and cash out to fiat. ETH might flip BTC but BTC is fucking cooked. It's a gold-bug's wet dream, has no use value, will NEVER be used as a currency or as a network for anything, is slow as fuck. The future is taking blockchain technology and selling it to regular companies that make money or products, not in using it as a fucking meme currency.

>> No.6808332

They also send all of their money over... Sometimes buying houses that stay empty year-round just to hide their money from their own government.

>> No.6808333

Confirmed Boomer. Yes it is impossible for them to take or control the coin. You should really read up on how these things work.

>> No.6808338

>what is Neo
>what is ETH
>what is btc

A bunch of nerds from 4chan already millionaires from all that shit.

>> No.6808355

will you tell us about that time you ran in to sunny at the supermarket?

>> No.6808360


Jesus christ dude do you not understand how blockchain technology works AT ALL? Lol it's becoming increasingly obvious you're some old fart who stumbled on crypto.

You seriously sound like a 50 year old white boomer.

>> No.6808371

So centralization is not a problem for cryptocurrency? Wow, we old-timers learn something new every day! Maybe you should make a new thread letting your comrades know about this...

>> No.6808374

You are clearly a scared old boomer.
Did you get sent over here from rdeddet or maybe your wifes grown son?

Those rich chinks are buying that shit because China has adopted capitalism you clueless old man. You have no idea the status symbol it is to own property in NA for a chink.

>> No.6808375

>one reply to this

Why isn't this being talked about

>> No.6808381
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>> No.6808403

>anon raises good points
>ignore them call them a boomer
I'm out. we're clearly in the deluded phase

>> No.6808408

buddy a took the last white girl i had sex with to the fucking hilton and nutted in her two times after eating at the most expensive steakhouse in town

and i never called her again. have fun with that hentai tho, subhuman

>> No.6808416


It's not really a big deal, Huobi dwarfs in comparison to Binance and all the chinks are on Binance already.

>> No.6808429

The West is completely controlled by Jews, and they will certainly make sure I lose. I'll take my chances with the chinks

>> No.6808450

>corruption is a myth and the gov controls everything
>somehow there are enough millionaires that they can cuck an entire major Western country with their capital

something is not adding up here familia

>> No.6808457

Some things I learned in the last half hour:
1) China is not at all corrupt and fosters private enterprise.
2) Centralization is not a problem for cryptocurrency, and even if the corrupt Chinese government has direct control over a coin, that is nothing to worry about. To suggest otherwise is to misunderstand Blockchain technology.

>> No.6808469

Im sitting here thinking that this man was just trolling the whole time


hahaha thank you for the laughs man really

>> No.6808472

Hey at least the chinks are so greedy some money spills over for the rest of us

>> No.6808484

where my fud bros at, where did the sunny copy pastas go

>> No.6808487

And you're a dumbfuck plebbit boomer who likes kids.

>> No.6808489

They are also not communist btw

>> No.6808497

They list all the shit with usdt pair

>> No.6808499

Good now go tell your wifes boyfriend all about it.

>> No.6808509

1. China is corrupt and fosters private enterprise in certain cases

2. Centralization isn't a problem for cryptocurrency because it isn't centralized and direct control just means voting rights on the direction a fork will take.

You clearly don't understand anything about Blockchain.

>> No.6808529

If you had sex with a white girl it's cause you roofied her at a party. White girls hate niggers; blacked is just a meme

>> No.6808553

Haha you wouldn't know trolling if it landed right in your neckbeard.

>> No.6808592
File: 21 KB, 600x647, 4ab[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.6808608

You can't just toss out trolling and neckbeard and expect us to accept you gramps.

We are onto ((your)) reedit ways.

>> No.6808620

So, for example, if the NSA were to "partner" with your five favorite coins, this would not be cause for alarm? Or is the Chinese government just on our "Trusted Pal" list for some reason?

>> No.6808645

Are you shitting me?
If the NSA partnered with one of my coins I will retire.


>> No.6808649

If I wanted acceptance i'd be parroting the same "I LUV VEN" shit that you and Reddit have been parroting in exactly the same way for the last 5 weeks

>> No.6808670

Most woman when asked hate dating outside of their race, especially white girls and niggers. It's only a small subsection of rejects, drug addicts, and fatherless/daddy issue plagued woman. This is also why they have to pay woman in porn many times more for a shoot with a nigger.

>> No.6808689

China didn’t pick ven. It’s a larp you moron.
Just like the PBoC rumors ..

