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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6774610 No.6774610 [Reply] [Original]

Literally gaining against everyone elses drop. What faggot isnt invested in this yet?

>> No.6774635

will we ever be friends with the salty walties, bros

>> No.6774670



>> No.6774675

No, salty walties are being left behind

>> No.6774689

fuck off link cunt

>> No.6774706


on one hand I want it to dip in sats so I can buy more

on the other, its already 60% of my holdings and I'm glad its so fucking strong

tempted to all in with everything and do nothing but ride ven this year, no more stress

>> No.6774739

its shit

>> No.6774752

your shit

>> No.6775075

You guys are in such denial, trying to leach on to the cck tweet was fucking hilarious.

>> No.6775467

already did that. Its fucking comfy and I can relax and research without having to feel like im fucking missing out. Vechain will be the best performer this year or one of the best. I bought a couple other shitcoins with like 5% of my money and I am already losing on it.. just go all in man

>> No.6775497

Link-Ven master race here. Anything else is trash.

>> No.6775501

Give me five reasons to hold this over ANY other shit coin, you can't, every single one of these scam coins is a gamble. Different name, probably all owned by the same chink who invented BTC,

>> No.6775528

There's a dip? Didn't notice. 50%VEN here.

>> No.6775538

sold half at $10AUD last night, waiting for it to go back below $7 to buy more.

>> No.6775588

50%+ VEN /comfy/

>> No.6775594
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>tfw if I woke up a few hours ago I would have panic sold
Good thing I'm a sleepyhead

>> No.6775625

>you tried

>> No.6775640

Undervalued response.

>> No.6775667

Nice rebuttle, get back to me in a few months when yet another shit coin peters out and you're out of pocket.

>> No.6775869

Yeah, I've been waiting for a dip to put more in but its not happening. it's bittersweet seeing my current holdings do so well but never getting a chance to load up on more

>> No.6775885

fuck off

>> No.6775906

im with you senpai

>> No.6775960
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$20 end of February

>> No.6776077

So vencoin has no value exept as staking to get thorcoins, and no info on how many thor coins or value of said thor coins. And no info on how to scale blockchain. No whitepaper, and no working product. If you say there is working product then why dont they need our Mastrrnodes to secure neteork??

>> No.6776102

So vencoin has no value exept as staking to get thorcoins, and no info on how many thor coins or value of said thor coins. And no info on how to scale blockchain. No whitepaper, and no working product. If you say there is working product then why dont they need our Mastrrnodes to secure network??

>> No.6776150


imagine being this salty of a walty

>> No.6776162

> your shit
> his shit
What about his shit, anon?

>> No.6776243

It's literally mooning right now

>> No.6776258

why it's mooning?
any news?

>> No.6776270

>news, sideways/slight drop
>no news, moons

>> No.6776273

no idea

>> No.6776274

I'm scared to swing trade this beast of a coin. It's rocket fuel could explode any second.

>> No.6776281

Everyone needs to be invested in Vechain. If not you are just braindead or dont like money.

>> No.6776302

ATH in sats niggas whats good

>> No.6776314

Should I sell my REQ for this?
(I'm well in the green with REQ)

>> No.6776315


>> No.6776318

>why it's mooning?
he thinks ven needs a reason to moon
new ath every single day

>> No.6776320


This will be $15 in 10 days.

>> No.6776321

Literally couldn’t feel more /comfy. My only regret is not buying more. Well that and fuckin canya do something already

>> No.6776353

>tfw only 63 VEN

Who else /poor/ here?
a-at least I got some meager gains

>> No.6776359

I hope 10$ today
i'm 90% Ven super comfy right now

>> No.6776363


>> No.6776381

they are pumping hard right now

>> No.6776401

reached ATH

>> No.6776402

Ok. I have a strength node but this movement seems too fast now.

>> No.6776418

Only self-hating poorfaggots hate VEN and/or money

>> No.6776425

What's the potential ATH for this? Could it explode or likely to just level out around $10-15 for now?

>> No.6776438

100-500 eoy worst case
1000-5000 eoy best case

>> No.6776439

It just keeps going up.

>> No.6776448


>> No.6776449

Is there any point in daytrading VEN? I have only 136 but I want 500 at the very least. Can't afford to spend any more fiat.

