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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6769537 No.6769537 [Reply] [Original]

Let's face it, this board has gone to shit and there's so many projects out there we could all use some help collaborating on research without shillers and FUDers coming at you in hordes.

For this reason I propose we create a chat group on Tox (a known pajeet repellent) and require screening to join (IQ 110+) unless an exception is to be made.

Sounds like a good idea right?

>> No.6769576

Additionally, different tasks could be divided and assigned among group members and peer reviewed. We could all agree on the quality coins in 1/10th the time.

>> No.6769606

can we just make a white make aoecial interest group instead

im sick of getting advice from stupid niggers and brown boy bitconnectors

>> No.6769628

white male special interest group*

>> No.6769643

So basically the idea is to weaponize the NEET autism here and pajeet proof it to come up with a grass roots and prestiiguous /biz/ version of Palm Beach Confidential.

>> No.6769648

This is a good idea 130iq san diego bro reporting in. I work with some jews too.

>> No.6769682

This would largely achieve the same goal, so sure. But personally I'd take it more on a case by case basis - if you can't tell someone is a pajeet/nigger and their input and productivity is top knotch there is no sense in excluding them.

>> No.6769686

In order to join you should have to pitch a coin and provide detailed fundamental analysis. If it is well researched, you may be accepted. Would weed out shills and provide a great jumping off point for discussion.

>> No.6769717

lol sure thing jamal you stupid cunt

>> No.6769725

I'm also a San Diego bro. I'll start posting this idea more as it develops l, I don't know how we'd actually do a screening/filtering process. But if we could become the Mensa of crypto (without the humblebrag connotation) it would be absolutely mutually beneficial

>> No.6769774

This is a solid idea, and it would be easy to tell if it was plagiarized.

I'm not going to willingly exclude a crypto savant just because he's pajeet/nigger, I will not let my inner hitler prevent maximum gains

>> No.6770138

Yeah I'll join. Haven't checked in a few years, what's the best Tox client?

>> No.6770170

Lol you idiots. If you were actually smart you wouldn't need pump and dump groups. Do your own research kids

>> No.6770221

I think the point of this would be to create a research group for finding long term potential.

>> No.6770310

Godel Escher Bach is a book for pseuds too scared to read actual CS or math books.

Looks like you won't be getting into your own club, OP

>> No.6770332

make it then pussy

>> No.6770339

> IQ meme

Why are white guys obsessed with IQ? There has never been any logical correlation between success and IQ. It's worse than nigs taking about muh dick all the time.

>> No.6770359

I'm a member of Mensa.

trust me it's worse than /biz/

high iq clubs are fucking ridiculous. (i'm obviously not paying my 2018 mensa fee)

>> No.6770361

I don't know it depends on your OS ofc I forgot which I downloaded for loonix but they have iOS and Android apps iirc

You are obviously missing the point. It's an idea for a research group to divide the labor into a collaborative effort so we can all propel our understanding of coins and projects and the associated pros and cons via reliable partners, so we don't have to do it all by ourselves.

Jjst think of both the potential time saved and the increased amount of quality projects you would be exposed too.

Clearly your IQ is too low to comprehend this idea though, so you are not the type I'd be looking for anyhow

>> No.6770362

>110 IQ
so the average intelligence of a person with a high school diploma


>> No.6770363

well just make it iq 130+

>> No.6770396

if we made an iq locked /biz it would have to be 120 plus at least. And I would be down.

>> No.6770444

It's a fun book at any level, but more fun for those not yet exposed to higher math or cs. I agree most of the fans of the book suck, but get off your high horse.

Mensa without the retarded ego part I should say.

It's simply a convenient discriminator/filter in this case, and was only hypothetical example.

>> No.6770449
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>> No.6771079

If we can somehow tokenize it and turn this into a blockchain meme we can get paid for our research in an asset that appreciate as our reputation increases.

Imagine if PBC had a token where a bigger share allows more access

>> No.6771118

You're obviously retarded and will never make it

>> No.6771181

Explain how this isn't a mutually beneficial situation if you can create a reliable team. It's basically a proposal to create a Palm Beach Confidential crew out of /biz/'s best.

And I imagine Teeka is quite well off financially, so I don't think the idea is too poor.

>> No.6771203
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>tfw mixed race 130 IQ outlier
p-please let me in

>> No.6771256

Why invest in your token when I can invest in something like Cindicator or NapoleonX?

>> No.6771396

The same reason people invest in Palm Beach Confidential but it'll be wicked cheap since it's the """"""ground floor"""""" where as Cindicator cost over $1k for one shit signal a week, no analysis, market speculation (i.e I speculate DeCred will see a massive pump due to Obelisk releasing asics for it and we saw what happened when they did that to Sia - Bitmain beat them to it and pumped the price up in the process).

