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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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678093 No.678093 [Reply] [Original]

sup,I'm from Japan.I'm sorry for poor english
any way, I'm interested in efficient(I mean spent little time to earn money) bussiness.
Give advice to me. what's best way earn 500$/per month with limited time ?

>> No.678095

shabure 50 chinpo for 10 $ each

>> No.678097

>be japanese
>start charity for reparations to USA for pearl harbor
>pocket money

>> No.678099


>> No.678100

3replies and no serious responce.

guys pls. I'm serious

>> No.678103

Pyramid scheme.

>> No.678107

Sell Japanese shits to weebos on 4chan.

>> No.678109

i think a lot of my other fellow anons have already pointed it out around the rest of biz but you can always suck dicks to make bling

>> No.678110

my japanese a shit. Don't do retail, you'll want to kill yourself. Do things like technology, computer repair. Stuff like that.

one last thing

>> No.678112

this, get into the latest weeb trends and make sure your shirts are marketed as "authentic japanese" or something

>> No.678119

but I don't know about stuffs which weeb likely to buy...

yeah, Should I take risk of getting arrest for 500$ per month? it seem make sense. perfectly.

haha I'm majoyring philosophy and political science. I don't have knowledge of technology.

>> No.678125

>but I don't know about stuffs which weeb likely to buy...

See this is the problem with the whole shitty board. People are clueless about what they want to do and expect /biz/nessman to spoon feed them. YOU NEED TO FUCKING FIGURE OUT WHAT TO SELL! At end of the day, none of us would collect any of the profit if you ever become successfully.

>> No.678128

>but I don't know about stuffs which weeb likely to buy...

watch the anime market, learn about upcoming anime, predict which ones will be popular in america, and invest in those studios/make T-shirts and other merchandise

>> No.678129

sell meme t-shirts like left shark

>> No.678159

offer japanese lessons on craigslist

>> No.678246
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This is probably the best way to do it. Weebs love Japan. Weebs love Japanese language. Bonzai.

>> No.678256 [DELETED] 

Sell shit on etsy. Say it's, "authentic Japanese [insert hipster shit]". Make youtube videos on your product. Be as Japanese as possible. Even if you don't have a very strong English accent make it even stronger. People eat that shit up.

>> No.678287

Pay me $500 and I'll show you how to get you two plebs to give you $500

>> No.678834

sell your body to fat American weeaboo girls

>> No.679288

how do you expect a serious reply? you just say you want $500/month by being lazy. we probably have 5 threads on that.

you have to say what's your talents, your limitations, why you need the money, etc.

>> No.679323

import/export and more precisely export

resell japanese shit off japanese amazon because fuckers dont ship overseas ( maybe it has changed)

>> No.679338


>> No.679344