>> No.6776450

just bought 5.51 LOL

>> No.6776452


we are going to 100k sats this month

>> No.6776471

swinging this back and forth this evening, overbought currently? quick dip back to .0066 to let me back in plz jesus

>> No.6776472



There are people with 100,000 VEN.

No WAY is $5000 happening.

>> No.6776476

>would've panic sold

You're not going to make it

>> No.6776478

>the one time I try to swingtrade, it literally refuses to go down
really activates my almonds

>> No.6776483


Thanks bro that sounds reasonable. Should I just take the small loss and dump my REQ for more VEN? I'm debating right now. Would like to wait for REQ to hit 60c+ but I might lose money on not buying VEN before it goes up more.

>> No.6776486

there were also people with 100k BTC & ETH

>> No.6776487

Yeah I’d say 80k sats over the next few days atleast

>> No.6776494

you know ethereum was 7$ last year?

>> No.6776497

literally everyone should be in VEN right now.

why the FUCK havent you bought yet? I have seen the light for a few weeks now, been almost all in since 21k sats.

>> No.6776520

lets see if 65k holds

>> No.6776523

This is nothing compared to the shit thats going to happen until June.

>> No.6776524

Dont take loans you fucking idiot to invest in a very risky market.

I have my own company and the only 2 times I took a loan was for some very big jobs where I needed to buy new equipment and the money was sure to be paid 50% upfront and rest after the job.

>> No.6776543

$100 Q2

>> No.6776546

>>All this ven shilling reminds me of all the dbc hype..
>>your gonna be a millionaire anon this shit is gonna take off anon..
>>thx bought 100k
>>made a grand for every penny it went up from .12 to .60.
>>watched it bleed and rise at the mercy of whales
>>Hedl fast
>>down 20k overnight
>>start selling off hodl 25k as a hedge for moon mission
>>mfw folio is down 60%

That being said I got 60% riding on this don't fuck me again biz

>> No.6776558

My wife invested in Ven 15k $ when it was 4$ because her friend said it will rise for sure.

>> No.6776570


if you think ven and dbc are comparable at all, then you are a true moron and you shouldn't be gambling in crypto

fortunately you picked a project that actually has a product and a team and significant industry connections

>> No.6776573

>my wife
did your wife's son also invested?

>> No.6776578

>he traded in fiat


>> No.6776583

I put 1k usd in VeChain when everything dropped this week, im so fucking comfy!!

>> No.6776585


I'm just a big pussy but I told friends to buy VEN and they've already made quite a bit of gains if they hodled.

>> No.6776612

No we dont have children but we are 10 years together :)!!!

>> No.6776616

I know they aren't comparable it just the feels. Had a really good feeling about dbc but I have a great feeling about ven.

>> No.6776617

You told your friends to do something you're too scared to do?
Either you're a bad friend or you're really messing up

>> No.6776633

Bought 60% of my portfolio at 0.004ETH and bought more at 0.007 because I just know it will be mooning so fucking hard

>> No.6776644

Vechain is 100% of my folio. Am I worried? Not in the slightest.

>> No.6776674


>going off your feelings

you are probably just dumb enough to make it in crypto, good luck buddy

>> No.6776680

swingtrade it pussy

>> No.6776704

Remember the thread when they announced the rebranding will be next month and people were panic selling their VEN causing a mini dip and look where it is.

>> No.6776707

same, already up 40%

>> No.6776708

Already all in. Vechain will be top 5 for sure this year. Why would I struggle and stress with shitcoins?

>> No.6776713

when will staking (and earning THOR) be possible? are there any tentative dates?

>> No.6776724

after the rebrand

>> No.6776735


I was planning on doing it but then someone tried to talk me out of it afterwards. He's a big redditfag and I'm never listening to him again.

>> No.6776739


DYOR you weird fuck

>> No.6776770

I know the rebranding is this month, but will that also immediately allow staking to happen?

or is it more likely that they'll rebrand+announce a future date?

>> No.6776789

Lol prolly said something like

Bcareful anon that coin gets shilled here too much, must mean it's bad

>> No.6776816

ven it moon

>> No.6776832

hello panjeet

>> No.6776850

Ven is THE ONE CHAIN. I am all in.
going up while the market is going down, even with no news.

>> No.6776859

I'm waiting for it to dip so I can buy. I'm sure that if I FOMO right now, it will end up going down 20%

>> No.6776868

>speaks in certainties

Yeah, gonna ignore everything you say. Wrong framing of the world.

