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File: 888 KB, 848x603, Shiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6794213 No.6794213 [Reply] [Original]

It's over boys.

>The fate bitcoin faces is a grim one, according to Nobel-prize winning economist Robert Shiller, who predicts the cryptocurrency will either implode or drag on, comparing it with the tulip craze of the 17th century.

>“It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value,” Shiller, who is also Yale professor, told CNBC. The 2013 Nobel laureate in economics says while “other things like gold would at least have some value if people didn’t see it as an investment,” he doesn’t know “what to make of bitcoin ultimately.”

>In December, bitcoin saw a dramatic surge in its price, hitting new record highs every day and ultimately reaching $20,000. However, a plunge followed, with bitcoin now trading at around $12,000.
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Robert Shiller © Michelle McLoughlin Nobel-winning economist Robert Shiller calls bitcoin ‘a fad’

>“It reminds me of the Tulip mania in Holland in the 1640s, and so the question is did that collapse? We still pay for tulips even now and sometimes they get expensive,” Shiller went on, referring to an economic bubble in the Netherlands in 1637, when after prices frantically grew the market suddenly fell apart.

>> No.6794255
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>> No.6794378

>“It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value... other things like gold would at least have some value if people didn’t see it as an investment"
This is why I know we are still early. You could be a nobel-winning economist and still not understand the value of a decentralized public ledger.

>> No.6794732
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>billions of dollars of energy and ASIC equipment
>7tx/sec only
>Chinese that won't accept changes for the better in btc code.

btc may start dying, but there's far better coins working right now

>> No.6794780
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>Circumventing the corrupt banks has no value


Thes economists can't see anything other than their own colon

>> No.6794820

Decentralized public ledgers can be made independently of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin itself is a prototype, an experiment.

>> No.6794867

I hate this meme. Core hates chinese for trying to scale. Uneducated fucks like yourself hate chinese for preventing scaling.

>> No.6794875
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>Robert Shiller
>he had one purpouse in life
>waste it creating more FUD

>> No.6794889

Why do they always mention tulips instead of housing bubbles?

>> No.6794973

Nice try Mr. Shiller, just bought 100k

>> No.6794976

>either implode or drag on

>> No.6794979

part of the intrinsic value meme

>> No.6794993
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>it either has no value or it don't

you heard it from the nobile prize winning economist.

could go up but it could go down, thanks Mr. Shiller.

>> No.6795015

What!?! Crypto was compared to Tulips!?!? That unheard of! What an expert!!!! Fuck shit ass balls no one ever thought of that!!!

>> No.6795037

What the fuck is bitcoin's actual application aside from speculation?

>> No.6795096

i do like his little addition though, he is the very least larping some thought by pointing out tulips never actually went to zero

>> No.6795109

>What the fuck is dollar's actual application aside from speculation?

>> No.6795111
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Such deep and insightful commentary. No wonder they awarded Obama the Peace Prize for bombing even more countries that Bush and pushing secret drone wars while spying on all of us.

>> No.6795114

>it'll either go up or it'll go down!
Amazing foresight, Mr. (((Shiller)))

>> No.6795150

it is a peer to peer electronic cash system anon

>> No.6795195
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I honestly cannot believe this jackass is a Nobel-prize winning economist and he makes a fucking retarded comparison like that. Jesus Christ. I feel like that argument has been debunked so many times already.

>> No.6795199

>“It has no value at all"
Such a stupid fucking vapid nihilistic statement. Couple this with comparing cutting edge technology to a fucking flower and it's safe to say this old fart doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

>> No.6795274

It should be buying shit, like every other currency, but people speculating with it's price are killing it.

>> No.6795350




>> No.6795360

sending money across countries cheaply

>> No.6795361

It wasn't just a fucking flower, it was new and enticing and people just wanted it without caring that it's useless. Hey, just like most shitcoins.

