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File: 86 KB, 490x288, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6775176 No.6775176 [Reply] [Original]

The artificially low interest rates shown by the red arrow are what inflated the bubbles that caused the 2008 financial crisis, the worst economic event since the great depression. The orange arrow shows the current artificially low interest rates, much lower than those shown by the red arrow and sustained for four times as long. How big will the crisis be when this bubble bursts?

>> No.6775233

This worries me.

>> No.6775247

>asking an algerian grooming and wellness forum about interest rates

>> No.6775294

Not too long. Bonds will fall and the dollar will collapse. Crypto/Gold is a good hedge.

>> No.6775298

not too sure about the US economy, but keep in mind that the ECB is still holding on to their 0-interest policy.
as soon as they increase the interest rate (significantly, not by like 0,1%) a lot of businesses (zombie-firms only staying in business because of cheap money) will not be able to pay back their loans. this will trigger a chain-reaction and plunge the economy into a huge crisis.

i can't fucking wait to buy up some cheap real estate.

>> No.6775306

the fed is steadily raising rates now
we will be fine

>> No.6775326

What are you using as a hedge in the meantime? I'm not gonna put the entirety of my net worth into crypto but also wouldn't wanna hold it on a bank account.

>> No.6775328

Voice narrative: "they called it The Big One. It was very big"

>> No.6775391

>What are you using as a hedge in the meantime?

not op, but I have 80% in equities, 10% in cash and 10% in bonds right now.

as soon as the ecb stops quantitative easing, I'm starting to sell equities for cash. when the crash happens, I'm going to pick up equities and real estate for cheap. at least that's the plan.

>> No.6775440

100k in gold (probably more right now) and 100k in crypto. the point of crypto is to make as much as possible before the crash.

while i hope crypto is a good hedge against an economic crisis i am not 100% convinced. if anything i can see utility tokens being affected the least by a crash (ETH, LINK, NEO, KCS, anything you can "stake" really)

>> No.6775486

>while i hope crypto is a good hedge against an economic crisis i am not 100% convinced.

It will go down with the stock market for sure. Private investors will pull out 100% of their stack as they run out of money (which is the day after they lose their job) just to be able to pay their bills.

>> No.6775512

Thanks for sharing, mate. I'm currently just letting my funds for on a decent rate saving account because I don't feel like risking them on the stock market for weak returns when the bubble could pop any time. Was interested in bonds and equities, but I gotta research them more thoroughly. Maybe some land.

Thanks. I'm not too sure about gold, it might crash any day and it's been bleeding for a while now. It might be good during a recession, but it also might not. It's honestly very overvalued for what it is.

Crypto might work as a hedge, but in its current state it's gonna crash just as bad as everything else. It needs to gain status as a legit value transfer vehicle instead of just a speculative volatile market before shit hits the fan.

>> No.6775529

>funds for
funds rot*

>> No.6775557
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Reminder that Austrian Economics is correct.
Reminder Keynesian economics is wrong.

End the FED

>> No.6775623
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>I trust the FED to make wise economic decisions

>> No.6775647


Honestly some sound speculation in this post, it's going to be hard to say what will be an effective hedge when the big one blows. But my money will still be on gold just due to the fact it's where fiat piles in before it dies, overvalued or not.

>> No.6775726


post hoc ergo propter hoc

the reason for this is free trade, and it's a good thing overall

>> No.6775904

I really have no idea what would happen to gold if a recession hits now. Big boys are gonna be buying it, but they might be in already. And younger people don't really care about gold. Recessions have often sent gold downwards so it's not as safe shot as we might initially think

But still, owning something physical that has real utility value and isn't overvalued like gold might be the best shot. Real estate is overvalued. Land might not, I'm not sure. Some industry metals might keep their value well.

Welp, fiat shouldn't be the worst thing to hold during a recession. Unless we see catastrophic hyperinflation, most other things are gonna drop in value just as much.

>> No.6775936
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They can't raise rates, the whole world - people, businesses and governments - are in the greatest amount of debt in history. You'd think the 'credit crunch' would have lead to a crunch on credit but nope, the bubble was just reinflated.

