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File: 367 KB, 1242x1786, bitcoin strippers~01~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806558 No.6806558 [Reply] [Original]

>an official afterparty of North American Bitcoin Conference and DASH is held at a strip club
Why is crypto run by manchildren?

>> No.6806593

this looks cool

>> No.6806643

Thanks just bought 100k dash

>> No.6806659

>support sex workers
>demonize their clients
Leftism is mental illness.

>> No.6806674
File: 17 KB, 499x499, funnypepethaticanuseon4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit is this real

>> No.6806784
File: 154 KB, 1080x635, Screenshot_2018-01-21-20-45-53~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6806788

As a whole, women want no part in crypto. They're not developing it, not contributing to it, not investing in it, not writing about it. Nothing.
Why then should an event catering to those who've developed, invested, written, talked, etc. about this system be catering to the whims of a bunch of tech journalists who meet the further above criteria?
Fuck 'em.

>> No.6806806

holy shee. this might be big

>> No.6806811

Wait...I thought they wanted to get more women in crypto? This is one way to bring them into the ecosystem

>> No.6806866

Because we are now rich enough to tell sjws to fuck off and not worry about losing our jobs.

Fuck these cunts

>> No.6806884

t. someone not involved in the industry

they have a point, there's such a thing as being professional

>> No.6806902

Almost her entire twitter page is political. Rather than having a conversation about her experience, she's tweeting TechCrunch and other tech journalists looking for someone to cover her outrage.

So the question then is, what was she doing at Bitcoin Miami? It was known in advance that they were having the after party at a strip club. Did she go along and get some pics to simply get attention and play victim?

>> No.6806949

>offering women ETH for lapdances is how you get women involved in crypto

>> No.6806976

How else would you get them to open a crypto account?

>> No.6806994
File: 157 KB, 1024x883, muh_freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good feeling, to know you're alive.

>> No.6807036


>> No.6807074

who cares, tits and ass are awesome

only people who care are butthurt women who get upset when men express their sexuality

>> No.6807105

Kek, woman is jealous that more attractive women were getting all the male attention. She can't have those strippers muscling in on her territory.

>> No.6807171

>I'll go to a conference that is comprised of 99% men so that theyll notice me, no way this can backfire

>> No.6807227

>I'll go to a work related conference because it's my job

>> No.6807327

>seek employment in male-dominated field
>complain that men behave differently than women
Modern women are trash and you should disregard their opinions and feelings as soon as you can afford to - only ARK thot and comfy grandma deserve respect.

>> No.6807371

This is a huge social movement right now. Trump presidency, bitcoin catering to alt right, neets, nerds, gamer gate repressed assholes. It’s by no coincidence a paradigm shift is in place. Call me a raving lunatic biz, but the sjw corporation I’m gonna spam twitter and get you all fired from your job era is ending. Rejoice

>> No.6807439

I doubt that anyone suggested that thing went on stage or offered it 1 eth for anything other than silence from its incessant whining.

Seriously, does this fucking thing


expect anyone with a dick to believe that?

This is "muh oppression, gib me free cryptos and attention and pretend what I have to say is important cuz I offer nothing of real value."

>> No.6807512

lets hope the witch trials are on their way out...but I think it'll be awhile (years). If Trump is re-elected then I'd say it will be be highly dimished soon after

>> No.6807642

>blockchain is a serious financial technology poised to change the world
I don't give a shit what roasties are saying about this, but the optics here are not fantastic.

>> No.6807666


was a shitty move but the only thing women in crypto do is try to "get more women into crypto"

i wont take them seriously until they solve a problem

>> No.6807789

wtf I love dash now

>> No.6807826

>99% must change their ways to accommodate the 1%

>> No.6807838

That's pretty cool actually I think I might actually buy some dash now.

Are you guys really upset about this? Why the fuck do the guys that made it have an obligation to make their hobby more open to stupid women?

>> No.6807881

they didn't take you seriously in the first place because you sound like a fucking cunt and it has shit all to do with your gender

>> No.6807906

wtf i love crypto now

>> No.6807908

It's pretty fucked up and unprofessional regardless of the women there. Apparently you don't get that, the women being there just makes it glaringly more obvious.

>> No.6807930

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

>> No.6807964

the only people upset are beta ass bugmen from reddit

>> No.6808000



>> No.6808180


Yep, spot on. Anyone with a profession understands this. Perception makes the world go round.

>> No.6808275

Weve hit peak women a while ago, theyre going downhill fast though, waiting to buy back at the dip

>> No.6808369

>implying this isn't the optimal way to get involved, male or female

>> No.6808384

>will they take me seriously?

Whinging about a joke will just make them avoid you like the plague.

>> No.6808393

They left cause Bitconnect closed

>> No.6808451

It's and afterparty you dumb whore. If you don't like it, fucking leave. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6808471

THIS x1231209381029

>> No.6808473

Yeah, I sure hope the CEO of crypto currencies makes a statement condemning what his employees did.

>> No.6808574

dotr cant come soon enough, the soyim go first

>> No.6808618

only faggots/cucks/mangina's and females would get offended by this or think it's not appropriate.

go be a moist fag somewhere else.
I'm going to invest in dash now just cuz they know how to have fun and fuck who's fee fee's it hurts or if it upsets mangina cucks that demand others act how woman demand.

>> No.6808705

It’s a healthy reminder of the reality of male/female interaction. Women have made <1% of all meaningful contributions to crypto, but want central authority figures to make it “equal” for them anyways.

Guess what sluts: the whole point of cryptos is that there is NO central authority figure. If the powerful people in the space like titties, they don’t have to apologize to you or anyone else. Now- back to the kitchen.

>> No.6808739

>goto the twitter post
>read her tweet
>see a bunch of chicks faking upset
>see a larger bunch of cucks and mangina's faking outrage to score pussypoints

yeaaaah this mangina white knight movement and this females must be respected movement needs to stop

white knights are the bigger threat cuz they get violent when cuntcake is upset and females need to stop demanding respekt and demanding men cater to their ways

fuck sick of this constant no fun allowed for men movement furthered by weak thirsty mangina virgins and fuggo dykes like the ho on that twitter

>> No.6808753


It's not about being offended for me. It's about being business smart. Perception is everything in business and this is bad for the perception of crypto. Everyone knows you do your blow behind closed doors.

> t. someone who frequents escorts but knows public knowledge of that would destroy his business

>> No.6808827

I love this timeline.

>> No.6808831

>anons with less than $200 in crypto and women still won't do it

>> No.6809020

you know what you are correct. From a business sense this was a horrible idea in todays profemale anti male environment. Shame so many cuck mangina's and childish females cant handle it and must stomp it out cuz oh no not allowed.

If I wanna run a business based around money and naked chicks I should be able too but alas you are correct anon

>> No.6809051


Just invested $12,000 into Dash.

>> No.6809075

Good traders are smart and high T. So they want bitches but know it is better to rent than to own.