>> No.6776869

Dad look at me I'm a genius
>I bought this coin a couple months ago when some whale posted his portfolio and it was 80% ven.
>literally made a years wage because I copied some guy.

>> No.6776870

This is going to dump like DBC and never recover.

>> No.6776878

>get burned
>never swingtrade again
W-Will I make it senpai

>> No.6776889

but she has a child? Probably a half black one?

>> No.6776891

>This is going to dump like DBC
I hope so
>and never recover.
It's solid as fuck

>> No.6776893

Who else getting notifications from delta about new ath on VEN every hour?

>take me to the fucking moon pappy

>> No.6776895

yeahhhh... i dont think so.

>> No.6776897

Of course he doesn't. He just started trading crypto and still falls for the "wow that can't happen. Cause then people will be rich!!! Guffaw!!"

>> No.6776902

Hello salty waltie

>> No.6776917


yeah man totally, you should get out while you can

>> No.6776918

kys retard

>> No.6776927

Only got 90 Ven :(

>> No.6776928

Gangsta af

>> No.6776933

kys dumb retard

>> No.6776939

I saw Sunny Lu at a grocery store in Singapore yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence on the blockchain,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.6776942

The worst thing about Ve chain is that there is nowhere near enough fud. Doesn't that scar anybody else? When ethereum was under ten dollars most people called it a scam.

>> No.6776946

finally, new fud.
Some of the worst yet, but at least new.


>> No.6776952


>> No.6776970

Breh u already had ur moon with Walton, no partnerships why the fuck see u still riding that shit?
It’s not going x2 anytime soon

>> No.6776979

I have 30k USD worth but I don't like how shilled this is

>> No.6776984

You should go out more often

>> No.6776998

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.6776999 [DELETED] 

Anon, do you hate easy money? If not then join..

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6777005

Inside info here: Sunny Lu is going to be assassinated on the live stream on Jan 24th
He's pissed off the wrong people with his CCK shit, and they're going to make an example out of him.
You don't have to believe me, you can just keep hodling and see how that works out.

>> No.6777006


I would agree with you, but the endorsement by Breyer Capital and several chink megacorps kind of kills the notion of effective FUD for this project.

If their rebrand and deployment get pushed back again, we will see some hardcore fud sprout up, but that's about the only case.

>> No.6777011

former member of the 40man dev team here, idk man the more i look into VEN the more shady shit I find

>> No.6777017

Lol is this still a thing?

>> No.6777034


>Vechain partners with china tobacco

>Sunny Lu gets assassinated on live stream
>Vechain moons

>> No.6777073

>>Vechain partners with china tobacco


>> No.6777098

See this is what I mean. Pretty weak. Guess I'm used to stinky linky fud

>> No.6777131

>24th comes
>it's one junkie "dev" streaming from a public toilet
>literally shoots heroin while stammering about decentralization
>shows a poorly shooped image of his "team". It has Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Stephen Hawkins (standing) and Albert Einstein
>Vechain shoots up 5000% the following days

>> No.6777210

>24th livestream
>Sunny Lu does a line of coke off DNV GL marketers tiny pecker
>Screams VECHAIN!!!! into the mic, then disappears off camera
>Livestream goes dark, with no questions answered
>VEN moons to 150k sats in 30 minutes

>> No.6777258

So vencoin has no value exept as staking to get thorcoins, and no info on how many thor coins or value of said thor coins. And no info on how to scale blockchain. No whitepaper, and no working product. If you say there is working product then why dont they need our Mastrrnodes to secure network??

>> No.6777262


>> No.6777276

china clearly knows something we don't

>> No.6777320


>salty walty fuds ven on /biz/
>ven moons

have we discovered the secret? please continue, I want to see 70k sats today

>> No.6777334

>Being this new that you don't get it

>> No.6777396


You're right. I am new. I only started crypto in December and bought 20k VEN at 30 cents.
Sorry, I'm new to this. Help me out to understand your memes please? Please I'm a crypto newfag. Help me out?

>> No.6777465

Damn son, put your dick away

>> No.6777517

>everything in the red
>ven moons

something happened in china this evening, we will find out what in a couple of hours I suppose


nah its too hard right now, and it wont go down

>> No.6777533
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fucking kek

>> No.6777556

I saw it at 4$ a couple weeks ago, unrelated to the crash

I wish I got in, but now it;s a bit late. I actually love the project after reading more.