>> No.6775970
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>wage stagnation is a good thing guys

>> No.6775980


>The artificially low interest rates shown by the red arrow are what inflated the bubbles that caused the 2008 financial crisis

Not what happened, learn what youre talking about before you try and make some deep point faggot

>> No.6775984

gold isn't over valued

>> No.6776016


>> No.6776044
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t. keynesian retard

>> No.6776074

Why? It's not useful for most any things, only a tiny fraction of its market cap constitutes of industrial use.

>> No.6776146

He's actually right, the bubble itself was mostly caused by a bunch of other faulty policies and regulatory fuckups. Low interest rates just allowed it to continue. Necessary but not sufficient for the crash.

>> No.6776326

Bitcoin has historically mooned in countries undergoing substantial economic turmoil because when fiat is in question, people try to buy up anything that will be worth something.

>> No.6776337

I wonder why 08-09 was called the subprime mortgage crisis and not interest-rate-too-low-m8 crisis

>> No.6776569

Because the scumbags who caused the problem named it?
Man you're an idiot.
Go suck Janet Yellen's dick.

>> No.6776596

Where did the credit come from to pump the sub prime market? if it wasn't sub prime it would have been some other malinvestment - that's what artificially low interest rates cause

>> No.6777095

wtf is someone smart doing on /biz/?

>> No.6777163

gold is a terrible hedge and people saying that it's good in a recession are retards who don't do research and believe the first thing they hear.

Try to find shit that let's you bet on increased volatility if you want to hedge for a crash.

>> No.6777192

>gold is a terrible hedge
it's doing pretty good right now

>> No.6777413

as is pretty much the entire market, do you know what a hedge is?

>> No.6777545


What about Oil? Surely Oil shouldnt crash?

>> No.6777641

> oil can't crash
how new are you?

>> No.6777712

Honestly I have no clue. I'm not as well-versed in the topic as I should be. But eventually we're moving away from oil.

I think he was talking the short term.

The sad reality is that most of us here aren't knowledgeable enough of economics.

>> No.6777720


Idk its 65 USD a barrel, we literally need it for everything, the supply is constantly diminishing. Could it really crash to 10 USD?

>> No.6777769

Gold standard was fucking retarded
The real reason is that globalization killed power of labor which meant they cannot fight for higher wages anymore

>> No.6777817

it actually is, there is no reason to give entitled wagecucks any more money than you're required to pay by the market

do you understand how the free market works?

>> No.6777912

Yeah cool whatever, but you also just feed populism that way until something breaks big time. World War level of conflict.

>> No.6777966

finally a good post
good thinking, i agree with you, where are you from?

>> No.6777986


When do y'all think the crash will happen? Do you think I can make it until April and then or me market before I pull out my funds? I get long-term capital gains then.

Also I hold a good bit of Baba and I think that in the long-term that companies going to make it but I'm not sure if it will dip with the US economy if we crash as well. Should I sell those funds?

>> No.6777989

Just give them bread and circuses

it doesn't take much to placate a shitskin

>> No.6778001

Oh look a leftycuck found his way to /biz/

>Gold standard was fucking retarded
Then why did the industrial revolution in USA happen under a deflationary gold standard?

Why did the post war economic boom happen under a semi-gold standard?
Why has everything gone to shit since we got off the gold standard?

>power of labor
LOL fucking embarrasing
Unions are terrible and should have their "rights" stripped away.
If all businesses paid their workers 10 dollars more RIGHT NOW it wouldn't increase anyone's living standards or allow people to buy more shit, it would simply cause inflation.
It was a somewhat sound currency in the 50s and 60s that granted us higher living standards, not unions.

You don't understand economics at all.

>muh labuurrr, we FOUGHT for those higher wages
It's a religion with you people isn't it?

>> No.6778021

and that global growth was caused by cheap money...which was caused by...getting rid of the gold standard.

>> No.6778026

>supply is constantly diminishing
theres 200 years worth of confirmed oil reserves, if OPEC didnt exist oil would be $20-30 a barrel by now, there is literally too much fucking oil

>> No.6778059

some guy in 2014 was making the same skewed assumptions, but with it being 100$ a barrel and got rekt, oil sjeiks can dump the prices on a whim and I believe long term we'll move away from oil (last part is 100% speculation).