>> No.6808692
File: 95 KB, 620x420, 5081D443-0839-4FF9-B7DF-7ECEEF8A16CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rofl at first anons were arguing saying this was all an elaborate phony chink scam. Now Anons are arguing China will screw everyone over with their own government adopted blockchain. Next anons realize this is the real fucking deal and people with a measly strength node will be multimillionaires earning 30k a year just by Thor generation. Shit makes me smile. Continue anons continue

>> No.6808698

China by default cannot be trusted. The reason Blockchain is the new and amazing shit is because it is trustless.

Would China love to fuck over the West and take their money? Absolutely. Can they fuck it over and take their money by stealing your coins? No because the technology doesn't work like that.

This is literally me banging my head against a wall that refuses to learn but it still adamant in it's correctness.

>> No.6808702

Will required ven for masternode ever be reduced? I mean if VEN goes 100+ it would essentially mean that everyone that has a masternode is a fucking millionaire

>> No.6808733

so youve seen this shit grow for 5 weeks and still didnt make a move on it?

what was the price that long ago what $0.45?

>> No.6808746

VeChain operates out of Singapore though

>> No.6808750

I appreciate this-- I'm trying to learn, and I'm grateful for your perspective (not trolling here or being sarcastic)

>> No.6808764

That's the point. It's not supposed to be easy

>> No.6808781

Yah, I fucked up there. I got in at $5, still feeling pretty good, but I should have moved on it.

>> No.6808797

You have a funny way of "trying to learn". Throwing ad homs at everyone is not the way to do it.

>> No.6808798
File: 1.06 MB, 1728x2304, 2DE7B95C-6808-4FCA-BE91-3A9C88CDD215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would assume it would never be reduced. Not fair to masternode holders who read between the lines in the early stages of this coin.

>> No.6808804

Are you fucking retarded? Vechain literally has the contract for an entire chinese city (Gui'An) which is aiming to become the Silicon Valley of China

>> No.6808805


>> No.6808819

i'm not even black and on from what i've observed i'd say 60-70% of white girls under age 30 have had sex with blacks. they will simply deny if you ask them lol

face it faggot, your little race is in serious decline. i give it 5 years of so until it's open season on your entire race

>> No.6808832

I remember seeing a post a while back about the smart city Gui’an. It was all speculation, people shilling it when it was under a $1 that this would be the next NEO. There’s a lot of fishy shit going on here

>> No.6808847
File: 134 KB, 500x750, IMG_0351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the race war, I pray you're right

>> No.6808861

[citation needed]

>> No.6808883

I see tons of people who are obviously younger than me talking about taking out loans to invest in a coin that:
1) Is developed in one of the world's most corrupt countries
2) offers nothing new in terms of tech and is not unique in any way, other than the fact that the Chinese government has taken an interest in it
3) Seem to honestly believe that the Chinese government not only will not fuck them over but actually *cannot* fuck them over
Pushing back against these delusions isn't ad hom-- these are the basic arguments that practically every sane adult would make.

>> No.6808884

most of the threads were non-crypto back then and everyone would make fun of eth and the other shitcoins in the non-crypto threads. I never went into the eth threads (stupid of me) but I assume there was a lot of fud in them as well

>> No.6808893

Boomers are 70 years old retard. A 50 year old would be an older Gen X'er

>> No.6808895
File: 513 KB, 2048x1305, mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'll be wealthy off crypto before this country degrades any further. I'll be cozy watching it unfold from my towers.

>> No.6808908
File: 131 KB, 620x350, LA-Riots-of-1992-KAFFLA-reginald-denny-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6808927

google "eth is a mess"

>> No.6808938

Browns and blacks, what's the difference. Only fatties sleep with niggers. Even white escorts wont take black clients. Literal whores still will not sleep with you.

>> No.6808951

A girl I was seeing awhile ago was one of those I never fucked black guys ones. we dated for awhile and whatnot and it was good.

One night we goto a party and long story short based on her interactions with some of the homies there she def fucked them.
We get home later I ask some questions she denies I ask more and again and eventually she confesses she has had sex with 6 of the homies that were at the party.
I dumped her and havent spoke to her in 3 weeks. My bad I take pride in my race like other races do but I also know it's a whole new era and chicks want the forbidden fruits.

Welp have at it blacks cuz I am focused on making money you can have the white girls. cuz eventually you'll all start bitching about how shit tier white girls are and it'll be YOUR problem.

I'm going to focus on making mad bank money and build a robowaifu deathbot9000 in 10yrs complete with missle launchers and miniguns.