It sucks I didn't buy it, but the train sailed.

>> No.6777559

If China rumour is true.


>> No.6777595

I hope node owners will become the new 1%.

>> No.6777600
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>Tfw only 8ven

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.6777602

will this dump

>> No.6777634

exactly, who could fud a project backed by the best venture capitast as far as the asian market goes.
Backed by the chinese government, pwc, dnv.
It is impossible.

Just look at the new people they hired. Tons of experience. Only serious veterans.

>> No.6777645
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m-maybe to around 64-65k

>> No.6777663


the whale suppression has ceased for now, Ven is in the wild and experiencing organic market pressure

they may return, or they may let it grow, we will see

this coin retained its sat value vs. btc during the mini crash last week, so the prospect of it dipping significantly any time soon barring serious bad news about the company is slim

>> No.6777704

Do you honestly not see VeChain going up past $15 soon? It's still a fairly easy short term 2x, even at $8, imo.

Also there's no reason VeChain couldn't be in the top 10, even before the rebrand. Look at what's ahead of it. Do cardano, tron, eos, dash, bch, deserve their m cap?

So do the math, I don't think the moon mission is anywhere near over yet, but it's your call, dyor

>> No.6777707
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487 Ven here.

Literally considering putting 10K USD to increase my stack. Why the fuck shouldn't I?

>> No.6777734

ok so i have $15,000 in VEN and $1000 in RaiBlocks.

Should I sell the Raiblocks for more VEN??????

>> No.6777745
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>> No.6777752

The sooner the better.
You would have gotten like 40% from 24 hours ago.

>> No.6777755

you know in the back of your beta brain there are no reasons to not all in Ven, but you won't because you're a pussy beta. man the fuck up

>> No.6777767


>> No.6777768

70k sats

jesus christ this coin

>> No.6777775

the train is leaving

>> No.6777794

New ATH?

>> No.6777793


>> No.6777798


>> No.6777813

what the fuck happened in china in the past two hours?

this is a huge amount of volume and money flooding into this coin and it looks organic

>> No.6777819

>come back from a week's holiday, Ven had been trading sideways for some time
What the fuck's going on

>> No.6777821

This. I told myself "you gotta be a fucking Chad", and I just threw all my money in at $2.50. Best decision.

>> No.6777822
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someone literally baught 100 btc worth of ven at 70k

>> No.6777823

its so gay putting that much money in though because of the 3-4 day wait on cuckbase

honestly I would've put that much in months ago but i have no patience and im scared that if i time it wrong and btc crashes or something

>> No.6777826

all in ven for a month now. And I went from 60k usd to 360k now.

>> No.6777854


no dude, they pulled the sell wall, happens all the time
it got nibbled a little bit and they took it down

>> No.6777866

>tfw made a corporate wagecuck's salary in a month

>> No.6777872

well done man, i too all inned around that price. to 2018, the year of ven chads!

>> No.6777884
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>> No.6777886

what news is coming up that will make it go 2x? it's already on major exchanges

>> No.6777895

how long till the next dip?

>> No.6777898

Whys ven such a chadcoin?

>> No.6777899

new ATH all day for over a day straight.

>> No.6777906

How much was your stack?

>> No.6777907

So whales completed the accumulation?

>> No.6777910

>he doesn't know

just sell your stack man

>> No.6777915

>150k ven bought

>> No.6777940
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>> No.6777944

True, but the btc thing doesn't really matter, 99% of coins drop in sats if it does, so you get at least as much of any coin normally.

Keep it on there in usd if you want to and convert it when the time is right.

>> No.6777948

walton is mooning as well

>> No.6777951

VEN is going to be top 20 today

>> No.6777954


I cant even look at my Delta because I will start hyperventilating. I've scrapped a little bit of profit along the way to pay for rent for the next couple months, but I still have most of my stack.

My discord buddy told me about VEN in December.Bless his heart.


>swing trading ven

anon I....


its a sell wall, the whole thing wasn't bought instantly
a little bit of ven was scrapped off of it, and then they pulled the rest of the sell order

>> No.6777962

Going up until wednesday news.

>> No.6777975

FOMO is kicking in everywhere

>> No.6777976

>VEN will be worth more than ICX
really makes you think

>> No.6777983

You knew it was stupid.
CCK tweet and 4chan thread yesterday, that means news today or tommorow.
Facebook q&a in a few days.

