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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 622x699, E079DA22-8FD5-4D75-986B-3E6F1264654A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6775617 No.6775617 [Reply] [Original]

We just have to keep fixing your shit, americucks

>> No.6775661

Fucking nerds can't do anything right. Honestly just nuke the shithole. I'd rather Africa

>> No.6775662

Funny thing is they crash the market and come here saying we, European master race. Crash the market.

>> No.6775686
File: 450 KB, 423x410, 1497045812162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usa just woke up, time for the market to recover.

>> No.6775711

Most Americans went to sleep 6 hours ago, I bet you don't even know how many feet are in a yard.

>> No.6775738

fuckin subhumans. The only thing they know to do is sell the first thing they wake up

>> No.6775751

Are you fucking 12?

>> No.6775759
File: 65 KB, 673x789, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking amerimutts

>> No.6775786
File: 82 KB, 634x852, piss_in_gene_pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince Harry is fucking up.

>> No.6775791

Fucking hate retarded and fat americunts

>> No.6775820

Id rather have pajeets than these useless fucking pussy americunts

>> No.6775829

Three or something but who fucking cares? How many bushels of lime does it take to bury a mutt? I dunno but the hole needs to be 90 cubits wide by 17 chains deep bc fat dumb 56% mutt. Fucking yanks - the niggers of the west.

>> No.6775831

Looool textbook amerimutt family

>> No.6775849

Yes and the market stopped shitting itself around the time burgers went to bed.

Everyday its the same. Chinks pump, europoors hold but noooooo burgers get active and shit on everything.

>> No.6775901

KEk keep eating our shit jealous europoors

>> No.6775981

>6 AM at East Coast

Brace yourselfs, Amerimutts waking up

>> No.6776019

the majority of /pol/ is 12

>> No.6776056

I just woke up you stupid brainlet