>> No.6795383

It pretty much has no value at all anon

What the fuck can you do with it other than trade it for other valueless coins? Srs

>> No.6795396

The tulip bubble never happened
It’s a myth

>> No.6795403


Decentralized ledgers without a cryptocurrency provide no incentive at all for people to keep it running. They can only work if they're maintained by a private institution defeating the whole purpose of a decentralized ledger.

>> No.6795457

>“It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value"

nigga just answered himself. bitcoin has value because we agree that it has value, end.

>> No.6795460

>Could either die or not die
Thanks Mr. Shiller

>> No.6795484

this. currency is inherently worthless, at the end of the day bit coins is merely a ledger and all that matters is whether or not people decide to give a shit about that ledger.

the people that hiked us to this price do not give a shit about that ledger, whether they actually realize it or not the ledger they care about is the cuckbase one

>> No.6795492

also whatever tulip craze he is talking about was not real, so much for research fuckhead economist

if your title is economist you need to consider the chair and rope

>> No.6795527

>the cryptocurrency will either implode or drag on
>It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value

starting salary 100K

>> No.6795533

And what do you do with gold? Fucking nothing. If you think bitcoin is worthless than you must think gold is too.

>> No.6795546

He's 100% correct. Bitcoin is running 100% on name recognition and tether. The actual tech is horribly outdated and borderline useless. There are many coins out there with better tech. It is 100% currently being used purely for investments, as he said. Prove me otherwise.

>> No.6795555

they already exist and are working
Gem Health

>> No.6795565

Tulips were the first recorded economic bubble.

>> No.6795620

> “It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value"

How is that different than literally any other currency that has ever existed (outside of maybe resource currency which still has intrinsic value)

>> No.6795638

it's a meme, it is not a valid comparison

>> No.6795647

It doesn't matter what the baby boomers think. They'll be dead soon and young people will push the new tech. Baby boomers still struggle to use iPhones, but they're experts on CryptoCurrency.

>> No.6795651

What a pointless, bullshit, reputation protecting statement. "Could last 100 years" basically means that if it pops within lifetime he can say "oh oh I told you all!" and if it doesn't he'll be dead so who gives a fuck what he said anyway.

>> No.6795654

At the end of the day, Bitcoin is just another pump-&-dump scam.

>> No.6795658

You build it into jewelry or circuitry.

>> No.6795665

>It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value

just like the us dollar. i must say who ever this shiller guy is he is not a good shiller, atleast when trying to spread FUD to get bitcoins for cheap u make up rumours about government regulations and shit.

>> No.6795693

Full faith and credit of the United States

>> No.6795707

the difference is that governments tell all the people which currency they are going to accept

>> No.6795712
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>pajeet buy flower
>sell to brother 1/1000th of a tulip for 1000 gelt
>market suddenly make tulip billions

>> No.6795720

Not just the dollar, literally everything.
You can have a diamond the size of a minivan or a machine that turns grass into filet mignon and both of which would be worthless if someone else didn't find it to have value.

>> No.6795723

Except that it is.

>> No.6795788

>machine that turns grass into filet mignon
Filet mignon actually feeds you stupid comparison

>> No.6795805

The meme magic is getting stronger

>> No.6795850

>his name is literally shiller

>> No.6795865

That alone wouldn't make it expensive as it is now. Gold's price is pure speculation and scarcity.

>> No.6795871

Lets pretend that everyone on the planet is vegan for whatever reason. Nobody is going to care about a steak machine.

Nothing has inherent value. People (sometimes animals) are the ones that ascribe value to things.

>> No.6795872


And they're no better than a simple sql database that the banks can modify at will, they're just for show, they provide no real benefit.

>> No.6795883

It's use in jewellery is only because people think it has value.

Circuitry, less than 15% of gold is used for circuitry.

>> No.6795885

No it's not, there's a finite number of bitcoins

>> No.6795915

>IBM football ad mentions Blockchain

>> No.6795916

Fun fact: the Nobel Prize in Economics is not a real Nobel Prize.

>> No.6795924

>Lets pretend that everyone on the planet is vegan
Or lets not.