>> No.6777987
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Everyone is. If you not in you literally BRAINDEAD.

I'm comfy as fuck drinking tea out of my Vechain mug.

/biz is going to make it because of Vechain.

This is literally the NEXT ETHEREUM.

>> No.6777992

Only have 40 Ven, wish I wasn't so damn poor.

>> No.6777993

wow I just realized I can deposit cash to a "usd wallet" on cuckbase


>> No.6778000

very good! i basically made that move too, made my half million basically 5 minutes ago, today feels unreal

>> No.6778018

News is on wednesday.

>> No.6778024
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>tfw was waiting for my XRB to moon to put some of it into VEN
>Only have 5.3k VEN no strength node

>> No.6778031

VEN will be worth more than BTC

>> No.6778036

That'll be 6000$ by end of the month. Reinvest it in the next hype and you'll have 20k$ by summer. Rinse and repeat and millionaire by 2019. Just never sell at loss, HODL and be patient if there's a kickback. Don't be like me and panic sell 700 VEN just to FOMO in and only have 450 right now.

>> No.6778043

You're literally me.

>> No.6778045

>mfw WTC is mooning even harder

>> No.6778049

Just a reminder.


>> No.6778052

dude, i feel you. i just sold the last of my XRB to go 100% VEN. Fuck it. It's the most safe purchase you can make, I think.

>> No.6778058


>oh no! I will only be a millionaire by june 2019

dang bro that sucks :/

>> No.6778066
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what the fuck is going on

>> No.6778080

this lmao
imagine being upset you only bought 5300 eth feelschanners

>> No.6778104

It’s alright bro I have 6k, at the rate this is going we’re going to be millionaires

>> No.6778152
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>mfw I have a mini stack of WTC and didn't even think to check on it

>> No.6778195

fuck! Sold half my stack at $8.19, thinking it'd easily go down to just below $8 again, and naturally it spikes up to $8.50 within minutes. It'll go back to around $8 again though, r-right?

>> No.6778198

That 70k pressure is harsh, prob going to run out of steam here for today. Pretty fucking good run though. Back down to 65k floor until 24th?

>> No.6778222

8.50, if btc starts going up 9 or 10 usd easily.
Your buddy is a real bro, you will make it.

you are welcome anon.

Well done man, you are going to be a millionaire.
I just broke the 1/3rd million yesterday.

Did CCK say that?

wtc was over 30 bucks when ven was 6, now it is way lower and ven is 8.5

>> No.6778230

I'm all in guys. Hope I'm not late to the party

>> No.6778231


I left XRB at 25....it will moon dude and I hold 50 in case it does I don't totally miss out but VEN is ganna be a huge winner this year...

Not matter what ATH happ3ns I won't sell until DEC.

Just have to not try and have Alzheimer's and get out right after new year

>> No.6778237

VEN doesn't care about sats, it's all $ value. Every day it reaches a new ATH, in steps of 0.50$. Yesterday 8$, day before 7.50$, etc...

>> No.6778259


>> No.6778293

beautiful man, that's amazing to hear! you'll be a millionaire just the same savour the anticipation of seeing that 7th digit tick over <3

>> No.6778295

don't do me like that. In your honest opinion, do you not think it'll dip back down to at least $8.10 or so?

>> No.6778297

is this going to go back down? Got 1 ETH ready to go.... why the fuck didn't I buy more during the dip last week...

>> No.6778301


>> No.6778313



Livestream on the 24th where DNV GL and Vechain will be answering questions about their partnership

I don't see how it could do anything but add to the hype, but who knows

cck dropped crumbs about peoples bank of china and SCP - china university group, probably news about that soon also

>> No.6778317

I hope everyone realizes that Vechain is BTC crash resistant.

Once it generates THOR power, its value will be derived there and not from pure speculation like most other coins.

Also, we're about to go on a NEO like run soon.

>> No.6778350

Should I buy VEN with ETH or BTC? Thanks anon.