I think using Volatility Index Funds to predict rising vol is a good way to hedge for a crash and it's an actual hedge, not something that will just keep it's value while all else crashes.

>> No.6778078

>Why did the post war economic boom happen under a semi-gold standard?
>Why has everything gone to shit since we got off the gold standard?
correlation does not imply causation, the gold standard is shit and i'm right wing economics as it gets

>> No.6778087

Guess what year the rates will be high again (crash time): 2020... ELECTION YEAR! :^)

>> No.6778117

oil is a dead industry, they thrive on other industries innovations, read levitt's marketing myopia he talks about the oil industry there

>> No.6778120

Interest rates kept low during Obamas presidency. Kek they really didn't want him to fail

>the fed is steadily raising rates now
we will be fine
Dude they've kept the rates artificially low for such a long time with little to no result. Unless Trump can manage a total recovery during his first term you're fucked.
How's your debt and what will increased interest rates impact USA and it's people?

>> No.6778121

i disagree with your claim on unions to a certain degree.

If a libertarian philisophy was actually adopted for economics, unions have their place to be the regulating private party outside of government regulation.

you bet your ass I would pay an organization to negotiate my contract and ensure my job is safe if the government isnt going to make laws for it. This is the truist form of what capitalism should be.

>> No.6778130 [DELETED] 

Anon, do you hate easy money? If not then join-,.

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6778132

ASE is a meme economics ,nothing more. none in academics and actually serious economists think it is a legit economic thoght.

stop forcing this bullshit

>> No.6778139

you wany to turn everything into fiat before a dollar crash? why

>> No.6778141

generally when 1 market crashes all others suffer as well, also it's impossible to predict the exact time of a crash.

>> No.6778159

should I buy gold or go all in on TVIX and leave just enough money to buy a gun

>> No.6778164

>I think using Volatility Index Funds to predict rising vol is a good way to hedge for a crash and it's an actual hedge, not something that will just keep it's value while all else crashes.
Thanks, I was oblivious to their existence but they seem like a good option for the short term.

>> No.6778174
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>we will never see another crash in our lifetimes, goy.

>> No.6778189
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>When do y'all think the crash will happen?
No one knows.

We've been in a crazy bull-market (with a small exception in late 2015) for the last 7 years.

I almost pulled out when Trump won the presidency; now I'm glad I didn't.

The ECB is already pulling back (a little) on buying shit bonds, so my guess is that they will start raising interest rates in late 2018 or early 2019, which is when I'm starting to liquidate.

>> No.6778193

Bretton Woods is not the gold standard. Bretton Woods was the death of gold standard, not a "semi-gold standard", you fuckface.

Everything has gotten to shit because in the 70s the fucking boomers decided to kill inflation and start sitting on their assets as they got more and more value over the years. Gold standard, fuck gold. It is a fucking shiny rock, you could tie your money to anything you cannot just print more and have same effect as gold standard.

You know after the war, everyone wanted full employment for your nations? Because war just happened, and nobody wanted another fucking world war out of misery and grief of the poor again. So everyone got a job. Until boomers got greedy enough and decided that they were content and killed full employment. Also globalization came and killed power of labor, which means that everyone needs to use credit to keep their purchasing power which means debt just skyrockets.

>> No.6778242

Maybe just stay in fiat, that's what I'd do if I wasn't willing to spend my time researching the alternatives. For all I know so far it should be an ok choice (might even go up during a recession) and lets you buy back into the speculative markets that crash even harder.

>> No.6778269

why is any volotile investment a good hedge?

>> No.6778294

he is not wrong, i mean too low interest rates was one of the many things that go bad, including liberalisation fo us economy .

>> No.6778336

no, but I'm a risk averse fagget so what do I know
yes, just don't hold them long term or you might lose a lot of money

>> No.6778353


I imagine I will still hold about 25% of my portfolio in crypto. Which is what it is now.

Yeah I guess Baba is kind of pegged to the tech Market. Every time Nvidia or Amazon take a dip baba takes a dip as well

Well hopefully I can make it until I get long-term capital gain so I can take everything out at once. This is my first year investing and I already got 25% Roi it's kind of scary to me I don't feel like that's normal

>> No.6778364

Jewish marketing.

