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File: 198 KB, 900x506, Apple-Watch-Edition-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
679370 No.679370 [Reply] [Original]


>not owning Gold Edition Apple watch

>"whats wrong anon, couldn't afford the measly $17 000?"

>> No.679372

Gold is so 1980s. They should have made a platinum version.

>> No.679373

>willingly spend money on shit techs with a "look at me im a homo and i want my anus fucked and robbed"

i can't wait for the first story to break on how someone's hand was chopped off

>> No.679374
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>> No.679376



Gold's been in for 4000 years.

90s and 00s kinda fell off the bandwagon with the introduction of 'muh white gold' and 'platinum', but all the tasteless plebs who bought anything in those colours are going to be mad when yellow gold is back in this decade, and their shit looks like worthless base metals.

>> No.679377

>muh speculative shiny metal!
Gold immediately identifies you as a pleb.

>> No.679379


>I wear a Citizen Eco-drive!

>pls read my blog

>> No.679390

>Spending $17 000 for a new watch every 12 months

>> No.679391


>Being that poor!

>> No.679395

It's not even waterproof. The people wearing these are the same people that don't wash their hands after taking a massive shit.

Apple probably has no incentive to make it durable either, so people can pay to get it replaced or fixed.

>> No.679396


Actually apple has developed a unique 18k alloy which uses copper, silver, palladium and a type of ceramic as well as a heat-treat to make it as hard as steel. It should be pretty durable and moderately scratch resistant.

>> No.679398


Could still be remotely bricked by a firmware update. And it's not even waterproof. The >battery doesn't last 10 years. I'll stick with wearing my regular watch and a cell phone.

>> No.679428

>buying the chronological jew

>> No.679431


/pol/ pls

Stay NEET.

>> No.679434


I don't need to know the time any closer than "morning", "midday", "afternoon", or "evening". I'm rich enough not to have to keep to a schedule.

>> No.679436

wait why does it even have a crown?

>> No.679454


You can use to to scroll down text message threads, and zoom in and out.

It has a touch screen, but the crown is more intuitive for scrolling.

>> No.679459


Nigger. if I had 17k to drop on a fucking accessory, I'd be reinvesting it in undervalued properties, or using it to ride oil volatility.

Ya dumb dick.

>Rather have a function over form Breitling or Tag Heuer watch then some Apple shit.
>Or better yet a Casio Edifice

>> No.679471

What is up with all this watch shilling on 4chan?

Why is there always a watch thread on so many fucking boards.

Just yesterday

Jesus, why are there so many watch elitists on this site?

>> No.679485

2 at the same time of course

>> No.679486


Because most people on this site are geeks trying to fit in to normal life, but carry their geekiness into a lot of aspects of it. Thats why there are forums dedicated to xross-examining the minutest details of watch movements, because people are fucking nerds.

Nothing wrong with it.

It could be worse, we could be women.

>> No.679512

if you had 17k to drop on an accessory you wouldn't have time for a 17k property

>> No.679526


I meant undervalued stock to be specific.

17k property is some Detroit OCP inner-city tier shit.

>> No.679533

Women don't like information

But watch-fags are complete cancer though

>> No.679634

that's not how it works

>> No.679637

I'd rather invest my $17,000 in XOM.

>> No.679642

Should have had a full ceramic case. That watch is gonna be scratched to hell so fast for a daily wear.

>> No.680186

Platinum is cheaper than gold

>> No.680199


>Apple watch
>less gold per karat technology (topkek)
>will be worthless in 5 years
>made in a factory
>ugly as shit

>real gold, not a shitty alloy
>will retain value for more than your lifetime
>looks good

>> No.680203

Shit, I don't even care what day it is.

>> No.680204

Lol this isnt how the real world is. You are clearly 16

>> No.680205


When the watch costs over 5 grand, those scratches are called "patina" and they are sought after.

>> No.680268


Patination is a process of oxidation, and has nothing to do with scratches.

Gold does not form a patina because it is totally inert.

>> No.680271


You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

>> No.680277
File: 710 KB, 1800x1082, Moto360__Metal_RGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me it's not even about that. The Apple watch is ugly as all fuck. Why anyone would buy this piece of shit over a sexy moto 360 is beyond me.

I mean FUCK, it is SO DAMN UGLY.

>> No.680288


"Patina (/ˈpætɨnə/ or /pəˈtiːnə/) is a thin layer that variously forms on the surface of stone; on copper, bronze and similar metals (tarnish produced by oxidation or other chemical processes)"

Fuck off faggot pleb.

I collect precious metal, bronze statues, and various types of knives, mostly in high carbon steels.

I know what a fucking patina is.

>> No.680311
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, Newborn-Baby-Very-Sad-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep going with the definition there cutey...

>a shiny or dark surface that forms naturally on something that is used for a long time

>yfw you actually don't realize what a patina is

>> No.680332


Patina has always referred to oxidation on metals. It is a protective layer unlike rust (another type of oxidation)

Leather, for example can form a 'patina', especillay certain types of pull leathers. And the term has been adopted for that effect as well, but don't kid yourself and act like a smart-ass. You were referring originally to scratches on metal watch cases, and called them a patina, then got schooled.

