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File: 17 KB, 250x250, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6781472 No.6781472 [Reply] [Original]

It's dumping

>> No.6781497

>Nearly everything crypto dumping
>Makes specific LINK thread

Thank you for your patronage.

>> No.6781523

>tfw could've made an extra 1k linkies but you're still too retarded to sell the top

>> No.6781640

good. i want it to dip under .60 again to buy more. it will prob. stabilize around .75 though until news drops.

>> No.6781654

yeah, so is everything else.

>> No.6781669

Chainlink isn't dumped it's draged... Draged by the fucked up and manipulated piece of shit Bitcoin -and ofc almost every other currency is suffering from the same conditions.
I hope for the day that every Crypto get't it's own xxx/$ pairing.

>> No.6781677


The delusion on stinky linkies is real. Seriously. Every time the entire market moves they think it all revolves around their stupid shitcoin.
>Everything dumps -> LINK IS DUMPING!!!
>Everything rises -> LINK IS MOONING!!!

Get real, you faggots.

>> No.6781700

>dumps with huobi exchange
>shortly after, btc dumps

>> No.6781717

Just made a nice stack selling high buying low. Thank you.

>> No.6781772
File: 33 KB, 653x566, A767BFE5-E4C2-4F84-893E-8C11F6687F01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6781775

I always thought it was a shitcoin, but this is some unprecedented panic selling.
Maybe people just can't hold their bags when they know they're full of shit.

>> No.6781808


Not every other crypto just dumped 40%

>> No.6781836

Lol, this.

>> No.6781839

>knew it was gonna be a peak
>still held on for the exchange anyway
really not gonna make it

>> No.6781848

LINK neither you stupid fuck

It's all dumping because of btc

>> No.6781860

At this point I don't even care about the price. I use the dumps to accumulate. It's easy if you're not a greedy moron.

See you weak handed fags when this reaches saturn.

>> No.6781868
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>> No.6781886

This is the level of Linkie intelligence everyone.

>> No.6781902

Link is rank 86 in the "biggest losses" ranking for the past 24h.
Everything is dumping.

>> No.6781977

Not every other crypto went up 50% yesterday either. LINK is still technically up from yesterday, which I can't say about many others.

The point is, BTC goes down, so does almost everything else. That's all this is. The selling is incredibly low volume on LINK so you can tell it's just day traders trying to scoop out, and weak hands who at first sign of a dip they shit themselves and sell. Versus other shitcoins I watch which are actually selling off at reasonable volume.

Yet LINK is "dumping". This is the reaction of a child who doesn't understand how to read charts and just sees red and green bars and panics and sells, while the fucking sharks swim around and appreciate the blood and scoop up cheap tokens. At .0006 ETH everyone was on here saying LINK was done. I was buying. You think I give a fuck that now it has gone from .0011 to .00085? I don't. I'm making a shitload of money. If I see it back in the .00075 range I'll be buying more. I do this with multiple shitcoins when they dump, right now is a fucking gift across the board. REQ is about to be on fucking super sale, I have $10k ready to pump in.

Here we go.

>> No.6782038
File: 354 KB, 1137x1535, rs9mi735veb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what goes up, must come down

>> No.6782056

>cup and handle guys

>> No.6782105

Still forming.
One dip day can't disrupt something that's been forming for more than three months.

>> No.6782140
File: 503 KB, 1082x695, 1516468198475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


absolutely this

>> No.6782144

Yeah yeah. You don’t think this was the breakout attempt and it failed?

>> No.6782149


I hope for your sake this is copypasta.

>> No.6782189

It's down 0.4% for the day you faggot

>> No.6782213

No. It could've happened, but it was too soon.
It was only the third day of climbing out of the bottom, after nine days of going down.