>> No.6808984
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holy shit those shoes on him tho..

>> No.6808996
File: 738 KB, 1537x1917, IMG_0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a real pleasure being part of the most heavily armed demographic on the face of the earth. Good luck to you, you'll need it. Won't be enough though.

>> No.6809010

>white escorts wont take black clients
you realize that they don't see black clients because their black pimps don't allow it, right


>> No.6809015

>tfw my chinese gf thinks that niggers are disgusting and she gets scared when they are near her

>> No.6809016

Good job, anon. If we ever hope to get society back on track, there needs to be social consequences for dumb roasties that fuck niggers.

>> No.6809039

>doesn't realize like half the military is black or mexican

yeah you're heavily armed in like, bumblefuck tennessee where nobody cares about you. feel free to move out there and fuck your cousins and cattle or whatever you subhuman weirdos do

>> No.6809040



Hello old /k/, how are you doing? Do you remember 49.95 M44's? Peperidge farm remembers.

>> No.6809061
File: 359 KB, 640x636, 1516244094934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>half the military

Not combat arms. Combat arms is 90% white, 9% beaner, 1% giga nigga.

>> No.6809063

That's just the thought process that'll get you killed. Keep it up.

>> No.6809068

>half the military is black or mexican
Guess who the other half is then? Which would make them the majority since black and mexicans share one half? You need to redo your math.

>> No.6809076

>doesnt realize the niggers and spics dont know how to operate the tanks planes and missiles lol

>> No.6809081

Not high ranking members. And who cares about the zogbots. Local militias and peppers, which are overwhelmingly white, will be the only one who make it out...

>> No.6809085

incorrect. it's about 30% white, 60% hispanic, 10% black. whites can't fight unless it's like tribesmen who never invented the wheel or some shit

>> No.6809089

All is well senpai. Still collecting nuggets.

>> No.6809091

if you ask white women if they've hooked up with black guys, 90% will respond with "eww no" lol
blacks are subhumans

>> No.6809099

>which white people designed and built btw

>> No.6809106
File: 190 KB, 1200x1200, barack-obama-12782369-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not high ranking members
how quickly you cucks forget

>> No.6809112



>30% white


>> No.6809116

Check your math shitskin

>> No.6809118

>combat arms 60% Hispanic
>unironically believing this

Fucking wew

>> No.6809129

they are lying
getting fucked by a nigger is like a rite of passage for young white girls

>> No.6809136

>combat arms 90% white
>unironically believing this

stay cucked on

>> No.6809140

lmao blacks aren't trusted with winning battles. go look at the demographics of special forces lol. you guys are cooks and sheeit.

>> No.6809160

One half nigger president in the history of US presidents, who isnt president anymore. Try again, plebbit.

>> No.6809180

haha ok kike
how does it feel knowing you will die in an oven

>> No.6809184

actually these days they may actually say they have when they haven't to virtue signal.

>> No.6809188

You know literally nothing about the technology you are talking about so of course you don't get why the things you say are impossible. I'm telling you that you can send a hunk of metal into the air and go from one coast to another in a few hours and you are telling me metal can't fly and it's a scam by the jews (It is).

Read these

Please learn more first. You don't know enough to argue.

>> No.6809198

how's it feel that a bunch of white trashlets in the military had to call a black man daddy for 8 whole years

literally a cuck army and once a cuck always a cuck

>> No.6809225

Jesus fucking christ you americunts are insane..
This is a VEN thread you fucking animals

>> No.6809244


The entire military, according to the department of defense is around 70% white.

Combat Arms (Infantry/Artillery/Armor) is nearly 90%. The fucking DOD releases this information.

>> No.6809260

the subhumans can't help but vent their insecurities everywhere they go. if they're not dealt with swiftly and decisively they go on to pollute the entire board

>> No.6809267

>larping as a nigger won't derail a thread
its fun anon

>> No.6809272

It was more than worth it because we get to watch you soyim scream at the sky because ebil blompfffph said mean things about women

>> No.6809304

I'm all for nigger bashing if it keeps normies out of these board.

Also thank god I don't have to deal with this nigger / minority bullshit in my country.

>> No.6809311
File: 16 KB, 351x452, 5444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the math, cuckold

>> No.6809319

>complaining about 4chan on 4chan
kys nignog

>> No.6809322

I hope all you niggers know that when the chinks take over, you will not be spared. Chinks are already raping and pillaging the entire continent of Africa, and no one cares. You will be brutally murdered and kept as slaves for all of eternity, because that's the only purpose your race has ever served.