>> No.6771420

So basically a slightly different product for a cheaper price and you'd be supporting local /biz/ness if that tickles your jimmies

>> No.6771780

Yes, please do it

>> No.6772466

jajaja. 135IQ LA here. OMG, LINK, QTUM, and AION are gonna have a great Q1/Q2. 135IQ out.

>> No.6772520

mix race vietcong here

140 IQ, took test when I was hungover

eat my ching chong niggers

>> No.6773437
File: 58 KB, 650x370, hey-anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm highjacking this thread.

Add me on TOX:

>> No.6773455

Download qTox and msg me

>> No.6773469

I want in.

>> No.6773586

So are we joining this guy then?

>> No.6773607

150 iq here, took the test after being stoned every day for a year (including that day)

buy link, also geb was ok, but i found a critical flaw in godels formula. /thread

>> No.6773747

160 iq here. Took the test while i was completely Stoned and drunken

My Picks for 2018 are tron and ripple, because the price is so low and these two can easily be 10000$. Ripple is literally the next bitcoin

May i join sir

>> No.6773786


>> No.6773902


Download uTox then add this as your friend:



>> No.6773938

165 IQ here (unironically).
Buy link, req, rlc, pasc and odn.
Thank me later.

>> No.6774190

201 IQ here, if you're holding any crypto by tomorrow you are officially fucked
screen cap this

>> No.6774674
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Pic related

>> No.6774738

Did you read that in The SUN? Top KEK

>> No.6774775

i ddin't intend to be a mdo or anything it was just an idea, join whoever the fuck is proactive enough to actually invite people like chainlink bateman above

>> No.6774898

Bumping, is this happening?

>> No.6774930

Yes, I'll post a new thread tomorrow with my address if chainlink bateman doesn't beat me to it

>> No.6774970

Excellent, sounds promising

>> No.6775045
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oki doki fags

>> No.6775170

How do you propose we do the IQ test? Like am I going to have to send in a photocopy of a real IQ test result?

>> No.6775210

How about just an exam or short essay question(s)? Nobody wants to go out and get an official IQ test to join a chatroom

>> No.6775226

I have a high IQ

My portfolio contains:

Judge away boys

>> No.6775395

110 is borderline retarded tho

>> No.6775729

I think honestly that simply requiring tox is enough of a filter initially

>> No.6775770

Why not riot.im you absolute nigger. also



>> No.6775900

This test is only kind of accurate
t. Have been tested for real by school psychologist

>> No.6775908

This is a brilliant idea. A suggestion: why not only have an IQ filter, but also a net worth filter? For instance, you have to provide documentation that you are worth more than 100K.

If you aren't worth 100K, then in my opinion you shouldn't be contributing in any way to the investment of funds that will exceed 100K. Age and experience are correlated so we will see some brilliant contributors to the group.

Just my $0.02.

>> No.6776073

>"Only net worth 100k!"
>can only afford to give $0.02

>> No.6776089

Can you just start this shit already. OP this is not a philosophy course just start it

>> No.6776100

Okay then let's do this.

>> No.6776136

How is tox a filter? I can just download an app on the phone and join. but anyway, you can just ban pajeets

>> No.6776154

exactly. since this is how it's easily going to be we might as well use fucking riot.im, it's better anyway. fucking Tox really. Is anyone actually done for this? if there's a networth requirement of $100k then i'm out since i only have $50k oh well

>> No.6776289

223iq whale here. Took the test while stoned drunk and being analy raped by a nignog. I really like you guys so don't invest in crypto tomorrow.

>> No.6776313

I started reading that book but reailsed im pretty stupid and im struggling through it

>> No.6776335

Surely a quicker and more effective filter would be for applicants to post a self portrait with identification in hand(passport etc)

>> No.6776345

To ensure validity, applicants could be asked to post another photo with some sort of identifying phrase.

>> No.6776385

are you the fag from fb?

>> No.6776444

Man i want to contribute to something like this. I want to be more professional about trading and work with other people who feel the same.

>> No.6776480

Kids trying to form a group because they're too stupid to research by themselves, and their requirement to get in that autistic group is by a meaningless number, nice idea. I'm signing in.

>> No.6776511

Bookmarking this and will join when I'm home from work. What will the qualifying criteria be? I absolutely refuse to be in a group with any of the following types of people.
>A) Pajeets
No indian people. No way with these curry shitters
>B) Teenagers
No people who are still immature and no concept of independence

>> No.6776678

Sadly theres only like 5 people herr who feel the same way

>> No.6776709

IQ is probably too raw a metric. You'll filter out obvious pajeets yes, but what you are left with doesn't necessarily translate to an effective working group. You should think of a litmus test of sorts, for example if somebody can't grasp why black-litterman is more appropriate than simple mean-variance allocation after looking up both definitions you can safely get rid of them.