>> No.6778360

VEN has literally decoupled from BTC, VEN is it’s own currency now. Except direct fiat pairings soon, anyone in this is incredibly fucking early. $200-300 mid year easy. Call me fucking crazy, this is bigger than the ETH of China

>> No.6778380


>> No.6778395

>Once it generates THOR power
And a great reason to get more and hold

>> No.6778396

ETH is faster atm

>> No.6778397


>> No.6778407

probably eth
for live graphs look btc/ven pairing

>> No.6778408


nah, this is just a moon from some sort of chinese news, VEN has matched btc movements very closely these past weeks, despite its upward trend

>> No.6778415


>> No.6778431

It will hit $10 today

>> No.6778453


you are experiencing hardcore fomo right now

if you do not know why ETH is a better option for fast purchase of an altcoin on binance, then you should probably spend some time and do research on what you intend to purchase, as well as entry cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH, before you jump in

you are about to buy at another ATH of this coin, when it will likely hit resistance and dip for a bit of a rest very soon


>> No.6778457

What Chink news?

>> No.6778504


we will find out in a couple hours when it finally filters over to us

the volume of ven trading spiked enormously very suddenly, there had to be a trigger, it didn't ramp up...

>> No.6778508

You're right, and I just began trading a week or so ago. Just sold my 136 VEN at 67k, thinking it would dip back to 62.. FOMI'ing atm. But I suspect it's better to purchase ETH/VEN because ETH is growing faster?

>> No.6778533

eth transactions are faster

>> No.6778543

There's no fucking news, stop insinuating reasons to justify a 10% increase.
The only piece of news we're getting soon is the announcement on the 24th, CCK confirmed it.

>> No.6778552

I would buy if it dips to 68,5 imo.

>> No.6778589


If you are confident in the project and team and product, then you should feel comfortable buying back in. It's your money, do what you want. Just be careful about your emotions.


hostile babydick

>> No.6778604

Why? It dipped back to 58 from 63 yesterday. Shouldn't that happen again?

>> No.6778645

Not CCK. DVN GL themselves.

>> No.6778668

he may be hostile but he's right, there is no news unless of course, as above, china knows something early. there is a Q&A on the 24th that's it

>> No.6778688


>> No.6778692

>Fabricates muh chinese news out of thin air
>Gets defensive when called out.

>> No.6778703

The hype around VEN is just insane
I think people buying it now will cry soon
And for those going all in, you are just fucking crazy, diversification is key

>> No.6778722

CCK confirmed that his tweet was regarding the DNV GL related announcement.

>> No.6778729
File: 153 KB, 990x660, 89EB9D10-DF08-49E0-952C-FC3ABAEEF247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love/hate relationship with this stupid coin with no white paper and a bunch of feels supporting it while naming a bunch of associated industries that *might* have Blockchain solutions in the distant future.....

I’m all in from my NEO growth, but have stop limits set. Really don’t trust this shit, but I’m chad and holding.

>> No.6778734

Youre autistic, why would you sell?

>> No.6778742

burger with 30k VEN here, just woke up. Give me the run down.

>> No.6778758

fuck off

>> No.6778765

Lol look at this beta waltoncuck.

>B-but my tech

>> No.6778766

Sell hurry

>> No.6778767
File: 27 KB, 320x320, 698BC8EF-5FC5-440E-94DA-2551E175A1B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5k ven reporting in. Worth about $20k. Bought it using $2k. Am I gonna make it boys?

>> No.6778773


Yeh it's called the PBOC pumping it a bit...theyll let it cool off and come back down...they want the steady healthy growth thst attracts more money.

There will be a moon mission coming but VEN doesn't move unless the PBOC says it does

>> No.6778778
File: 91 KB, 699x697, mim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sow u the way ma broda

>> No.6778791
File: 185 KB, 990x1486, 110761E8-F098-4751-BD6A-02A8BECED5EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking chinks make me rich now!

>> No.6778794


I merely suggested that there might have been a trigger for the sudden increase in trading volume, you psychotic little spaz. That is completely reasonable.

Calm down and reconsider your life choices.

>> No.6778800

Shut up and get your fat ass on the treadmill before obesity kills you.

>> No.6778804

You already made it. Keep holding.

>> No.6778822

Basically, sell walls came down from ven whales.....

This allowed the organic pressure to eat some of the supply and cause prices to go up.

>> No.6778833


Yeah, right.
But CCK also posted something yesterday. With a 4chan thread linked, and that normally means that news are coming, and news that no one knows about.