>> No.6795935

yes but there is some minimum value above zero, bit coins do literally nothing aside from record who has how many

>> No.6795940
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>let's pretend that nobody could find inherent value in things
>if this happened then nothing would have inherent value

>> No.6795943
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is he /our guy/ ?

>> No.6795976
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The old age of economics and fiat derivatives ends now old man. He clearly has no idea what blockchains are and if asked what is bitcoinmining he'd scratch his head with a confused look on his face like a child stunned by the dillemma of his own poop not tasting like pudding.
Also reminder, no mainstream speculant predicted 2008 market crash. It was all "it's stable", "it can't go down"

>> No.6795979
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>machine that turns grass into filet mignon
they call those cows don't they bro?

>> No.6796000

tulips are duplicatable, there can be any amount of tulips. cryptos (normally) aren't.

the tulip mania lasted less than a year. one bubble no more. bitcoin had 523948523 booms in the past 8 years, it always booms again.
bitcoin has intrinsic value.

it's the fact that it's non-duplicatable AND easy to transfer.

those 2 attributes alone gives it immense intrinsic value.

>> No.6796019
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>we have no records if the tulip bubble even happened
>this guy is comparing it to the most revolutionary technology this century

>> No.6796107

Ugh. All of these fucking old school equities idiots with vague open-ended prouncements .

I also hate 'be fearful when others are greedy, greedy when others are fearful' when it comes to crypto, Warren Buffett is about as credible as Jimmy Buffett.

>> No.6796131
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>> No.6796181

So like every single cryptocurrency? Also,
>$30 fees
>easy to transfer
My shits are also nonduplicatable and I'll mail them to you for $30.

>> No.6796206


>> No.6796208

>Robert Shiller, who predicts the cryptocurrency will either implode or drag on,
Oh hey look its another retarded tulip nonsense babbler
>muh tulips

>> No.6796232

Tulipa mania failed because it didnt have an international outreach. No internet in 1640, nobody could pump it outside of its country except the locals.

>> No.6796274

>predicts the cryptocurrency will either implode or drag on
Well no shit what other possibility is there lol. That's like saying a person is either moving or not moving

>> No.6796287
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This very thoughtful analysis.
>Maibe it gu up ur mybe it goe doewn
>Eiter way it wil muve!

>> No.6796306

desu senpai i only got like 4% of my holdings in BTC, though i must admit it makes me worried sometimes, but i wasn't arguing for bitcoin against other cryptos, i'm pointing out that the tulip mania comparison is entirely flaw'd and the fact that a nobel-prize winning 'economist' brings this up (after 8! years of the market) just made me think heavily about the value of nobel prizes
i think nobel prizes are tulips and won't be worth to even mention in a few years

>> No.6796355

Are you this fucking retarded? I can go to the store and buy a pizza slice for a dollar

>> No.6796405


>> No.6796442

i can pay xbox live with bitcoin. i can play cryptokitties with ether. i can order anything from overstock w/ crypto. i can buy 15823753987 online services or goods from retailers for crypto.

i can put VAST amounts of money in crypto and do whatever i want with those funds, and convert them back to any other kind of wealth whenever i want to.

>> No.6796556
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>> No.6796618

Not before it's converted to fiat first. No business accepts BTC directly. That's why the BTC price isn't fixed.

>> No.6796664

>You could be a nobel-winning economist

All this means is he's really good at being a fucking dork, he doesn't know anything.

>> No.6796678

>bitcoin moves up
>a few award-winning economists predicting prosperity and $100k eoy pop up

>bitcoin moves down
>a few award-winning economists predicting complete annihilation and $1k eom pop up

Happens every time.

>> No.6796802

Surely a bunch of barely adults with zero background in finance know better than a nobel prize winning economist

>> No.6796889

this. ITT i hope bit coins price go up because i deserve to be rich and can't do things

>> No.6796929


-Apple was total shit on the way down
-Facebook was doomed becuase it didnt moon the first few months after ipo
-netflix was toast after the first 50% drop years ago

This board is total shit and everyone should just kill themselves.