>> No.6778365

its mostly about debt.
banks print money, fed prints money, and your currency gets devalued. meanwhile theres a ton of (((credit))) floating around so everything get inflated.
gold standard at least stopped everyone printing like mad, unlike now.

>> No.6778440

wasn't dropping the GS idea following Austrian economics

why does your comment contradict the pic included

>> No.6778523

The term subprime doesn't have to do with Fed reserve interest rates you brainlets. It has to do with bundling mortgage payments of people with bad credit scores and using them for CDOs.

The "artificially low interest rate" was due to the dotcom crash, are you really this new?

>Oil is a dead industry
It has declined but is nowhere close to dying. For convenience I'm going to combine oil and natural gas in this conversation. Natural Gas power plants are being built as we speak which guarantees its use for another 20 years. Roads need oil to be paved and created. Boats and aircraft need oil. Utility vehicles need oil, and when it comes every day life you need natural gas
for the vast amount of plastic products we use.
We use GDP to back the USD now. I never really thought about it, but if you do, using GDP of a country for credit ratings implies the Government owns the capital being produced in the US

>> No.6778524
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>The ECB is already pulling back (a little) on buying shit bonds

No they haven't, they're holding back the helicopter money but are still buying shit bonds and pumping up stocks. BOJ is the worst though, 60% of the japanese stock market is on their balance sheet.

>> No.6778557
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Here have a free tip: your money is in israel, go ask them to give it back.

>> No.6778563

People call crypto a bubble but the american stock market is a far more obvious one. Government dumping trillions of dollars into the markets while simultaneously coking private businesses through taxes and regulations.

>> No.6778564

Can you explain more about the volatility fund. Why is it risky to hold it long term (or until a crash happens)

>> No.6778584

>This worries me.
It's a perfect opportunity to make money.

>> No.6778630


Serious economists are saying central banks should go with negative interest rates when the next recession hits...

Keynesianism will go the way of communism in a few years and all the """serious""" economists that supported it will finally get called out.

>> No.6778640

This is retarded. The two red sections of low rates can be seen FOLLOWING the economic crises of 2007/8 and 2000, rather than the cause they are the response to the two crashes.

>> No.6778649

Yet QE throws, what trillion dollars?!?, loads of money into the system and there is NO INFLATION

>> No.6778753

Whelp... I guess their announcement from Oct 2016 doesn't mean shit then. It could be related to the US tax reform, but who the fuck knows what's going on in Draghis head.

>> No.6778785

in the long term they tend to lose money, in a slow bull market (kind of like right now) your money gets siphoned away and you'll have to keep reinvesting if you want to keep the same % of your portfolio hedged. Also they are pretty much guaranteed to lose money in the long run because of the way they are structured.They are only really profitable when crashes happen, just look at the all time chart for VIX. "You might lose a lot of money" is a bit of an overstatement, but it never hurts to be aware of the risks.

>> No.6778802

As long as he keeps his poker face, the markets will stay calm.
Atleast that has been the game plan since "Whatever it takes".

>> No.6778881
File: 71 KB, 720x540, austrian-keynesians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correlation does not imply causation
Then "muh more powerful labor unions" is also a non argument.
If the gold standard is so bad for economic growth, why did we have these massive economic booms under gold standards?
You can't refute this.

Unions have a role to play in free markets but a minor role.
also the company itself has a financial incentive to provide a safe workplace(they can lower wages this way)

>ASE is a meme economics ,nothing more.
lol then why are they the most accurate school?
Why is modern economics such a fucking joke?
Modern economics WANTED the housing bubble to happen, it's embarrassing. You people don't have a leg to stand on.

>and actually serious economists
The same fucking neo-keynesian retards who caused the crash and are currently destroying the economy with low interest rates?

What kind of absolute brainlet would listen to these idiots?
What a gullible tool you are.

>> No.6778907

>wasn't dropping the GS idea following Austrian economics

No, not even slightly. Austrian economists are almost universally in favor of a gold standard.


