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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6777339 No.6777339 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend decent reddit boards / other websites to get decent info?

/biz has gone to shit and it's hard to filter between what is solid info and people just shilling their shitcoins.

>> No.6777374

/biz/ is /biz/

>> No.6777421


>> No.6777426

buz ven sir many money is coming to you if you buy ven sir, please sir buy ven sir we have tobacco and partnership with everything sir

>> No.6777434

how did you end up here in the first place?
I hate you fucking newfags, go back to your normie space

>> No.6777452


Case and point.
>the absolute state of /biz ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6777459

Buy XRP its so cheap right now imagine when it gets big like bitcoin!

>> No.6777472


>it's hard to filter between what is solid info and people just shilling their shitcoins

That's because you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.6777479


Honestly this is the only place left.

>> No.6777482

>certified newfag comment

>> No.6777492
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>it's too hard now
>I need to be spoon fed by normans

>> No.6777496

when you buy ven many money is coming your way sir please buy ven

>> No.6777502

buy UFR idiot

>> No.6777506 [DELETED] 

Anon, do you hate easy money? If not then join,,_

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6777512

If u can t filter than gtfo.
You are too stupid

>> No.6777523


>> No.6777532

Actually na that's still pretty gay. Just hold xmr and chill here.

>> No.6777542

CryptoTechnology subreddit is not filled with retards and they discuss actual technology.
Other than that I would say you have to go to specific coin subreddit or check out Bitcoin talk forums.

>> No.6777558

/biz is unironically the best source out here. learn how to use it and embrace it.

lurk more

>> No.6777607


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Anybody that used /biz before you fucking normies came and started spouting shit knows that it was based of everyone helping eachother.

I've shilled decent coins and I've bought after decent shills, that's how it used to work, I can guarantee all of you have shitcoin portfolios and don't like helping others because you're struggling yourselves.

Keep spreading hate normies, my portfolio is still going strong off your backs.

>> No.6777609
File: 32 KB, 230x230, cg1c0143uzox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't join the good TA/Etherium /biz/ discords from mid 2017

>> No.6777617

Technology is the least interesting part of this. Only people pretending to be smart care about technology beyond some basic things.

>> No.6777621

I love pajeets here actually defending /biz/.

If you think this board is a good resource you literally know nothing about the technology and will have a very unhappy 2018 unless you sell at the right time.

>> No.6777636

Thankyou my man.

>> No.6777646

The most /biz/ comment of all time.


>> No.6777677

I lurk /r/BitcoinMarkets but their TA predictions seem to be wrong more often than right.

Do the opposite of what their retarded lines say and you'll make money.

>> No.6777679

>least interesting part

You mean the part that allows you to decide if the coin is actually going to go up or down?

>> No.6777684

>muh tech
Does your blockchain have hypercubes?

>> No.6777701


Also kys.

>> No.6777719

Tech is the last thing that decides that. Are you fucking retarded? If you actually understood the tech you would know this.

>> No.6777746

>this guy bought tron at ATH

>> No.6777791

Nope. Bet you're holding eth and iota though.

>> No.6777836

Raiblocks too maybe

>> No.6777867

>bet you're holding eth

Lmao, did you really just try to make out holding ETH is a bad thing?

You do realise the big picture is accumulating BTC / ETH to exchange into fiat right?

>> No.6778004

Does fiat have better technology? Is that why you want more fiat?

>> No.6778039

That comeback fell flatter than tron after you bought the ath, give up anon.

>> No.6778099

Tell me how the tech in eth is what makes the value go up if in the end you only want to cash out?

>> No.6778153

I'll tell you. The tech is a meme that fuels the Ponzi. Eth is simply a meme Ponzi.

>> No.6778156

>it's hard to filter between what is solid info and people just shilling their shitcoins.

i'm sorry OP that your secret club has been more than 90% shit show since at least the norman/pajeet invasion of early summer. now the alt bull run has slowed down again don't blame /biz/ for your lack of research.
did you always unironically use biz as your first and last point of research? lmfao
besides asking /biz/ for reddit boards to visit could *almost* be seen as b8, except anons like you make it apparent this board has long been infested with salty latefags

>> No.6778185


>> No.6778186


Certain coins have good subreddit communities. If you're not in a shitcoin the community should be decent.

Biz is funny and 10% of the time useful. We have a bunch of low iq poltards and some from b who decided to try to be rich and they shit up the board now. They make good bagholders though, so gullible

>> No.6778207

Or did they invent a smart contract that gives you 100x fiat? Very impressive tech.

>> No.6778445

Every single one of your comments tells me that your portfolio is bleeding out it's arse. If you can't see the value in moving short term profits (made through researching tech) into ETH, then accumulating ETH to cash out into fiat, then you obviously haven't got a clue what you're doing.

I won't be replying anymore but if you want to say thanks for the above info you can let me know what coins your holding so I can buy your bags.

Good luck anon, you need it.

>> No.6778513

I am shilling this ENTIRELY out of self interest but it's honestly the best discord I've found for crypto, specifically technical analysis and signals.


There's daily voice chats/streams at night and you can look at past signals for results (capp signaled at 8cents, xrb at 5$, and a lot more than that).

Reddit is almost as bad as biz if not worse. Biz will actively make you lose money.

>> No.6778574

/weedstocks is okay if you're in to that sector.

The only other acceptable plebbit board is /snek.

>> No.6778608

>projection the post
You must have less than 100k. Trust me when you get to where I am red doesn't scare you. My portfolio dropped over 1M in a day. I laughed. You need to reevaluate exactly what the fuck you are doing here because I doubt you are cut out for making real money.

>> No.6778726

It's all these brainless poltards who ruined it.
Not normies.

>> No.6778745
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>/biz/ has gone to shit
wew lad. saged

>> No.6779090

>It was based on helping people
Yeah, no. Just a few years ago it was RHG and shilling stocks, people spamming ETH when it was still a few dollars, btc vs eth threads, renting vs. buying. btc vs xmr threads. Rate my resume threads. Begging threads. People always complained about crypto on this board
We used to call ourselves/biz/raelis before /pol/tards took over.

>> No.6779300

my wife busted me following her on snapchat lol