Have fun with your freedom (given to you by the white man) while you can, niggers. Your time is almost up.

>> No.6809331
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>> No.6809337


You have no idea how lucky you are that you don't have to deal with entire classes of people who squeal RACISM to get their way in any public situation.

>> No.6809356

checked but it's clearly a jew larping as a nigger

>> No.6809361

i have too many more white girls to fuck, jizz on, and impregnate

>> No.6809396

Thank you for the links-- I'll read them. It's true, I don't know much about the tech. I just make money off it. But I suspect that if someone told you they were going into debt to invest in a startup that was backed by the government of Zimbabwe, Haiti, Namibia, or Kyrgyzstan, you would laugh at them. And all your friends would laugh them them. Because it doesn't take any tech knowledge to see what's wrong with that picture.

I feel the same way about China as you do about those other fucked up, corrupt countries, and I have a suspicion that a fucked up, corrupt government partnering with a crypto may actually be a bad thing in some respects. I see everyone freaking out about Ripple's partnerships with some banks cos banks=evil, but somehow 4Chan absolutely loves and trusts the Chinese police state...

>> No.6809416

>implying niggers are smart enough to navigate 4chan

Nice larp

>> No.6809481

You have never been to Africa obviously....lol poorfag.

>> No.6809484

Damn I’m pissed this got derailed. No one gives a fuck about this Charlie Manson helter skelter bullshit. God damnit all based on a black dude saying he banged a white chick. Fuck you all I’m going tonsleep

>> No.6809567

I own 52 ven. I got plenty of other coins and fiat i can put into it but im just looking at these ATH's and doubting that its a good idea. I believe in it long term so I know ill make my emone back but you guys dont think its gonna drop and correct a bit in the next few days? Tryna minmax over here.

>> No.6809581

theres only so much we can talk about how cool ven is
now fuck off to bed nigger lover

>> No.6809635

Ok nigger.

>> No.6809654

Investing more than you can afford to lose is absolutely and always stupid. China is absolutely going to manipulate VeChain just not in the way you imagine.

China can be relied up to further China's own interests. That is all. In this case it's interests seem to be dominating a new emerging market and pushing a product which they have a commanding stake in so that all the western money flows to them easily and legally. They love long cons.

If something is in China's best interest then you can trust that they will do that.

Nobody should trust Banks or China to act altruistically.

>> No.6809671

You misunderstand. The banks don't use the ripple coin. They just use the blockchain. In ven, the companies use Thor. Thor is generated by having vet. Vechain is a platform, so many dapps will need Thor in the future. All in all, ripple does Jack shit as a coin. Even the CEO says that they use it as a piggy bank. It has no applications.

>> No.6809672
File: 56 KB, 403x448, 1515862198649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dates a girl that hangs out at nigger dens.
>Is suprised said girl is a whore.
>All white girls must be whores for niggers

>> No.6809681

That's why the plan is to dump right before the rebranding event, and never look back.

>> No.6809683

Thread is past bump limit. Abandon ship guys

>> No.6809729
File: 7 KB, 250x240, disappointed pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the ban

>> No.6809812

Coinbase has been doing that shit for a few weeks. It did it to me on 2 different purchases of 2 different coins in the same week. You can submit ID for 'Accelerated Verification' but they won't do it and support won't reply until the 72 hours expires. Just figure in 3 extra days to whatever time they tell you.

>> No.6809816

Agreed. I just worry that the con may also involve fucking us over in ways we haven't yet ascertained. Thousands and thousands of successful Chinese businessmen have been imprisoned (assets seized) for bullshit reasons, even to the detriment of successful companies... I'm sure all those millionaires thought they understood the long game too, until they didn't. Your scenario sounds smart and well-reasoned to me, but it also involves trust that corruption chooses long-term benefits over short-term benefits.

>> No.6809855

Thank you for this, it clarifies things for me

>> No.6809856

Read up on Blockchain. It doesn't involve any trust which is why it's perfect for dealing with China.

>> No.6809983

VeChain ICO sold out in 3 minutes.

Explain how no one wants the coin and none of this is real.

Poorfags pissed cause they can't believe an actual coin is going to do what it says.

>> No.6809993

Didn't bother me one bit. Now I get to laugh at all the stories of beaners getting separated from their families and sent back to whatever shithole they crawled out of. Would have endured 20 years of useless nigger pres to experience this bliss.