>> No.6778845

>Claims outright this is a moon from some sort of chinese news.
>merely suggesting

>> No.6778850

They will keep this shit up for a while and dump this shit for NEO

Ven is the longest most drawn out chink PnD ever.

>> No.6778859


Look at XRB ....prettt migh the wanna go fast of crypto and it went to 35$ in 3 days.

VEN is the Chinese block chain adoption and the white paper at this point to satisfy people like you....

They've partnered with everyone but chow wash nao who is the manufacturer of kitchen sinks.

>> No.6778878

eat all teh burgers :DDDD

>> No.6778880

NO bro stay poor forever. THis si going to be 10 bucks at the end of the month easily. Someone has been tetllingm e this since it was 2 dollars so glad I finally listened./

>> No.6778966


>deranged teenager keeps trying to start an internet fight over nothing

Keep it up, it's amusing to me. Here is an ICO you may be interested in: https://killyourself.network


Pilgrims Beacons Others Cysts in his riddle.


Yes, he was referencing something besides the DNV GL livestream. CCK has a decent track record, there is probably some other announcement soon.

>> No.6778981

>completely delusional poorfag
Stay poor faggot. If they wanted to PnD they would’ve done it two months ago

>> No.6778986

Only 800 VEN... will I make it?

>> No.6779017

You will be available to afford a mid-sized sedan soon enough

>> No.6779063

There were a few interesting interpretations on reddit and even one thing were he answered "you have seen" on twitter.
Not sure about the company right now.

>> No.6779071
File: 5 KB, 250x152, 1516503408265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you faggot, you already made it. poorven here with 50.

>> No.6779072
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>> No.6779092

i eat shit sometimes

>> No.6779121

>CCK has a decent track record, there is probably some other announcement soon.
what do you mean? when was he right before?

I feel like CCK is just an elaborate muh decipher this hidden message hurr durr viral marketing

Dont get me wrong I am holding Ven Since 16k

>> No.6779133


This somehow makes me feel good with 261 ven, sorry 'bout that.

>> No.6779136

Listen VEN is doing well because so many motherfuckers wanted this china shit to fail. Partnership after partnership and green day after green day people started to realize that making money is more important than being right. When everything is red but a solid coin is green people feel more comfortable about investing in it. Vechain will dip to 780 today but will rise to 10 this week. I own wtc neo icx ven and eth. These coins will make you a profit. They wont make you rich, they wont make you a millionaire but in this market I would rather make a profit then be stuck holding retarded FUN BAT bags and making shit memes about retard snake

>> No.6779142


>> No.6779150

If Vechain dips when I wake up tomorrow I'm going all in

>> No.6779158

That's the announcement soon. You can choose to accept it or continue thriving in your delusional fantasy of some secret Chinese announcement that's going to filter over to us soon.

>> No.6779167
File: 245 KB, 1063x1063, 23r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to swingtrade. am i retarded or not?

>> No.6779168

He was right about at least 6 things.
100% correct until now.

>> No.6779171
File: 2.15 MB, 3242x3242, 1514460137236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jk we gucci

>> No.6779188

what things besides news concerning ven?

>> No.6779212

I hope so. My end goal for crypto is to buy an £80k apartment in the city.

fuck you too, when did you buy in?

>> No.6779216

>anonymous team
>no white paper


>> No.6779225

Uh oh. Found the ass hurt waltcuck. No one wants your shit coin with a shit name. Go all in ven or neck yourself.

>> No.6779230

Unsure if I should sell now and rebuy later hmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.6779238
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1516284833591s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at like 4,50. wasnt as confident in the project as i am now so didnt buy that much.

>> No.6779245

meanwhile im making money LMAO
stay poor faggot

>> No.6779249

i feel you bro
40 ven here. i also have 32,4 ICX though

>> No.6779250

right, I overread that.

positively retarded

nothing besides that. He claims to be an insider and gets news out before they are official.
What more do you want besides news?
Sunnys cock size?

>> No.6779253

i can only afford 25 VEN am i going to make it?

>> No.6779260

its only a token too.

I'm still weary about this coin because their twitter feed lists company people who just pays a visit to their HQ . who the fuck does that other than shilling a coin

>> No.6779270

you will be able to buy a second hand fiat by eoy

>> No.6779271


I didn't get in much earlier, think it was about $3. Wish I had bought as much as I could have, would have like 1.7k

>> No.6779282

Uh you’ll have like $2000 eoy. You can buy a 1990 used piece of shit car. Is that making it for you?