>> No.6778930

Fucking this.
These dumb fucks use the appeal to authority fallacy all of the time.
They're too dumb to think for themselves lmao

There's no inflation for 2 reasons, the banks are simply hoarding this money because they know it will cause massive inflation and because USA has the world reserve status and exports most of it's inflation anyway

>> No.6778965
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>The term subprime doesn't have to do with Fed reserve interest rates you brainlets. It has to do with bundling mortgage payments of people with bad credit scores and using them for CDOs.
lol it doesn't fucking matter
Without trillions of dollars created by the fed and pumped into this market, there would be no subprime.
These malinvestments WOULDN'T HAPPEN.
Neo-keynesians, I swear.

>> No.6778985

Gold standard or crypto standard.

>> No.6779155

So, you are just going to ignore the fact that it is still used as reserves by most major financial institutions?

>> No.6779211

>Bretton Woods is not the gold standard.
Notice I called Bretton Woods a semi-gold standard you absolute fucking brainlet.
During Bretton Woods, central banks were still bound by gold because they could print money, but they had to pay back everything in gold.
It was a semi gold standard.
The US government got in too much debt in 1970 and said fuck it and said they weren't paying anything back in gold, and this resulted in massive inflation.

>Everything has gotten to shit because in the 70s the fucking boomers decided to kill inflation
Are you actually saying the hyperinflation of the 70s is a good thing?
Are you saying inflation in general is a good thing?
Wages and savings for the working class going down is good?

>Gold standard, fuck gold. It is a fucking shiny rock
Used as currency and a store of value.

>you could tie your money to anything you cannot just print more and have same effect as gold standard.
Not everything, with crypto, yes.
But we just developed the technology to use crypto.

>full employment.
Full employment is a keynesian myth.
You keynesians deserve free helicopter rides just like the commies do.
>Also globalization came and killed power of labor
I already explained that this is irrelvent and giving labour more power will not increase real wages.
Prove me wrong, you literally cannot.

>which means that everyone needs to use credit to keep their purchasing power which means debt just skyrockets.
You're the one that supports this debt slavery economy in the first place.
Keynesians hate savings and love debt.

>> No.6779266

I mean. US treasury holding 8k tonnes, Eurosystem total reserves almost 11k tonnes, Russians and Chinks accumulating it substantially past decades. They all must be stupid, holding such worthless overvalued assets. Better buy those bonds instead.

>> No.6779269
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Why do keynesians always get BTFO?
Keynes even got his math wrong.

>> No.6779324

we're never going back to the gold standard, it's a waste of time discussing it

>> No.6779332


What did well during the 2008 crisis? I don't know, asking honestly.

Me personally I think gold is safest SoV (other than water, tp and canned shit in SHTF scenario), rest is in crypto. We've never seen what happens to crypto in the event of a collapse.

>> No.6779373

pp say this for like 5+ years now and nothing happened, i dont know why inflation remains low btw

>> No.6779386

Protection against crashes and inflation? And when it failed at that? Past years it underperformed, but there was no crashes and inflation was very low.

>> No.6779541
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What's equities

>> No.6779545
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I know, we're going to go on a crypto standard instead and it's going to be glorious.

I can't wait for space elevators and 2 day work weeks.

>> No.6779633

Inflation IS good
It forces people to invest because holding is stupid
It eats debt
It allows you to actually have interest rates

>> No.6779669

You're wrong, Keynes has the pedo smile too and that nose.. I'm pretty sure you zoomed out he'd be rubbing his hands together.

We don't need rules and regulations, maybe on a local and state level re violence but I don't 'need' a job or Fiat stability if I can exchange my labour for a deflationary currency.

It's just going to be another lost decade and inflation will be kept away via wage stagnation and mortgages will go up. We know this cos 09 onwards has been the same shit, remember when bernake said "I'll charter helicopters and throw money out over Manhattan if inflation doesn't increase" not verbatim, but you get the idea.

Obviously the only thing that should be getting thrown out of helicopters are commies, what attracted you to cryptos if the deflationary meme isn't your thing?


for Keynes

>> No.6779672

cant be fucked to read the whole thread but as an economist i feel obliged to respond.

a quote thats stuck with me over the years came from my upper level macro professor who is admittedly a bit of a radical.

"Class, why do we study economics?"

