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File: 154 KB, 1910x1000, 104810328-3ED3-REQ-WOCHIT-CME-BITCOIN-103117.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6789405 No.6789405 [Reply] [Original]

CME Bitcoin futures will close on 26th. They will crash BTC hard, so that they can profit from their shorts. Just like what happened before CBOE futures closed two days ago.

Move all your shitcoins into BTC or ETH. Or even Tether if you feel safe with it. Buy back after they are done with their plays.

This is gonna be my only warning. Not gonna post this twice.

>> No.6789549

idk why no one is talking about this

>> No.6789587

Does biz realize if we spread this we are the ones who make the money right?

>> No.6789594

Are we gonna have to follow every exchange's shorts closing dates? Fuck me man.

>> No.6789595

or they go long and pump the ever loving shit out of it

>> No.6789624

whale here. setting up massive sell walls on Dragonchain and DBC.

get in before the 25th. final warning

>> No.6789732

Not sure why I should sell my alts into eth, wouldn't they just crash the same? The only thing that makes sense is Tether but I don't fucking trust USDT, it's obviously funny business and one greedy move could bitconnect my entire portfolio.

>> No.6789733

not buying ur bags faggot

OP good looks, but I'm skeptical
Are normies dumb enough to panic sell again?

>> No.6789734

im in bitcoin, hold or sell?

>> No.6789799

Hold, your only option to sell is back to fiat and depending on your country, that might mean a big capital gains tax.

>> No.6790005

What if CME going long? We get screwed big time

>> No.6790013

Seems like we're gonna have monthly crash due to their shorts.

That's still a possibility, even though very very unlikely.

>why I should sell my alts into eth, wouldn't they just crash the same?
Yes ETH will crash in USD value. But if you keep your shitcoins, they will crash in ETH value. And that's even worse than losing USD value.

>Are normies dumb enough to panic sell again?
When are normies not dumb?

It's up to you to seek safe haven in BTC/ETH/Tether. I've converted all my shitcoins into Tether, except some other ETH which are still locked in ICOs.

>> No.6790074

No, because they're longing this time.

>> No.6790100

The futures are long now retard
go check it out

>> No.6790144

Post proof or you're larping.

>> No.6790230

whos gonna sell? normans dropped their bags between 9-10k

>> No.6790287

So should I sell now or wait for a pump?
When am I supposed to do this
For how long?

>> No.6790376
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>> No.6790413

I like how you conspiracy retards always assume it's "them" working against you, when in reality it's them working against them to get the money from each other, and you are a tiny stupid fucking fish that no one cares about.

>> No.6790603

if you sell now youre going to lose bad

the positions are long now, pump incoming in a few days

you will just end up buying higher because of fomo

>> No.6790605

This. They do cocaine every minute.

>> No.6790611

Get into Skycoin if you want a safe haven.

>> No.6790657

It's a gamble, you're hoping the market will behave how you expect.

1) They may go long and you're cucked. 2) You may trade to btc and only btc tanks.
3) You may trade to eth and only eth tanks.
4) You go to tether and it blows (that's a ticking timebomb)
5) Or they may even try to bullrun straight through the drop by printing a billion of tether.

>> No.6790809

Just panic sold everything
I hope you're not larpers because I'm going to kill myself

>> No.6790873

you are an idiot

buy high sell low never change biz

>> No.6790887

>I like how you conspiracy retards always assume it's "them" working against you
It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact. BTC bounced back from the bottom at the exact moment after the CBOE futures expired.

Prove me wrong with facts and data.

>the positions are long now, pump incoming in a few days
Post proof or GTFO.

>> No.6790899

can somebody explain to me the difference between goin long and short?
short is when you bet the price of an asset will decrease and long when it increases?

>> No.6790910
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he actually did it!

>> No.6790976

Are you Whalebro?

>> No.6791003


>> No.6791017

Where can you see if people are going long or short on the CME Futures?

>> No.6791025

can you please explain for a noob cunt

>> No.6791051
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what compels you to ask this question and take another human's time to address your stupidity?
kindly google it, faggot

>> No.6791054

long is buying the asset, short is selling the asset

>> No.6791055
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>> No.6791060
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even your id is brown, pajeet

>> No.6791075

Seeing as the price is tanking now it makes sense to me that they'd go long. Am i right?

>> No.6791087

Common sense dude
Btc was due for a correction and certain people capitalized on it
Now they have made a lot of money, and further increase their btc holdings, what's the next logical step?

>> No.6791097

you have to know cmoe whales

but last time mr litecoin warned us

>> No.6791110
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i'm sorry anon, i'm stil a newfag

>> No.6791164

>Prove me wrong with facts and data.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. State a fact or two and then I'll consider spending more than 15 seconds on a reply.

>> No.6791185

thank you
i found this btw if someone is interested

>> No.6791210

why wouldn't they go long after the first short? Its what they did with gold, so thats probably the best strategy right?

>> No.6791231

Meanwhile, the big CBOE players in bitcoin futures tend to be short. For instance, among “other reportables”—large trading firms that don’t necessarily manage money for outside investors—short bets outweighed bullish “long” bets by a factor of 2.6 last week.

>> No.6791244

Where can I see open shorts vs open longs?
Or anyone got some insight into that?

>> No.6791296

Depends how much foresight they had. If they assumed that the first futures would tank the market then they might try and tank it again because market confidence would already be low. Conversely, they might want to pump the market because people would think BTC was 'bouncing back' and help in pumping it back up by flooding new money in.

>> No.6791328

>Move all your shitcoins into BTC or ETH. Or even Tether if you feel safe with it.
Learn to read, you edgy neckbeard.

I agree that BTC and the whole market are due for a correction, but that doesn't eliminate the POSSIBILITY of a second crash from CME futures closing on 26th.

>BTC bounced back from the bottom at the exact moment after the CBOE futures expired.
That's a fact. Your turn.

>why wouldn't they go long after the first short?
Because the first one was CBOE and the upcoming one is CME. Different bodies.

>> No.6791344

Well, there was always option 6) hold and option 7) sell like a dumbass. You went with the absolute worst option.


>> No.6791407


they actually compromise so they can keep doing what theyre doing while keep the plebs at bar

>> No.6791797

Well I'll probably sell on Wednesday and hold fiat on GDAX. Hopefully I can get some ETH out on Friday and buy the dip

>> No.6791875

That's my plan as well. But I Tethered up now and will buy back hours before the CME futures expires.

>> No.6791909

you are a brainlet

the CBOE futures are based on current gemini price, CME futures are based on an average of every bitcoin exchange between 3-4 pm GMT on the day of settlement

one you can easily influence, the other you cannot

>> No.6791918

do you know the exact time they expire?
it's when cme closes?

>> No.6791943


Who says they're shorting?

>> No.6791955


>> No.6792019

Well some faggot beat me to it. But yeah OP, you are a massive dumb cunt.

>> No.6792027
File: 64 KB, 648x598, DT2hdRLXUAAnkK0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read this and shut the fuck up.

>> No.6792101

It's down 20% just like every other shitcoin.

Yeah, fuck off with your special skycoin. Same god damn historical data flow as every other fucking coin and token.

>> No.6792243


>I know because I read a tweet
>Anon why are you not smart like me

>> No.6792256

Well then there you go. It seems we only really need to worry about the CBOE contracts. February 14. I guess I won't cash out next week.

>> No.6792377

>february 14
How often do they have these contracts?. Are we going to have worry about this shit all year round now?

>> No.6792536

How low will it go