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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6791464 No.6791464 [Reply] [Original]

please tell me this is going back to 80 cents so I can dump my bags and exit crypto

>> No.6791481


>> No.6791518

Roadmap will at least double the price.


>> No.6791543

>dumping xlm
you're retarded

>> No.6791592


>normie crying about his bags when market starts to crash again

holy fuck just come back in 3 months and u'll understand how to invest in real projects

>> No.6791596

don't even mention fairx, it's vaporware bullshit
even the ibm guy admitted it's a side project of his

>> No.6791607

exchange tokens under $1 are the safest best of 2018

this, coinmetro, previously kcs, bnb

>> No.6791620

Source cuck

>> No.6791623

>invest in real projects
let me guess, like dbc?

>> No.6791646


> admitted it's a side project of his
> side project

You know Facebook was Zuckerbergs side project right? Shows how little you know about potential investments

>> No.6791652

k dump your shit then come back in 2 weeks and see how retarded you are

>> No.6791692
File: 221 KB, 899x981, 1515417247683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're holding XLM and dont know its a real project, u should just kill yourself.


lol shill pajeet detected gtfo poor faggot

>> No.6791704

yeah XLM will be 20 cents in 2 weeks
market is going down the fucking toilet

>> No.6791716

Comparing FairX to Facebook.

Okay, anon.

>> No.6791733

can't reason with stupid

>> No.6791758

Thinking the same about REQ. Didn't even buy at ATH.

>> No.6791818

we're in the bear market now
in 2014 it wasn't a sudden crash, just a slow bleed out over a few months

>> No.6791840


>Comparing FairX to Facebook.

I wasn't comparing FairX to Facebook. I was showing anon how stupid he is to underestimate 'side projects'

Just like how you are doing.

>> No.6791874
File: 43 KB, 372x381, 1514717441529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh vey shill harder faggot

>> No.6791940
File: 74 KB, 674x674, 1513769216620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw poor pajeets shill threads they want to buy when market starts dipping

dont u pajeets have to pay taxes LOL

>> No.6791946

I'm going to enjoy /biz/ when it's filled with idiots like you posting pink Wojaks and screenshots of your Blockfolios going -95% in the next few months

>> No.6792012
File: 90 KB, 258x410, 21651234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol ok poor faggot dont forget to kill urself because you were too late to make money

>> No.6792057

you only make money when you take profit :^)
cashed out everything else but XLM at this point

>> No.6792100


> Blockfolios going -95% in the next few months

>yfw im still 1000% up because of XLM

holy fuck u are stupid and poor. I enjoy taking your grandparents money because they were late to the party just like ur poor ass was

>> No.6792182

No only Jew slave westerners do.

>> No.6792214

fairx is a side project because the guy's full time job is IBM
however, its retarded to think that fairx is a one man show
something of this scale requires many employees which he certainly has

>> No.6792300


>going to $0.80

More like 0.08. Overhyped and overshilled shit that has already mooned. There's like what 30b of xlm? And you expect it to get +50%? In THIS market? Better be b8

>Roadmap will at least double the price.


No, it won't. The market is crashing, even the best news won't change anything. xlm will plummet just like everything else. The most hyped event is going to happen during bear market. So the whole fairx meme won't do shit.

>> No.6792347


FairX was only found out because the reddit community hunted the shit down to the tea.

The guy frmo FairX fucking gave in and give a teaser.

THIS AT THE SAME TIME PBC WAS SHILLING. Now it was just coincidence honestly because I dont think anyone knew about FairX or what it was going to do. Only shilled constantly to the point where you believe it enough to make you rich.

trust me next week is gon be gud

>> No.6792423
File: 120 KB, 1753x656, all_in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FairX is just one of many things to put in the Stellar hat of real world implementation

Good year ahead of us.

>> No.6792424


>when market starts dipping

Hello? Shillar is at like 0.43 atm.
Not dipping enough for you yet? Well, maybe you're right this shitcoin is hardly worth more than 0.10 with its supply , the rest is just hype and le funny /biz memes.

>inb4 muh fairx muh devs

yeah, right ;)

>> No.6792499


>t. brainlet

>> No.6792589



>> No.6792646


>t. shillar bag holder

don't hurt your wrists m8, these bags of your are going to be very heavy ;^)

>> No.6792762

i'll remember this in 2 weeks time and laugh at your poor decisions

>> No.6792869


OP is just butthurt he bought near ATH. No need to argue or convince him otherwise. Clearly too dull to look beyond his stupid mistake.

Trying to FUD/troll his way to happiness

>> No.6792872
File: 157 KB, 826x1200, Cp14fxoWcAA4HXN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an XLM bagholder and people have been saying this for the past 2 weeks. It won't matter if FairX comes out and is everything we hope - as long as BTC is bleeding out, every other coin will do the same. I guarantee we'll still be holding these coins at a loss in 2 weeks time. Cap this post.