>> No.6796978

Are you saying this board is actually the best on 4chan?

>> No.6797050

>“It reminds me of the Tulip mania in Holland in the 1640s, and so the question is did that collapse? We still pay for tulips even now and sometimes they get expensive,”

is this a joke?
he sounds like my retarded neighbour

>> No.6797060
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>nobel piece prize winning and world renown economist
>manages to spew a bunch of illogical bullshit out of his mouth

>> No.6797129

This this this

>> No.6797140

Just stop bro. We get the direction you're trying to go but you're wrong. Some items have intrinsic value, other items (like fiat) rely almost exclusively on extrinsic value.

If Wood became a currency it would still have value because of its utility. You can build a house with it, keep yourself warm etc. Even if the intrinsic value of Wood was sky-high, it will always have value.

Fiat, generally, has no intrinsic value. I mean I guess you could burn piles of money but thats about it. If society stops deciding that it's worth something, it will be essentially worthess

>> No.6797341

They are all corporate. How are they decentralized?
Can you buy weapons and drugs with them? Can you launder money with them? Can you hide your money from your government using them? If not, they are useless.

>> No.6797387

>he says, while buying thousands of BTC

>> No.6797417

>illegal value proposition
Literally can never make it. You can’t take something like that to the mainstream.

>> No.6797470

they have a vested interest in toeing the (((banks'))) line cuz they may end up with a cushy job on the board if they play their cards right.

Also fuck this cunt.

>> No.6797539

I agree with Shiller, but does not stop me of riding the bubble up and get rich with it.

>> No.6797581

That's how every big crypto started out. Bitcoin was used to trade child porn on Tor for the first 3 years. That's why Monero will be #1 in a few years time.
The whole point of cryptocurrency is fucking with the governments, the coin that fails to do so is doomed to die.
That's the only intrinsic value to crypto.

>> No.6797598

This. The Dunning-Kruger is strong with shitcoiners.

>> No.6797672

>It could either collapse or not
Thanks genius

>> No.6797748

Bitcoin may collapse, but the blockchain concept is here to stay, and I firmly believe that cryptos are going to change the whole economic system eventually.
Then again, I have never won a Nobel.

>> No.6797807
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tulip bulb me know markets crypto scam

>> No.6797847

>Then again, I have never won a Nobel.
You just have to be a Jew or a Jew puppet and have enough money to pay people to write some papers for you. Your Jewish buddies will give you a Nobel.
Nobel has 0 value, but few people know.

>> No.6797891

Try sending money across the world using Western Union or SWIFT, then compare it to Bitcoin. Then you'll see its true value.

Small payments in fiat currency won't be replaced until something like XRB (or a private version of it, preferably) becomes popular, but long distance deposits have already been replaced successfully.

>> No.6797895

>“It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value,”
That's why Bitcoin Cash will take over. The BCH people are a cult, the Bitcoin Segwit people are greedy scam artists. When everything crashes the Segwit soyboys will leave but the Cash people will not.

>> No.6798175

>I firmly believe that cryptos are going to change the whole economic system eventually.

You're delusional. It will never have any practical use beyond money laundering, tax evasion and buying illegal shit.

>> No.6798345

the guys last name is Shiller

>> No.6798440

Not the guy you answered to, but desu it's way too early to tell.
Your post reminds me of people who used to say "Why would anyone need a personal computer?" in the 80's. As governments become more corrupt and tyranical, having a way to hide your money from them will become a necessity even for people who don't believe taxation is theft. In a similar manner, anti-gun people in Europe are slowly becoming pro-gun as the muslim menace ramps up. It all comes down to necessity.
To see how this is real, just look at Venezuela. Crypto is actually saving people's lives over there.

>> No.6798521
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>>“It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value,” S

Absolute moronic statement. Millions People were using bitcoins 5 years ago for several reasons over fiat

Shiller has track record same level with Peter Schiff, was calling stock market crash past 5 years. This guy is a real tard

>> No.6798586

>It has no value at all unless there is some common consensus that it has value

No shit, that's what makes almost everything in this world valuable, aside from necessities like food and water.

