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677350 No.677350 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Fake it till you make it

ITT We post qualities you should work on if you want to be successful. Confidence, social aptitude, financial decisions, women etc...

Imo, a lot of people mistake confidence with not caring what others think of them. Its true that confident people don't seem like they care what others think of them, but inside they care greatly. Empathy is in my opinion the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. Being able to see yourself or understand what others think of things is the single most important factor when trying to close a sale or change someones decision. Confidence is just the illusion of someone who has mastered empathy.

I have worked at being confident, but i resulted in becoming an asshole. I'd managed to contain it, unless i was drunk, but one day i met this guy who was the smoothest motherfucker i've ever met. This guy could've talked the pants off a nun. Listening to the words he chose to use was like watching a silk sheet being pulled off a grand piano. Smooth. As. Fuck. The guy in question joined in on a conversation i was having with a girl. He bummed a cigarette off me as i was talking to this girl about developing some designs for a new look for my business. This guy pretended to be her manager, and he was doing a good job of it. He made me feel good about myself, i even complimented him on his speech, and told him that i was jokingly "sold". It was obvious he just wanted to talk to this girl, so i excused myself to the toilet (inb4 cuck). As i looked from the windows upstairs, i could see them making out, and i was genuinely excited for them. Never in my life have i met someone smooth as this, but now intend to work my way towards being this way. This guy was a 5'4" half black guy, wearing a tracksuit, and not especially attractive looking.

>> No.677361

What did his dick taste like?

>> No.677362

These are what i believe are some of the most important qualities you must master to win at life:

- Appearance of wealth
Appearing wealthy can evoke two emotions. Lust or jealousy. Either way, both are seated in the desire to want to look like you. As soon as someone else finds your appearance desireable, they think you're better than them, and you didn't say it.

- Seen it all before/Unshaken/Stoic
Nothing shakes the guy whos seen it all before. Experience is a valueable asset to anyone in any given situation. If a house is burning down and you're with 5 firemen, you'll feel far more safe than if you were with 5 screaming women.
Being the guy who appears to have all the answers makes you extremely attractive and reliable. You're an asset to whoever you're dealing with.

- Speaks slowly and clearly
An experienced person knows the importance of clear communication. Not only that, but you're an important person. An important person doesn't obey others rules. An important person will have something interesting to say. Slow down your speech and people will be hanging off your every word, desperate to hear what you say when you're finished. The story isn't built and made interesting with the ending, the story is built and made interesting with the details.

- Appears geuninely interested in what others think/Doesn't talk about himself
A successful person doesn't fear competition. Great gladiators welcomed new challengers. Bruce Lee never plateaued or settled. A person who is desperately trying to cling to their position will try to reaffirm that position to others. A successful person will ask how others are doing, either to calibrate their own position and try to beat it, or to side with a more successful person and reap the benefits.

>> No.677364

- Apparent accidental displays of intelligence and/or problem solving skills
A dumb person tries to imply they're intelligent. An intelligent person knows that it can alienate certain people. Displaying intelligence, but only incidently, can great boost your image in others eyes. They'll know you're intelligent, without being made to feel like a piece of shit.


Your butthole, and success.

>> No.677378
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>basing this on your extremely limited experience
>not doing one Google search
>not finding Cialdini's 6 Weapons of Influence

ITT: one gigantic fuckboy

>> No.677385
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here we go

>> No.677394


Two of my toughest flaws that I'm trying to correct are my difficulties speaking more slow and not trying to talk about myself.

I think I've gotten the 2nd one in line since I'll ask questions to let others talk about themselves but I still have a bad habit of being a motor mouth occasionally. Any suggestions? I've just been trying to think before I speak so I filter myself.

>> No.677399

I tend to make up friends and stories with friends. Makes it me seem like a less antisocial loser and it surprisingly always(no shit) works.

Like before when someone asks what you did over long weekend I'd just say oh nothing hung out haha now you could say "Oh yeah me and my friend Tom went on this whitewater rafting trip, it was awesome! He almost fell out of the raft being the jokester he is, haha".

>> No.677403

Also, adding in some unnecessary details helps it sound like you actually have a friend named Tom.

Maybe adding in, "Tom has long hair and he kinda looks like that actor(make one up)"

>> No.677408


Thats just boasting and leads to the end of a conversation. If you said that to someone, their response would mostly likely be: "cool" and then silence.

The best thing to do if someone asks you a question is to turn the question back onto them. People love talking about themselves, and will like you if you just listen to them, just asking questions that encourage them.

If i asked you what you did over the weekend and you responded with that answer, i'd say something along the lines of: "Wow man, thats pretty cool, i'd LOVE to do that sometime. Whereabouts did you go?"

Conversations take two to tango, just making statements doesn't help the conversation - give someone enough information to give a response. The longer the two of you are engaged in a conversation the more and more you'll enjoy each others company.