>> No.6779293

america crashing everything again

>> No.6779297

>nothing besides that. He claims to be an insider and gets news out before they are officia
Yeah and that could be the point that its just elaborate VEN viral marketing

y are u so salty, have u fallen in love with a coin anon?

>> No.6779310


Hey I have 800 as well..if we make it wanna meet in Vegas and do some blow with some 18 year olds?

>> No.6779320

d e f e n s i v e

>> No.6779325

>20k VEN

Funny goy

>> No.6779327


yeah that's a bit of a warning sign, but at least they were from PwC. No chance they or Jim Breyer would back a total shitcoin

>> No.6779330

This crash started when the eurofags were going to bed and chinks woke up. Burgers just continuing the cycle. The whole world is retarded for selling when they could just inflate the market and everyone wins except the poorfags who buy in too late

>> No.6779339


>anonymous team


just enjoy your own moon salty walty, there is room in china for both projects

in fact, they will make each other better through competition


vechain has working rfid tracking technology and has already demoed it, they already demoed their THOR network, they have dozens of partnerships with billion dollar+ companies, and an enormous number of investors

if this is a scam, it is going to be one of the greatest scams of all time

>> No.6779344

>euros coming home from Sunday church again
Typical. Fucking weak animals.

>> No.6779354


Maybe this time next year I can sell 1 VEN and buy a plane ticket to vegas

>> No.6779369

Damn, you are pretty dense. kek

I am not salty, I just don't understand what you could want besides correct news before they are out.
Viral marketing is ok with me. As long as they don't fuck people over.

>> No.6779379
File: 212 KB, 1800x1578, 1509315187320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the state of you

>> No.6779388
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 1446165016778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought another 50k worth to get a node fuck me ready for this to drop to nothing

>> No.6779389

>wtc neo icx ven and eth
Do you hold any small % of memey coins? I hold a bit of FUN and XLM and I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing things optimally or not.

My portfolio is only $10k with half of that being profit.

>> No.6779399

i have some Ven, but only some cause im scared, the chinks have already pulled a fast one on multiple coins so far.

>> No.6779419


And then tether will come out with a 3rd party audit and actually have every dime they claim to have

>> No.6779445


>> No.6779488

Did you make that?

>> No.6779516

Can someone fill me in on why it mooned out of fucking nowhere in the past day or so? I've been watching my numbers go up but I can't figure out what is happening and why.

>> No.6779521


I understand now, you're some sort of butthurt slant that thinks his twitter idol has a monopoly on information regarding VEN. Hell, you might even be CCK himself considering how hard you are dickriding him and referencing his twitter as if its VEN dogma.

It personally offends you that somebody didn't immediately reference the 'sole source of early news' for this project. Really odd, to be honest.

>> No.6779611


>> No.6779634

How do you mean? Why is ETH/VEN better?

>> No.6779641

this guy is really weird... heard about the incident at the vegetable stand too...

>> No.6779852

Oh. I looked into it and apparently Quora made a facebook post about Breyer and VeChain a day or two ago.

But this feels like too big a pump for that. Maybe it's just the run-up to the 24th.

>> No.6779904

whats on the 24th

>> No.6779969

DNV-Gl and VeChain are allegedly announcing big news together at a strategic partnership event.

It's being live-streamed as well. DNV-Gl tweeted it themselves.

>> No.6780015

I'm bullish as fuck on VEN, but CCK annoys me. The CCK viral marketing makes it look scammy. Why does Vechain use viral marketing when it has such strong fundamentals?

>> No.6780039

shut up pussy.

>> No.6780096

>I hate money

>> No.6780120

ETH transactions are faster if you transfer from like Coinbase or Kraken to some exchange.
If you already have BTC and ETH on an exchange buy with the coin that is in a pumped state.
I think you misunderstand the whole thing and think your VEN will be locked to ETH if you buy it with ETH but you might as well sell it for BTC.

>> No.6780180

It doesn’t have strong fundamentals

It’s hyped as fuck

All hype

>> No.6780225

Just bought some more ven, can only see it growing up until the 24th. Can anyone see this coin cracking 100's?

>> No.6780276

It could crack that within two weeks if the announcement with DNV is big enough.

>> No.6780292
File: 65 KB, 215x264, 1410006062050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back up, I'm impatient.