"We study economics to avoid being deceived by other economists"

If you want smoke and mirrors look at the competing theories of economics itt and ask your selves the motives of the schools of thought behind them.

>> No.6779690

tell that to venezuelans

>> No.6779713
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>> No.6779832

>I guess their announcement from Oct 2016 doesn't mean shit then.
And the chart doesn't include 2017...

>> No.6779898

>Inflation IS good
No it's not, it destroys the value of your wages and savings.
>It forces people to invest because holding is stupid
No, it creates malinvestment(economic distortions).
Investment naturally comes from demand for products and services.
>It eats debt
It discourages debt which is a good thing. Debt would be rare and savings would be dominant in a free market.
>It allows you to actually have interest rates
We've had interest rates when we were on a deflationary gold standard.
In fact the entire American industrial revolution happened under a deflationary gold standard.
Fuck you bullshit.

>> No.6779919

So wouldn't rental properties be a relatively safe investment? (in an area without massively inflated prices like Michigan) You would be locking in the "artificially low interest rate" and even the housing market crashes you'll STILL have renters because all the millenials can't afford houses even at discounted prices if the interest rate is raised.

>> No.6780099

I'm not Keynesian, I just understand what credit is, and credit swaps are.

>> No.6780188
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HUGE if true. Bitcoin and other cryptos will pass the $100,000 mark when next financial crisis hits the market

remember, kids, state-manipulated capitalism is a cyclic crisis machine. The next one is just around the corner. :3

>> No.6780426

Inflation is good= Central banks stealing everyone's money and then lending it back to people with huge interest rates. yeah very good indeed..

>> No.6780523

>cyclic crisis machine
Sounds like butt coin. Well at least it always recovers

>> No.6780612

yup totally the governments fault and not peoples greed

>> No.6780701

>retard who doesn't understand that the low rates are what kept us from ruin

>> No.6780710

hard not to read in Ron's voice

>> No.6780750

crisis =/= near-term inoffensive bear market pushed by fake news

>> No.6780753

What does a gold standard ACTUALLY give us anon? WHY is it beneficial?

I'm waiting until I die because there is no answer to it.

>> No.6780786

>he believes this
The minute the US economy starts to tumble evberyone is going to start cashing out of crypto and it will fuck this market too.

>> No.6780865

>What did well during the 2008 crisis?

>> No.6780922

Bitcuck has increased in price every-time trump or obama made some shit, just look at the history

>> No.6780955

>used as money for the last 5000 years
>not a good hedge
Choose one

>> No.6780966

The economy has never been in a recession while crypto exists anon

Crypto has no actual use aside from speculation for more money. Why would crypto go up in value as soon as holding cash becomes more valuable?

>> No.6781026

>more valuable
>literally a crisis of trustfulness in dolar caused by artificial interest rates on govt bonds

>> No.6781046
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Threads like this confirm to me just how stupid you all really are. You all are just now finding out enjoy how interest rates can show a recession? Are you all 18 years old or something?

>> No.6781107

>implying when you are in fear of losing your job or just general unpredictability of finances for the next couple years that holding cash isn't better than the wavey fuckery that is crypto

>> No.6781127

I see, thanks

>> No.6781141

>holding cash preferentially in any civil crisis
top kek

>> No.6781173


just look at gold, it SKYROCKETED during the subprime crash

go fuck yourself, you must have 15 years and live in basement to think that anyone is going to hold plain cash during a financial crisis

>> No.6781206

Gold isn't purely speculative like cryptocurrency is you retards , thats the point. Crypto is not gold

>> No.6781253
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not to mention, where is the skyrocketing anon? Looks pretty steady to me unitl 4 years later after everything was settling down :^)

>> No.6781255 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 736x552, 18 - q1S9FPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see many high iq individuals in this thread... join our high iq shitcoin autistic research group (yes we even read whitepapers) .gg/CTbmDAB

>> No.6781259

I like that quote man

>> No.6781264

but for the most part it is. it' only valued highly because others value it highly. if you go only by it's industrial use it's just glorified copper

>> No.6781299

you know NOTHING about markets, right?

only like 10% of the gold in the world is used for industrial purposes. The other 90% is just hedge + jewellery

>> No.6781327

fear of another crisis, retard

subprime wasn't fixed by 2012, let alone 2010

>> No.6781345

Are you serious right now? Where did you get your economics education?