>> No.6776745

I've read that book, it's really good. Also read "I Am A Strange Loop" by the same author

>> No.6776781

The only way you can do this and know...is to form a meet up group in real life :O

You can do it if you are as leet as you think you are.

>> No.6776842

>IQ is 108 ;(

>> No.6776908

Hi sir, I am not pajeet. Please let me join your secret club for benefit please, sir.

>> No.6776950


>> No.6776969

rick and morty fan reporting in

>> No.6777003

>You should think of a litmus test of sorts
skin color works well

>> No.6777009
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I see i'm in the company of fellow smart people.
Wubba dubba dub dub

>> No.6777032

OP man up and kick this off I don't trust any link faggot to spearhead this

>> No.6777102

Timestamped hands to remove pajeets
Verifying amount of money to remove teenagers.

>> No.6777130

>judging your fellow intellectuals based on their IQ rather than their education and philosophical views
4chan is full of high intelligence low wisdom dorks, making a high IQ only chat would just be /biz/ minus the pajeets. Is that already as high as you're going to aim?

>> No.6777208 [DELETED] 

Anon, do you hate easy money? If not then join,.

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6777296

>everyone ITT has an IQ two standard deviations above 100
It’s amazing, on every such thread on any board you’ll find this holds true. 4chan users are really gifted.
Something like that.

>> No.6777552

Guys, im a pajeet (inb4 i stopped reading there) and i just gave the IQ test mentioned here >>6775770

I got an IQ of 127. By no means is it genius level but its above average. Got a CompSci degree a year ago, top of my class from a uni in the UK. As much as I like to joke about sensitive topics, Im sensing the hate for brown people, jews, chinks etc to be a little to literal. Do you guys seriously not like them? Is it the culture or do you guy seriously think that because they are different they are inferior?

Hoping for a genuine discussion here

>> No.6777834
File: 55 KB, 1149x667, ijowfoewfiiowfoiwfnwwegnoiwgnowef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking to hillbillies or /pol/tards, what do you expect? Even though you can't deny that your people are kinda... well you know what I mean, spic right here with a 131 crystallized intelligence, what do I do now? Jump to the american dream?

>> No.6778010

the pajeet stereotype people refer to are the brown hillbillies. educated pajeets are ashamed of them just like educated burgers are ashamed white hillbillies

Racism is real i guess, i thought it was just low IQ/dumb people who were unironically racist

>> No.6778235

You're asking way too much to them, they may be smart, but they don't use their brain at all, let me explain you their logic.
>0.00001% sandniggers are terrorists
>70% of terrorists are sandniggers
>Therefore 90% of sandniggers are TRULY terrorists.

>> No.6778341
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/pol/tard checking in. pls stop feeling sorry for yourselves it's gay

>> No.6778349

As a high IQ individual I already have tox installed and use it regularly. I'm not installing another fucking app.

You should blame sjws. Most people here would accept you as an individual but when sjws insist everyone accept all browns when statistically as a group browns are shit and make everything worse then there is pushback that good individuals will get caught up in unfortunately.

>> No.6778381

Good for you anon.

>> No.6778434

I've met a lot of white dumbasses in my day. I'd go for the high IQ screening if I were you.

>> No.6778438
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The advanategs of a pure colective outweigh the adavantages of adding single persons of other races, even if they are superior. And especially if they are jews, because they are not able to build anything creative on their own and only feed of other peoples accomplishments.

>> No.6778450

how about instead of playing the blame game, we use our so called high iq brains and think for ourselves? or is that way too radical? i thought one of the advantages of having a high iq is coming to logical conclusions yourself thereby seeing straight through the bullshit

>> No.6778459

>You should blame sjws.
This, mostly no one gave a shit about races 30 years ago and suddenly all this enforcement made people sick about getting fed by "muh diversity", and we're back to the 60s for some reason with some retarded ideas such as "race war" in America.

>> No.6778493

>high IQ
>post Godel Escher Bach


>> No.6778516

on a bigger scale sure sjws could be blamed for a lot that is happening in society. but on 4chan, where people claim to be really smart, seeing unironic racism is sort of uncalled for.

>> No.6778556

if the criteria to enter a club is high iq and high net worth, how does race effect anything? if the criteria is not be of a certain race then that is you trying to say all people of a certain race are dumb, which is dumb/ignorant in itself

>> No.6778590

*affect lol

>> No.6778721

App dev here i think if we group up we can develop an app that will require a few confirmations based on iq , picture age amount of money, ecc to accept or reject submissions
Any devs here that would help me out to make this happen?