Go drink you chai latte now your femboy.

>> No.680334

Then why'd you have to look it up in the dictionary?

>> No.680342

>patina', especillay certain types of pull leathers

It is a well accepted term for the description of minor scratches and micro abrasions as well as natural polishing/rubbing that happens during the use of an object.

You claimed that it was originally just oxidation - which is fucking bullshit and got schooled.

even though you "collect precious metal, bronze statues, and various types of knive, mostly in high carbon steels. Attended navy seal training, fought in two wars, and killed better people than me."

Keep going. You looked like a stupid douchbag the second you made that remark. You aren't helping your case.

>> No.680379
File: 344 KB, 691x510, 1423440249750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The 360 is nice. The bezel is the only thing mostly everyone hates.

>> No.680434

What do you think is better on the Apple watch bezel. Maybe I'm old school, but to me, the bezel is the ring of metal around the dial usually the rotary ring kind of thing.

I don't see much of a bezel on either devices.

>> No.680447


Don't like the Apple watch, seems really pointless to me. The Moto actually resembles a watch face, as to other features that are actually usable.

>> No.680457


Scratches have never been considered 'patina', Keep crying. Your a tasteless pleb with no technical know how.

I bet you've never built a thing with your owns hands in your life.

>> No.681668

lol ignorant mother fucker

>> No.681868
File: 92 KB, 576x747, nihilist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just using the 17k to make more money so you can make even more money

>> No.682685

>>"whats wrong anon, couldn't afford the measly $17 000?"
chang pls, only your fellow chinks want that shit

>> No.682686


I've got better things to spend money on then this piece of shit people will get mugged for.

>> No.682692


>> No.682697

>trinkets and baubles, fitter to be the playthings of children than the serious pursuits of men

also this >>681868

There are 3 main groups of people in this equation I think.

The normy who blows all their money on something useless so they can delude themselves into thinking they are wealthcore.

The aspy who wants to become a comic book villain and saves and invests to gain more wealth at the expense of hedonism. They will look at that comic and think "hurr I'm like the 2nd panel and I want to be like that" when in reality they are more like the 1st panel.

The normy who saves and invests because they actually want to achieve what the aspy imagines, because in their mind this is what is right and best for them, the same reason you brush your teeth in the morning. They rarely mention their beliefs because doing so does not help them achieve their goals. If you want to influence people you want them to think you are a benevolent socialist or something.

The first 2 are "edgelords", OP is #1, most here including me are probably #2 and probably won't accumulate much wealth, though if we don't do something stupid we will have a lot of savings. Though there is nothing wrong with being #3.

Also I've noticed bitches seem to hate men who don't spend much money and "obsess" over something other than hedonism. Bitches are basically succubus harpies, don't trust them, ever. Unless they are the reincarnations of Margaret Thatcher or Ayn Rand.

Just some thoughts.

>> No.682705

how are #2 and #3 that different?

the only difference I see is that one is an "aspy" and one is a "normy"

aspies can save money and have goals too

>> No.682706

>wearing gold
>being as tacky as an indian housewife

You still think of gold as a status symbol? Why can't you just be quietly wealthy? Do you have terminally low self-esteem so everyone as to know you spent $17k on a hunk of shiny garbage?

If its about the gold, just buy $17k worth of gold, then you won't be stuck with an apple product.

>> No.682823


Apple is making a mistake with this. They are drawing a line in the sand and saying "hey, all you poor baristas and dishwashing immigrants who buy our products to feel rich, well, it's time to get rekt. Unless you have Apple Gold™®© then you're nobody."

>> No.683006


but...platinum IS cheaper than gold.

Are you a mongoloid?

>> No.683009

I would take a Rolex over an Apple watch any day. Guess what. In 5 years my Rolex will be worth more (even though it was cheaper to buy) and will still get more women (the kind you actually want)

>> No.683017


>took the bait

>> No.683023


Unless you're wearing a patek, gold watches make you look like a retard. Plus you could counterfeit a gold Apple watch easily because there's no complex watch movement inside. Hell, with apple's "less gold per gold" technology, counterfeit Apple watches would be MORE GOLD than a gold Apple watch.

>> No.683183


What's the point of these gay pieces of shit anyway??

> Now instead of one phone, you can have two! The second one will be a bulky piece you wear on your wrist.

>> No.683259

>buying a woman's watch
The apply watch is a woman's watch you fag.

>> No.683777
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, 20150310_110705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its scratched already. Glad it was a gift.

Inb4 you stole it you filthy nigger

And im sure the time is 6:30am

>> No.683780

>unique 18k alloy
>for a fucking watch

I'm pretty sure that's just shitty marketing. People eat up marketing buzz words like retina display when really they are just Samsung parts.

>> No.684909

The internet is so unified on this bombing it has to succeed. I think it gets said about everything.

"lol buying FB at 40 when it just shows you grandmas pictures"

"lol first gen iPhone"

"lol there is always a Android thing better"

Meanwhile Apple gets billions AAPL always rises 75%+ every time a new iteration of a product comes out.