>> No.677411

Yeah of course you'd continue the conversation I just meant that making up friends/adventures helps with your social status.

Now the person you're talking to doesn't think you're a loser who plays videogames but thinks this guy is living an exciting life with many friends. Now HE is the one who mostly feels like the antisocial loser. You could also add in something like "Well if you want we can try going sometime, it's a great time". And there you just made a positive connection and possibly a new friend.

Obviously this depends on who you're talking to, about what, etc but the basic premise is there.

>> No.677414

pretty good

>> No.677415

How do I get people to trust me? I want to get into politics, and people won't vote for me unless they trust me.

>> No.677419

I want to respond, as you made some good points to be touched on, but you should have left that last part out.

Seriously Omega as fuck

>> No.677423


Yeah trusting a politician is never going to happen. If you want people to trust you in general, you'll need to be well-known with them. Trust can only be earned, not given. You need to have people test you before theyll trust you entirely.

This is a very minor thing, but smiling less and looking like you belong in a position will make people trust you more. Reliability.

>> No.677428


Knowing when you're beaten isn't a sign of a weaker man. I obviously wasn't going to win so left before i made the situation awkward.

You're going to lose sometimes. If you can accept that, you can minimize the loss.

>> No.677432

Get some easy votes by being sympathetic to people you despise.

Go to a place with broke niggers and tell them how if elected you'll make it better, take some pictures with them and maybe even give out some gifts to their children. That way they'll see you as a good man.

Similar with SJWs, say if you're elected you'll ensure transgenders have full rights and you'll work on equality for all. You don't actually have to do it in the end though.

>> No.677457

Why do biz books all have shitty looking get-rich-quick scheme front covers with hyperbolic claims?

>> No.677460

That's what I was expecting to do. Appealing to the broke niggers with promises of better welfare, but also appealing to the right wing gun nuts with 2nd amendment rights, etc

>> No.677464

>not knowing about a 90 year old book thats changed millions of lives

You are below pleb status

>> No.677468

I asked something completely unrelated to the shit you just spouted. My question remains.

>> No.677472

>My question remains.
to sell books u fuckin retard

>> No.677495

I remember one time I was pretty skint and half-stoned and not really going anywhere in life, but had read a shit - ton of self-help, business, marketing, sales type books in my own time, and I walk into this Deli and I start looking at his selection and the manager comes over and we have a little chat, and I start asking him why he sells the same or similar cheeses as the supermarkets, why doesn't he focus on niches, cut them fresh, put them up front, add a cheese counter, stop selling this prepackaged stuff, focus on three core brands, one private label, microtest this, like you do with the olives, you see the higher margin you get on those? It's like 200% over the jars, and you only buy in weight, lower shipping, you go direct to source, cut out the middleman, don't you have contacts back in Europe?

He said he would stock different cheeses, he tried it, but there were packaging and import restrictions, paperwork, labelling laws, etc he lost interest, it was easier to just call the same local distributors and ask what they have.

I was wearing lounge pants and flip-flops at the time, and hadn't shaved in a week, and maybe £2k in cash, a part-time McJob.

but that didn't matter much, I had this guy sold, and I wasn't even selling, he was sold on my supposed expertise, all theoretical, learned from books, and I didn't even bullshit him about experience, I just seemed to know what I was talking about and I was taking a genuine interest in his business, drawing his attention to potential profits.

But I had no suit, no business card, no company name to drop, but if I had a vehicle set up already, say 'Anon Imports LLC' and a suit, and I bought him lunch, and I handed him a card, well, I would have the drop on anyone.
He shook my hand and gave me his card.

So, what would it take?
The number of a handful of farmers in shitpoor countries who would agree to ship X amount of rare cheese?
A few signed purchase orders and samples?

>> No.677501

Makes sense when you're catering to the lowest common denominator of society.

>> No.677521

Large part of human interaction is knowing how and when to make eye contact.

>> No.677553



The thing about running a business is that its likely you'll think about all this stuff, and make up reasons why to do or not to do something. You can't talk to employees about this as it'll make you look like you don't know what you're talking about. You keep it a secret.

When you ask questions that primes him to spill all this information out AND you're a person that would have no ill effect on his business if he told you, he'll want to explain. Hes had this shit on his mind for months and probably wanted to talk though it with someone. Family/friends won't want to help that much as they wouldn't want to give him bad advice.

Just by talking through the reasons for or against a decision can be a great help when trying to solve a problem, and just by the way you ask questions he might start reconsidering decisions, especially if you make suggestions he might not've though of.
He'll associate those good decisions with you, despite the fact you've basically done nothing.

>> No.677584

Well, you've got it there.
I could tell him there things he could do instantly that would cost nothing to test and would boost sales and profits, things I could see that he couldn't, or things that always seemed like a good idea, but never had the time to implement.