>> No.6781480

It's something physical that is still useful. Pretty much all of crypto is proven not to be useful. Which is why its going to shit the bed once the economy crashes. If you think crypto is viewed the same as gold you are all out ofyour fucking minds

>> No.6781541

>proven to not be useful
now youre just making shit up

>> No.6781565

so? if gold were to fall even to 2x the value of copper "for it's use", you'd lose 95% of the value

>> No.6781587

>literally more than 90% of world's supply is being used to make rings and/or just speculation

noice "uses"

>> No.6781625

But it didn't. The 08 financial crisis caused a flight to cash and short term treasuries (the closest thing to cash) from all other asset classes, including gold and currencies other than USD. Every currency pair with the USD (xxx/USD) got absolutely shitted on beginning around august 2008. There were stories in the news about people lined up outside their bank in other countries waiting to convert their own shitty currency to USD.

>> No.6781648

>Crypto has no actual use aside from speculation for more money.

>being this new

Why do you think bitcoin started rising in price in the first place?

>> No.6781702

>as a currency crypto is useless because the price is so unstable you might be paying 100 bucks for a pizza that was 20 yesterday
>as a technology crypto coins have no purpose in pretty much all current states. Everything is half finished or just dreams of what it will be

it wasn't because it was useful as a currency, FIAT boogeyman is the whole reason it exists no?

>> No.6781778
File: 287 KB, 480x480, jmF1uys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will probably blow his mind when reads for the first time what a smartcontract, a DApp and a DAO are

Let's not hurt him for now, just keep the comparisons to gold yet

>> No.6781784

you could just google this question and be met with a plethora of old and modern literature on the subject you amazingly dumb cunt

>> No.6781810

Housing will blow again. Every indicator points to it. This will keep happening until we return to legitimate economics and ditch unsustainable QE.
It isn’t, it’s just highly insulated from movements in other markets.

>> No.6781822

Dont want to read the whole thread:
Where should i store my wealth when the bubble bursts?

Gold? Bitcoin? Monero? Or just FIAT?

>> No.6781846

Gold obviously. The entire world rushes into it in times of crisis and it doesn’t crash 45% in one month.

>> No.6782059

I just choked

>> No.6782064

currency and store of value cryptos exist in working fashion, even if they arent bitcoin right now

>> No.6782142

And those are what exactly anon?

>> No.6782143

>it wasn't because it was useful as a currency,

Go read a fucking wikipedia page jesus christ.

>> No.6782297


Most companies will be fine actually, it's european governments that will be fucked.

>> No.6782463

Black market uses are hardly a value proposition. It’s fleeting, they won’t use fiat because there are too many regulations which make it hard to get away with - going through banks and such who must comply. So they have this form of money which doesn’t require that.
Inevitably crypto will be regulated much the same. They simply will not allow money laundering and other financial crimes to be facilitated with crypto. It isn’t even fundamentally better for covert transactions, it’s just that no one paid attention before. But that immutable open ledger concept... that’s not good if you plan to make a series of illicit transactions.

>> No.6782721

The fed did not inflate the bubble - low interest rates would cause price rises in ALL asset classes (by increases the present value of future income), not just housing. Such a retarded argument.

>> No.6783082

Oil is only so high because the OPEC cartel agrees to limit production to drive down supply and up demand. There is so much oil and so many people pumping it that if there were not artificial limits on it, lots of oil companies would go out of business.

>> No.6783515

Yea that works, people will not complain when two conditions are met:

1. They have food
2. They have housing

Keep in mind people might get upset if the wealth inequality gets to big. Like in the industrial revolution, The decapitation of the King of France, ... You need to make sure the plebs have something to do / buy.

>> No.6783874

>theres 200 years worth of confirmed oil reserves

Source on this? I always hear 25-30 years

>> No.6784296

a lot has happened

the dollar is in terrible shape with chinaman ready to swoop in and clean house

>> No.6784302

We're using less of it and have access to better technology to get more of previously inaccessible reserves of oil and natural gas