Art sells for hundreds of millions of dollars, but no one blinks an eye. Why aren't they crying that's a bubble??

>> No.6798600

Hes just trying to shut up the 1000000 people that ask him about crypto on the daily.

Same with buffett.

These men give zero fucks about crypto. Its obviously an unknown. They are just tired of being asked about it.

>> No.6798603

>Comparing Ponzi scheme with actual businesses that offer products/services.

>> No.6799428

Incorrect. Industry can track a product from the start to the end consumer. Consumers can QR code a product at the local shop and verify it's gone through and met whatever regulations that are imposed on it. If something it wrong, the product can be traced through the blockchain just like batch numbers. The industry will adopt this tech. Your coins are worthless. The blockchain is the real value holder.

>> No.6800071

Is banking a service/product?
You could argue that Bitcoin does exactly the same things a bank does, except for things that involve fiat. Just look at how slow and expensive SWIFT and Western Union are compared to Bitcoin.

>> No.6800589

>other things like gold would at least have some value if people didn’t see it as an investment

What? Total bullshit. Gold is in the same boat as crypto. When the conquistadores showed up in the new world, the natives couldn't understand why they wanted to accumulate something so completely worthless.

>> No.6800619

>What the fuck is bitcoin's actual application aside from speculation?

Gee, uh, don't know...maybe as a FUCKING CURRENCY?

>> No.6800683

>tulip bulbs

I can’t grow a fucking bitcoin in my backyard

It costs lots of money to mine a Btc. That prohibitive cost means your tulip argument is real retarded

>> No.6800743

why is "likely" in quotes?

>> No.6800914

>You could argue that Bitcoin does exactly the same things a bank does
You could, but since jews don't control it it's completely different you stupid goyim.

>> No.6800988

Gold has a material sciences purpose for value though; it's a very good component in the electronic age, and didn't tarnish (currency that wasn't easy to destroy) in the time before that.

A better example would just be fiat money, which is literally worthless outside of us claiming it isn't. You can't craft electronic components from shredded bills, for example.

>> No.6801893

sweet just bought 100k

>> No.6801967


t. Retard

The Aztecs used gold in jewelry and decoration. They valued it as we would diamonds or other rares like Jade.

>> No.6802134

shame BTC is just as, if not more corrupt.

>> No.6802347

How large of a problem is that though? It's certainly not a 600 billion dollar problem

>> No.6802388

Yes it's a service you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.6802421

>Being so retarded you can't extrapolate meaning and can only think of things in literal terms

Hoo boy, u r a retard my dude.

>> No.6802664

>irreversible transactions
>no fraud protection
>no lending
>no customer service

>> No.6802781

>value something
>wear it arround your neck
Pick one nigger

>> No.6802792

>Nobel prize
Remember when Obama won one of those for being half black? They mean nothing.

>> No.6802802

Please telle this mean Chinese like BCH?

>> No.6802816

>le gold for electronics meme
less than 5% is used for crafting, and new materials are being made to completely replace it.
Gold only has value because of jews and jewelery

>> No.6802885

Every answer before me scared the living shit out of me owning as none of them know. Fuck, hello USD.

>> No.6802917

Apple's top head of marketing is named Phil Shiller, and he takes the cake kek

>> No.6802930

$20 to send my pajeet bro $50? Sounds legit....

>> No.6802961

Peer to peer that currently costs 8 times the fees to send $20 versus getting out of an (((atm)))?

Glad I've been all in XLM for a month.

>> No.6803079

He does not know what to make of it but is more than happy to shit on it. Topkek stay poor nocoiners.

This dipshit is literally the epidemy of shill unironically. Read his posts and book

>> No.6803088
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>> No.6803375

Gold is a shitmetal anyways, you should hear what the devs are working on with cobalt and tungsten

>> No.6804071