I could easily have positioned myself as a business consultant, import agent, and I would have had a conditional purchase order right there - I could source the product and order on consignment.

He actually said if I could source the cheese I mentioned, he would buy in bulk from me.
Add 20% for me as a broker, done.
And this was just a casual chat.
With didn't do it, but it needs my eyes to earning even more for even less effort.

I learned about European cheese from one secondhand book, there are so many variations, that there is no competition, there's so much choice.

Compared to him, I seemed like a cheese expert, he was a meat expert, import looked tricky to him, English was not his first language.

If I said I have experience importing goods from every continent, I wouldn't be lying, I directly import goods legally via eBay often,
Sometimes to arbitrage rather than use the products I buy.

>> No.677587


Both of those qualities stem from not wanting to take responsibility of the conversation and the need to present yourself as other peoples better. A quick tip if you want to get over these two is to imagine you're a multimillionaire and the people you're talking to are starving African children.

People know themselves and the things that they do, so they have a lot more material to work with, i.e. its easy to talk about yourself.
A millionaire wouldn't go to Africa and tell starving children about how great a time he had with strippers and coke in Las Vegas last week. He doesn't need to. Hes obviously in a much better position than them and he knows that they know it.

The struggle with slow speaking comes from not wanting to take ownership of a social situation. When you start saying something, people stop and look at you to listen. You fear the attention, being judged. A millionaire wouldn't care what a starving african child thinks of him.

>> No.677615

How and when do we make eye contact?

>> No.677632

High lvl post, congrats.

>> No.677650


Thank you for the feedback, that makes a lot of sense!

>> No.677665

let's award him one topkek for that high lvl post

>> No.677672


>Doesn't understand the benefit of opening a dialog with people on what people can do to improve their image with others
>Gets irritated because he can't for one second admit that he has flaws, even anonymously.
>Most likely a defense mechanism from when he got cucked by a big black guy at the club.

>> No.677688

>doesn't understand that my post was sarcasm to the guy I was quoting

>> No.677766

Does anyone else ask people questions you already know the answer to, just to keep conversation going?

>> No.677774

I never ask questions I don't already know the answer to

>> No.678161


>> No.678172

Why does one have to fake it? I understand that some successful/rich people carry themselves a certain way, but once you're at the top, who cares? You think a guy that has say 5 million in the bank has to speak with a low voice and authority? He could sound like kermit the frog and it still wouldn't change anything.

>> No.678177
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Forgot the pic

>> No.678179

>Appearance of wealth

This is called conspicuous consumption and is the hallmark of idiots trying to look wealthy, more so than it is the hallmark of people who have "won at life". Many actually wealthy people do not give one cold fuck if anyone else knows they are wealthy.

>>Appearing wealthy can evoke two emotions. Lust or jealousy.

Or apathy, or pathos, or a fuckload of other emotions you really wouldn't want to evoke in people. Desiring to cause "lust or jealousy" in people as a matter of course is nouveau riche and will make old money disregard you, and/or view you as a person not to be taken seriously.

And I think you meant avarice instead of lust.

>> No.678442
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How the fuck do I maintain eye contact without looking like I'm trying to kill them/rape them? I have the same condition Thom yorke has, so when people first see me they automatically see that my eyes are fucked.

>> No.678450


>> No.678600

get a load of this guy.

If you wrote a book you'd plaster it with as many stickers and readbait titles as any other and you know it

>> No.678745
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>getting tricked into reading another cuck bait and switch story

>> No.678752

>, so i excused myself to the toilet (inb4 cuck). As i looked from the windows upstairs, i could see them making out, and i was genuinely excited for them.
So he pulled a knife on her after you cucked yourself out of the room? Smooth criminal.

>> No.679979

I hope you never get into politics. Enough piece of shit scumbags already.

>> No.680072

>nouveau riche
>old money

Opinion discarded.

>> No.680096


my testosterone just dipped massively

holy shit this is the most pathetic thing ive ever read. I actually broke a sweat reading this

>> No.680098



>> No.680159
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>> No.680164


You are an idiot.

Firstly, people don't care much about others, they care mainly about themselves. Not everyone is always with friends, and just because you may not have close friends doesn't make you an anti social loser.

If I ever suspected that someone was lying to me in order to make me like them, I would lose all respect for them immediately. It's not difficult to tell when someone is lying, and that kind of poser attitude is probably why you don't have friends.

Sorry if this was too harsh, liars are faggots tho.

>> No.680909


Well you sure fucking showed me.

>> No.682173

This. Holy fuck that was beta. Did you read the second part where he says "I obviously wasn't going to win"? It's over here >>677428

Keeping in mind this was a black guy who bummed a cigarette off of him too. Cuck as fuck.

I've read other cuck stories on 4chan but those are obviously false and they're written to serve as sexual fantasies. This wasn't erotic at all this was just loser tier.