>> No.6778789

I repeat you what I said, they either are acting like edgelords because, well is the Internet, or they don't use their brains at all, I sincerely believe that most 4chan users are smart (inb4 hurr durr 4chan=smart TOP KEK), but most of them are just acting like everybody on the website, I doubt that your average user acts the same way irl as they do here. So don't feel bad and just embrace the racism, I don't mind it at all while shitposting on /pol/.

>> No.6778810

4chan is anon. It's impossible to be racist here unless someone provides proof of their race. If a high IQ pajeet can talk at a high IQ level with decent English he will have no problems.

>> No.6778898

It's actually what makes 4chan great. Everyone is actually equal even though it looks like the most racist place on the internet. Really makes you think.

>> No.6778904

Would love but too lazy

>> No.6778938
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Im not saying every member of another race is dumb. Im just saying not mixed group work better, because of a higher level of trust.

If Germany had won the war, you could make contracts with a handshake, because of the high level of trust in a pure society. Now look what we have today, with the jews having won the war.

>> No.6779024

This is the reason why when some femanon starts to claim that she is a fem, people ask for "tits or gtfo", no one gives a shit about her being a female, and it doesn't really matters on w/e thread she's posting about it, she's just asking for attention, we're all equally worthless and any attemp to stand out is despicable.

>> No.6779124

Kek, I just checked this thread >>6277300
Nice try, though

>> No.6779153
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Are east asians allowed?

>> No.6779275

i get that and anonymity is probably one of the main reasons why 4chan is successful, but at the same time people hiding behind this anonymity and unironically being racist is what baffles me.

Many people here wouldn't be racist irl and that is because society would shame them. So the anonymity brings out your real self and racism seems to be quite common (im fine with the jokes obviously, but im talking about the literal racism). A lot of autistic people also probably visit this site so they might tak
e it literally which just brainwashes them.

>> No.6779381

4855C970E0094ED827CE10C1003D1D5BDD69A812F33EF1C415C514EAFEBEBC679C511E88B333 - tox_id
Theoretical sociology and continental philosophy student.

>> No.6779444

get in .gg/Akp4y4 if your iq is over 120 and portfolio over 50k

>> No.6779682

I'd say it's less ironic racism and more sincere attempts at sharing rough predictive frameworks. Obviously getting a high resolution read on individuals is ideal but when it comes down to anything involving large numbers of people (cities to live in, immigration policies, etc) then it can be helpful to be "racist". It's much easier to get racial demographics for a city or neighborhood than it is to get IQs. So it's handy to know how race and IQ correlate generally.

A lot of the racism I think also is a reaction against the illogic of the left. Seeing their outright illogic is infuriating so reacting against that with racism is a way to vent.

>> No.6779841

You're right though, I'm sure a lot of autists take it too literally and that probably doesn't work out well for them irl.

>> No.6779945
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Added but you are offline?

Also people should be very critical of who they accept as their leader, I have seen so many projects like this fail because of incompetence and all kind of stupid crap. One persons failure wastes so many man hours.

>> No.6780009


>> No.6780145

>"i just gave tje IQ test"
why oh why can't you speak proper English?

I actually feel sorry for Pajeets and think people here are hardcore insensitive jerks

>> No.6780259 [DELETED] 
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Are southeast asians allowed?


I know this is not too much ;_;

>> No.6780331
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>only slightly above average

Are southeast asians allowed? ;_;

>> No.6780377


i started that thread ya ding dong

>> No.6780402

Ofc you did, ya ding dong.

>> No.6780420

I agree.

Aah it shouldve been "took the IQ test". There are several reasons why English isn't spoken 'properly' by non-english people. The first is obviously, it's not our native language (you might have missed that so Im just including it). The second reason is because for the language that I speak, the literal translation of "I just took an exam" changes the word 'took' to 'gave'. For example, in Greek you "drink" a ciggarette, not "smoke" it. Interesting right?

Don't feel sorry, every country has their own set of people which form a bad stereotype. Like I could feel sorry about Americans for being "dumb, obese, materialistic americans" but we all know that all of them don't fit that stereotype.

>> No.6780850

I'm not a native english speaker either, but somehow everyone here speaks good english (our language is also very different and those differences can be deceiveng sometimes, like in your case)

there are cases when largre groups of people fit stereotipes alltogether, like gypsies here

>> No.6781070

stereotypes are formed because a trend can be seen across the group of people in question. That essentially means that a major portion of people show similar characteristics. But imo, it's unfair to treat all people of a certain group as if they fit that stereotype. There is a high probability of them fitting it, which is useful when talking about abstract concepts relating to large groups of people, but on an individual level its pretty redundant and ignorant imo

>> No.6781324

this, 134