Don't mind me just buying AAPL at 120 a share see you in 6 months when its 190 a share and they sell 15 million watches after motherfucking Ellen DeGeneres does something memey with Anne Hathaway and the new watch.

>> No.685073 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 600x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here planning to buy the apple watch edition and resell it?

>> No.685092

>Actually apple has developed a unique 18k alloy

No, what Apple did is go to a metallurgist and ask them what gold alloys can be made reasonably durable

>which uses copper, silver, palladium and a type of ceramic

None of those are unique to apples gold alloy. Silver is a standard alloying agent that brightens gold. Copper tints the alloy more red (hence the high copper content in rose gold) and palladium is a very hard metal and increases the durability of gold.

>make it as hard as steel.

Most steel is soft. This is on purpose because it makes it resistant to crack propagation. Thee is no way apple's gold alloy is as hard as tool steel, or even stainless.

>> No.685160

Not this faggot fuck again.

>> No.685293

>Buying a $17,000 gold watch when it will be obsolete in 2 years when Apple comes out with the next model
>Not buying a real gold watch that will probably last a life time

>> No.685317

>No, what Apple did is go to a metallurgist and ask them what gold alloys can be made reasonably durable

Either way, Apple holds a patent on it.

>None of those are unique to apples gold alloy. Silver is a standard alloying agent that brightens gold. Copper tints the alloy more red (hence the high copper content in rose gold) and palladium is a very hard metal and increases the durability of gold.

You didn't mention ceramic, and that is the part they hold a patent on.

>> No.685337

you faggots are so transparent

>> No.685339

suck a dick like the faggot that you are

>> No.685341

>Either way, Apple holds a patent on it.
>You didn't mention ceramic, and that is the part they hold a patent on.

Apple isn't using the ceramic process in making the watch. The watch cases are machined from cast billets, while the ceramic process would require powder pressing and sintering.

So, yeah, Apple patented a metal-ceramic powder. This is, again, has been done before and is absolutely nothing new.

Good job deep throating Apples marketing cock.

>> No.685392

Bro don't fuck up, buy AAPL after the watch has dropped, whether its sells gangbusters or not I can almost guarantee a drop in stock on release day

>> No.685404

>Apple patented a metal-ceramic powder. This is, again, has been done before and is absolutely nothing new

>people get awarded patents for "nothing new" all the time

>i, myself, was awarded a patent for sucking cock just yesterday - and not even for sucking cock in a new way.. just the standard cock down my throat method.

I can't tell you how stupid you sound.

>> No.685411

Dude. He makes more sense than you.

>> No.685424

As a physicist/chemist - I can assure you that one can obtain a patent on a specific alloy blend without needing a new process for production, so long as the specific alloy can be proven to be original in its patent application (ie, the exact mixture and process has not been identified as usable and patented previously), and useful for a particular purpose.
So they technically could patent something someone else had already created, but never patented due to being worthless for the previous discoverer's purpose.

>> No.685431

>he makes more sense than you

>The watch cases are machined from cast billets,

Really? Because last I checked the method of production, as well as the entire product, wasn't released yet.

>As a physicist/chemist

into the trash it goes

>> No.685450

And this is why you're poor.
Would you accept financial advise from a fashion designer? Only if you were an idiot.
How about design advice, from a computer scientist? Probably not.
But materials advice from a materials chemist/physicist? Oh, yeah, fuck that noise.
Keep being pleb tier.

>> No.685464

>And this is why you're poor.

>"educated" but still making bad assumptions

further into the trash it goes

>> No.685480

>bad assumptions
I never made an assumption. Perhaps you may want to educate yourself on the alloying processes, alloys, as well as the patenting thereof.
Or, could you explain how I was incorrect in my original post?

>> No.685485


Your bad assumption was that I was poor. It was also an assumption that had no consequence on the discussion at hand, and makes everything you have said seem like it comes out of the mouth of a total jackass no matter what your educational background is.

Not that anything you've posted has been meaningful in anyway considering this is all about a product that hasn't been released yet.

>> No.685514

Call it then, a counter assumption.
I was just pointing out how in YOUR argument about a product that hasn't been released yet about materials properties and the patenting thereof is false. It obviously does contribute in a meaningful way to the discussion.
From the fact that you cannot argue against my counter-argument of yours about the materials properties and alloying processes and patenting thereof, I can only assume you have conceded to being incorrect.

>> No.685529


None of those words even make sense. So I can only assume I am right and you are an idiot whose opinion belongs in the trash.

>> No.685540


Seriously though, I'm an understanding person. I think people deserve a second chance usually.

If you'd like to try again in English... I'd love a second opportunity to throw your shit in the trash again.

>> No.685554

I am sorry, that was in legible English, and I did not use any type of slang nor jargon.
If you are unable to argue with the statements outlined in my original argument, then please shut the fuck up and quit spreading ignorance rather than fact.

>> No.685557
File: 2.39 MB, 482x268, just get your shit together.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather spend 17K on removing my balls.

>> No.685577


Your english is fine. It's just a bit formal. It's your grammar that is throwing them off, but it's not unacceptable, just unusual.

These guys sucking Apple cock won't dare blasphemy against the holy ghost of Steve Jobs.